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Welcome to the 4chan Pokeverse RP thread!

Lily Pad Edition

Previously: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67570825

[ Starting Guide:https://rentry.org/PokeversePrimer ]
[ Pokemon Open Guide:https://rentry.org/ThreadBattleSystem ]

Q: I want to [activity with Pokemon I am unsure about] / [Pokemon] is making advances I am unsure about
A: Just talk to them already

Disclaimer: There are straight and gay pokephilia threads. Direct your porn dumps there, not here.

Question of the day: What's your favorite biome?
(thank you)

>It is, admittedly, not an idea Walker would’ve thought of
>But, yes
>It’s not like he’s changing his demeanor or anything
>So Taner can continue doing his thing

>might take a minute to respond, but eveeeentually

/>Oh heya Taner!
/>You must be desperate, huh? Don’t take that as a complaint though it’s fiiiine.
/>I was getting bored so really it’s perfect timing.
/>Oh, man. You’re telling me I don’t even have to fly across the globe for you? Because that’s awesome.
/>And are we just throwing a dart at the map here? How about lake Valor?
I don't know, I guess forests?


>Oops, he did it again
>Doro also seems a bit somber
>Something about ghosts and hitmen threatening his friends just puts a damper on his mood
"You said it."
>They all stand up, guess it's about time they go.

>Doro just wants to feel helpful
>The Pasta region
(Thanks, good afternoon!)

>So he does have a sense of humor, sometimes!
"He was always pretty determined with his training, guess that hasn't changed."

>Doro shakes his head
"Oh don't worry about me, right now we gotta think about everyone's safety!"

(Good luck!)

>Her teasing gets a blush and a smile out of him.
"Hehe... yeah, bet it would come as a shock to them if they found out."
>Makes sense, even Doro's a bit overwhelmed by how much fame he's gotten in such a short time.
>Doro nods, aware of her dislike for Taner. He's about to move on from that subject, but she beats him to it.
>Yet again, Doro's blushing, twiddling his claws as she tugs at his collar.
"Oh yeah, that..."
>She can feel the embarrassment eminating from the dark fox.
"I, uh, I guess all his teasing was getting to me a bit. You know how Beryl is."
>He meets the witch's gaze while her tendril grips his collar.
"Even without the... murderous ghost memory thing, I was going to ask your permission before anything else. If you say no, that'll be the end of it."
>He's glad for that, though it's clear he's still a little bit nervous.
"Either that, or I figured maybe there's some way all three of us could, uh, do something?"

(I'm certainly not against participating)
(Though yeah a 4-way rp could be tough)
(If it's easier I could always just be there for the intro and have Sheik leave once the fun starts)
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I don't exactly give a shit about being famous, neither does Blazy. Jim... I mean, do you see him as a movie star? He likes researching stuff, reading, haunting libraries, he's not a showoff. There's nobody in our group really interested in being a star.
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Maybe an archipelago.
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I don't know if I count as famous, but I had to do a lot of signing and interviews, plus it's kinda inconvenient when people would crowd around me when they saw me so I don't blame any of you for not wanting to be famous.

look at he go
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I am a city person, frankly.
But I also like archipelagos.

>Uproarious laughter is not in his calm, collected and graceful style
>Until he can not contain it anymore, that is
>"Time already I give Otto the opportunity to travel. Daniel already gave us the yes."

>Back to the somber mood
"All the most important things are in a safe place, already."
>The safe
>The safe that will be then at the bottom of a sinkhole
Winter! Or "field." Like, whatever a lot of the Routes are. Especially places like Ringtown. Like whatever biome is in this picture here!

>Taner can wait those few minutes
>In a twist, he only responds to about half of that, things must really be serious
\>Not this time, though I am planning on flying across the globe myself
\>I can fly to lake Valor, I'll be there soon

>And we can wait on the rest of that until after the Al RP if you like lol

Forests are nice!

An archipelago?

Okay, fair, but maybe he'd become a famous researcher, what about that? He's probably the expert on certain things! But yeah, nobody in my group is really interested in being a star ether, not even Star! Though I could see Lightspeed doing well with the spotlight...

The moment right before evolution?

I like cities a lot, especially the way they look, but sometimes being in the city is a bit too much, depending on the city...
>What would that do
>Or do you mean for AC

(So this was gonna take place in the castle basement, right?)

(Thanks, good evening!)

(I think we might end up doing what Beryl suggested: Two different 3way scenes, First: Celly me and you, and then another session with Beryl instead)

>Since Daniel isn't a Furret yet and Sharon isn't a Mismagius, neither will be able to transfer. And since neither have a big bird to fly on, they'll have to do this old style
>Which means it might take them a few hours to get back to Daniel's place
>Meaning it's dark by the time they get there
>Just timeline stuff
>Anyway, with Becky, Doro, and everyone else working together, it won't take long at all
>But the truck they use gets filled fast, they'll have to make another trip for the rest of the stuff. Namely, the safe.
>Eh, they can probably do that tomorrow morning, right?
>Time to rent a room at Daniel's hotel of choice
>Surely nothing bad will happen during that specific night
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZRKjY9NijY&t=5s
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(Probably before Sharon, Daniel, and the others all rush back to the castle, but with Sharon aware that there will be some visitors, but not aware of where they came from (I don't think Sharon knows about Lut, exactly, but probably suspects something anyway with Oceana no longer needing to be at the castle), and with the idea that they won't be disturbed there by anyone, with everyone having teleport stones so they can also just teleport out at any time (other than Kauket, of course, though Oceana does have two extras on her person just because))
A bit too much, yes.
Have you ever felt a need to drop everything and run into the nearest wilds?

>Curious, I thought Sharon would do like her usual attire and be a Chandelure
>All trucks and planes for the humans
>And Emil, and Ammy, and even Eff for finding things in tight places
>They will not be deterred by how deep their home sank
>The safe is safe
>For now
>Or is it?

