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Warm jacket Edition

Luz's diary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sRP2-bu0Kk&ab_channel=Nobody
Lilith's letter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUzjJUAOCsw&ab_channel=Nobody
Hunter's Palisman observations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB2weXswe6M&ab_channel=Nobody

Disney+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/disney-the-owl-house/4cOTrEy0YyaX
S1 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/3IYw3YDC#FjiRKOsXoFhEQ9iwR7Ed4Q
S2 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/FgEUTCCZ#JjmqdMo-fLdN5YcehlwzXQ
S3 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/R4sgGLzD#S_PSz5CmWIbTN3cxU4T7sA
Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AeOCBycFbc&ab_channel=DisneyChanne
Dana's Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanaTerrace?s=09
Dana's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danaterrace/
Dana's Tumblr: https://danaterrace.tumblr.com

Dana's Interview with Rebecca Rose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KU70UFGF2
TOH VA Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXCpgyfp4Ak&ab_channel=CartoonUniverse
The Owl House's Soundtrack Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWFvisudffc&list=PLrYx0S9SwOZl0iky7Q_BkyzZ32iPhAtN0&ab_channel=BradBreeck
OfficialTOH Merch Hot Topic: https://www.hottopic.com/search?q=The%20owl%20house&start=0&sz=60
OfficialTOH Merch Hot Topic Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/37999031-1D49-4F0F-BA09-5231003D60CA
TheMysteryShack TOH Merch: https://themysteryshack.com/collections/the-owl-house
Dana and VA's QA: https://www.instagram.com/p/CeXgiaputl9/

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67039233/
Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/tohg/type/op/
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Finding the switch that turns on Amity's blush when you flip it
(It was her nipple)
Luz getting molested in a crowded train/bus
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Good morning /tohg/
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I like how you think.
I like how top left amity looks.
Owlbros and owlsisters, I am unhappy to announce you that my dad is suffering in the hospital. My question is how to show proper emotions to finding out since I have hardcore ADHD? I can't stop thinking i can't just say the default:
>I feel sorry for you.
I dont want to get looked at like I don't care which happened once. Help.
I really wish I could be the one to say something better but I also have ADHD and have issues saying things that don't sound like I'm in a cartoon or something. Just tell him you love him and have faith in the lord that he'll make it through what he's going though

I'm sorry to hear that about your situation, anon.
Personally I'm indifferent towards Death. There's no death for me, just a transition from the physical world to the spiritual one. Maybe we will be navigating through the unknown or return to God, not saying that there's a God out there, I just don't believe that in "Death" will be our end.

Which it's why I personally don't cry or feel anything whenever a familiar or a friends dies for the possibility of seeing them again in the spiritual world.
I really wanna believe in reincarnation, both from a scitific and a spiritual point of view. If information can never be lost, if the universe in enteral and repeats, if seeing babies do things that could only make sense if they had a "past life", etc, then I really want to believe there isn't a "end".

The only concern to my reasonings of this is: Why is "this" life the only one I'm witnessing, and not any other ones from the past nor future? Maybe this is truly my "first" life? So will I have faint memories of this one in the next one? Or did I have those memories when I was a baby but by 3+ I begin to forget them as my new body makes space to remember what's to come in this new one?

I just wish it was easier to understand.
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Happy 4th of July, Burgerowls. Here, it's just a regular cold and rainy wednesday.
>You will never get hit on by a drunk Dana Terrace.
Hirsch fumbled it real hard...
Nah, to me death is the end and there's nothing else. We are all going to be food for worms one day and I'm fine with that.
I find it odd how Amphibia gets away with so much lesbo shipping but ToH seems to be more criticized for it. Is it because the former is just fan fiction and the other is official?
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Yeah that has to be the reason, Luz and Amity are in a relationship so if they're drawn with other characters people say "t-thats cheating!" or something. Pretty stupid but eh who cares.
I'd drink her sweat desu.
Because it's nothing but headcanon stuff. To the point where I feel like the frierndship side of the girls is super over-shadowed by the fan-fiction shipping stuff.
>Yeah that has to be the reason, Luz and Amity are in a relationship so if they're drawn with other characters people say "t-thats cheating!" or something. Pretty stupid but eh who cares.
That wasn't what I meant but that is something else that does happen too.

What I mean was whenever people find issues with the show, it being "gay" is used as an argument against it, but then Amphibia has shittones of people going insane over the "teasing" in the show and portray them as "official" but that gets appraisal instead of the same reaction ToH gets being official. I just find it odd why gay (fandom) is ok but gay (official) means the product is dogshit. Feels like that cope of when people say "it's ok until it becomes popular/companies takes advantage of it".

I just don't understand the hypocrisy of it all.
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I've been really struggling through this back pain I put myself through since monday when I was taking in groceries. I thought it would have died down by now, and while it's not as painful the day it happened, it's just been nagging at me these past few days without really stopping or nulling to a point of not being that noticeable.

I just wanna draw man, why must I be getting so old so fast.
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collie sexo
Ena is the only other character I would ship with Collie. Luz and Amity second and T̶.̶L̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶.

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