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/feed/ - Fat, Expansion & Edit Drawthread
Erm…Achually Edition
Previous Threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%2Ffeed%2F%20-%20Fat%2C%20Expansion%20%26%20Edit%20Drawthread/
ALL fat/weight gain/inflation/other expansion themed requests, of any size, whether human, monster girl, anthropomorphic animals and fictional creatures of Male and Female are welcomed here.

Our Booru:
(make sure to archive the deliveries)
>How do I request?
- Post your request on the request anchor .
- Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
- Provide names and image references in a single post.
- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Check the delivery post and/or the booru to see if your request was done.
- Request edits and coloring in the Edit thread.

>What if I want to start drawing fatties?
- Check these resources for beginners: https://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a
- For those who want to draw fats: https://mega.nz/#F!46ZD1Swb!YXIV4nLSHZIBs81Kd9zdzA
- When asking for requests: Post a sample of your work and mention what you prefer to draw.
- Also ask for help in the Drawing Improvement/Progress Thread:
- Feel free to help others here if they need help as well.
- Just remember to ignore begging.

>What else should I know?
- DELETE YOUR BUMPS, if you don't know how then please look at the FAQ on 4chan
- No loli/shota/underaged characters. Everyone hates that
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report and move on.
- Don't ask for a break or to wait "weeks/months/years".
- Feel free to post anything that gets done to the booru for others to find later
- New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit or bumped off/deleted
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Umm… you’re supposed to put your requests here….
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Well…Achually you’re supposed to put your deliveries here..
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Erm…these characters actually have a VERY important history with the thread actually
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Requesting this posh liepard turned sbbw
Requesting this anthro mudkip fat
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Requesting an American bald eagle and the Statue of Liberty, fattened up into blobs!

Requesting the fat bitch nerd,literally clutching pearls,filled to the brim with cakes and over bloated getting shoved into a cartoonishly wide locker while refusing to give up the yapathon
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r/ing sketchyboi's Karen crashing trough a deckchair like the middle pic - optionally a Sunny version of her (complete with a round head and frown, instead of the usual smile of the Sunnys).
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Requesting Mortimer fattening up and groping an obese Felicity Fieldmouse to further irritate and emotionally devastate Mickey Mouse.

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