>Daniel will choose to rent an hotel room in nearby Nacrene
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Not the wilds exactly, but nearby the wilds, out of the city and everything, somewhere where I'm just away from all of it? Yes, I have. Though as a trainer, it's a little easier for me to, actually just do that, when I get that feeling, than most people. Most of the time, anyway... recently not so much.
(Makes sense yes)
(Well if Oceana stays at the castle whenever she's not in Lut (say, to get supplies) then yeah Sharon would very much suspect something. Though she won't ask Oceana, and will simply let her be, so long as she doesn't, like... Return to the castle covered in bruises or something)
(Yes, even if the two Orbeetle trust Oceana, it doesn't hurt to have teleport stones just in case. Besides, they're just convenient)

>Assuming Oceana brought Kauket first, and gave the two Atlas members indications on how to get to the castle (via the teleport clan), Kauket will just be with Oceana when the two Orbeetle just... Bwoop into existence
"-And then I told him: If you can't tell the difference between a triple chocolate cake, and a quadruple chocolate cake, then something's wrong with your taste bu--uuwagah!?"
>Kauket is startled!
>Maurice and Gretha both look at the Vaporeon and the Mimikyu, giving a small nod
>Kauket is holding her costume, where her heart would be, if she had physical one
"Holy crap! A little heads-up next time, maybe??"
>Gretha lets out a slightly embarrassed chuckle
"I'm sorry, this isn't entirely uncommon where we're from."
>Maurice is more straightforward though:
"Weren't you expecting us? What's there to be surprised about?"
>Kauket waves a tendril
"No, I- I mean yeah, but... Nevermind. So, what's this about?"
>Gretha looks at Oceana
"Um, would you mind introducing us, dear?"
>After all, neither party know who the other is, besides what Oceana told them
>That's true, and it would make sense
>... But there's no way in hell I can make something out of Chandelure, other than just use a regular-ass Chandelure and say: "Here this is Sharon now"
>Which I mean, I might do... I dunno. That's for later

>Anyways, yeah
>That's true! Eff is pretty good at slinking his way into all kinds of nooks and crannies
>Well their home hasn't sank yet
>But now it will
>Along with the safe

>Sharon will advise against that, as that would make him pretty easy to find
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>it would be a real twist of fate

Yes. It’s a nice blend between a swamp, and plains. Swamps are nice. But dangerous.

>a twist indeed

/>Not to say I CAN’T fly across the globe, let’s not undersell my abilities here
/>But O.K.
/>might wanna specify what “soon” is!
/>Thank you!

>We shall wait
>For now
>And now, most likely the conclusion to the battle

>In terms of noggin hardness, there is a definite advantage to Slowbro's mostly empty head
>Slow Sal scratches their head again...
>What was she doing? Oh yeah.
>Very important before the start of a fight
>She puts her hand out for a post pre-fight handshake which she assumes to be pre but is in fact present
>Yet as she holds it out, waiting for a response, she remembers something...
>Battle! Yes!
>Slowbro used Zen Headbutt for 1.0 damage, flinching if the 2nd to last number is 1 - 2
>It's not technically dirty fighting if Sal isn't even aware of what she's doing

>Slow Sal 2.0/4.0

>At Taner's idea, Al Pine looks to Nod, and then back at Taner again.
>He'll motion for him to come in closer so he can whisper
"My advice, Mister Taner, is to let it be. Nod's been cranky these past few weeks. And with Ghost-types, when they's got their dandruff up, hoo boy does it get everywhere."
>Thinking more on his ghost, he also adds at the end
"Recording like that would either be cursed, or full of nothing but profanity. Not exactly worth the effort, if you understand what I am implicating."
>That being said, if you truly wanted to, you could still do it
>It actually isn't a bad idea at all actually
>The only issue is, not knowing how Nod's gonna react, plus the fact you just beat him in a battle...
>He may take it personally
>As for Mister Walker, Al goes over to him and writes down a number
"Here you are Mister Walker. I is thinking you is gonna find this interesting"
>It's a phone number to a Pokemon rehab center in Driftveil
"Back in my day, if you gave up, all that was left was the needle. Things is better now... but with the really bad cases? Sometimes, they still get them nasty old needle. I don't agree with it, but maybe you might get something useful out of it?"
>Something for much later on down the road, an adventure-lite for Walker if he wants to do it.
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>I thought this was after the sinkhole
>That changes things
>And Eff can rest
>Still, it is uneasy there, having to move things because something may happen
>Still, the safe was unmoved
>And Sharon is right. Daniel then proposes...Aspertia. Yes. Aspertia is pretty nice.
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>Right, Emil is a refined and proper pokemon after all
>Except when he's under Doro and Eff's evil influence
"That'll probably be good for him!"

>Oh no
>Someone's gonna have to retrieve that

They sure are!
I don't know if winter is a biome, but I definitely like it more than summer.
Fields are neat too!

(Oh that'd work)

>old man Al approaches
>Did he write it on a leaf?
>That sounds like something he’d do
>Walker stares at the number

>Now Walker has to figure out what he means by this
>Is he saying “Here’s a place you can put down Pokémon if you want”?
>Because that’s just
>A very odd offering
>At least it’s in Unova, so that’ll be familiar territory
>He mutters while staring at it
“Guess it doesn’t hurt to know about it.”
>then he looks back up, speaking matter of factly
“I’ll… knock on wood, here. Glad I haven’t had to give up on someone yet.”

