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General rules
- Posts that are made with the sole intent of bumping the thread are discouraged.
- PLEASE DELETE YOUR BUMPS. If you don't know how then please look at the FAQ on 4chan.
- No arguing about the state of the thread, there's a time and place for everything but not right now, please take it somewhere else.
- No seconding. This isn't a popularity contest of who has the best requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report, hide it and move on.
- Don't enable trolls with their 'counter' requests
- Don't ask for a break or to wait "weeks/months/years".
- Feel free to post anything that gets done to the booru for others to find later (like that's going to happen).
- New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit or bumped off/deleted.
- A revision of (or addition to) the rules need a general consensus. Start your discussion around a moment this thread reaches the bump limit.

The Booru:
- Feel free to post your deliveries there

For Edits and Coloring go here:

For other Drawthreads on /trash/:

Previous thread:
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>How do I request?
- Start your post with "Requesting" or "/r/".
- Provide names and image references in a single post.
- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Check the booru to see if your request was done.
- If you can't find your delivery, then check the desuarchive.

>What CANNOT be requested here?
- Grotesque images, including:
*Anything containing the words "rugae", "cervix", "teratogenic" and "partialism" in the body of a post
*Anything gore
*Scat in the context of gore and/or vore
*Anything involving male horses both feral and anthro (we have a new Redblood)
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What if I want to start drawing?
- Check these resources for beginners:
- More resources if you need more help:
- Go here>>>/ic/If you fell for the Loomis meme
- When asking for requests: Post a sample of your work and mention what you prefer to draw.
- Also ask for help in the Drawing Improvement/Progress Thread:
- Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
-No enabling "counter-requesters"
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Requesting a picture with the American solider rescuing the antelope damsel, carrying her bridal style. Bonus points if you also include dead anthro terrorists in the background.
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/r/ing my mouse boy OC in the outfit on the right; Joshua Graham's armor with the 1st Recon Beret (either on his head or tied around his neck hanging off his back) with the lucky shades and either standing menacingly flashing his knuckles and equipped brass at the camera or in a fight-ready pose with Love and Hate on his hands
Requesting Furudo Erika giving a small, uncut, tan-skinned penis a very happy and teasing footjob (not a race or age thing, I'm just trying to self-insert)
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Requesting Muffet as a futanari with an ovipositor penis like this one
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Requesting Bianca getting fucked by a human like in the reference.
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Requesting dirty Ulm girl getting bred by Xibalba frog girl's futa cock, and then cleaning it up with her mouth
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Requesting Hellene in her bikini giving an anon a titjob
who's this chick from?
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Requesting Jezzel (left) giving an anthro husky dude a footjob like the pic on the right. Keep her feet humanoid and have her tits be the size they are in the pic on the left and have her enjoy it please.
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Requesting Futa Blaze the Werecat fucking Rouge the Werebat doggystyle.
nice filename bro
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Requesting June Way wearing only her hat, panties, fishnet leggings/stockings, and pasties on her nipples
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Requesting embrace sex with the cyclops witch from forest of the blue.
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Requesting Carrot in her beast pirate outfit fucking a human in the amazon position.
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Requesting Cyrus from Freedom Planet 2 (left) as Cyrus from Trailer Park Boys (right). He can be in the outfit and doing the pose on the right.

