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American Pekin Duck edition

PREVIOUS: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67101679

Thread-preferred Models:
SD1.5: EasyFluff, IndigoMix, QueasyFluff
SDXL: PonyDiffusionV6, SeaArt, CompassMix

>A1111 and Forge Installation Guides

>PDXL Prompt Guide
>Learn to inpaint
>Train LORAs

>Openpose editor extension
>PonyXL style research spreadsheet:

>Stable Diffusion wikis
SD Akashic Records:https://github.com/Maks-s/sd-akashic
/g/ wiki:https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion
>AI boorus
SD: discord.gg/StableDiffusion
Furry: discord.gg/cNyuGvbT8U

4chan wipes embedded prompt metadata from PNG uploads.
This webUI extension hides prompt metadata where 4chan won't delete it.
Get the browser extension to easily share and retrieve prompts!
Post a catbox example of a best-effort attempt if you need help with something.
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Thanks for bread
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Loona's cute perky cookie
shit gen, shit oc
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no prob bob
Shit taste.
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requestan good feet
Need to see those stinky feet after a long day
She's wearing too much clothing desu
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I love Lopunny so much
Not everything needs to be smut fren
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it amazes me how nobody is callin' this chara racist. the power of porn
The paradox is that you only truly understand how racist it is if you understand it, and most times that's the same reason you'd be fapping to it.
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thanks anon, she looks disgustingly cute, love it
I just like big asses regardless. the stereotypical stuff doesn't really matter to me, I think. maybe it's a subconscious thing
still, she has way better reception compared to say nazifurs
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It's a little over the top sometimes but done in a way that my brain relates it to things I've seen, if that makes sense. Contrast it with that one guy that used to make those cringeworthy interfacial comics you used to see back in the day, can't remember the name.
Can I get some lewds of her pls?
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How's your 4th going /SDG/?

I'm celebrating by working a 13 hour shift so I can afford to live :3

God Bless America!
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Added a link and small explanation for lama inpainting https://github.com/light-and-ray/sd-webui-lama-cleaner-masked-content on the inpaint guide. Lama inpainting is pretty cool, it's a better "fill" option for most purposes and designed to remove content through a controlnet. That means that removing watermarks is extremely straight forward, but it can also remove major objects.
Pic related was me masking the butthole and going over at 0.3 denoise to blend.
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there was this one remote guy at our work who asked how are we gonna celebrate the occasion and everyone bursted into laughing. we are a europoor company
say less
Need to see her asshole leaking with cum after the fuggening
She do look cute, but could do with less chunk. Is she normally that hefty?
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Yeah, llama is a godsend. Used it a lot when I cleaned images for use in the Double Deck LoRA I made shortly after LoRAs became a thing, it's pretty magical. Have not tried it's CN implementation though, used the standalone app for it back then
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She ranges from thicc with some cellulite to big mama's house levels of size and has smaller tits. I could mess around with it though.
Anon... she does not have a pooper anymore...
Yea I've heard of it before but saw no need, it being in inpainting as a convenient option is super good tho. It uses controlnet as a backend but it really is hands off, you just click a toggle and that's that. Small overhead for gen time, but not like you would use constantly.
Nice find, appreciated.
It's so very rare for me to ever find chub attractive, and I'd never be able to explain it well enough to get it done right. I DO like small tits though...
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Is this the style mix from the spoonfeed guide?
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I could tweak it, I meant to come back to it once I had more ideas but I never got around to it.
She reminds me of Hazel from animal crossing, and I love Hazel and squirrels in general.
But... where will the cum leak from then?!
Considering it looks similar to the kobold butt from like 2 threads ago which I really wanted a box of and considering I put the style mixes up on the spoonfeed guide I'd say no. It looks REALLY clean. It's somewhat close but it definitely uses a different style lora or one of the merges.
>Shiekachu isn't real, she can't hurt you
Well then I'd like to see the catbox if possible
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Nope, it's my own way of doing things....

I was approached about possibly having it added a few days ago, but the prompt isn't really clean enough. Even with 1.5 I always get the same responses from people, you're not going to like what you see....

but, give me a moment and I'll drop one...
butt box pls?
Same, that definitely has something to do with it. I might dip into the Hazel bag too I forgot about her, she wasn't in the one AC I actually decided to play.
>I was approached about possibly having it added a few days ago

Oh so this is you after all, I was kinda suspecting it, that person asking was me. Yea the box wasn't super clean but I can't argue with these results. I'm definitely gonna take a closer look again just for my own sake, the templates are supposed to be somewhat easy to understand but the shading here is super nice. I might be able to just reduce it somewhat into a template form but maybe you are just on the secret sauce too and I'm wrong.
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not 100% but I think this is the one I posted before...