>That's true
>By the time Sal is finally ready for the post pre-fight handshake, Swift stops rubbing their noggin
>"That really hurt, you know!"
>But then Sal is holding their hand out :)
>"... Oh? Another handshake? Okay then! Lemme just-"
>Another successful headbutt!
>Swift: 1.0/4.0 (+1 SP.Atk, +2 SP.Def, also -1 Atk but she's got no physical move anyway)

>Rita can't believe what she's seeing. Swift's performance is all over the place. S/he goes from being a ruthless killing machine to some kind of bozo who gets unintentionally mocked by a Slowbro, of all things
"Swift! Stop falling for it!"
"Air Slash! Go!"
>And so, once again, the Togekiss raises their wings, and slashes at the air, releasing powerful wind blades at Sal!
>Swift used Air Slash, serenely and gracefully!
>1-8 to hit, 2nd: 1-6 to flinch

>Sal tries her best and that's all we can ask of her

>Yeah sorry, I should've made that clearer
>They're now currently at the point where they're all going to bed, not suspecting a thing
>Except maybe that someone is after them, which isn't great already
>But then Daniel will wake up with the previously mentioned 17 missed calls, inching us closer to closing the flashback
>Aspertia works!

>Also, while you're here, will Doro stick with a group, or go off on his own with his own bunch?
>Group A: Kemo, Eff, Emil, Daniel.
>Group B: Becky, Razz, Otto, Ammy and Paul
>They're likely all gonna end up meeting at the castle real soon anyway so eh, not a huge deal
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>Actually it's on a card
>Though said card is very old and sun-worn
>It says "Happy Trails Rehabilitation Center for Troubled Pokemon, Est. 1852."
>Seems... peculiar
"Is just something you may be wantin' to poking your nose into, Mister Walker. Seems up your alley. Don't even know if it's open no more really."
>Al nods solemnly at the last bit
"That be true, Mister Walker."
>Turning to the scene of the battle, he watches...

>As Sal falls
>With the first critical blow of the battle being also the last blow struck, the Air Slash hits on home
>Right on the tail
>It pops right off, no blood, just a little "pop" sound effect
>Sal promptly de-evolves into a Slowpoke right then and there, leaving one very confused Shellder laying in the swamp alongside her, still suckling on the tail
>Sal doesn't seem sure as to what to do now
>But then again, she never seems sure of what to do. For anything
>What was it again?
>Oh yeah
>She goes for the post battle post pre-battle handshake which she assumes to be the pre-battle handshake
>Yup, that's what she was doing
>No bonking this time thankfully
>Al stands up and claps
"Miss Rita, you is truly a remarkable trainer. That Togekiss of yours sure packs a wallop."
>To say she saved the day is an understatement. Ma had quite a nasty moveset waiting in store...
>That being Venoshock, Toxic, and Drain Punch alongside her Nasty Plot. Luckily, Extrasensory prevented that from ever occurring
>She took out HALF of his team
>One by one, Al Pine recalls all of his Pokemon, with the exception of Nod who stays by his side
>He claps and smiles.
>...but you can tell he was hoping to win. He's just being a good sport
(Oceana, ironically, is all over the place-- Lut sometimes, the castle others, and with Taner at others. She probably has never teleported to the castle covered in bruises, yet anyway. She'd not hide that something is up from Sharon, because that'd be too hard to keep up anyway, but she won't volunteer anything about it, if pressed she might mention "a secret place where Pokemon live free from human influence" but that's it)
(Yes. Also I think it was mentioned that one stone can teleport a group if they are all touching the individual, or did I hallucinate that?)

>She has also mentioned to them that while she hasn't told Kauket any details about Lut, she doesn't believe it'd be a security risk to do so
>Before they teleported in, Oceana would have at least gave Kauket a friendly salutations, and warned her that someone would be teleporting to meet them
>That didn't make it any less startling, even Oceana jumps slightly before acting as if she was not startled at all-- it may be common, but then expecting it doesn't help much if you don't know when it's going to happen
>Oceana does the introduction
"Maurice, Gertha, this is Kauket, she's a friend of mine who, as you can tell, shares a name and typing with the Kauket we've read about, but like many ghosts she suffers from amnesia. I have known her for a while now, and I trust her. Kauket, this is Maurice, and this is Gertha, they are researchers and friends who have stumbled upon ancient texts containing your name and some likeness to you. While I was offering my service to them as a bodyguard, we came to get to know each other, and grew in mutual respect and friendship, I trust them. I believe everyone in this room is equally curious about the matter at hand."
>Oceana feels that sums it up pretty well while still leaving both sides a lot of breathing room for how much they want to say about themselves
>Taner comes closer so Al can whisper
>He seems to think pretty hard on that
"I... Well, a cursed recording wouldn't do anyone any good, and just anger-- those are what she expects from witches, it won't change her mind any. But... I really -do- think she should face consequences for what she's done. I don't intend to shield her from that, in fact I think forcing her to realize the harm she's caused will, in some ways, hurt more than the torture and death the ghosts no doubt have planned for her. If she's just handed to the ghosts, she'll die vindicated, thinking she was in the right all along, but if she's forced to face the reality of her actions, forced to realize what she believed was wrong and that she's been spreading harm to the world instead of helping it... When I can get her to actually internalize that, I'm sure it's going to feel really awful for her... but sometimes that's what's needed for change. Plus... I suspect Magpie planned for Razz to get captured eventually because he set her on this course on purpose, so if she gets handed in and the ghosts in question read her mind or execute her in any way Magpie might have anticipated, he'll escape again and the bloodbath that will happen..."
>Taner shakes his head, he's gotten sidetracked
"Anyway, what I meant to say is if Nod isn't able to record such a thing now, then, uh... perhaps you could. Because it hurt you too, and, I know it's a hard thing to ask anyone, but a recording or something that makes that -real- to her, I think would go a long way. She literally does not believe that killing witches would make anyone sad right now, any evidence that flies in the face of that will go a long way-- especially because she hates the idea of making others sad. But, it's up to you."
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>No one can resist the pranks
>"it will."

>17 missed calls and a home gone
>Aspertia it is!

>(They go to bed and so do I)
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I think swamps are nicer for anyone without regular skin. I guess it goes to show how much species affects one's favored biome, and why a lot of Pokemon tend to stick to one type of area even if they'd be fine in another. Humans have sort of, ended up making their own biomes... Some Pokemon have done that too, but mostly Legendary ones...

