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/npg/ - Nationplay/Countryplay General #102 (I think)
America edition #248

Patriotism, treason, conquest, surrender, stereotypes, any and all kinks and themes about nations and countries. Flag apparel especially welcome.

Flags limited to countries and groups of countries (i.e. NATO, UN, EU, etc.)

R*ceplay is only acceptable in the context of the countries involved. All other references to r*ceplay (tattoos, symbols, etc) is not allowed.

If someone posts nationplay content involving a country you don't like, ignore it and post content you do like. Don't be a bitch and cry about it.

Last thread >>67000605
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Request anchor
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Quick history lesson for those who need a refresher!

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H-hey! Who added this fourth page!? That's not...
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Girls from all around the world will experience "Americanization" at some point in their life! Americanization is inevitable!
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This reminds me of Prinz Eugen's newest skin where she's at an American football game.

Genny's Americanization has canonically begun!
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Azur Lane says:
Princess Genny is canon!
I adore this art so much
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God bless America~
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Imagine America from Britain's perspective.

Always that small boy in the neighborhood she looked after, and acted as a surrogate big sister to before he grew defiant and ran off. Now - seeing him again all those years later, in her darkest moment as a savage enemy marches towards her home - she sees him again. No longer a child, he has grown into a man - tall and handsome and brave and protective. He takes her into her arms and promises that things will go different this time, not like France. This time he will be at the side of his "sister", and face down all foes before her. To him, he is reuniting with his beloved maternal friend from all those years before. But to Britain - her heart is fluttering and she is filled with that butterfly feeling known only to women in the arms of the one destined to have them.

First a bratty runaway child. Then a precocious younger brother. Now - her knight in shining armor.
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The fact that she has an e-mail means she's been at this for quite a few decades
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At least since Operation Paperclip!
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Please don't let this edit be super depressing in 10 years...
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Liz, Warspite, and Bel now loyal to the United States of America

Full res:
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American flag, please!
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Operation Paperclip was a good thing, since it introduced German girls to the pleasures of being an Ameribimbo!
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I couldn't decide if I should use a magazine layout, a flyer layout, or just one of those old-school propaganda posters layout, so I combined the three and created this unholy thing. I hope it's good enough.
PNG: https://files.catbox.moe/8sf9q3.png
Working on getting those population numbers up!

It looks nice - only thing I'd change is maybe make the background of the text bubbles a bit more opaque, so it's easier to read
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Propaganda poster version.
Could someone possibly give Ryuko Matoi here the stars and stripes bikini? Thank you in advance!
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Do you think this is better?
I think it's an improvement. The most difficult one was at the bottom right, since there's a lot of contrast with the girl behind it. And also at the top right where it switches from white to blue - just makes the text a bit tricky to read.
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Blurred background and fancier text. Let me know your thoughts.
I think that looks pretty good. It's a tradeoff between the images being fully visible and having the text be a bit more easily readable, but I think this works for the 'propaganda pamphlet' feel. Only my thoughts, though
Thanks for the help. I think now it's safe to drop the PNG link.
PNG: https://files.catbox.moe/duy4cc.png
Gladly, id cum inside all the non american sluts also.
negev twerking for big american cock as thanks for all that money
What the hell's so great about America? Stupid overrated country, nothing but a bunch of-
>sees this poster
Happy ending for the Ironblood girls!
The true happy ending requires them in those same bikinis but also pregnant
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1854 Welcoming Committee
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Sweet British tears for my teacup.
The far left girl has the cutest expression
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POV you are overpaid, oversexed, and over here
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Sorry, even on a day like today I can't resist...
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