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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Recording edition

Previous: >>67117653
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Dogshit thread already burn it the fuck down
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Okay but who else wants to play CoD zombies on this patriotic day? (WaW-Bo2 for free on plutonium, not sponsored)
tengo patitas
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>for free on plutonium
how about we have that fated reunion from a whiiiile ago to celebrate instead?
Welcome back mooms~
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rubbing my rod, for pod!
dont have one yet it's unofficial therefore not cheating
Lets have a gayer thread this time
Plutonium launcher, it's a custom launcher for older unsupported cods
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So true...

Also, if I were willing to go through the pain of downloading plutonium on my internet, I probably would desu. WaW-Bo2, my beloved...
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Hmm, that might actually be fun. It's been quite a while since I played any CoD zombies. With you and Sour, right?
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Yeah, but how gay?
Delete the thread
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Too much too explain qrd it's just community servers on cracks of the games
Too busy pewpew-ing instead of pyu-ing...
Oh hi anony!
It's very smol...you just need the specific torrents of the steam copy...
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Disappointed in you
kiiiiiilljoy. tell sour I said jello
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are your eardrums already BLOWN out from all the fireworks..........
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No, I refuse
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So gay that we say I love you before we cum together in vc
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If smol, I might be down! Need to eat food first though. Top three maps?
I love her so much ~
Looking for anyone who's really into fetishizing porn addiction. Aiming to please it more than anything. Thinking of it as a lover, almost. It's the best way to live. (tag is dubcap7)
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>I looked it up it was at 350 seconds, it looks so crazy and even has a second phase as an orb.
I actually never did the orb! I survived 500s with the Fortress still on, but for 1000s I'll be forced to learn to kill the Fortress and kill the orb
>You know, indie/doujin games can be really trash but when it comes from someone like that? I'm all for it, this is the type of person that knows the games in and out and what makes them good
Honestly there is a ton of great doujin games that are super under appreciated... especially coming from fighting games!
>They should have made it into a pure bossrush game imo!
You do unlock a pure bossrush mode later on once you've finished the game! But it's still annoying
>Feels like Dustforce and Devil Daggers will take me until the end of the year but I'll check your games out for sure
Nah you'll definitely be able to beat (aka survive to 500s) and finish Yotta before the end of the year! For sure! Depending how much other stuff you play...
>A rare example of a videogame actually making you feel like it's gameplay and story then?
Hmm I wouldn't say this, you do learn about the story of the ruins but not in a way that is lore-based but more puzzle-based... It's hard to explain! You'll have to play it to tell for sure... But it's an action platformer! It just plays a bit weird
I remember the Percival/Narmaya... Extremely based picks... But you removed Djeeta!
Makoto never ever for SF6
Ky and Leo are so cool...
And all those UNICLR picks are 10/10!

Nice 22222!

Wait, I know who you are now, don't lie around about how I was the one who was mean to you what the heck
I hate samples
I love samples
You're really bad a fighting games
You're really good a fighting games
Only if we play die rise!
Also hi hi hiiiii moommer!!!!
>pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet
I didn't even know you went somewhere until I noticed you were offline for a while! You better tell me all about it as punishment mister...
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Thank you Thank you! I grind a lot!
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Drunkposter... your samples
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In another life...
It's only 3pm it's too early!
You'd need to get the torrents from wayback on their website (or I have the torrent) but those are around 10 gigs... As for top three in those games...
1.WaW Der Riese
2.Bo2 Origins or MotD
3. Bo1 Five or Shangrila
Die Rise is good too! An aquired taste! I could tell you later...
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but I heard from a fren that they're already shooting fireworks since midnight..........
No, I don't think you do know who I am. And yes, you were definitely extremely unkind to me once and I have not forgotten it. I would not lie, you just don't actually know what I'm talking about because you say horrible things without even thinking much of it.
They started shooting guns yesterday. Fireworks usually start later since they're easier to see at night.
May I join you? Do you have a tag anon?
Rin-chan(d)... I kneel...
Very silly map taste! Where is moon! And shadows!
Origins is megabased tho~ So is Shangri la
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Der Riese my beloved...
I didn't know you played more than just hold em'~
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How did you found my post if you have me filtered?
What the heck...
mumei has a 3d model? fucking WHEN?
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Solidly goated taste. I've got a real soft spot for Kino, though- what can I say, first zombies game, lmao. 10 gigs isn't that bad, aye!