/>I'm sure you can, and that might come in handy! But right now, saving your energy is best, in case you need it.
/>Soon as in, I'm on my way there now and should be there in an hour or two? Probably not as fast as you, but Dredd is pretty fast!


That's a good point, I don't know if "winter' is a biome any more than "fall" is one. But then, maybe just "snow" is the word? Artic is a biome, but the artic is too much, that is not one of my favorites, but whatever Snowbelle is, that's what I mean when I say "winter" biome. Not that I needed to clarify or anything, but, your post made me feel like thinking about it and I type as I think so here we are.
>Oh alright
>Very professional
>okay so it’s oldddd
“…weeeell. If I’m in town I’ll be sure to give it a check in.”
>Maybe he’s been hanging around Taner too long, but there’s something very off about being told “check out this cool place where you can send Pokémon to die”
>But realistically this can’t be some sort of call-to-action
>Guess he’ll justttt pocket it for now

>oh hey we won
>Time to finally stand back up
>And maybe stay close to Al
>jussst in case he tries to quick-draw the 1861 Colt Revolver he probably has in his pants

Though, now you just have me curious about what legendaries you are referring to.

/>Energy schmenergy
/>Oh! Wow! Okay! Got it!
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>Doro would probably go with the group with Razz, just in case.
>Even if there's not much risk


Tundra, maybe?
I know what you mean either way.
>Both Swift and Rita gasp at the same time! Audibly!
>Swift is visibly alarmed by the tail chopped followed by a devolution
>"AAHH! I'm sorry!! I'm sorry I didn't mean to!!"
>S/he picks up the tail-munching Shellder and tries to put them back where it belongs, hoping to cause Sal to re-evolve
>Alas, it doesn't seem to work that way
>Rita looks over to Al
"... Is that... Normal, or...?"
>Now Swift is just mortified, they feel so bad for poor Sal
>"I'm s-s-so sorry... I-I-I..."
>And then they begin tearing up, wrapping their wings around the Slowpoke before just breaking down entirely, sobbing and
>"Oh, a handshake?"
>The waterworks immediately stop
>"Okay then!"
>Shake shake
>All is well it seems

>Rita sighs, standing up in turn
>You can tell she's glad to have won, but she's also exhausted
>This was a very stressful fight, up until the end at least
"Thank you Mister Al. It's certainly not their combat prowess that worries me..."
>Indeed, it was for the best to deny her setup
>Good thing she started with Nasty Plot
"You're pretty formidable yourself. Your team seems very tightly-knit. They're all... Uh, relaxed."
>And also sleepy
>Rita, true to her word, gets her backpack out and rummages through it
>One by one, she pulls out an array of Hyper Potions
"Here, like I said. Healing's on me. I get a discount for being a gym trainer anyway."
>Then, noticing the little guy, Rita leans down a little
"And thank you, Nod. I don't exactly know the full story but... I promise you we'll make sure Razz doesn't eat any more witches. No matter what it takes."
>She doesn't exactly know how, but she trusts Taner to think of something


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>Depending on when and where in the conversation Taner is with AL at this point, Taner might see the tail pop off
>If he does, he will audibly gasp and say "On no!"
>He looks like he's about to have a similar reaction to Rita, but Rita has the reaction for him, and slowly, he starts to realize... that everyone seems okay with this?
>In any case, the battle is over, and they... they won
>They actually won
>Taner doesn't seem to quite believe it yet

Well, some can create entire dimensions, and have-- like the distortion world-- but others, like, the Legendary birds have their own islands where they control the biome, and can change the weather in other places, but that's less like building up a biome and more like, just changing it. I think if enough fairy Pokemon are in one places, it can change a place? Or maybe they gather in places like that because of the way it already is. So... Pokemon don't create their own biomes all that often. Though, the Pokemon that do construction work do, so there's that.

Tundra, that's probably it! What I'm thinking is a little, uh, "softer" than what people think of when they think of that word, but I think that is the right word.
I, to be honest, just want to mate with my exclusively male team. Feel free to add me if you want to do it to me yourself, you filthy poke-male.
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"...You seem to think it best, Mister Taner. Alright, if you is certain, go ahead and try."
>He, with a wave, steps aside and to let Taner speak to Nod.
>However when asked to record something, he just stays asleep
>Even if presented with the device and pressing play to record, it'll stop recording immediately
>...But then there will be a message on it, anyway. Quite long. Almost half an hour long actually
>How did he...?
"Sorry Mister Taner... but I don't record my voice. Just ain't comfortable with it. Is one of my pet peeves I guess you could call it."

>Al does indeed bend over to grab something, but it's only his instrument. He opens up his case, revealing that it's extra large on the inside with spare compartmentation for... tools, shall we say?
>It won't just fit his guitar, there's a Thompson sub-machine gun inside, complete with a drum, just like the gangsters carried back in the day
>Very heavy firepower. But it's only out for a second before he deposits it
"I knew you would Mister Walker. You is wise to these sorts of things."

>Al doesn't seem concerned about Sal's predicament. He simply picks up the Shellder and tucks it under his arms. He'll keep it in a spare ball and then once their tail grows back, simply reattach it
>Sal is still holding her hands out for a shake which she's still expecting when she gets balled
>Al will take the potions with a curiosity in his eyes. He isn't used to such fancy instruments of medicine
"Just a spray on, hm? Fancy that..."
>With a final shake of his head in acknowledgment, he says to the group
"That you do, ma'am. I be trusting you now. Your fate has beaten mine, but now ya'll gotta make it right. As for me, I is splitsville now."
>He reaches under the log he was sitting on and puts on an old bowler hat
>Then, beginning to whistle, he starts to walk away
"...I'm counting on ya'll."
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(Just like Taner then, huh?)
(Honestly, that might just be what she'd told her then. Something like that would likely be enough to keep Sharon from prying further. She trusts Oceana. She just doesn't want her to get hurt, at least not in an any kind of undesirable context)
(Uhhhh I might have to check my notes. There might've been a reason for it. Possibly bringing guests over? Not sure. Worst case scenario, we can say there's two types of stones. One for solo use, and one for group use, which is bigger and a little pricier)

