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/heals/ - Healsluts General

Bad healsleeves get the shock collar edition

/heals/: A thread for enjoying kinks in gaming: erp, healslutting, defeat/surrender, prostitution, resourcesluts, wagers, and other kinks typically explored through super cool games like FFXIV, Overwatch, WoW, League of Legends, HoTS, and others.
All roles are welcomed: doms, switches, subs, sluts - DPS, tanks, supports, and healers.

>What's a Heal Slut?
A heal slut is a submissive healer who seeks a dominant, often a Tank or DPS, to devote their all to. They can be bratty, slutty, eager, shy, it doesn't matter. What matters is finding the sexual pleasure in submitting to someone else.

>What if I'm a dominant healer?
Healdoms are also a thing, and are fine in the thread. So long as your focus is on Sub/Dom themes in online gaming your post is fine.

FFXIV /heals/'s syncshell

Last thread: >>67568880
I said no more treds.
And yet here it is. Ur well cum.
Haha get tredded loser
OK I meltie.
What's some good low level slutwear in XIV? Everything I find is horrendous and I'm getting tired of the default miqote skirt even though it's fantastic.
Classic old school slutglam is the colliseum/taffeta gear. Can get crafted version at level 1. There's also the plethora of bikinis you can get.
What's low level? There's always glamour pieces, but nothing actual gear wise until around 44. Then you have the sets from Dzemael Darkhold, slutty bikini armor or lewd dancer type outfit (which looks like what this anon said >>67673097)
If you're a White Mage the 45 Job quest gives you a super slutty skirt, and if you're a healer you can get the tiny booty shorts from Aurum Vale at 47. It might be for casters too.
You could also buy hempen camise and pantalettes. They're basically underwear. The bottom is short shorts, top is skintight, but it looks different per race so that's just the Miqo'te look
I wish Sona had a skin with her tits out
Looks like teenage Sona
I thought that tank slut lizzy might want to meet up today. I guess it's a good thing I didn't get my hopes up. People in these threads are so predictable.
...how old?
Cry cry cry cry
People here do seem a little flaky but not all the time
Would be too OP. I'd never be able to win a lane against her again
aw, would her boobs bouncing up and down make your brain all warm and fuzzy?
Yeah it'd be too much...the temptation to zone out and stare at her tits from across the lane is already hard when she's in a dress with her cleavage out, anything more I wouldn't be able to resist
A little? I've been lurking these threads long enough to know that it's by far the most common scenario. It's quite amusing.
i bet you'd miss so much CS because you'd be too busy ogling the enemy support's tits

that would be really pathetic, anon... losing to a healslut like that
I'm getting enough cs though! It's not like I'm completely afk in the middle of the lane staring in awe at her tits. I'm still picking up enough minions to carry my team later and only really staring when there's no minions around~
I won't say it happens every time because I've gotten to play with people from here before but ye
I still remember this one dom complaining about flakes. After giving them a go, I understood instantly why so many people flaked on them.

A polite reminder that when the world seems full of flakes, it’s probably you.
Oh ya? What was the reason?
desu i just flake on doms sometimes because i like the attention. it makes me happy when they send multiple messages and some of them even beg me to reply.
Any XIV queuesluts itt?
are you the boobie-brained anon that got milked by sona's tits the other day in /lolg/

that was pretty cute anon
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Finished maxing my gatherers!
Fantastic! I could use 100 of each DT timed node, please.
I still need to work on crafting and melding my gear!

>Begging subs
Not real doms
...I can neither confirm nor deny that I'm boobie brained enough to fall for Sona's tricks twice
But losing to her because she bounced her tits at me once doesn't mean I'll lose like that over and over!
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I love my Alphiboy.
Ah, speak of the devil. It's too bad you didn't feel like meeting up. I thought we had a decent exchange yesterday but I guess I was wrong about that. Hopefully you have a better match up in the future and congrats on your gathering.
Ah sorry I didnt respond but I wasnt really sure if we would click until we actually played together and I really didnt want you to start playing the game again after not playing just to hang out with someone you may or may not get along with you know?
I'll settle for 100 Ra'kaznar Ore and Levinsilk then, in the interim.
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whatever you say, anon. but we all know how it would really turn out...
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It’s like on f-list. You look over a profile’s no-list rants and ask yourself, “what is this dom doing that’s making people ghost/block/flake on him?”. It’s pretty easy in most cases to figure it out. There's always a reason.