>Die Rise
Unironically slept on. Sliquifier is goated, and who's who would go hard on basically any map EXCEPT DR (and even then the jingle slaps).
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Because I don't have every one of your images filtered yet, despite my best efforts. Believe me when I say I'd rather not see any of your posts at all, but if you're going to call me a liar, I'm going to contradict you.
Americans shoot guns on July 4th. Duh?
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Okay I asked in another thread but someone help me. I've been addicted to flats lately but I'm not sure it's good for my mental health. What should I stroke to instead? The problem is that my brain craves degen stuff.
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A liar is the least of what you are, I'm sure that it's the truth in your head
Kino is kino. So many good nights playing it with friends
Second load of the day!
buying her membership now
depends how gay you are
Not very desu
How about you kill yourself instead.
coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb
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Amen. Running around the stage with the MP40, nights spend backed against the door to the Theater...god, such soul.
800 claymores in the corner until the one dipshit runs his train too close...
Good times.
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anthro women then
Which is which
I'm so sorry nya...
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It depends....how much do you love feet?
why not just ride it out?
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Why is hotglue so addicting anons? It's the only thing I've been fapping to for a while now...
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me in bed rn (i need an anonie)
I like to imagine myself as the figurine getting engulfed in a massive bukkake
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What's wrong cutie
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You heard correctly but just not around me...
Moon is great too but not top for me! And Shadows is bo3!
I play video games too! Hmph!
Thank you for your support of my wife and oshi! :3
>kino was your first
Hehehehe... It's great but just not up there with the rest imo... Tranzit was the most slept on though, if only they did it right...but I don't think I dislike any zombies map actually, before bo4 that is...
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Do better!!! But yes she's cute :3
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I want to see it painted I want to see it painted I wanna I wanna
Hottie <3
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Life is still too long to end at a grave anon
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I'm extremely lonely and none of the popular namefags would ever give me a chance, it's like highschool all over again
Kiana you are drunk
stfu nigga
My eyes always instantly go towards feet if they're anywhere in an image. I can't help but imagine huffing them and running my tongue along her cute toes!
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Bericore, with the big milkies,,,,
When you post 3D e-girls, you're goddamn right I won't give you a chance.
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Here you go then sweetie <3
I came to this pic earlier to day and now it left me horny again... wish more landed on her body and face...
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It's even better when it's someone you know too
You're just so charming whenever you post your cute little things alongside her pics
Make a new alt!
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Gomenasorrydesu is this better nya?
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That can't be, I only drink coffee and water
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I don’t really have much of a need to at the moment!
Nobody cares.
speaking of hot glue
I wanna marry and kiss this massive dork so badly omfg BE MINE FOREVER YOU MASSIVE VIRGIN
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Post more cute girls!
I want a person beside me to spoil me
Somehow that's even worse. How did you manage to become even more unappealing?
can i get the lore on this
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yeah, I posted it
you are STILL sampleposting you big dumb dork
The lore is he's my future handsex husband
Those tribbers dont want you
They want the anime girl
Why is Veri skinwalking as smellysour?
>Here you go then sweetie <3
M-Made me twitch... <3
Mmmmm wish I could have seen those ropes stream down her body and form those sexy white poles~ Wish I could have grabbed the fig and smeared her on his dick to clean it off...
Whomstve talketh toth?
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I just like jerking off all day to thick girls...
bkh is such a cute and sweet angel... I have dozens of videos of him downloaded, good taste nonny~
This is good. Thick sparkle. Minus points for looni association though
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Right back at you anon, he's by far my favorite tributer <3 everything tributes should have! dumb dork panting and groaning <333
Can I be your dork sample posting husband please~
have you tried actually talking to any of them? it really isn't that hard anon, most of them are nice and will talk to you if you actually try
This is typically where most people in high school fail
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They Linked the crime to him with that sword.
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I'm so easy to talk to, yet people don't try!
>talking to women
Why? They're boring and obnoxious
Your favorite?! That's a lot anon! He's one of my favorites, but not my favorite... I'd rather not say who my favorite is to the whole thread, I want him only for myself!
Is >>67123553 okay ?
So are most men.
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Such a cute footfren! Absolutely enamored with feet <3 I bet you would crumble if a girl gave you a used sock of hers to play with ~
You're so mad because chikn rejected your sweaty obese incel ass lmfaoooooo
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but I'm an insufferable autist... Don't do that to yourself!
femcel pig cope
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I need more miqos
this is the only namefag i recommend not talking to by the way
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NTA, but your taste in fightan games makes me want to talk to you