>Good enough for them
>Yes, but Kauket was probably too invested in her cake discussion with Oceana to remember not to be startled by the teleporting guests
>Exactly, it's like a jumpscare
>Both parties listen to Oceana as they introduce them
>Everyone seems pretty satisfied with Oceana's preamble, they don't feel the need to correct anything she's said, one way or the other
>Though the sharpie'd eyes on Kauket costume blink once
"... I can safely say that's not what I expected. I've always felt I was just some junkie who OD'd on meth or something..."
>This seems to break Gretha's hard a little bit
"Oh dear..."
>But Maurice waves his hand-claw thing
"Certainly not. At least, not from what we can tell. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We have a few pictures to show you, we'd like you to look at them and tell us if they seem familiar to you. Perhaps they'll jog your memory?"
>Kauket shrugs
"Uh, sure... Guess it can't hurt. Let's see 'em."
>Maurice produces an old leather folder, opening it towards himself privately, and selecting a few key images, printed out by Oceana kindly
>First, they show her the initial picture of the fresco, the one with the five figures
"Does this look familiar to you?"
>Kauket's costumed form leans in, looking at the picture...
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"... Hmmm. Nope."
>She points at the yellow character with a tendril
"That supposed to be me?"
>Maurice shakes his head
"Actually, no. That was a Pikachu. We think you were the other one, here."
>He points at the pink one
"The pink one?"
>Kauket seems doubtful, somehow
>Gretha then adds:
"We believe you were a Clefairy, back when you were alive."
>Kauket's drawn-on mouth curls down into a frown
"Ew. No way. I hate Clefairy, and their relatives."
>Maurice shakes his head, bringing out a few more pictures
"In any case... Would you take a look at these?"
>This time, he shows her pictures of the tomb itself, the various rooms, the staircase, and so on
>Kauket takes a bit more time to inspect all of them carefully
"... Looks like a tomb to me."
>Gretha lets out a small sigh, looking at Maurice
"Perhaps we have the wrong person, dear... It's possible we were mistaken."
>Maurice waves a claw dismissively
"Now now, we're only just getting started. Let's not throw in the towel just yet."
>He brings out another picture

>It's this picture

>The pictogram that was above the chamber of the empty sarcophagus
>Sekhmet's room
>Maurice taps the symbol
"Does that ring a bell at all? Feel free to turn the picture any way you see fit, if it helps."
>Kauket once again inspects the photo closely
"... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........."
>She holds the picture up, flips it upside down, turns it around, looks at it against the ceiling, against the lamp light, against Oceana...
"... That means something."
>There's a pause
>Maurice is about to speak again, when Kauket...
>Raises a tendril from her form
>Then another
>And then another
>She holds them up, wiggles them, just like the symbol
>She goes completely quiet for a moment, before quietly letting out:
"... I know this. Don't ask me how or why, but I know this."
>>"And thank you, Nod. I don't exactly know the full story but... I promise you we'll make sure Razz doesn't eat any more witches. No matter what it takes."
>Missed this in my quick readthrough
>Taner nods
"Yes, that we will."
>He says, with conviction

"Okay. It's worth a try, anyway..."
>Taner nods, and does just that
>And, there is a message
>Well, Taner isn't going to listen to that... but he might get it checked for curses before giving it to Razz, because giving her a cursed message from a witch-- it really would be rather defeating changing her mind
>He hopes he's managed to perhaps convince Al that there is a silver lining for -him- here, even if he knows Nod probably won't be... because he wouldn't be, if he were Nod
>But he would find getting to speak his mind to the person to be at least somewhat vindicating, so he hopes Nod does/did too
>Then, he nods at Al
"That's a shame, considering how good of a singing voice you have, even if, uh, it can only be heard by certain people. A letter is always an option, but I'll leave that up to you."

>And then, he starts to walk away
>Taner has already said what he needs to
>Now he just has to make sure that he does keep his word and this wasn't all for naught-- not just by keeping Razz from eating ghosts, but also by keeping ghosts from just killing Razz


>I don't know if ether of you want to RP this or not, but while Taner will not listen to the recording himself, or have anyone else listen to it, he does ask his friendly neighborhood Spiritomb if he can check it for curses really quick (without damaging or altering the recording in any way)
>He'd offer up memories as payment but that would not be very good for anyone right now, so he'll have to see what, if anything, Spiritomb asks for
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>the whole slowpoke thing just kinda happened
>Who knows man

Oh, so that’s who you were thinking of.
And, yes. Fairy Pokémon can definitely do that. Sharon’s Ponyta was practically living in a wonderland when we found her. That, or I was drugged. Which I don’t think happened.


“Guess so.”
>He’s certainly being given a lot of credit

>And so the mystery man seems satisfied
>As does everyone else?
>And now he’s just walking away
“…cya, Al.”
>A confused goodbye
>Really going to need to talk with the others here
>maybe have someone pinch him so he knows he didn’t dream all this up

>I’d be interested, if for no other reason than to see what’s on the tape
>That is unless Beryl’s description of said tape was fabricated without consideration towards the specific details
>Because I do not want to force Beryl to have to improvise the contents of this mystery tape
>that would be mean of me
>Makes sense!
>At least he gets to enjoy plenty of fluff and huge ghost tiddy
>But yeah

>Toe Bee Continued...

