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Pokemon TF Thread
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is it wrong wanting to fuck pokegirls?
Why it would be wrong?
well feels like i'm exploiting their new feelings and insticts as i toy with their body and get them ready for breeding
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thrust your instincts
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what if those instincts are to 'be thrusted in'
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good thread
gonna thrust, gonna cum inside of them
Why female transformation is okay but male transformation is cringe?
you're on the internet, everyone knows you're male now
because that's gay.
it's often bara or femine looking and gay. I rather cumblast some poke trainer pokemon pussy with my cum cannon as tauros human hybrid
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oh wait you guys are still alive awesome
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post good shit when
I want to lose my human body in trade for a much cuter form I struggle to get used to. I want to feel powerless as I cant precisely control my new body or moves, and easily get overpowered by pokephiles or other wild pokemon fucking me
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Sweet, a nice thread! Glad I looked into the catalog for once
I've never been into TF and never much into Pokemon either but I have to admit this thread is hot to me for some reason.
i like when girls grow bigger tits, this thread has a lot of that
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the extra breasts really make that one
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turning girls into miltanks
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The mass majority of my /tfg/ folder is Pokemon related, so uh... Have at it!

It's probably the power dynamic at play here too.
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any female lapras, delphox or ninetales? mtf or ftf is fine.
I dont have any on hand but I remember seeing some so I'll dig it up after my swim.
If this thread dies(please don't let it) Ill post it to the TF general instead.
It's probably going to be mostly MtF which is a shame because I don't like MtF much.
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I deliver... at least one image.
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I have some post-TFs too but unfortunately they didn't come with a sequence.
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Kay well I guess I have to change up this text a bit now. Fug.
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Alright, I'm almooost out of images.
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Sorry, that's all I got for your request. Hope this was satisfactory.
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For some reason, this character is CANONICALLY trans even before the transformation.
Yeah, I don't get it either. Like, what the fuck's the point?
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TF's don't discriminate. Makes as much sense as anyone else turning into a Lapras.
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I get that the TFs don't discriminate, but like... what the fuck's the point of making the character trans in the first place? I couldn't even figure out where the trans_(lore) tag came from, it just exists on there and the author put it there.
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Hey so uh no too long ago, there was this cute Mightyena posted to /tfg/. If anyone has it, it would be great to have here!
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Tf threads have let me down a bit. I love transformation, but I think I just only enjoy it in long form. Are there any good pokemon transformation fanfictions or comics?
You're best looking at the PMD comics for that kind of thing honestly.
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But the reversal of the pokemon and trainer relationship is the hottest part!
Yeah... and if I was any good at writing, I'd make a story for you guys.
Doesn't have to be crazy long, just enough to have a character to care about what happens to them. In fact, why not do a short quest?
>Be trainer in the Alola region
>Not the best not the worst
>Someone told you that there are strange things to look out for in the jungle
>You heard there are strange pokemon waiting to be caught!
>Perhaps a bit recklessly, you rushed past a barrier deep into the brush.
>You may not the be the most prepared.
>You didn't pack much, and you only brought one pokemon with you.

>How did you prepare?
>What pokemon did you bring with you?
>What are you hoping to find?
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agreed, love seeing people transforming into beings with extra breasts and or udder
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Front of sign roughly say [I was a boy before, but now I'm a brionne girl. If I show off my pussy while holding a condom in my mouth, I can return to my former self. Please cheer me on!]
Reverse of sign says [If I'm penetrated, I won't be able to turn back! Don't do it! Absolutely not!]
brionne tf is so damn hot
Miltank TF is the best

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