autism if you dont actively talk to the person
I love you both nonnies <3
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Hell yeah! Which fightan do you play?
so any of the footfags gonna post tags?
the funniest thing about veri is I got off with him multiple times over the course of months while pretending to be a guy lol
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I'm a weirdo autist too ,woah so many things in common, thing is I think I have infinite patience for an anon's capriciousness
you already did this bit ! boring ! get a new one ! get off the stage ! say youre a sexhaver wagie who fucked 659 women !
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Mostly just the big name stuff for now (T8, SF6, GGST), but I have been very tempted to get into some fightcade options, especially with Garou and MvC2 coming out
I'd wrap that sweaty sock around my face and huff her stinky foot scent while pumping myself stupid~
<3 you too anon~
no bit you irony poisoned retard
I don't! I don't speak moonrunes! But he's just such a sweet angel with the cutest and softest moans that I like to imagine that he's mine~ <3
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hot gay sex with anon NOW
Looking for someone to milk who'll watch me play League while talking to me about how the games going, or play together with me. Can do light erp or make ai porn for you. Currently iron 4 and just hit 150 matches(21 ranked)
boring ! back to beta with you ! bad larper !
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>fellow e-girl enjoyer
obviously not true because a woman would have no reason to do this. QED or whatever the beta catchphrase is
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I'm actively getting female attention irl as an above average non virgin, and femanons wanting to lewd me on discord but all I crave is a loser autist bf, how mentally fucked am I?
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You realize this is basically rape, right?
Ouch, I'm not a fan of T8 and SF6 sadly... I will only play SF6 if they add Karin, and it depends how they add her too, she's probably going to be ugly if they do too so it's not likely...
Who do you play in GGST? Will you play the new Garou?
Hell yeah you're finally playing ranked! Good luck with your games anon, just enjoy the learning process
getting really gay with a few other anons~
Cute AGP
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Another footfren appears!
Such an obsessed little nonny<3 let's pump together to sexy sweaty soles<3 I want you to help me cum!
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I will not be taking any of the bait on this occasion, sorry
very dumb bottom, common struggle if top
boring nigger these take work to make
Quod. Erat. Demonstrandum: >>67123765
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Mainly an Axl guy, though I have a pocket Bedman when the mood strikes me. And yes, I will be trying Garou, always want to try out the new games once they drop.
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but what would be talk about? Maybe we can get drunk together!
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there was a thread on /v/ recently where I posted these~ it was so shameless
I can't stop myself from pumping to bare paws...
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Axl is great, one of the most fun zoner in a fighting game, and I usually sleep while playing them but not with this one
Not a huge fan of Bedman, I wish we could have been playing Delilah instead!
kissing you while another anon gropes me~
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Sounds fun, but you'll need to unblock me first....
I am once again filled with the strong urge to tease a meek little cuckold~
such a dirty nonny, trying to corrupt those poor innocent blueboard anons <3
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What's your tag...?
making out while horny anons feel all over our bodies~
Here is my wife
She's a cute one, but you've certainly got a more raunchy picture of her than that, don't you? After all, can be such a rush really showing off your own wife~
the more i bottom the more i learn how to top
vidya feet threads on /v/ are a weakness of mine...
I politely decline sorry
What the fuck kill yourself
Holy shit lol
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>What the fuck kill yourself
Avafag fuckability list:
Golu (leaky pp mode)
Veri drunk mode (shows you his pp)
Looni .pdf mode
Verina AGP mode
Looni samefag mode
Veri declining mode
cold brewski on the 4th
Uhmm maybe I do... shes been so naughty recently, ignoring me and slutting around and then bragging all about it
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I understand nonny...
This isn't me
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I didn't post that btw
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I got 10 votes, why am I not in the list???
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Bassy is a dummy. DUMB DUMMY!
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President Biden got 82 gorillion votes and he's not in the list either.
does kiana actually ever get lewd *with* anons? or do they just stick to trading images
Yes he does! He's very fun too <3
Kiana is the only good avatar fag because he doesn't spam the thread, only replies when he's mentioned
How does it feel to come in near dead last in fuckability?
what a weird question to ask desu
what kind of lewding does he do...
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Bet you don't mind too much though. Bet you're all too happy she's out there enjoying being a excited, experienced whore while you're stuck at home wondering what sort of fun you're missing~
you knew what you were signing up for
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Thread rating on the day?
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Surprised I got that many honestly
Pretty good
Pretty bad
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Making them blush so hard that their posts turn pink like ours!
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Every thread have been great this year
Many such cases.
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We know sai, you hate all avafags
what do you mean anon
That's private!
I mean that I also identify with this, I learn how to perform the opposite role from mine by learning from people doing it.
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That's good!