If you can't get the sunglasses to fit him then no need to draw them, same with the gun if you can't draw that.
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Requesting furry Pitou having hand holding missionary sex with a human. She can be more eastern furry looking if you want as long as she has a bit of a snout.
Requesting Stella getting hate fucked by tentacles
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Requesting Sarah happily granting an anon's wish to make love to her.
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Requesting Radarr sand Lark from 'Storm Hawks" having sex while in the bath.
Thanks, alliteration is fun.
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Requesting the dude impregnating the girl in this position: https://files.catbox.moe/ssf0g0.png
With a big cumshot
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Requesting Matatabi from Naruto (on the left) and Kokuo also from Naruto (on the right) anthropomorphized and female. I don't care what clothes you put them in but keep them at least as busty as they are in the reference. If you choose to draw clothes, choose colors close to the ones on their refs.
Kokuo ref: https://files.catbox.moe/ysxq1v.png
Matatabi ref: https://files.catbox.moe/vouaxc.png
Also Matatabi: https://x.com/campos_art/status/1777446555525464420
Full res of attached image: https://files.catbox.moe/ymohj8.png
Requesting Iridessa from Disney Fairies posing like Maria Rivera, optionally getting fucked
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Requesting any one of the felynes presenting themselves as picrel, preferred the palico to be clothed from their refs but Im fine with nude.
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Requesting Scooby Doo Anthrofied, no collar, and with nipples humanoid penis Doing a Doggystyle on Daphne nude, no head bands, and with Hyper Breasts and Wide hips, impregnates her, and she has 2 baby boys with their father's tail and breastfeeds them while Scooby watches in full color please
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Requesting lewds of Faltoga having sex with Mana Tank from the Sequel series, despite being from a hentai game and that she wants Mana Tank to be her husband she has never gotten any CGs in any of the games since she's treated as a joke character and doesn't even have lewd fan art, somebody please break the curse.
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Requesting Hedgeshock the Erinaceroid (character on the left, from the Megaman series) but anthro like the middle and right images and bustier. Character is canonically female, so big tits and a big ass are appreciated.
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Requesting Lammy riding a human while Rammy is facesitting him with him eating her out while Rammy and Lammy are also holding hands and kissing each other.
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Requesting wholesome lewds of this hunter and his female palico.
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Requesting a embrace missionary sex with a larger and chubby Hdoom mancubus.
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Requesting these harem duck girls pleasuring/servicing a human male.
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Requesting this otter lady giving a human male some head or fucking him with her on top.
Requesting either Torakaka or Taokaka giving a titjob to a horse, like the bottom pic.
Cum is a plus, especially all over their tits and face like the ref.

(Somehow I posted but it didn't appear?)
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Requesting Alaric (right) knocking up fem Keith (left) in either the leg glider position or the spoon position. I'd like them both to be completely naked and for Alaric to have a big humanoid dick and big balls.

Ref for the positions:
Leg glider - https://files.catbox.moe/301kvd.png
Spoon - https://files.catbox.moe/5lv5t4.png
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Requesting this Kirby OC getting fucked vaginally by Kirby (who has a big dick)
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Anchoring for that anon's WIP wolfgirl reference.
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Requesting my hotel bellhop/maid bat running with someone's suitcase in hand.
Like in a funny cartoon spaz kinda way. Provided general pose reference for what I'm thinking of.
Requesting my nature kitsune teaching my cactus hyenacat how to read.

In short, they're casually laying together on the grass, each reading books. He's using her butt as a pillow, and reaching backward to hover his book upside-down in front of her face to ask for help with sounding out a certain word. The word, of course, is "ill-it-er-ate".
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Requesting Evil Eye giving Scorn a buttjob and tailjob combo.
Requesting truffle pig arresting disco sheep and confiscating her magic truffles.

The former wearing a police vest or tag on her harness that says "L.A.R.D.", like the pig cops from DN3D.

The latter hiding her drugs in her afro, or pockets she shaved into her leg wool.
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Requesting Isabelle in this dress getting fucked by the male villager with him groping one of her breasts.
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Requesting Jumpa (female kangaroo) and Kitsune (female fox) from DC Super Hero Girls getting fucked silly.
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Requesting Eunicestein presenting her ass
Requesting pin-up of the Sports Bird from Ninten. Switch Sports in either outfits.
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Requesting pic related but it's Krystal from Star Fox. Have her wear the outfit, keep the big tits, everything, please.
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Requesting this mouse girl getting buttfucked this way
Requesting a pinup of Boodica with her boobs out, but still having her lorge muscles.

