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Fapping-focused AIslop thread for those who enjoy plapping to AI perfection. A thread for prompters, editors, requesters, gooners, AI pornmommies, PLAPpers, Stable Diffusion artists, NovelAI artists - anything and everything AIslop. Don't flood the thread with any niche kink, no limits past site rules.

>Beach Meal Edition

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67103040/#q67103040
Same but specifically with an ass that's at least 3x as big
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A compilation from last thread
What is this? An image for ants?
I'm so desperate for more patriotic bikini Ryuko Matoi
I call it the vshojo July 4th collection (thanks to the guy who genned it)
Here are catbox links to the whole collection since 4chan says the resolution is too large
Pls give Amy Rose in a patriotic bikini
What is the difference between /slop/ and /sdg/? They look identical
/sdg/ is pretty much furry exclusive while /slop/ is for everything and tends to have mostly human girls
request promp: lucy loud, american colored crop top, black trunks, American colored high heels, red cyborg gloved
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Morning anon, It's a pretty simple style but I think it looks nice enough. Was playing around with Hires, fix denoising last night so you may want to turn that down to ~5-5.5 if you want cleaner lines.
Do I have to do anything else? Never done whatever the inspect version is with local gens.
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Gyatt damn
How big does his cock get?
Would you?!
is borgar day, can we have Samus getting fucked by a horse as she wears a Flag bikini?
hot, would smash, or let him smash u?
she's good at balls caring?
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Cock comparison with the other male vtubers/vshojo futas?
that was one tight thong to keep that monster so hidden
Magic, it's always magic. I'm sure his cock was stored comfortably in some pocket dimension.
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both are biiiiiiiiiig!
sexually big... ok the guy is also pretty tall
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requesting some Mari from Omori
Yes, she can take good care of them.
when you have the size of a loli, but you are a full grown ass woman, with some massive Triple D's
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Is that an issue~?
Best combination
hm~ perfect
not at all!
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Its very much adjustable, perks of being undead
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Cheeky boy. I think I saw some ai gens of mysta back in the day, and here he's way bigger. Guess leaving niji really does add inches to your dick.
She could offer ball massages at a cheap price. Leaves them feeling like a new man.
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Me on the right.
Can you do cock comparison with his past life (mysta)? That'd be interesting
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can try
>POV you are a girl or a faggot taking that fat cock
Good ball massage and licking. Fellatio free for those who risk it!
She gets paid by the hour. Maybe she can set up shop outside those train stations, reach those tired men after their work.
Please do more girls standing next to guys with huge cocks like this. Bonus if the cocks aren't erect but still big, like in your pic.
His core audience and most devoted fans getting their pants wet!
how do you make those ball massage gens with nai? i cant do shit even with same prompt
Rent a small room and lure in tired salarymen.
Inpaint with the v3 furry model, their tag is "ball fondling". Style clash is quite obvious sometimes, but oh well. And even a small denoise img2img with anime model usually kills male genital details.
Requesting the all-american Poison showing off her all-american meat and asshole in a stars and stripes bikini
500 yen an hour sound good? I'm sure she'll be raking in the cash soon with how well her business will be doing amongst tired businessmen
God, what a fat fucking whore. Feed her moar burgers! She needs to be...

That sounds like a minimal. Surely kind ojisans would tip her after a good relaxing massage.
Not really, trash sdg is 99% hetero furry, also receives more tech discussion. /slop/ is fap/image focused and is pretty much free for all
Of course. Walking around in the stuffy underwear all day, having an hour or more of sensual massages would de-stress them immensely.
How noble of her to help ojisans ejaculate
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Sorry for the wait, sometimes AI doesn't wanna cooperate.

And what are you doing here~?

Is that turning you on~?
hot!, any possibility for some ball licking or rubbing her face against the sack?
What's that, you want your queen to be even bigger?
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>Is that turning you on~?
I like big fat cocks as much as I like thick fertile shortstacks...
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now make them swordfight, like holding two longswords and clashing together like a final battle in a medieval fantasy
Standing pose??????
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Doing so might require a dedicated lora, sorry

