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/flg/ - F-List General #5512

Beeg American Titties Edition

Previous thread: >>67108526

F-list is a website for people interested in erotic roleplaying, and creating character profiles to find like-minded partners with similar interests and fetishes to roleplay with. It features a webchat (which can be used for textual roleplaying), group forums and more kinks and depravity than you can memorize.

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where roleplayers can freely share and advertise their profiles, solicit roleplay from anons, critique each others' characters, ask and give feedback, share their roleplay logs, discuss their kinks, gossip about site drama, and anything else related to F-List.

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>TQ: What is your /c/'s favorite thing to do on the 4th of July?
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Hand out sparklers to the lolis at the park
Very cute
Grill up an utterly obscene amount of food for everyone to enjoy.
Give free booster packs and trap cards to people.
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TQ: Alternate history kriegspiele* auf course.
*Kriegspiele is Saxon for War Games
begone, insufferable amerimutt
Labrynth I'm sad today can you say something nice to me?
Cheer up anon! Plenty of kisses and paizuris will come your way if you stay positive! Heroes smile through the hardest time!
And she gets the scraps! Big doggy maid begging for loli ballsack under the table
If my loli saw this hag she would cry and cum in her panties
*Slides the bone out from the meat and smacks you upside the head with it*
Finally found what lolis lose to
Bweehhh what did I do...
Don't bother shilling anymore, no one cares.
Cute dog!
that's just a bitch with big tits
Misbehave. Now go get a sprinkler form the nice hag hanging them out, and watch your tongue!
>multiple partners I want to play with are online
>but I have a headache and feel like shit
Do I understand it right that changing a character's name makes it so none of its logs show up in its chat on the player's and the partner's side, but if you had them saved you can still read them under the character's old name?
I feel this pain. I know this pain.
God that's the worst! I hate migraines for this...
Don't even bother, Lab is a low standard slut, she goes looking and finds someone right away
>Don't bother, they get play
There's a specific sect of flg who hates getting play
*Grumble mumble grumble*
Changeover day, make sure you know the date
After the 4th of July be careful what you say
Changeover day, for the Nazi USA
We all know that German is much better anyway!


I may be a Nazi but at least I'm not RUDE!
There's a specific sect of flg who hates when people reduce their characters for mass appeal for their own ego and numberwhoring over making actual characters for actual Roleplay
I hate wanting to play when none of my friends I want to play with are on. Finding new partners is an exercise in agony.
You meant the point of F-List isn't to gather bookmarks on your most aesthetic profiles?
But you're complaining about them getting consistent actual roleplay
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It's bait, nonny.
Mommy New World Order
that ass is food
old women are evil itself
Is every criticism of the shit you say "bait"? You faggots ALWAYS do this. Nothing you do is wrong every time someone is unhappy with you its just bait or schizo. Grow up and learn to take criticism.
My unhappiness with how the site is nowadays is real and it's because attention seekers and people who treat F-List as a social media site rather than a roleplay site have pretty much flooded it, mostly from twitter, and made it so much harder to get actual character and sex driven RP than before.
That's not to mention storyfags but I'm not one of them so I won't speak for them.

lol. You think these fags who are constantly on looking, "sleeping, leave love!" posting auto-ads 27/7, with fucktalk customs and absolutely nothing on their profiles other than a porny inline to draw in bookmarks from smoothbrains actually get play?

No. The meta for F-List is to present as a hyperdom/sub and hope you get showered with compliments.
you should shill anon
I find your fury sexy and invigorating
t. deranged
Doesn't count if you play with some nobody purple or blues, this Labrynth ruins her character to mass appeal so she's a shitter too and isn't actually roleplaying
Other anon is right, don't bother shilling, I already have you bookmarked.
Evil pussy devours good men!
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It's a pain not being a mommyfag while having a thing for exceptionally tall women.
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But this Lab goes into looking for a few seconds and then busy...? How is that attention whoring? She roleplays.
While the core of your argument is correct (I hate aesthetic fags so much it's unreal) you're a complete joke for throwing it at Lab. Genuine skill issue on your part, try making a /c/ with bigger tits next time.
He's just upset that he hasn't gotten any play in months
Hey anon, I'm only online when I can play, never post ads, and use competent english in my customs, but I'd guess my profiles mostly fit what you would say. I go for a nice inline and light custom text that describes the kind of stories I'd like to write or what my character is like, without dropdowns with lists of links or rules or pages of autism that noone cared to read. What would you advise me to add or remove or expand on to keep my character light and fun and also have the sort of substance you seem to be missing?
im so so so sorry you're being schizod because i asked you to be nice at me
>/she/ has logged in
I want to greet her but I am not in the right profile...
open a second tab and log on to it as well
*patiently waits*
Just approach suddenly, spill your pasta everywhere and humiliate yourself