That's bad!

I'm very skeptical of this claim. I could present counter examples such as the Goku bot spam.

Stuck in your dads teeth! >:3
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>I could present counter examples such as the Goku bot spam.
What's wrong with Goku?
i know how to bottom (somewhat) already so i learn how to top more by interacting with other tops
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Anyone around to talk about futas~?
when was the last time this actually happened
I immediately said I was pumping and another nonny said he was too and it made me so happy~
I love them so much too
Read >>67124629
>What's wrong with Goku?
Yeah, sorry I should not do this, I should move on
Go to /v/ right now and make a thread! I dare you~
it kinda sounds like you're just bullshitting, anon
Mind your own business, I'm just saying Kiana is fun!
last chance to pyu
Are there really people here who talk to each other on discord frequently like real friends? How is that even possible?
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Sorry to hear that anon 3:

>What's wrong with Goku?
He's short or something. Idk I didn't watch the manga desu
I haven’t gotten super into foot stuff but 2B is really cute~
i am not your wife anon
Your opinion doesn't really matter
blueboard tempting anons like you are exactly who brought me here hehe
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I do with a few people from this thread, I'm even watching someone from here playing Lies of P right now
Do you basically exclusively fap to pictures like this
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If by frequently you mean "like twice a week" and by like real friends you mean "horny as fuck getting each other off and cumming like beasts" then yeah
I might be putting on weight, good...
i thought you wanted me to be your mommy you cant marry your mom anonny
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You and sai dont count. Youre the thread socialites
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Hi Kiana
she's so cute here
how can i train myself to shoot harder, thicker loads. right now i just kinda sputter and cream an average amount of cum
Don't bunch up Sai with the doll schizo
looni wouldn't say something like this
you're probably just one of his stalkers
Am I a stalker if I have him added?
Doubly so
that wasn't a feet post
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oh wait this is dft, whoops. wrong room.
feels like he would remove me if I stalked him
Is Loomi the feet poster?
Drink x liters of water and pee that's how women do it
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What's wrong with being a socialite??? I don't even know who Sai is
Rough sex with jinx before and after finishing her off
This isn't a 'train yourself' thing, this is a 'take care of yourself ' thing. You'll only make more cum of the other parts of you are working at their best, and you eat right. That means cardio, drinking a lot of water, and eating nutritous foods with a lot of zinc. Alternatively, you can just take zinc and drink water but that won't be your cap.
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Come back Kiana
Awful take
You fat ass bitch! I hate you!
keep it coming
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watch your mouth not-kiana
i guess thats why im asking about "training" cuz im relatively fit (regularly go to the gym) and eat a pretty balanced diet. i drink a fuckton of water too.

