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Parade Blimp Extravaganza Edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66895908/

Bring your fat and inflated Pokemon and Pokegirl content. Art, stories, greentexts, edits, all are welcome!
Drawfriends and writefriends are always welcome here as well. We love seeing all sorts of requests and oc!
And let's take a cue from our fellow threads, yeah? Don't start arguments, don't shitpost, don't imagedump, and don't bring drama with you.

Story/Greentext library: TBD

TotT: How do you feel about mass expansion/WG events in art/literature? Do you enjoy seeing multiple subjects grow from an unknown source, or is it sweeter to have a more limited scope?
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Ignore the previous thread fuck up. You think I'd learn by now after making these so many times
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For the Americans out there, enjoy the holiday. For everyone else, hope today treats you well!
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The one part of the real world that should seep into fantasy world art: celebratory holidays (that involve plenty of overindulgence)

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