Unfathomably based. Make the piggies beg for it.

All doms secretly want to be seduced and chased around like nubile maidens.
Definitely not me invading her jungle at level 1, secretly hoping to run into her at the blue buff...~
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I'm already working on a list >.<

... m-maybe after I'm done with this ...
what this for?
All of the gathering and crafting tools. I usually only craft the gear and accessories first and then the tools after.
whats the best way to level gatherers? is it in diadem?
Craft me a girlfriend, please...
Diadem if you hate yourself. Leves and collectables if you want the much faster method. Every 10 levels should be about 2-3 hours at a casual pace.
I just did collectables, GC turn ins, the crafting quests in Tural, and leves from the spare gear chests I had from MSQ.

I dont think my crafting levels is high enough for that, Im sorry :(
have any sisters ever healslutted for a group before? i've only ever healslutted with my duo
Can I cum inside you?
>crafting tools
You only need the gathering tools, you dumb slut. You're not doing any crafting, that's for the smarter players to do.
I have to craft like 6 sets of savage gear next week for my static ;_;

Anon thats not leveling thats just sex
Wow this thread is alive-ish again. A welcome surprise.
Its super nice! I think its probably due to Dawntrail and all of the FFXIV players coming back.
I'm sure they have someone a lot better geared than you are and would have an easier time if you were just a gather slut and a tomestone farming whore. They have more important things to do than gather, so you'd be perfect for that role!
I am excited for my mods to start working again. I had plans to run around Balmung using some freeuse mods and outfits before the expansion broke everything.
Hey >.< I have okay crafting stats! I'm not completely useless ... plus someone needs to make food and pots too
You say they're okay but they're clearly old gear. You only have 5 days until savage so I can only guess how much of a rush it'll be for you. But you do have a point for once. A good cook and potion maker is what any raider needs, god knows I need one too.
Hey Im almost done gathering everything! 5 days is a lot of time too! I can definitely finish before then.
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Why are raen such submissive sluts?
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wow this is way better than diadem. I wish collectables weren't weekly they give so much xp
I suppose that's fair. I had a feeling we'd get along well but maybe I was being overly optimistic. A little heads up would have been nice but I have a feeling you're the type that likes to avoid confrontation or disappointing people.
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You know what's hotter than a healslut? A pregnant healslut.
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does anyone else like bullying low elo losers
Is there still a turtle wow guild?
What do you mean by weekly? Custom deliveries?
There are collectables you can turn in as many as you collect anon...
I meant glamour sorry. Thanks! Out of all these I only got the hempen clothes and they are so basic but I love them already.
>There's also the plethora of bikinis you can get.
Where can I find them anon?
Hot, I totally agree. But like my period is late pregnant or visible belly bump pregnant?
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Relapsing into healslutting in Warframe. Maybe I should do more edits as I give out resources, those seemed popular and even reposted a few times. <3

God bless DE for Ember Hairloom. Not a support, but perfect eye-candy.
that feeling when you really REALLY REALLY want a heal slut but you dont play any FPS, MMOS, or MOBAS
Belly bump kind. Your own personal healwhore in cute maternity outfits doing her best to keep you alive for the sake her child and ready to be ravished afterwards.
A devoted heavily pregnant healslut that keeps healing you because she just knows her tank won't let any harm come to her, not even a single point of damage. It's perfect, the thrill of being kept safe will have her begging for cock just like she did before her womb was claimed months ago.
The marketboard. Where else.