maybe i need more zinc? i take a multivitimin already as is....
Ill put my mouth on those fat cheeks
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Sorry to say, but I don't know who you're talking about at all. I generally don't come here.
Nigger that's LITERALLY what you have to do besides wait, everything else is kind of a side grade to generally being healthy, waiting, and getting zinc + water. Edging for a bit helps too, but a long retarded edging session isn't gonna improve your base.
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Weow someone's a lil' pent up x3
Ya'll racist fr
6 eggs a day I'm not joking
Sai is actually friendly
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Just like me then!
Sai is friendly. So is doll slut
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I don't like being called "doll schizo" or "doll slut"
Can I be called something better instead???
Like "DollGAWD"
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holy heart disease....
damn i love long retarded edging sessions haha *spilled* oops haha *dribble* why are my cumshots non-existant haha
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I'll do it for you.
Wait a second stop posting children butts.
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I naturally spurt gallons
Go on...
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Wait a couple of days in between cumming (I wait a week), drink lots of water with decent food. It takes me a minute or two to fully cum all of the way when I do start cumming
I came three times today and now I feel like I'll throw up
I find I spurt the hardest after retarded and long edging sessions, what is wrong with you guys
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>Wait a couple of days in between cumming (I wait a week)
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My cums are directly correlated with how turned on I am, didn't know it was different for anyone else
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i probably should stop cumming so much to be honest....
This is a myth caused by people frying the eggs in exorbitant amounts of butter or making scrambled eggs with half a package. Steam your eggs
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It's also just a myth with people thinking that dietary cholesterol is the same as blood cholesterol.
nothing. its just different from normal peons.
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the yolks are pretty high in cholesterol tho. i suppose if youre just eating the whites its fine but id assume the fat content is what would make your cum stronger idk
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Only because im in obedient mood..
I love the corruption and would suck you off on top of that, if I could <3
I'm milking Kiana right now
Oh? Why is my cock so white and slimy? Is it lube? Is it cum? it is both *keeps edging jizzcoated penis*
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why dont you add me then naughty nonny ~
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I mean, as long as you drink mostly water and eat more protein you will see a massive effect.
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>This is a myth caused by people frying the eggs in exorbitant amounts of butter or making scrambled eggs with half a package.
Actually, the myth is even funnier than this!
Eggs are high in cholesterol
People thought food with cholesterol was bad because when someone dies of a heart attack they have a lot of cholesterol in their artery
So medicine back then considered eggs to be bad for your heart!
Then later on we learned that the cholesterol was actually trying to help the heart and that having high cholesterol is correlated with having heart issues from elsewhere, because you have high cholesterol when the body is trying to help your heart and also what >>67125465 said

tl;dr: Butter is good for you, eggs are good too, the myth exists because people were dumb back then!

Japanese people eat more than 2 eggs a day on average and they have the least amount of heart issues
You can eat 10 eggs a day and you'll be fine
Throw up with your penis for a fourth time
Shut up doll schizo
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but i want to sleep soon... what's your tag?
So many feetsies... It makes my dick feel really good~
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tag is here >>67123871
get lots of rest and we can have fun tomorrow <3 mwah~
this is the perfect ass

anyone who disagrees

is retarded
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oh, well then my pictures must be meaningless to you. Sad!!
whoa is this a haiku....sugoi desu....
Daggum, my nose hurts from all this SNIFFIN.
Put your avas back on
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It is one of many types of perfect ass
not quite a haiku but close actually
Tldr please dumb bitch
you're gross
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I put a tldr... Here is another one:

Eggs are perfectly healthy even if you were to eat 10 eggs a day for the rest of your life
Too many long answers so I'll just grind you into rough chewy pieces of meat and cartilage and pack your remains tightly in the chumbucket and toss the bucket into the river and let the fish have their feast and then fish the fish and prepare the fish and then eat the fish because fish is the best protein
Feet are cute. Frick you.
ahhh.....gomen gomen.....
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There's nothing meaningless about posting good ass. If anything, they were the best posts in this entire thread.
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Die Rise soom...
Oop i didnt see it
what EVER could you be smellin with that nosy nose???
I literally fucking hate myself. FUUUUCK!!! I HATE MYSELF!! HEEEELP HELP ME HEEEELP
Her toesy toes, obviously!
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thanks anonymouse (even if you sometimes post girls too smol for me <3)
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I'm the same way. Though I guess technically sometimes it's based off of how pent up I feel. Sometimes I also do it if I'm really bored.

How is everyone's day going? Are you all having a nice time?
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this but unironically
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keep huffin baaaaakaa
The doll schizo is friendly and cute, why are people bullying her?
I dont know. Maybe its people shes ghosted in the past
sillu this is getting genuinely sad
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She's very two-faced sometimes, very skin deep.
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Any example of this or did you make it up?
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Here's something bigger since you're a good person.
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Avafag fuckability list:
Golu (leaky pp mode)
Veri drunk mode (shows you his pp)
Looni .pdf mode
Verina AGP mode
Looni samefag mode

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