The Dog Knight RPG pic is just a bonus ref in case you need it for how the boobs would look on a big swole babe like Boodica. Her nipples would be teal like in the third pic and the 4th pic is an idea for a pose..
Requesting Amber from Space Leaper: Cocoon getting fucked silly and creampied (vaginal).
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Requesting her breasts busting up a bra with them ending free. Or if it's too complicated her with a very "small" bra but it’s just her boobs being too big for it.
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Requesting Alphys pissing into the swimsuit in the pic, any position is okay.
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Requesting follow up with Cleo being very pregnant, she is from Animal Crossing
Suggested pose https://e621.net/posts/4421803
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Requesting Nerd Rouge jogging during gym class without a bra, making her breasts flop about and her nipples stick out through a sweat-soaked shirt.
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Requesting the this otter lady(right pic) giving the bara canine guy(left pic) some road head
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Requesting these three girls in an orgy with Giga Chad.
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Requesting Krystal and Carmelita giving a human a double titjob.
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Requesting TMNT's Sheena taking a nice hot shower.
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Requesting a redo of the comic displayed on the right but the characters are adults(references on the left)
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Requesting a short comic where Penny gets possessed by Curious Cat and they enjoy her body. Preferably with one panel showing off their ass.
>furcuck mass quoting all requests asking for a human/anon again like a schizo
We get it, you're so delusional with your fursona self inserting that you see hmofa as NTR against you like the paranoid retard you are.
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requesting a guy/anon who was captured/washed up on the amazon's island being given to the amazon's giant female kangaroos who have big thick ass and are pinning him down and fucking him
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Requesting a summery picture of Zahra, being fucked silly while in a bikini
Counter-requesting giga-Chad getting ass-fucked by a horse
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Requesting mouse Jas getting prone boned by her human farmer husband with him grabbing her furry little butt.
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Requesting a romantic sequel pic to the picture on the left, were the picture of the cow on the right is wearing a skimpy bathrobe us embracing the bear(the one on the left) and is saying: "Of course I will love you, I always love you and will love you forever you big dumb oaf."
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Requesting a two-panel drawing of Kindred Wolf devouring massive amounts of roasted chicken and beer stacked on a table in some tavern, while the second panel shows Kindred Lamb standing alone in the woods, grabbing her swelling stomach with both of her hands, with her pupilless eyes wide from shock and sad eyebrows, face sweating. Her legs are buckling and shuddering under the weight of her expanding stomach. Her speech bubble reads "Oh no, not again *uuuurp* That fool... He forgot about our bond! He's going to make it burst this time, isn't he? *ulp*", Wolf is not bloated/fat, Lamb's swollen stomach looks stretched and is the size of a 9 months preg one, has a navel, no mouth or pupils.
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Requesting Rivet wearing this jacket getting prone boned by a human
Requesting it being a human cowboy she's hugging instead.
Counter requesting the human farmer in handcuffs for pedophila and getting beaten by two cop
More of qwarkfag's spam
Both of you fuck off.
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Requesting this fake "Wendy" doll or puppet but sexy, maybe someone flirting with it over the real Wendy or having sex with an oversexed version
This is the only sprite of her that exists in the whole series and a drawing of it would the be the first art piece about it ever
Requesting Snake-Eyes Poplar (a Yu-Gi-Oh/Yugioh monster, official art is the first 2 images on the left) spreading her pussy with heart pupils in her eyes.
These are on my radar/to do list.

Not exactly a lot of options for these sorts of requests, but really I've seen far worse threads. Check out the big generals on /vg/ sometime and you'll realize we actually have it pretty good here, despite the "thread personalities." I for one have no intention of going anywhere.

The artist is ZaHoggu, https://www.furaffinity.net/view/57105359/
>They're all gone
>Gone, reduced to atoms...
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Requesting the manga panel with Ankha.
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Requesting Tonerico and Hitoshi having passionate love making sex with them hugging and kissing.
>"What is previous thread?"
oh hey, thanks for reminding me
yeah, it's a good blaze pic
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Requesting a pregnant Jill (Alfa995's OC on the left side of the picture attached) in the same pose as the pregnant woman to the right of the attached picture
More Jill references:
>My balls.... are strong!
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Requesting white-furred cuntboy ralsei embarrassed and desperately peeing like the kobold reference provided. He should be leaning on a tree in the field of hopes and dreams instead of a wall.
he should have a pussy but do not give him breasts.
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Requesting my wyvern. Also what the fuck happened to the last thread? it was short lived someone forgot to deleat his bumps?

>scales and horns are golden, his underscales (belly and chest) are silver and he has (slighly lighter-colored) frills all along his body starting in his head, he has frills on the back of his legs and has 2 more sets of frills in his tail one of each side (not counting the ones already on the top of his tail that is the same set as the ones in his body and head) this frills become larger at the tip of his tail, giving him a little "arrow" or "plane" appearance. His sclera is bright green and his pupil black. I think that's all thankyou