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Here ya go
Also if you're using forge make sure to check the lora description on civit else it won't work
sweet thanks
If you give me cute Hazel content I will love you 5 ever. Like fucking 95% of her content on e6 is just ungodly fat shit and I just do NOT vibe with that. I just want her small and cute...
Thank you very much. I'm gonna try to dissect this a little. Keep on doing you, absolutely love the gens.
>150 steps.
Absolute madman.
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I basically just tried to convert things/my approach from 1.5, try and find a good realism/cartoony mix that works with just about any prompt without much adjustment.

Took me about 4 days to get to the point it's at now, want to experiment with a few other artists mixing them in, but that's more of a weekend thing since I work about 60 hours a week....

I struggled a bit with XL...your guide got me to this point, so thank you :3
Can you give her more animal like paws please?
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Here's her pissing herself in public.
american flag bikini titfuck
>your guide got me to this point
That's what its for after all. Any reason you don't upscale with hiresfix or similar? Your stuff already has a really nice detailing density so I'd be curious how it translates onto a larger upscale.
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Enjoy anon
Hey buddy, the only thing loona does with piss is drink it.
I glanced at a quick youtube video of her then made this
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Sure, give me a moment.

honestly? Time. For chan posting it didn't really seem worth it, seems to scale alright on very low denoising, like 0.3 ish? IIRC.

This is an older one I did before I cut out some artists, but it works as an example...
My wife, my love...
The A.I doesn't know what a magazine is lol
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Perfect wife.
>Refiner: ponyRealism_v21MainVAE
Pretty sure this is the key here
The ass a bit too fat there for me
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you beat me to it, but I definitely wanted to mention that it is a huge factor.
skim hazel
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Great prompt
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Neat. Surprisingly good at removing clothes too.
This? Excellent and cute. Now unzip that shirt and spread them legs!
She needs to be fucking a twink's tight ass
Does Ralsei count?
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I'm not really sure if there's much I can do to help, not all that good with computers to be honest, but I do appreciate your advice the other day and still intend to try and adjust things.

Might get around to it this weekend, try and boil down the prompt while maintaining the image style/quality as much as possible.
holy fucking BUILT
Wait are you the genner? Or how did you get the grid?
Gloriously cute. Canonically she has beans on her model, which means she has PAWS. Pls sir, show me the paws.
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Two at once, and if you don't beat them at the same time they revive eachother.
Damn that's good, now she needs to flood his ass with her hot, thick girlcum.
Every XL model output looks fucking the same and I'm sick of all that plastic.
At least 1.5 had some really nice details and even stuff like filmgrain or paper texture to it.
XL slop is all about shitty pseudo 3D and plastic.
Silly anon, girls don't cum!
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the XYZ script that comes with a1111, down at the bottom.

And yes I destroyed my electric bill...
I could see them being in the sequel to Conker's Bad Fur Day
I simply die from excessive ejaculation.
Maybe stop genning at 150 steps with 9 loras adetailer refiner and in a1111 lol
I love kobutts so much...
can you give them dog dicks and knot his little ass for me pls
Not with that attitude.
Beautiful, she's gonna flood his ass good.
Oh yeah, that's the stuff! What a lucky boy~
This is also very nice.
That's a lot of cum
She was pent up
I'll gen more of her soon, I might hit the hay for now.
o7 when ever you are able is right by me. I just fucking love her.
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I'll say, looks as though she could fill up a bathtub or two
I really like Ralseis face and fluffy ears in this one. Super cute.
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You might be psychic somehow.
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bat tats
Jesus fucking christ why the spam
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May I have a box of this please?
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I can make a catbox in a bit
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>I just want a picture of a yeen masturbating with a gosh darn hot-dog!
I'd love to see her clitoris
aren't you guys supposed to be posting mutilated penises to celebrate your country instead of the tax free day now that you all have to pay taxes again?
(circumcision scar:1.3),
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This scorn lora is reawakening something in me
Should be Genning a Block party and fireworks lads. Id gen but my ass is stuck at work
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Engineered pussy
what's the current best model for furry?
Easy Fluff XL when?
I forgot my catbox login to make a gallery so here is this:
They all suck, in fact this will be the last /sgd/ thread
Owari da...
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Have actually tried lower steps? 150 is way overkill when you usually just need 20-30, unless way overcooked and 5 min per gen is the way you really, really want to roll.

>Easy Fluff XL when?
What's the draw of EF for you?
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Greetings from /v/, have this
EF is the only 1.5 furry model that "understands" even relatively complex shit quite well while having tons of details in the results.
I like beautifully detailed backgrounds and semi-realism and don't like uwu ugu animu/kemono so the current XL models are don't do it for me.
ok. Enjoy using 1.5 then.

