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/vrlg/ - Virtual Reality Lewd General #2037
"Virtual Reality, Real Ejaculate"™
Asshayo Gozaimasu Edition

>18+ Avatar Resources:
https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)

>Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC

>OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)

>Other resources (downloads at your own risk):
VRC Fury - Simplifies toggles/animations & more
Wholesome SPS configurator - Sets up SPS sockets automatically
DMCustom PCS and LMS - Funny noises for penetrators/sockets
https://files.catbox.moe/jc7ul1.zip (PCS)
https://files.catbox.moe/7rb18v.zip (LMS)
ComboGestureExpressions - enable various facial expressions with shapekeys based on your hand positions
OSCGoesBrrr - Connect your CoIP (Coom over IP) devices to VRC
NSFWGogoLoco - Useful for 3 pointers
Poiyomi Pro 9.0.40 - Up to date poiyomi shader
Physbones tutorial - Give yourself jiggling titties, floppy cock, whatever
Male/boy model list
How to find related assets for your base

>Upcooming events
Speed Mating - August 24th

OP template rentry: https://rentry.org/vrlgrentryy/raw
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67098124
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First for dog girls also good morning
>developed a crush on someone despite telling myself i had no interest in having a vrfu or dating in any capacity
When I think of dog-girls, I think of K.
second for dog girls also i will probably end my dog reign already kinda bored of it already ngl
U just summed up like half the thread lmao most k’s are dogs I think idk
ok well i meant you faggot
d*ggirls are cancelled due to cringe
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>over a pentad spent in vrchat
>nobody given you or asked for a vr rimjob
why even live?
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god hates fat bitches
I'd like a vr rimjob anon. Can you give me one while another anon sucks me off?
as long as you're not H, J, N or Y
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im awake at 5 am because no cuddles
no, not him
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who's 'U'?
I'm fucking gay
I know a few rimsluts but i'm afraid to ask most people as it ruins the mood sometimes
It's a very specific fetish isn't it? Even the anon who was sad earlier seems to have not replied to the invitation for a rimming opportunity
It's repulsive to some. I probably wouldn't do it in real life either but in vr where everything is perfectly clean why wouldn't I smother dumb bottoms with my ass and balls?
Rimming is really hot BUT very few models have asses that make me wanna rim them.
u as in "you"
new to the thread, you guys are crazy autistic and i dont want to be here anymore
return to your roots, sister..
that damn hats too big for you
Well I love them, post more
the real community is over at /vg/ board
this is LITERALLY the designated trash can of the community hence why it's on the /trash/ board

just some crazy how over the years the trash can we've been taking fat stinky dumps in to keep the main thread as shitfree as possible grew a community like mushrooms in cow dung
please please someone get on. anyone. I need a hug.
I can get on. I am working on a map right now but for you anon I'll give you a hug
where do we meet
Inspirational stuff really
here you can join me here
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Oculus, Vive, mind's in haze,
Virtual prison, endless days.
Headsets, handsets,
Reality we soon forget.

Haptic suits, feedback cold,
Avatars, no stories told.
Social spaces, lonely stride,
Lost our souls, nowhere to hide.

We didn’t start VRChat,
The screens are glowing,
Disconnected, knowing.
We didn’t start VRChat,
But we’re trapped inside,
In this digital tide.

VRChat, broken dreams,
Empty faces, silent screams.
Meeting strangers, night or day,
Real connections fade away.

Worlds to explore, so much fear,
Wandering alone, no one near.
Custom avatars, hollow rules,
Living by a system's tools.

We didn’t start VRChat,
The screens are glowing,
Disconnected, knowing.
We didn’t start VRChat,
But we’re trapped inside,
In this digital tide.

Quest and Rift, Index too,
Lost in pixels, lost the view.
Development, mods, and games,
Echoes of forgotten names.

Open worlds, synthetic scenes,
Falling apart at the seams.
Virtual cons, parties lie,
Underneath, the spirits die.

We didn’t start VRChat,
The screens are glowing,
Disconnected, knowing.
We didn’t start VRChat,
But we’re trapped inside,
In this digital tide.

Streamers, content, dark display,
New worlds built on decay.
Memes and jokes, hollow sound,
In our headsets, we're unbound.