Also requesting Zubeia, opening her mouth for you to cum over her tongue (maje it a POV)
Requesting Toriel from undertale, already pregnant and cocooned to the wall while a chestburster emerges from her chest.
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Yumi Akiyama lying down with a big relaxed smile on her face, around her mouth and lips there is a group of really tired looking micros with worried expressions masturbating and cumming on her massive braces. This as Yumi tells them "You said you wanted to coat them all, and you better do it before dinner or you are going to be dessert"
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Requesting cat girl Aisha from Monster Hunter getting fucked by a human hunter with him grabbing her big furry butt like in the reference.
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Requesting my chimp detective/vigilante waifu chilling in a zoot suit
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requesting cat noir being fucked by pepe le pew
bonus for cat noir having a white paint stripe down his back to play up pepe's whole gimmick
requesting Sassparilla, Retsuko, and Nut on a bed wearing lingerie like the reference picture
Why's the cat's pussy so fucking fat
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Requesting an anime Dot version of the right pic.
Requesting this bunny Modeus having sex with a human reverse cowgirl style.
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Requesting Blueberry getting fucked by an anon like in the reference.
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/r/ing for a genderbent Rafel wearing the bondage harem outfit on the right.
Additional refs and image of Rafel here: https://imgur.com/a/Qq8AupK
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Requesting Yuky-Pak in the style on the left, cursed with big breasts in the situation on the right from enchanted nipple studs
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Sorry for sketch, but that's all I can do
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Requesting Para-Dice from Oban Star Racers giving a buttjob to an anon and causing him to cum. Please give her a smug expression.
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Requesting Rivet having wholesome sex with a human like in the reference.
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Requesting a sequel and internal shot of the symbiote situation

Thinking like, being merged into her booba and gorging on her breast milk while she protests, feeling him sucking and tonging her areolas from the inside and expanding to make them grow to make her blush and moan and there’s nothing she can do about it while they’re stuck together
Requesting Chel as a furry panther girl riding a caucasian human's cock with her enjoying it.
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/r/ing this girl getting her night rocked by a handsome young man that'll make her feel several years younger and happy again
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Requesting anything of Lizzie. just anything, whatever you want. i really like her and she doesn't get enough art. thanks
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Requesting the rhino girl having rough pelvis breaking amazon position sex with the bunny creature.
Requesting Goku in a mental Great Ape humanoid hybrid form like the one seen during his Super Saiyan 3 transformation with a humanoid uncut erect cock standing in a full body draw.
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Requesting this meme with either Alopex or Mona smoking.
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Not OR but godDAMN that's good shit
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Requesting picrel but with a busty female Yoshi.
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Gwendolin (Bloons TD 6) nude bed invitation (though a jammie variant would be appreciated). https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=bed+bed_invitation
requesting a venus mommy with hairy armpits, pussy, and a treasure trail with a sinister grin sitting on the edge of a bed with cum drooling out of her pussy. a manly man is in the background cleaning off his still-hard, giant cock. the mommy says "be a good boy?" the image is from the perspective of mommy's good boy who has his left hand around his hard, tiny little cock.
please draw the woman with dark hair, red or brown nipples, and a fat pussy.
thanks in advance and I hope everyone has a great day
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Requesting a marble fox version of Kayoko from Blue Archive, either in her evening dress or nude spreading for the viewer
>Not exactly a lot of options for these sorts of requests
You'd be surprised how many people who want drawings lurk in threads / generals for specific franchises or characters, and those seem to be alot less hectic than the drama in these draw generals. If what you're posting goes against that's boards rules, there's always catbox.

>Check out the big generals on /vg/ sometime and you'll realize we actually have it pretty good here, despite the "thread personalities."
I disagree, but you do you. As far as I see it, the /trash/ and /b/ drawthreads are some of the worst, perhaps followed by the /v/ and /co/ ones. Surprise, surprise, its always the same few people ruining it for everybody else.

>I for one have no intention of going anywhere.
At least you have a thick skin, for that I am thankful.
I guarantee if you post this in one of the many Bloons threads on /v/ you will get it faster. If you manage to get Goatboy to draw it, you basically got the highest quality possible.
I'd rather not request outside of drawthreads, but I guess there is no harm in linking to my request here. I'll give it a try once I spot an active thread there, thanks!
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Requesting Madame Marsupial getting fucked by a human male.
OR and this is great stuff also I don't mind
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Requesting a character named "Gato" presenting his ass like the image on the bottom right, except he's laying on his back, before getting fucked by a short human
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Requesting this buff moth named "Lionel" being fucked by a human missionary style while staring at the ceiling with the human burying their face in his pecs or sucking/licking his nipples
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Requesting Meng having intense sex with a human scratching his back as she's clinging to him with her claws unable to control herself.
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Requesting Daena from Legend of Mana in heat riding the male protagonist's cock while having him pinned down.
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Not OR, but more art like this please, just drawnons having fun doing requests.
Not OR but that looks like a normal horse dick, impressive you actually gave her the 6 arms and hands tho
Requesting the Shantae image on the right but with Kali Belladonna and Adam Taurus instead
it looked harder than it actually was
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requesting an anon/human guy getting shrunk down and dropped into a tank with a horny female feral rat or multiple rats that have large asses/hips from experiments and they jump him for frantic animalistic sex
if you do color it could also make the guy an albino
>we have a new Redblood
What happened to the old Redblood?
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Requesting an "instant loss-TF" with a policewoman telling the viewer he's under arrest or something, and getting SNAPPED into an angry-but-submissive doberman anthro in a kneeling or begging pose.