>That is indeed pretty strange
>But if even Al isn't worried or bothered by it...
>Heck even Sal doesn't seem to notice, but she IS a Slowbr- well, Slowpoke now
>Sharon would say this reminds her of Jasmine, in that sense

>That they did
>And neither does Rita, she's still a bit shaken, it's the nerves

>Well then, it looks like Sal will be no worse for wear, in that case
>Swift was juuuuust about to shake Sal's hand, yet again, however she was recalled and thus Swift was left hanging, sad
>Rita nods
"Yep! Just like..."
>She's trying to think of something similar that existed in the 1940's
".. A perfume bottle, in a way! But with all kinds of healing goodness, instead of hiding the stink."
>She honestly doesn't mean to condescend, it's just a bit hard to gauge what era Al is from, exactly
>With a nod, she steps back to let him fetch his bowler hat
"We will! It was a pleasure meeting you, Mister Al. Take it easy now!"
>She waves him goodbye as he departs

>A conviction to convict a criminal

>Rita will be particularly confused and impressed by that weirdly long message, that is if Taner ever has her listen to it
>Maybe she'll just vanish again as is her destiny

>Rita pinches Walker
"You alright, there?"
(I suppose so!)
(Makes sense, and Oceana trusts Sharon enough that she isn't worried about Sharon trying to get it out of her unless it's truly important, in which case... she might just tell her, but let's hope that it never comes to that, at least not until humans aren't quite as hated in Lut)
(That sounds good, and would explain why Oceana has two extra stones instead of one lol)

>Very true
>>This seems to break Gretha's hard a little bit
>Normally I don't point out typos, if this even is one, but... what?
>In any case, with introductions done, it's time to get to business-- though Oceana won't rush things, she's in no hurry or anything, she's really just the one bringing these two groups together rather than being relevant to the whole thing herself (aside from Ra, but that's another thing)
>Though she is personally invested in both groups, so she's glad to see they are getting along okay, not that she suspected any different
>Printers sure are nice
>Oceana still isn't as sure that this is the same Kauket as Maurice and Gretha are, or if she just has the same name for some reason, simply because that level of coincidence is astounding even with gods involved
>Because it'd needed to have been a different god than Ra to orchestrate her meeting Kauket before even knowing about Lut Sarab, one with very good future-telling powers, or who shaped other things to bring her to Lut Sarab-- or just sheer coincidence
>Being an atheist was easier in some ways, less things to question
>No memories jogged yet...
>Come on Kauket, get a handle on the speciesism
>It doesn't look like this is giving her anything
>Oh well, Kauket can at least learn who she shares her name with

>But then, the image seems to do something for her
>Odd, that it was Sekhmet's little symbol that did it, but perhaps not, Sekhmet might have left more of an impression than anything else
>Or perhaps there's another reason she knows it
>Oceana doesn't speak, seeing what will happen
>As Al Pine walks off into the forest, away from the stadium, he momentarily pauses and looks back at the group
>Taking off his hat, he gives a final bow
"By the by, misters and ma'am, I wanted to thank you for a riveting Pokemon battle. Was a good hard fight for a while. You has got a destiny for sure. More so than mine, heh heh..."
>Putting his hat back on, he starts to whistle a tune as he walks away with a Shellder under one hand and a guitar case in the other. Nod follows him, occasionally turning back in the direction of the group
>Whistling and singing, the mysterious stranger disappears back into the woods he came from, never to be seen again by Taner or his friends most likely
>All that's left of him at the end is Nod, who lags behind and stares at the group
>At one point, he does in fact open his eyes
>There is hatred, anger, and bitter resentment in them. Misery at justice denied, outrage at retribution ignored, rage at who he see's colluding with his friend's murderer
>Then in plain Human tongue he speaks
"I hate you."
>Turns around, and disappears with Al Pine

>This concludes the RP. The next RP as part of the main story I have will be the last one. We're getting quite close to the eeeeend.
>I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. I know big battles like this are a bit clumsy to manage, but I still hope you all found fun in it regardless.
>Now I just gotta iron out the deets on how I wanna do that. There might be a bit of a longer delay between now and that as a result
>In the meantime, if you wanna play the tape, I'll cover that tomorrow.
>Tonight, I gotta turn in early. Busy day and all that.
>Sorry to Celly if you were hoping to catch me, I gots to go in early tomorrow

>Goodnight all!
Yup. And I suppose if Arceus made the planet, that's, uh, making all the biomes.
No, I don't think you were drugged, I hear the places fairy Pokemon gather are sometimes like... that. Whatever words one wants to use for it.

>Taner doesn't really intend to share what's on the tape with anyone but Razz, it was probably pretty personal and for her ears only, it seems like a violation of privacy to share it with anyone else
>...But he really does have to check it for curses first somehow, so if the only way to do that is to have Spiritomb listen to it, then that's what'll have to happen, Taner was rather hoping Spiritomb might be able to just tell somehow

>In any case, Taner does wave goodbye, though perhaps with not as much enthusiasm as Rita
>And listens to Al Pine's parting words
>He hopes he has a destiny that goes longer than the next few weeks
>And then Nod says his piece
>Who would feel any different?
"I'm sorry."
>That's all Taner can say to him, and he means in more than one way, not that it makes a difference to Nod, he suspects
>There's no way he can make this right for everyone... but he's doing his best
>As soon as they are out of sight, Taner looks like he's ready go to sleep right there on the forest floor
"I... I once again want to thank you both, for everything. If you guys weren't here... I don't know if we could have taken that team alone, even if he offered me the same deal he did with all of us here."
>It certainly seemed very well posed to counter Taner's team, but then, if Repose had went first-- well, there's no way of knowing
"And, if you do have any other questions for me, that's fair, but... maybe tomorrow, somewhere else. I'm... exhausted. But..."
>He does get out his Pokegear, to send a text to Sharon/Daniel

/>Looks like my warning was a false alarm, we won and you guys aren't compromised to anyone new. But things do seem to be heating up, please be careful. You'll be seeing me soon, I hope.
>>I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. I know big battles like this are a bit clumsy to manage, but I still hope you all found fun in it regardless.
>I can only speak for myself, but I've loved it
>The battle especially, and the way you managed the speaking on the side with the battle at the same time-- chief's kiss
>Al Pine and his crew are also great characters, it's almost a shame we may not see more of them, but they will sure stick in my memory (and Taner's)
>That must have been pretty intense to keep up with though, I don't envy the task lol
>Goodnight, and I look forward to seeing how it all plays out, I truly have no idea
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>Busy staring at Al as he walks away
>Not expecting a pinch
>He darn near slaps her hand away, reflexively
>Very jumpy
>His look of annoyed confusion dissolves into a small laugh at himself, before replying
“Yes, I’m fine. Do I look shell-shocked or somethin’? Jeez.”

