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(Your) slippery pocket pussy edition

A thread for horny anons to worship girls that make them go PLAP PLAP PLAP and bust out lots of steaming boy batter.

Rules: NO SHOTA OR LOLI, no weird fetishes or drama!
Go to /dft/ to share tags!

Gooning is obligatory while posting ITT

Last thread: >>67067053
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I looked at her nipples in that drawing for one second and instantly got rock hard... fuckkkk I wanna plapppp
>I wanna plapppp
And what is the reason you're not currently? Super lame anon, you know.
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I got busy with other stuff that took me away from fapping for a bit, but I'm correcting that now!
Good anon, you really shouldn't neglect draining your nuts like that.
Work on getting a nice rhythm going in your hand and stroke it~
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I know, I gotta make up for it by spending as much time as I can pumping~ Those amazing 2D girls deserve as much cum as I can give them! Stroking my stick up and down in a nice rhythm to their perfect bodies~
Yes anon, you'd better be churning up a huge, satisfying load for them~!
Squeeze that goopy pre-cum out and drizzle it all between your soft fingers~
Just like letting it slide down between these tits designed for you to plap plap plap your throbbing gonner meat until it's sore~
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Plappies for futas!
Finally home! Now I can plap to my wife like she deserves~ Feel free to join in and plap with me, anons!
Plapping to your wifes tits feels incredible anon~ She's so hot and busty~
I dont know who your wife is Anon, but she's very cute and her big soft pillowy funbags makes me wants to grab my goonstick and PLAP Like crazy! I really like her slightly disgusted expression, its like she knows how many gross gooners are using her as fap material
I'm so happy to hear she's making you feel amazing anon~ Please keep plapping your gonstick to her as much as you want~

She's Rio from Blue Archive, in case you want to look her up and keep plapping with us!
>She's Rio from Blue Archive, in case you want to look her up and keep plapping with us!
Thank you Anon! Such a cute plapwife.... I love her long legs in her black tights, I cant wait til my goonstick pops imagining covering them in white! What's your fav part of your wife?
Her long, dark hair and serious expression really turn me on~ it's like she's disappointed I'm back on my desk, handfucking myself to her lewd pics~ But also her big tits... I can't stop plapping to them!
Those are all good parts! I wonder if she hopes that maybe this time, you'll get out there and find a real girl, but then she sees you right back at your desk squirting out another load to her huge tits!

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