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kill the elden beast edition

/beta/ is a thread for betas, losers, findoms, sissies, paypigs, raging fucks and coomers to talk about BDSM, findom, and beta culture.

Learn to love being a beta with like minded betas, or Gods and Goddesses to goad you further into your depravity.

previous : https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67064227/
whats the hottest thing a dom has said to you?
$ned pige
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i was being serious
NEVER be vulnerable. FLUSH your medication down the toilet. LIE when people ask how you’re doing. SUPPRESS your feelings. ALWAYS be irritable and abrasive. MAKE SURE you push away anyone who’s close to you. CANCEL your therapy appointment.
Trisha is so cute
>see an add for goonr.org on 4chan
>it's just some shitty image merge software not gooning
doj post??
nah this is a doj post
Hot is this real
no contest
That's pretty hot, in concept...
>girl turns 18
>immediately starts pedobaiting
what did they mean by this
real moony and echo hours
As if, I just enjoy cute sounding girls saying things like that.
it gets them money
things like what? explain in detail please
wtf how do you unlock good arctia
real life isn't one of your vidya games you manchild fag
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The draining, which could refer to cash or semen, and mention of brats is pretty hot, same with teens, though the pedo usage is iffy. I have a bit of findom fetish if that were not super obvious already. Not too much else to say, save cute girls using their charms to make men helpless, a mess, or just get a few spurts spluttering out of their length with a few words, or a foot pic, maybe some bullying is hot.
yeah you should stay locked away for life t b h
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All smiles, no more anger
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my wife
shut up queer
kill yourself freak
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euroniggers get dabbed on today HAPPY 4TH
Drooling for your wife...
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oh he mad
miller high life
oh yeah

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