>Goodbye Al
>Wave, wave
>And then, Nod
>Bye Nod

>Walker will share a very unsure look with the gang >>67687906 >>67688252
>Followed by
>That’s a downer

>Doing things with you has proven to be a significant improvement over watching people do things with you
>Have a goodnight
>ye old chap

I heard legends about Regigigas shaping the continents. He should count as a biome maker. And I suppose that would also include Groudon and Kyogre, if they helped.
”Excessive” is the word I’d choose.

>A quick comment of confident reassurance
“I’m sure you’d be fine.”
>Dismiss those woes, silly
>Easiest battle of our life
>Wasn’t even close
“Just text us if we’re on a hit list now. Otherwise I’m going to BED.”
>Seems he shares some exhaustion
>wait til he tells spirra about this
(Yes, true on all accounts)
(Sure lol)

>Whoops lol, that was heart. Particularly embarrassing
>She finds it sad that Kauket sees herself as possibly just the ghost of some random drug addict who died from overdose
>Yes indeed *2
>That they are!
>But yes, it'd be one hell of a coincidence

>She's trying okay, but it's hard. Everyone hates fairies

>But then, that
>The image alone doesn't seem to cause Kauket anything else, and so Maurice begins to explain what Oceana already knows, and then some...
"Sekhmet was created- in part or fully- as part of a deal with Giratina."
>Kauket immediately interrupts
>Maurice nods, continuing:
"Montu and Hathor, the father and the mother, were apparently unable to procreate, and so they sought... Other means, to produce offspring."
>Kauket sloooooowly looks over to Oceana
>She doesn't say anything, but it's painfully obvious who this could remind her of
>Maurice simply goes on:
"As it turns out, asking the harbinger of chaos to give you a child is a rather terrible idea, as Sekhmet is said to have been a bloodthirsty and vicious beast. She would deliberately sow discord, then reap the benefits of both fallen foes. Countless battles were fought, either directly or indirectly caused by her, and every single time she seemed to either... Get away, or get away with it. The wording is a little fuzzy on that."
>Kauket whistles
"Sounds like one super bitch, huh? What's it got to do with me, though?"
>Gretha responds
"We believe you were trying to stop her."
>Kauket points to herself with a tendril
>Gretha nods, adding:
"At one point, the family formed a group, named the Servants of Ra. We believe they were hoping to find salvation by pledging allegiance to Ra himself, in order to save Sekhmet's soul."
>Maurice follows with:
"However you had other plans. According to the translation, someone simply known as "The Betrayer" came along and tried to convince everyone to just... Stab Sekhmet in the back, and leave her to die."
"Hell yeah."
>Responds Kauket, before Maurice continues:
"Unfortunately, it seems like someone told Sekhmet of your plans, and she..."
>He pauses
>For once, it's actually Gretha who puts the facts on the table, as unpleasant as they might be:
"She killed everyone, dear. The whole family. One by one. For the parents, she made sure to make it look like an accident. But for you and Bastet- the Pikachu- well..."
>She sighs, unable to continue
>Maurice finishes for her:
"You two died in each other's arms. That's why you became a Mimikyu."

>Kauket is completely silent
>She's just... Unresponsive
>Is she even still there, under her costume?
>Anyone home?
"... But..."
>She finally speaks up
"That feeling, I've always had the feeling I died from-..."
>Gretha softly answers
"Poison, dear. You were not using drugs, you were poisoned, fatally so."
>This seems to shut Kauket right up
>She... Doesn't know what to say

>What does Oceana make of all this?
>Rita is simply smiling as she watches Al go
>What a swell guy, she thinks
>Very classy
>And then there's Nod
>At first, she waves at him
>... But then he- in no uncertain terms- says he hates them
"... Oh..."
>She takes her hand back
>Well, that's understandable
>How'd he do that tho
>She shakes her head
"I guess it can't be helped."

>That was great!
>I do think Pokemon battles can be a little tricky, especially the way we did it. That's why I had Rita suggest doing an all out 3v3, or two matches of 3v3, simultaneously
>But then it'd be even more work, or rather, the same amount of work, just... Compressed down into a shorter period of time
>Still, Al was great, and I hope we get to see him again, in some capacity
>Also lemme know if you need me to make any changes to the stuff I'm doing
>I know you said there's gonna be a longer delay, but I don't want to change the picture too much while you're still getting ready
>ALSO as you might've seen, Taner and Sharon are going to Breakback IMMEDIATELY after this so uh, something to keep in mind for next time

>So long, and thanks for all the fish!

>That's possible, I have no idea what's actually on it lol
>Guess you'll have to ask Beryl next time

>Rita's enthusiasm pretty quickly as Nod expresses his disapproval
>Oh well

>Mmmm forest floor, my favorite
>Rita nods
"Don't mention it Taner. Again, that's what friends are for, right?"
>She puts a hand on his shoulder, and gives it a pat
>Pat pat
"Yeah, that... Can probably wait. Let's go back to our rooms."

>Taner miiight very well find that he has no phone service currently, how unfortunate
>Because otherwise Daniel and Sharon would have no reason to move all the stuff and stay out of Daniel's home
>And thus Taner would've inadvertently caused both of them to remain in the house as it was sunk 600ft down, killing them on the spot
>Well done Taner

>Whoa calm down
"Yeah, you kinda do. Hah. Guess we're all kinda on edge still"
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>For some reason my inner autocorrect went to "head" and that didn't make sense lol
>Heart makes sense, Gertha is nice like that
>If Ra did play a part in her meeting Atlas, she'll have to thank him for that, at least

>Oceana hasn't actually encountered much of that fairy hate before
>...Also Kauket is a Fairy type too, even now...