Custom Deliveries are weekly. Collectables are as fast as you can collect them. Do leves while you're waiting for your nodes to pop.
And the kind that will keep getting knocked up time and time again. Rough animalistic fucking in damp caves after having already given birth, her punishment for letting the tank get too low. And then, slow and sensual lovemaking in a cozy field while pregnant as a reward for her full focus.
That's not what I was asking though. You said "After giving them a go, I understood instantly why so many people flaked on them." What was the reason?
Futacat looking to make friends on Dynamis. I like deep dungeons, crafting, treasure hunts and not being raped.
Thoughts on Fu x M? I'd love to shoot a gooey load between you tits while you stroke yourself silly.
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No she would hate that and find it humiliating and foul. But that's okay if your wol thinks no means yes!
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Goood night /heals/ <3
...i wish doms were real...
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Hollvania relay 69 is the de facto strip club now
Shouldn't these guys be fighting for their dictatorship not being prostitutes in an anthro robot game
New gooning spot unlocked
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Does the resource slut have some vaulted relics? If so I'd be happy to clip a leash on the resource slut and drag her around Void Fissure (Kicking and screaming if i must >:3)
As for the edits i could lend a hand with those to
Is Syl#9647 from Turtle WoW still lurking here
Do lots of people still play turtie? Is it fun?
probably the best private server just because it's the closest to true vanilla+:
>extra quests... 1000+ new
>new zones
>new dungeons
>new raids
>transmog with tokens system tied to crafted prof gear (with adjusted token price every 10lvl)
>Guild homes in world with npc, AH etc.
>GM support and anti bot patrols
>Free game with cosmetic donation shop
>4000+ players in one world no sharding
>new prof to level
>new races in vanilla world
>cross faction guild, party, dungeon/raid
>ingame lore based radio station for flavor
>baked in questie addon and addon support (drag and drop)
>new zepp/boat paths and towns all over for both faction
>new loot for old content
>no level bloat with added content
>little to no toxic gatekeeping for high end content
>RP is able to live and thrive which keeps players online and engaged
>many player made challenge modes added like vagrant and pvp warmode (with exp and honor boost)
>AH is full of gold to be made, crossfaction
>player base from all over the world on one server so rarely a "dead" time of day
>new race/class combos
>exp tent gives well rested buff in mere minutes (survival prof from northern stv)
>Guild tabard teleports you to guild home
>DMF is always up rotates weekly, cheap mount for lv 18+
>End game has new tiers of content and diverse choice of raids / dungeons, questing is buffed to the point you could keep going for ages even at 60
>old class tropes are fixed / are adjusted ie. pally can now tank etc.
>every raid has been done by just hybrid classes thats how well balanced it is (all druid molten core etc)
>tonnes of new prof items and cross prof stuff to keep players trading and talking
>LFG without teleporting (warlocks mean alot)
>Gold is easy to make and is spent as you make it (plenty to buy and sell)
>In game events all year round (more than the default)
>multiplayer Mario Kart ingame with prizes (visit the shimmering flats)
>no streamers openly playing atm (not many of the unwashed degen masses lol)
Maybe I should start healslutting in turtie, sounds more fun than Classic
Go for it. The most fun I had was playing a tank in hardcore mode, and the amount of interactivity between hardcore players is really cute. Giving buffs, grouping for quests for multiple hours after just seeing each other in an inn, etc
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Some? I have quite many after being a veteran player.
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Your threadly reminder that heal sluts don't exist.
Judging by how much you traded for it that must be one special ammo drum.
Add me on discord " Fucksow " and lets talk lewd and do lewder. I got a few hours to whip your ass like a workhorse before heading to bed
Ironically it's unironically fucking nyover.
Fuck...I don't exist.
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>Last match had a Soraka who I had to yell at before she levelled a skill other than W
God I want to grab her horn and facefuck that stupid gote until I see stars
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It's nice to receive random /tells while afk waiting for retainers to sell stuff.
Love her.
What did it say?
That I look like I'm made for BBC.
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Is it frowned upon here if I just post a generic bunnygirl or catgirl and claim it as FFXIV?
Wish I got lewd tells

Never know what to put on my plate to attract pervs without being blatant or exposed to my friends
There used to be a /heals/ guild called The Den of Mortal Delights but I think it's gone now
should I resub to wow again bros
I haven't played in like 6 years
i'll probably delete everything and start a new character
No, that's hot as fuck and god I wish I was that (not) miqote being dommed by (not) viera
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Gonna be doing MSQ all night! (unless someone needs a free use fiera queueslut or cumdump something, not like that'll ever happen)
i wanna be a defeatslut i wanna be in bronze i wanna be flamed!!!!!
Sorry anon, didn't notice this and have gone to sleep.
getting flamed is so fucking hot, I reinstalled LoL after abstaining for like a decade but discovered nobody even uses chat now and they just ping you a million times
DC? I could use a fiera as a fucktoy for a bit, would be a nice break from the msq
Come to the quicksands on goblin so I can bend you over one of the tables
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This is a mood
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ugh... fine, not like I was in the middle of something!
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Why does it feel so gooood.. to have a master taking every last gil I make from selling and dungeon dailies, giving me a slap on the ass and telling me to go to the quicksands to earn some more for him. Being used, milked, drained of all of my gil and forced to go earn more for him. Can't buy resources to level my DoH/DoL, can barely even pay for teleport fees to do quests and MSQ... Why does it feel so fucking goood to be used.. I need help.
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Okay well THAT side quest is finished, so maybe NOW I can get back onto MSQ...