is your mind running wild at the thought of these two being helplessly attracted to each other, even dependent~?
That's cute. Like the missing link between mysta and k9.
Seconding this
Love me some Amy
I figured that strapless bikini suited her better.
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>cock stitch
Based detail
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>is your mind running wild at the thought of these two being helplessly attracted to each other, even dependent~?
Absolutely yes! Peak femininity and masculinity, coming together for peak sex...
That image is perfect, I like when the girl holds up the big heavy cock like this, feeling its weight and thickness...
Holy fucking sex this is incredible, keep the chonky Ankhas coming
The fact that it's supposed to be girlfriend and boyfriend but it looks like father and daughter really just sells the height difference
Your wife is really enjoying your trip to the beach!
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Absurdly feminine cock-starved shortstack with super hung peak human male~ God, these cocks look perfect for a proper deepthroat~
Make him fuck one of the vshojo members
It's a win-win. Cash and fun for her, empty balls and good mood for ojisans.
Easy to get addicted to this kind of treatment though.
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Deepthroat, paizuri, buttjob, sex. Anything they do, they fit perfectly together. They are absolutely built for each other. I'm glad to find someone who understands the appeal of extremely erotic bodies of both genders coming together like this.

Could you do them standing next to each other like pic related?
Here you go!
Maybe she can look to expand her operations. Get her friends in on this. That way she can maximize profits.
Now there's a true master-servant relationship
Gen him with a huge ass, as reference to this
Perhaps Ankha should stop indulging in all the greasy fast food on beach... her royal figure is quite different from what it used to be!
Thanks a lot, she's such a cutie
Fuck, I'm throbbing. I want to grope every inch of her big soft beach body...
Please give us more front views of her boobs and tummy in that bikini!
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Perfect compatibility optimized for any and all sexual activity, but mostly the ones that are only possible when they're both so incredibly gifted~
I'm having way too much troubles genning full_body that isn't cartoonish, oh well.
Anything else she could be doing?
You gotta give the guy bigger balls anon. Swollen and heavy and full of sperm to impregnate as many shortstacks as possible.
It's a condition
Special service only for the most generous ojisans.
I'm not sure honestly...
Just striking some sexy poses, eating, walking through the beach and showing off her bod, taking a swim, playing volleyball and jiggling all over the place...
Your choice!
Or those who pay the most... Who just so happen to be rich ojisans
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How about kissing the penis? Or the balls...
Requesting oppai loli's showing off their goods at the beach.
Who's cock is that?
Ankha might be a cat, but she doesn't mind a small dip in the water.
Fuck, I want to hug her and lie on top of her, floating on the water with my face buried in her fat breasts...
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More Inas's like this please....
look at those chubby belly rolls hnnnggghhh
She's surely a sight to behold when she jiggl- I mean, when she walks around the beach.
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Happy fourth, y'all. Day 2 on this thread with my western style bullshit.
Imagine her tummy, her tits, her ass her... everything... wobbling around with every step, threatening to spill out of her tiny swimsuit with each movement.
Would be absolutely hypnotizing.
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Happy america day, I like your style
>Fufufu, you've fallen for my trap!
>Inviting you to beach was all part of my master-plan!
>Surely you're taken by my charm, hmm?
>Yes, after this you'll have no option but to make me your bride!

Your stuff looks good.
While most stuff posted here is kind of anime/eastern, I don't think anybody here minds western styles, we have seen much weirder shit.
>Yes, after this you'll have no option but to make me your bride!
I dont know about bride, but if she pulled off her hoodie and showed off those bazookas in that barely there bikini, she's 1000% going home a mother
This is certain degeneracy territory but I can't help myself.
Unhh this is so good Anon!I didnt even know this girl, but you're doing to make me obsessed with her if you keep putting her in these situations
>Sensei, Sensei!
>This is the first time I'm going to beach outside Hyakkiyako!
>I really came prepared! Can you guess why?
>...Apparently the newest Mushiqueen set is going to be beach themed!
>So I'm sure there's going to be lots of cool bugs to catch here!
I was trying to think of other oppai lolis, and remembered Yaia. But I don't play Granblue, so I have no idea what sort of dialog she'd have.
But she probably decided to cook for everybody at the beach, being the nice girl that she is.
Don't really know her either, I think she's idolmaster games only which I have no idea about. Doesn't prevent me from getting randomly horny to her
She got rewarded with a popsicle!
>ojisan rimming
Even a genius with 10 billion IQ needs to relax at times!
Damn, her bikini can't hold that much IQ, it's about to burst!
Requesting inpainting the censored pussy and anus with a horse pussy and horse anus.
How about her let her big huge breasts out so she can relax better?
Alright, enough with oppai lolis.
I want Grim Aloe to wring 10 lifetimes' worth of cum out of my dick
...Okay, one more oppai loli.
Both the flat or oppai variety are excellent, so please keep at it. I'll be throbbing all the same.

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