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/mmog/ - I can't think of an interesting edition edition

This is a general for furry content based in Warcraft/WoW, EQ, GW2, FFXlV, Dofus/Wakfu, TESO and any other mumorpegger whose porn belongs in the /trash/. We know you play them all. Unless you don't. Please refrain from posting AI generated imagery.

Old: >>67399745
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vulpera should be in a better game
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vulpera doms sounding fat tauren cocks while standing on their balls
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Where are the new Li Lis?
that doesn't even make sense you absolute mongoloid
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Need an uncensored of this stat I beg thee assisted exposure is so underrated
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what doesn't
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M...mister do you rly like my cub body so much?
Any more?
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>When Li Li thinks of Hilda paws

References are your friend. It's really hard to explain in words how to make something look appealing from all angles. It's not something every artist can do themselves. You need experience for that.

Just focus on getting one angle nice at first.
Girl be needy
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Horny for Axel.
Will end up getting Charr Brat instead.
I've seen a guy letting a Chihuahua knot his dickhole lately, so I am now fully aware how this isn't as unreasonable as it sounds at first.

Every single major WoW race deserves being put into a better game 2BPH.
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She covets the knot.
He needs a name, and also a sister if possible…
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Yes, she does.
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He'll be siring plenty of brothers and sisters if his mom is still around.
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You just know
Would kind of suck to be Axel as far as you know this bitch is going to eat you.
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It is the sense of danger and the unnaturality of the act that makes it so hot.
>"Well, that escalated quickly..."
hs girl
id play WoW if these were the shills
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Oh no! Li Li has seduced anon!
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I wouldn't mind Li Li seducing me.
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Me neither.
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This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!
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>"I think you need a dick to do that, Sierra."
Kekkest of keks! That might be a problem.
transmorphic tincture sierra plowing li li when?
When someone makes the pic or hires someone else to make it.
they're so cute
This is a problem. I used to be able to commission multiple pics a year but due to the shitty economy I can barely afford one from a particularly cheap artist.
I know your pain, anon. The same happened to me.
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You are fortunate anons. I can't afford even one anymore. It is really hard to find artists who draw well, are willing to draw cub and aren't super expensive.
Don't give up, anons. The economy will get better eventually and the art prize bubble is doomed to burst. There will be a time when the customer is the king again.
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I agree with you. There is an art price bubble. Surprisingly the advent of ai art hasn't affected it that much. In fact many artists have instead hiked up the prices. All I want is a completely vanilla pic of naked adult Li Li.
Practicing worgen how's she looking? Next to practice are cookies >:)
It looks pretty good to me. Keep practicing, anon.
Looks amazing anon keep it up!
You have potential. Keep it up anon.
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That's a nice drawing. I think the worgen below has a bit too short snout but otherwise it is good. Keep drawing more anon..
the worg below is *chefs kiss*
keep it up anon!!
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Thanks for the nice words anons, I felt like I owed you a lineart attempt at something hopefully fapable lol
Kek! That's a solid pic. Thanks for sharing.
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That's incredible
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Great work, anon!
Such a great pose. Her covering her face bashfully is a nice touch. All in all it is a good drawing.
Hot worgussy. 10 out of 10. Would plap.
Keep drawing and honing your skills.
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>EDF6 requires Epic Games to play online
What a shitty day. Good night, /mmog/.
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That kinda sucks. Sleep well, anon.
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>delay edf6
>technically launch in the west a few months ago if you had a singapore sony account
>even had the english dub and eng ui already
>roughly half the missions are lifted from previous titles
>even rehashed with variety, the back to the future meme doesn't work anymore, it's just pure laziness
>online requires EGS
Dead game.
If this is specifically a furry general why does it take up the /mmog/ thread title? Shouldn't it be /mmofg/ or something so an actual MMO general can be made?
It is the MMO board on trash though. Its not specifically a furry board but there is no real point in making a different thread when /aco/ has one.
"nonfurry" one is(or can be) on aco. how new?
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Pretty much.
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They're playing Hearthstone, aren't they? When I was a kid, I used to have an Alienware laptop with a pointy monitor like that.
for you, you whiny faggot
They just can't stop shooting themselves in the foot now can they.
NEED to knot worgen cookieJ rn
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I hate what I've become.
Are you a Worgen?
There still an erp scene/guild in GW2? Was planning to play in the expansion and would like to have a place to get my FHD gaped by large Norn and Charr cocks when i was in the mood.
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And on that day Axel learned to understand girls...
Such knowledge comes with a price, kek.
Tfw you drink the tg potion to escape your horny friends but it turns out they are all bi.
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Out of ten!
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Li Li's questing roleplays are getting very specific.

I'm in danger
you might die from blood loss from the claw marks on your back after this if you're not careful
Gotta do the deed while wearing armor, kek.
The things we do for love...
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>"Come closer, anon. I won't bite."
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Worse a pervert
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Worgen can be perverts.
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>Go, do a crime
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Late night doodlin
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Arigato, c3-kun. Love the touches with the tufts of fur, snub tail, toothies, and floofy hair. Super svelte. Wonder how many times she's grinded a bit on the ridges of her staff.
Nice! Thanks for sharing.
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Why'd she do it?
Excellent work!
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Li Li is pleased that her "innocent" lying around naked with her legs spread has borne result.
Li Li thinks you are a bit rough but she doesn't really mind.
late night fappin
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She wonders if you are ready for a second round.
She is using those secret Pandaren rituals to make her ass elastic enough to take a dick as long as her arms.
Tfw you do so much yoga your body turns into rubber.
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Hello Dunbar
Did you know Bungee Gum has both the properties of rubber and gum?
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Li Li's infatuation with Hilda's long worgen tongue
Love those stockings. Very sensual.
Impregnating gender bent axel with fox kits.
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sloppiest french kiss in warcraft history
rank 1
NEED fresh worgenmanes
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Well atleast we got Helldivers
yes Chromie
Do they ever 69?
Plot twist Hilda isn’t gay.
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