Because you like being violated, dummy, and the best way to make that feel impactful in a video game is to fuck with your time and resources
What should I use as my crafting glam
You can get away with a lot of stuff, although that also depends how quickly your friends pick up on it. I would think a heart and wu/t with a flirty portrait that isn't blatantly trying to be lewd does the trick.
>Never know what to put on my plate to attract pervs
Oh this is such a nice idea I hadn't thought about it. How explicit can you get in xiv?
Cute kitty

Sadly they all know about the slang and abbreviations and I even have one friend who routinely looks at AP's. Might just have to go with it and own it at this point

Well there is the Emperor's set which makes you naked so if any people have mods you'd be fully nude
Also seen some people position their chara so it looks like they're giving head or riding with clever positioning of their portrait

What I'm tryna figure out is some mildly suggestive poses and words to invite some more forward pervs into tells
>Also seen some people position their chara so it looks like they're giving head or riding with clever positioning of their portrait
Ohh this! I'm so doing this, thanks for the idea anon~ Now I'll just think up some lewd nonsense and done.
Mmm, I wouldn't mind taking advantage of a little resourceslut~
nothing more fun than meeting a couple healsluts on league and finding out they're the real deal and like being berated. I feel like I can be my true toxic self and just lay into them and they respond by flicking their bean to it. Thank you healsluts. You are appreciated. Please continue to kiss my cock and shake your fat asses for me
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Your healer for this dungeon, and maybe after the dungeon too~
I'd get too distracted cumming down their throat
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>finally going to try turtie wow
>site is down
I wish more toxic carries added sluts post game
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Few of them were comments on my glamour, which I always find odd since my vanilla crafting glam is just basic bitch maid uniform. But one of them was wanting to buy me for ERP.

A few keywords on your plate/search info is enough to tip some people off for those who are interested. So just having a nice glamour to get people to inspect you is the important part, then you add info like a carrd, your Walk up/Tell preferences, your F-list link, etc. Standing around in a popular spot helps; whether it's limsa, S9 or Balmung Quicksands/uldah goonbench. Or just go to 18+ NSFW venues and clubs.

Your plate can also help if you go full slut on it.
Show f-list link? :3
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no healslutting available but a plenty of dancing in the mall
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Uuuuuhhhmm okay maybe I'll just uuumm play on Blizzard's server then....
>blizz is THIS scared of a private server doing what SoD can't
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>find an amazing healslut/RP partner for my orcs on Turtle
>it goes fucking out for god knows how long
it's so over
It's time to come back to classic era.
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>for my orcs on Turtle
God I wish that were me...
>When the team's healer has a crush on you and let's you fuck first
>she always tries to get knocked up by you by letting you blow your load in her first
>come back months later
>still the same bump webm for years being spammed
get new material
Dumb question because fetish brained
Are there any regularly played multiplayer games (mmo preferred) with animal management, like stables n stuff? Barn slut thoughts are running wild, but this is a particular niche in games that isn't usually implemented past a breeding minigame with menu windows
Are you wanting to fuck the animals, or get fucked like an animal?
Fucked like an animal
Also by the animals, not necessarily exclusively
Oh god dude I agree. I'm tired of seeing Pregnant Mercy being posted multiple times. This thread needs to go on indefinite hiatus, it no longer serves a purpose.
XIV kinda has breeding chocobos for racing but it's strictly menu things and past that I don't know of anything like you're asking for. That said xiv does tend to have a lot of people fucking their animals
There's a few, but the main one that comes to mind is Conan Exiles. Since you can tame animals and horses, and have them fight for you, with the same way you can 'tame' human npcs into thralls to do your slave work. There's even a building tileset specifically for stables.