Obvious bait but here's a pity (you)
Objectively pony is still the best model, as in the anatomy doesn't suck donkey balls. Unfortunately artist tags are kneecapped but there is still nothing better.
>Every XL model output looks fucking the same and I'm sick of all that plastic.
This is a skill issue anon.
Can you post an example of what you mean? I don't really understand what makes 1.5 backgrounds supposedly better in your eyes.
>What's the draw of EF for you?
I've fully moved over to SDXL, but I stuck with EF for a long time just because it had a surprisingly high success rate. It used to be you'd lose half your gens because the characters would have a third leg or terrible eyes, or their head is upside down. For whatever reason, EF gave decent outputs surprisingly often. You would still need to generate a lot of pics to get what you wanted, but even the "bad" ones looked quite nice. Which is comforting for novice genners.
Pony is the poster child model.

My personal favorite is AutismMix which is Pony mixed with other stuff and it's Lightning version.

Some other models (I personally don't find to be very good for reasons not listed here):

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If you want an XL model with better prompt understanding use seaart it nails abstract concepts and background details but fumbles the ball hard with anatomy and duos when compared to pony which is why I don't use it too much
I am thankful
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Quick testgen of a pic I posted before, only this time i switched to ponyRealism_v21 after 0.4 steps, then inpainted the body on that model and regular pony for the face (because pony realism has such a hard human bias). It's kinda decent looking.
That a raw gen? Damn okay I can see value in this. Box?
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Anon come on what even is this sloppa
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Here ya go
It also does an unbelievable amount of artists surprisingly well both furry and non-furry
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Didn't forget about you foot-anon

This will have to be my last one for tonight though, happy baking /SDG/
Issue? Never seen a PDXL background before?
What are these random ass fucking "details" everywhere
Ghosts in the machine
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>He doesn't like his non-euclidian dreamscapes
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It says testgen for a reason. Pony has issues with background cohesion in general (as does Shart) but it's much more evident on scenes that have 'conflicting loras' or semi realism. It's fixable with more background definitions by the way, I just wanted to test character detailing density.
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beauty, that mask is reminiscent of Midna's
Izzybox please?
why are you staring at the background and not the nude babe? What are you gay?
you awesome bastard now i have a fetish for women with tasteful yet absurd proportions
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>Anon delivers moar than expected
Just tried it.
You're right it's an absolute mess when it comes to anatomy. Got some early 1.5 vibes with all these crippled hands and awkward leg poses. One of the biggest advantage pony models have is their mostly solid anatomy but this xl model does neither have this nor especially great visuals
yeah, I don't know how that cuck Astralite did it with pony as all the other furry XL models to come out after pony just pale in comparison.
It has a much much higher training rate. Basically how long you train a model for, it took months to just cook. SeaArt (as in the company) frequently rents/lends their servers for other model makers to do stuff on, so my best guess is their own model just received less funding. They probably have the equipment to make a well trained furry model but just didn't let it cook enough.
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It's look will mostly boil down to your artists and I was pleasantly surprised with how well it understood Wayne Barlowe, Frank Frazetta and Mucknagabe
But I won't shill it too hard It has its problems and I still vastly prefer pony it's just a fun model to screw around with
Oh my, could you do any of her breaking in Noelle? The deer could use the same amount of rough pounding.
I remember someone said pony was trained on porn actors, instagram models, cosplayers and onlyfans which is why the anatomy is decent
any cynder version of that scalie?
Good morning, Loona <3
Making me thirsty
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Happy 4th everyone!
see them boobies?
for America pls?
peg is a forgotten milf
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how's this?
Catbox for Isabelle?
tails should be a girl (with a penis)
cute! could i ask for catbox anon?
Cute bnnuyy! Got a box for that?
One thing you should probably do is set your emphasis mode to no norm in the A1 settings if you haven't already. I'm assuming you aren't on it, lora weighting changes with it and reproducing the style becomes difficult. From testing it a bunch, most of the stuff you are doing is kinda essential to the general vibe, so it's not like it's unnecessarily overloaded.
hell yeah
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He goes through a 'fuckboy' phase as a teen and starts railing goth girls.
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(To me, at least) Lopunny is perfect the way she is:
4'09", 105lbs.
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Faeki Style Lora