Some torn remnants of her uniform would be nice but not necessary.
He uses the ai threads now.
Make sense
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Requesting cunnilingus with Robyn & Mebh from Wolfwalkers.
Nice thanks for it! But yes like it was said I doubt that people can tell that’s something other than a horse cock, what’s your draw name I swear I have seen your art before
zan_logemlor, i was trying to follow the refs as best i could but its basically a horse cock anyway so w/e
Oh yeah I have seen your art before, a lot of /mlp/ stuff, but you weren’t who I was thinking of. Thanks again!
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Requesting Dinah getting fucked by Alain in the full nelson position, also preferably vaginal.
a BTD6 version of the which chipmunk is getting the best head meme. but it's Quincy Etienne and Benjamin receiving head from Gwendolin, Rosalia and Adora respectively
requesting a BTD6 version of the which chipmunk is getting the best head meme. but it's Quincy Etienne and Benjamin receiving head from Gwendolin, Rosalia and Adora respectively
Hey bros I'm gonna go take a fat piss, hold the fort
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Requesting Liese having hand holding sex with her human husband with her on top. (she's canonically married to one)
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Requesting Judy getting prone boned by an anon at the beach.
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Requesting Surge the Tenrec raping a guy in the amazon position, preferably with a crazy smile like she's really enjoying it.
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Requesting a busty Maid Marian wearing only a pair of England flag panties, no headdress.
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glad you like it. will be around delivering most nights.

Not OR, cute!
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Anchoring Moogle rq for visibility in case I forget.
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Requesting Stella from Snoot Game with Zoe from Monster Prom hanging out together like besties watching some anime.
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Why do you people keep feeding that greedy faggot? This nerd Rouge shit has honestly gone stale and is getting annoying.
Rouge the bat is a good (and sexy) character. From the perspective lf one cartoonist that drew the titjob
Thread has been scraping nothing but bottom barrel requests since August 2016, why are you still here?
OR here. Thanks!
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Requesting the left pics (or just the cumshot version) with Mae
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Requesting Polina Polie from Rolie Polie Olie (this design and not her canon one with stretchy limbs) standing outside of a doorway with a sign that reads "Robo-Brothel" with a massive load of jizz pouring out of her pussy. She has an exhausted look on her face and is exclaiming "Oooooooh, what a day!"
its a really good idea, I hope he makes more
OR here, I love it. Thank you.
Cute and nice work, thanks man
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not sure what else to add in or fix so here it is.
usual deal: if anyones got opinions let me know
Requesting a big werewolf woman grabbing anon's head, forcing it between her thighs, and fucking his face like her life depended on it. All while she's lost in the feelings, and anon busts a nut from being facefucked.
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Requesting Kitty Katswell with huge tits, riding a chubby guy's cock while saying;
>Ready to give up that information now?
Not OR but yea I got opinions alright!!
It looks nice for what it is and I hope you keep up on developing your skills uwu <3
This is just awful, why don't you just go back to /aco/? You've been here for like a year and still haven't improved. It's pretty sad how it takes you so long to churn out mid tier art at best.
>retard trying to push artists away
Show me what requests yours are and we'll see if they're not mid as well.
shut up hmofa
why is he complaining anyway? I did the request as asked (giving a guy a bj)
Because he likes to be a dick for no reason.
Quit using me as a scapegoat you stupid faggots, why do you take every accusation at face value?
I just want to see her getting some thick loads on her braces.
does it have to be human or can it be Mobian? (leaning more to latter)
I'd prefer for the guy to be a human please
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Requesting Leggy Peggy and Barbara working at the heavy petting zoo
Personally I would prefer human, but if you plan on drawing it you are the one with the final decision in the end of the day. Also if it is of any interest makes her brush her teeth with the cum would make it extra hot.
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looking for someone to draw my fursona
where penis
imagine the dick however you want but he's a bottom
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Requesting this poodle babe being fucked doggy style, naked
>rouge with gold stuff. gold lilstick marks
Holy nipples batman
holy fucking shit, love how this turned out!
OR here, thank you! that gold must've been a pain to do but it looks so good
Requesting Vanilla and Cream in these bunnysuits giving an anon a paizuri/naizuri combo.
requesting these two werewolves fucking
how did you know I was a bottom
May I have the source of that comic, please?
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Requesting these two old childhood friends having sex with each other for the first time.