User-created worlds, so bleak,
Building dreams, future’s weak.
Community, fractured song,
In this world, we don’t belong.
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What is the best base body for an [spoiler]estrogenized[/spoiler] boy?
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vrfus for this feel?
me on the left :3
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>he doesn't use spoilers even if the board has them turned off
Guaranteed free (You)
me on the right :3
opened up velle in blender and her body just looks so mid. just got normal proportions
is anything happening tonight or do i not bother getting on vr
Emperor Typhon from Monster Girl Island, ask DN for the model
theres blendshapes desu
or just sculpt her how you want, thats what everyone does with Selestia anyway
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r8 my lunch
I went over to my parents and ate with them.
They made some food for me to take home with me yay
Looks delicious but your cock is in your food
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if i sculpt her i'm gonna have to sculpt all the clothes too blehhhhh
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>*blocks your path*
what do?
its not that bad if you do it as a blendshape so you can use the surface deform modifier, takes like 1 minute literally to fit outfits then
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god i hate fat bitches
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that's a thing??? when i apply it to a mesh it doesnt seem to be working (the sculpting is just there for presentation purposes)
set the body blendshape to normal, then bind the modifier. Then set the body blendshape how you want it and itll move the shorts with it, then just apply the modifier as a shapekey
plopped my nuts on a femboy's face and listened to him rimming me for like 15 minutes straight
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any tips for getting more yews?
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oh my god thats crazy anon thank you for this tech oh my goodness gracious wowoeieiieie
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close but it was a different femboy, i also don't really like how detailed that asshole looks
Is that fucking Lisa?
Is that fucking Lisa? hot desu, would rimjob aggressively
Literally any booth girl after a pass through blender and changing some shapekeys
I will impregnate you on sight
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looks familiar
Bon Appétit
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>not actual texture
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Some people have been excluded because they would give away my identity
Do not ask for hints or anything because i will not be giving any
This is just to help fuel your ego god dammit i should've put myself in there to artificially boost my own ego it's too late now
Always out yourself on it to hide your identity.
That's what I do
posts like these reek of desperation whenever i see them
>please please i need sex
just have sex with them retard
Just a matter of time really
Timezones not matching up is the biggest problem.
I have people i usually do it with because our schedules line up well but that doesn't mean i don't want to fuck others
Desperation would be attaching my name to that list like putting up a "PLEASE FUCK ME IF YOU'RE IN THIS LIST" sign up.
>Some people have been excluded because they would give away my identity
What's even the point?
>Just a matter of time really
That's a lot of confidence for someone who doesn't want to be known
i'm blessed that i'm not on the list for a pathetic self-centered nigger like you
hi A
A is so cute bros
Why not
Jealous??? I always get what i want, sorry if you don't.
Sorry you didn't make it! Maybe next time you won't be jealous your vrfu is on "want to again"
Omg hiiiiiiiii
>Jealous??? I always get what i want, sorry if you don't.
pffft ahahahahahaha
You can't just reply to a why? with a why? Are you a parrot? A feathered RAT perhaps?
You sound like a brat, do you need correction?
Why do you have more skebs of you getting fucked than you fucking someone???
Are you a bottom??
which A
i'll just add another name to the list
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western A
"I always get what I want"
You sound insufferable and manipulative
euro A
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vrfu for this feel?
>It's A's list
>I'm not on it
Guess I'll just kill myself.
which A?
No, I'll correct your asshole with my fat cock!! You big dummy!!!
You're just jealous I'm sorry you don't have my charisma, maybe next life. For now you can be my simp.
You're better than this Allurein
excuse me thats not my list
>albert and distoibed not at the meet
there have been 0 post about the meet so far
What's a good map to host for tonight's cumfy?
look at this cute birb
I expected you to be celebrating America day
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Is there anything that you're trying to prove with the given information?
i miss the old sh
Happy 4th cute dummies
Happy bbq bald eagle day or whatever
need to shoot my fireworks into someone
i love peanut butter so much bros but i use a catgirl avatar. is my love for peanut butter valid?
heres a few worth checking out that ive been planning on using for sunday at some point
celebrations will be over when i start the instance

fake fan
whens cumfy?
Does the lovense gravity work with sps and osc brr? It would be the coolest thing ever if it could thrust in real time in vr
jihn spotted
what happened to jhin?
he's pretty strong since the IE reworks desu
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vrfu for this feel?
that's my wife on your shoulder
your wife barks at me
yeah well she barks for me too
Need to fuck this damn rat
fucking relax, we're still trying to come up with a good shitpost.
Isnt it like plain and obvious who the cagefags are already
So the rumors were right about Uwuha?
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Mushrooms last night were bussin
try offering cheese or penis
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very nice
ahahahah holy shit
A tier meme
Masterpiece kek
fucking kek
>Have A
>Not on the list
its so fucking over
>Hard mode: S
can't believe you included A and A but not A, fucking favouritism
haven't had e-sex with any of those and I'm in "Want to again".
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>want to again
Just post your full username and fetishes you god damn cowards it's a furry pedophile grooming site nobody will give a shit if you're into feet or rimming or some shit why do we do this stupid game of solving middle english sonnets to figure out who wants to suck dicks
you forgot you had sex with me?
Someone should make a /vrlg/ guess who for when people hintdrop themselves
how to have sex with brown a
lurk more
Because posting full names is against the spirit of 4chan! You are supposed to be anonymous! The ghost of moot will haunt you forevermore if you reveal your identity like that.
You forget the part where you drop your full username and your fetishes
How about you lurk your tongue across my fat nuts

Then at least do 3 letters or something
Come to think about it, after checking the tierlist site I haven't ERPd with anyone whose name starts with A... except one but the posting style doesn't match at all.
i wish you spoke like this ingame
I will if you're russian. I will rape you at gunpoint
>I've only had sex with one A but the posting style doesn't match
you know he tried to disguise the posting style given the original post didn't want people to figure them out
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does H still sex? I want to fuck that dog

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