>Download Lora
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america ya :D
What character is that?
Gotta see that good ole Butt hole for America
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Happy 4th my fellow degenerates
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Happy 4th indeed
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noelle holiday
there could be more ai porn in her /trash/ thread but i don't go there usually
Christina Doe, she's from some niche christian game
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if only i had a giant...
but hole
duck ahead,
therefor Offer pickle
Nice you think she ever slept with an Argentine river duck? Their dongs are as long as their body
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and now for something completely different
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idk man maybe, but you'll get the basegen instead since just 'tkkathrin, pussy closeup, pussy,' from inpainting the panties away isn't going to be useful
One can suck the shaft the other can suck the balls, fuuuuck
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Gotta be careful when making love to your Lopunny in this position, they've got very strong legs.
One wrong muscle spasm and your ribs'll get shattered.
Hasy anyone used the Borzoi Lora for ponyxl? I see what it can do
Thank you for not adding JJ cups on her
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I leave that sort of thing up to other Anons.
I love her just the way she is.
Lookit that smug bastard.
Bet she can sing the national anthem sucking a meaty hotdog. Just gotta make sure she doesn't sit on any fireworks..
Or anything else ready to explode.
Mighty eagle mighty eagle
Damn, that's fucking sick
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CompassMix prompts burgers much better than FRoCK did when I prompted this last year
very good
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Should probably give poor Lopunny a break, she's been at this for the last 7hrs.
she's never satisfied anon
not lopunny
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True enough, she is a rabbit after all. And we all know how randy those little buggers are.
Anyone got some tips/resources on photorealism? Also how do you set up wildcards?
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Guess we'll just have to try and tire her out somehow
Seems to be working for him, anon. Maybe don't give bad advice when the people working on the guides are querying the same guy you're smack-talking about how he got the secret sauce.
Find your own way to hell and let others blaze their own trails.
You guys think ripping screen shots from a show can work for a Lora? I really want the OddTaxi style
It's the cum it gives her energy you must Abstain brother
still good, thanks anon!
Got a catbox for that Noelle, anon?
>tfw no redneck trailer trash bird wife
Box? Or style prompts at least.
you okay there bud?
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Oh don't worry, she'll be getting no more cummies from me today. I'm just going to use her like a plaything for a while
But your gens (if you gen) might benefit from going back and reading that full convo. Might learn a thing or two about not blindly following the herd.
The longer you look the worse it gets.
I mean, guy who wrote the guides here, the things he wrote are all more or less correct. Maybe it's not written in the 'nicest way possible' but 150 steps are for sure contributing to gen times when the lora mix+refiner converges at around 38 steps. Loras have a fair amount of overhead but not as much as you would think, Adetailer is fine if you don't know how to inpaint, and the way he uses the refiner does surprisingly little in some setups. If you have the hardware to gen like that then go ahead, but it definitely isn't the smartest way and is mostly just bruteforcing a result you could get far far easier. So its mostly all valid criticism/advice.
and would work the same with 30 or 40 steps. i don't need to read whatever was said to know that 150 steps is a retarded waste of time. more steps is not more better
huh? you mean 150 steps? or 9 loras? or using refiner? or something else? kinda confused here help me out
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its pretty old so no
i don't
His secret sauce is >>67113554
I guess 9 fucking loras and however many embeddings is also a kind of sauce, not really sure if you'd want to put that in your food though
DPM++2M converges after like 50 steps, and karras schedule shifts the changes to earlier steps
Maybe don't seethe post if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
as with all AI stuff. Good for the momentary goon, though
I edited a lot if you're okay with that.
I may be stupid, but from what I see, this is only for removing objects. How did you use it to inpaint something in place of what you remove, anon? Is that done in more steps?
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She's got a lot of stamina for her size, I must say
I only glanced through it but I'm guessing it is used to prep the area for inpainting. So rather than blur it or extend the border pixels or whatever the simple methods are, it will use this to remove whatever was in there. After that it will do normal inpainting.
At the risk of being wrong I'll be a seething comfyfag and say that once again beloved A1111 UI confuses the fuck out of /trash/
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Step 1: Inpaint the panties away.
Step 2: Inpaint the pussy in.
Not sure if you misread, it is for removing objects. In the example I removed a butthole after all. It becomes a 2 step process, first lama does it's own algorithm to remove something, THEN inpaint comes in, obviously low denoise values in the 0.3 range will blend, higher values in the 0.6 range will try to just do whatever it's told.
If I used lama inpainting on the butthole, and did like 0.6 denoise, it would remove the butthole, and then inpaint would try to get a new one in it's place again, so you really are expected to use it at lower denoise for those regions. For watermarks that doesn't apply of course, unless it wants to place a new watermark in its place but that's rare.
Really naive question here, since I'm really new to this stuff, but can it not be inpainted directly without being removed first? How does the removal step make it easier for inpainting it afterwards?

Is there a workflow with ComfyUI that I could try out the same thing with that lama cleaner?
Just do this before inpainting

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