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Requesting this fox and badger couple fucking
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requesting the frog/creeper girl impregnated by an transparent alien tentacle
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requesting glamour looking back as she present her pussy and lays giant eggs while asking to make more
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Requesting this older Foxy Loxy naked and spreading her pussy open
>No braces loxy
What is even sexy about her?
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requesting Marie in a much lewder/upgraded Lappy costume with a fat ass, wider hips, and a large canine sheath/balls being embarrassed by the new suit, but sticking to staying in character and acting out as Lappy the character teasing and showing off his new assets
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Requesting Golden Girl as a Bloons monkey
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Requesting these Harem Duck Ladies(pic on the left, high res ref: https://files.catbox.moe/u0x7yt.png https://files.catbox.moe/bb87l8.png) pleasuring/being pleasured by the T-Rex Hunk(pic on the right, high res ref:https://files.catbox.moe/rhf749.png )
Scene refs:
Requesting Werewolf Colleen naked and with dripping pussy

Please keep her collie ears instead of the wolf ears
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Requesting these three western military wolf guys(bottom) fucking the three hot goat chicks(top) like in this scene: https://files.catbox.moe/fsdsnl.jpg
These are the shittiest requests I've ever seen
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Requesting draw Bronwyn passionately making out kissing with her mother Pat like the following bottom picture.

And caption the dialogue like this:
Bronwyn:Thanks mom again. You're the best!
Pat:You're welcome, sweetie.
If I had to take two chicks and make them into sunny miami dolls, who would you pick? Bonus points if they’re kind of rude or bratty though they don’t necessarily have to be if you think of someone else.
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Requesting these two pig women naked and sunbathing
Sharon Spitz?
Brandy from Brandy & Mr. Whiskers.
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not fucked silly but some lewd girl, love the character.

Sorry anon, deleted socials since it was cringe looking at the followers not passing the lame double digits, and i'm more happy just drawing and delivering for 1 anon or various.
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Requesting someone fix this breach of rule 34
the game may be slop but some good could still come of it with some human female/feral jackalope smut

reference material

if you want a hyper specific request then this pose
with some cheeky snark from Enki about her game not selling too well
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Requesting Kalypso fucking a human in the amazon position.
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Requesting this princess-turned-dragoness naked and raising her tail to offer her new dragon bits to the knight/viewer
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/r/ futa toriel busting a fat load through her dress hands-free or masturbating.
bonus for ahegao
-no promises but what background?
-Already have a delivery but did ya want a similar bikini to the one in the pic?
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Requesting a male Tortoise fucking a female Hare after he won a race against her. Like in the original story but with sex
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Requesting Krystal having sex with Captain Falcon, bonus points if you also have Fox or Wolf catching them in the act.
>what background
Transparent/none, please.
Or just use either the snowy one or the grassy, whicever you fancy.
God thank you so much! Such a cutie bimbo! Artist name?
I actually have 2 requests that's I'll just mention at the same time, as they're both with the same theme due to being based on a pose from the exact same pic that's seen here:
>a female Palico exposing a male Palamute's tIght unused asshole
>imp-Midna doing the same thing to wolf-Link
its not hard not far to reach, new thread new thread, got it here
get back to where you once belonged
Nah, you're being a faggot and I don't wanna listen
and you're a newfag who's never been on this board up until like 2019, fuck off, I dont need to listen to you
Nah you're giving me too much credit, I discovered this place like last year :3c
for the love of god please go back to r/195 and dont bother me
Not him but please lurk more.
You should go out more, big boy~ :3
Why? :c
I do go out :3 I can see the World Trade Center from my roof :3 and where do you live? :3 the middle of nowhere? :3
Oh! :3 I'm on my way, mashallah! :3c <3 <3 <3
Because your ignorance of how things work here is showing and its making you look like an annoying idiot who just fell off the turnip truck on your way here from Reddit. Which given the high likelihood that you're just trolling right now is probably intentional. That's the last I'll say on the subject, I'm not going to waste any more of my time on you or keep making the thread worse than its already gotten.
baruch ata adonai eloheinu melech haolam
Inshallah habibi <3 it doesn't matter if it's YHWH or Allah, we will all be equal in his eyes one day! >w<

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