The big problem is actually finding someone else to play Conan with. People really sleep on that game for it's sheer fetish roleplay potential.
It's the issue with having to buy or run your own server and with how the mod updates for that work it always ends up breaking the server so it needs almost constant supervision.
I want to be fucked like an animal but by an orc
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You can run a coop save with just 2 people easily enough, and the mod issues are mostly a case of "don't run 50+ mods or you need to keep ontop of them." But yeah, I know that pain very well. It's by far my favourite RP game, but it has some real jank holding it back.
Turtle needs to come back so I can keep levelling my human paladin
Turtle looks fun but man, actual WoW has so much customization now
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But still no true x-faction experience
Yea thats what most of the content like it is
I'll have to look more into it, I tired to use 7DTD for something like that before and it didn't end up working too well. Completely forgot about Conan, helps that there is some base gameplay close to this already
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It's not the first time they have had issues like this. I hope it works out! I've had fun on there over the years.

I've had black desert suggested to me for its horse breeding system. I've not tried it myself, but I've been told it's horse girl approved.
yeah but it doesn't get hacked either
True... at least the passwords weren't plaintext like certain other servers
I can't play high elves in normal wow though
and the blood elves have so little customization
I hate this
Oh neat, didn't know that game had some horse minigames
are you going to try marvel rivals?
You can be a blue eyed blood elf with a TRP profile that says you're a high elf!
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I wish they'd bite the bullet and do full cross-faction. I've been wanting to let an orc warrior / shaman / hunter treat my main like an animal for a while.
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Your service is appreciated bumpslut.
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<3 I'm just happy that /heals/ is finally back to normal.. ish.
><3 I'm just happy that /heals/ is finally back to normal.. ish.
Do you ever get bumped yourself?
Do nyot post my cyat
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Remember that catgirls are always free use
But your cat has a penis!
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Sorry tank-chan, Shtola is busy! Go level crafting or something
Yup! Found a few amazing doms too, I only wish I had more time in the dom for them and to farm more resources.
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This pentamelding shit has me getting hooked on gathering and crafting... might start edging for every failed meld at this point
Feels good when you only end up wasting a couple materia compared to having to go through hundreds to pentameld
Nailed a 7% first try then burned 12 trying to meld a 10%

First time pentamelding and it just feels like agony
thought i'd come here to find some mercy healsluts but it's all mmo fags gross
I'm still in my pentamelded gear from endwalker and it's been hanging on pretty well so far. Just working on leveling everything up to 100 before getting my crafting gear and gathering gear all up there.
Not my fault they made overwatch fully pay to dress up

Woulda kept playing but I'm not shelling out more money to blizz for cute skins
I only have overwatch 1 sorry.
I love dick but fuck if Mercy isn't boring to play. I'd rather have someone to flirt with while I play Mei
i subbed to wow after like 6 years because i was horny and now i have no idea where to start
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I'm a good girl
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Back to MSQ, I may have gotten distracted and spent hours milking anon's cock last night but TONIGHT I'm gonna LOCK IN and make PROGRESS

Captcha: M0VTH
Need lewd crafter slutglam
One of my loads and nothing else.
any anons on siren on xiv here?
Sounds hot but I can't reflect that in the game yet
Adamantoise for me
Are there any healsluts in XI/XIV/WoW?
Like half the thread is FF14, XI is hard to find people to play with, and there's not much WoW rep in this thread (a few people on Turtle) but there's always tons of horny people on Moon Guard
Adorable cat!!
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Yeah she's cute. I'm a bit more partial to this one though.
Maybe it's a good day to adopt some stray cats from the animal shelter?
>Taking the healer by the hand and leading her to the party she needs to heal thoroughly
There's lots of them here (including me) so that's probably not a bad idea...
Any Overwatch healsluts that wanna duo on NA? Preferably a cute Mercy.
That's a good point. Cats can get lonely as well so maybe I should adopt 2.
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I'm leveling damage jobs! I don't have time to glrk glrk every bratty DPS that slides into my /tells...
I have personally done very fun erp by having me and another cat tend to someone else so that's a very good idea.
Thank youuuu

Gonna be posting her tiddies in the xiverp forum in a lil bit :3
I want to pull this cat into a sloppy lesbian kiss
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Getting a party member to help the healer!
I should get into modding 14. How hard is it? Is there a guide that even dumb healsluts can follow?
Its super easy! Here is a guide someone made to get started: https://reniguide.carrd.co/
>Become your true you
Yeah, I think I will~ Thank you anon!

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