it's cute and funny
Hot, would play
Your /c/ is now small, and living in your house. What do?
Milk her
I'm not sure if it was cute, nor funny, though
Help him acclimate to his new environment as a new member of the family.
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Name a more annoying troon, I dare you. (it also does voice acting for porn, it is atrocious)
Punching holes in my drywall until someone makes a good Toad profile (that isn't the good blue one from here)
>sissy cuckold
Worst types of people on the site. I would genuinely be glad if they all contracted a rapidly developing cancer that incapacitates them and frees F-List from their awfulness
Fuck machines
Cera's a cis woman and our scenes have been fun. I wish they were trans though...
t. knower
>uses the word cis
kill yourself trannoid baiter
this is not a woman.
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I'm going fucking feral bros I'm frothing at the mouth bros I can't stand water I got rabies bros I'm gonna start barking
This place has an obsession with pretending anyone into blacked is totally a cis woman irl for real bnwo is real guise believe me. Just ignore the cuckold and move on.
>[17:58] [user]Remil the Draenei[/user] is now Busy: Spending my day with a very gorgeous and heavenly Draenei Beauty
[18:07] [user]Remil the Draenei[/user] is now Looking.
poor dude
I've SEEN the pictures and even without that you've never heard women that sound like that? Have you ever even spoken to one before...?
that would be the pajeet who really really really badly wants all blackedfags to be women
when they are more likely to be men than any other fetishists itt
Ouch. OUCH.
RIP my man. I should give him a ping again, I actually kinda appreciate the scene we did some years ago. He's just a bit too clingy for my liking.
We unironically need more hunky Draenei men with fat, sweltering horsecocks.
>bit too clingy
match made in heaven
Girls belong in boy tummies
Is this the norm? I've been told a notorious statusshitter, Loli Bull, is kind of a friendless loser so he is extremely clingy and pretty much demands status play from his partners.
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butts that visibly cave in with minimal force
Help her live her life as a mini person I guess
I feel like she’d be bored with my life
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>meanwhile Raikou is GIGANTIC ....175cm tall
With how much you're talking about them, you'd think you're just covertly shilling.
If that's what they're doing, they honestly did nothing but shill themselves into my pre-emptive ignore list.
>Raikou - 5'7"
>Mirko - 5'2"
>Barghest - 6'2"
The Japanese anime woman curse. Bitches who seem like they should be gigantic aren't big at all.
At least Ibuki is appropriately massive.
tall ladies handle larger dicks better
Have you ever met a 6'2 woman you NEET?
That's why I'm always making all my canon hags at least 4 inches taller than what they're supposed to be. Nips are just retards who're absolutely terrified of tall women.
Those sstriped of the gracce of gold shall all meet death.
In the embracce of Messsmer'ss flame.
Not that anon, but they do exist.

Thank you for your service.
A nonny here made me make my hag bigger. Good nonny.
Those stripped of the grASS of God shall all meet death
in the embrace of my assmare's flare
My sister's 6'1".
It's not that rare
I'd do everything I could to accomodate her at that size, starting with breaking out a dollhouse for her to live in. I already know she'd act incredibly offended by it, but it's better than nothing...
this except 10 inches taller and 3 cup sizes larger
My hag is 5’6” with c cups? Not for long
Capable Caretaker should set herself to 6'7", desu.
or taller.
All hags should be 6 ft at LEAST
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That goes without saying. Canon breast sizes are just laughable, if you don't happen to make a Last Origin canon at least.
>make a Last Origin canon
Yes actually someone should do that.
I've already buffed her from the canon height, Anon. But tell you what- you get to make her bigger if we've play sometime, and you slip that little request in after the fact.
Imagine the sheer power of a LO Canon that actually plays...
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Okay. *makes her 10 feet tall*
Growth spurt lolis... Highly underrated.
I did. But, it's another fox.
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No can do boss
I don't want to make flg's penis explode like an overcooked hotdog
Me in the middle
People actually play that game?
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Of course not. They just want the girls
giant lolis
just a bit titty anime girl
I know someone here that does. I don't know if they're still around.

This too, though.
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For some reason roleplaying with my own profiles seems more appealing than dealing with the average schizo
based and jiyopilled
furry moment
better the schizo I know
How big of a turn off is it to see one of your no's in an otherwise great match's faves?
Probably gonna be a drop
not at all usually
It only becomes a problem if it's a non-negotiable requirement for playing with them.
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I don't understand why people have such problem with "schizos" on f-list. They never bother me; worst case scenario I just say I'm not interested
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God bless America!
Make a tier list

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