>That is the proper reaction to Giratina, probably
>Oceana returns Kauket's look with a deadpan one
>Taner may be resorting to some... stranger methods, but he's not asking Giratina at least
>(I don't know if you watch JelloApocalypse and if not you won't get this at all, but I'd imagine if Taner and Star's kid had some effects from black magic/Giratina it'd be like a certain Jolteon in that series lol)
>It actually makes sense that she's a fairy type that looked like a Pikachu now, if she and Bastet were that close
>Oceana is clearly more intrigued now, she hadn't heard some of this before
>But more importantly, Kauket seems to now be reacting to it

>Oceana feels like she ought to say something
"This is a lot to take in."
>She looks to Gertha and Maurice
"Some of it is new to me as well..."
>Back to Kauket
"And if this is indeed your past as it now seems it might be, this is a very sudden way to learn about it. There is a lot to take in, and still much we don't know. Perhaps we should take a break? I have brought food and drinks, having not known how long we may be here."
>She doesn't know what to say to Kauket to make her feel better, speechless seems to be an appropriate reaction to Oceana


>Yeah that sobered everyone right up

>Taner does give Rita a sleepy smile
"Yeah. We'll see each other tomorrow anyway, the tournament isn't over yet, though... I may be a little distracted."
>This being before the whole thing with Daniel happened

>Okay but it is reasonable that Taner would text that after so what can I do lol
>I did have him say things were heating up so they s(word li)
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>Yeah lol
>Well, it's not entirely improbably, at least

>That's the irony of the thing
>She's not even weak to Fairy damage either

>Yes, it's pretty universal
>Yet, at least. Then again that was also not their first idea
>(Nope! No idea what that is, but I just googled them and clicked on the latest video and saw the thumbnail, which I will now base my entire opinion on to say: Yes, that is probably accurate)

>They did previously say "We'll have more to share later"
>But then things escalated with the ghosts and uhh yeah lol
>Sorry this is a bit more exposition-dumpy than I intended. At first I was gonna have Oceana figure most of that all by herself, with different clues and more paintings and the like, but... Yeah, things kinda moved faster than I expected them to

>Anyway 2, yes she is
>Kauket just... Stares at nothing in particular, agreeing with Oceana without looking at her
"... Yeah... No kidding."
>Then Maurice nods at Oceana
"Indeed, we were able to make out more of the fresco and various items and artifacts left behind, when we returned a second time."
>Gretha fidgets a little bit with her claws
"I-I think Oceana is right, dear. Let's um, let's take a break."
>Maurice, who until then, saw the whole thing as more of a "Look at this piece of history, isn't that neat?" now starts to realize that, this is talking about someone who is still very much here with them
"... Hm. Alright."
>Kauket still isn't reacting much, which is unusual especially as snacks are mentioned
"... I know. I know who it is."
"I have to go. I have to warn Sammy."
>Maurice and Gretha look at each other, clearly confused
"What do you mean by that?"
>Maurice adds, before Gretha follows with:
"Now dear, are you sure it's a good idea to leave in such a state? You're clearly shaken. Why not take some time to process all of this?"
>Kauket shakes her head
>She pauses, slowly looking over to Oceana
"Can you do me a favor? Can you send Sammy a text for me? Or-... Actually no, tell Taner, so he can tell Sammy..."
"Tell them..."

"The pink woman is Sekhmet."

>... That alone probably wouldn't help them much though, so they might need some more context, at Oceana's discretion

>Both Maurice and Gretha once again look at each other
"You mean you've met her??"
>Kauket simply looks at the ceiling now
"... I need a minute. Please."


>She sighs
"You won't be the only one. Whew."
>Maybe that's why they didn't do as well

>Honestly I dunno, if it's not a timing thing then... Yeah, I got nothing
>Either his phone is dead, and he has to wait, or... The battle lasted like 8 hours
>Lemme know if you think of anything else

(But for now, goodnight!)
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>Also I found the specific place in the video that it reminded me of, https://youtu.be/SFz5kbecBcM?t=549

>The did, and yes, that happened
>Honestly, if this whole thing keeps up, Oceana will probably travel with Taner for a bit, just to make sure he (and her entire family aside from Scamp) doesn't die while she's at Lut Sarab

>Maurice wasn't trying to be rude, Oceana understands
>This whole thing was purely academic until a few moments ago
>Oceana doesn't know what she can do to help
>Should she... hug Kauket? Would that help? She did at least bring ice cream, knowing from Taner that Kauket likes that

>Oceana is just about to say something else, give her a hug or offer her... something, when she speaks up
>She... knows who it is?
>Oceana's tail pauses going up and down, now still in the air, though her expression remains calm
>It can't be that pressing, because she didn't know it before and does now, but that's all that's changed in the world-- unless they found out at a time when Sam was in particular extra danger that she now suddenly knows about-- Oceana can no longer discount things like that
"I can text Taner, yes."
>She does have her tablet with her, and texts Taner quite often

>Oceana's pink eyes widen
"The... the bounty hunter?"
>This isn't good
>But, she reminds herself-- this fact was always true, her finding out about it does not increase the danger Taner is in anymore than it was a few moments ago
>But it does increase her calculation of it
>She gets out her tablet and texts Taner right away, though... she isn't sure how much good the text will do, Taner already knew that the "pink woman" was very powerful, knowing her relation to Giratina isn't going to help him, really...
>But it may help Sam, so she makes sure to tell him to tell Sam too, which Taner will do (when Zapman is awake I'll have him send the actual text)
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>Oceana nods
"Take all the time you need. Nobody is in immediate danger and I'm sure you have a lot to sort through."

>Oceana turns to Maurice and Gretha
"I am starting to believe..."
>She doesn't finish that, which is very odd for Oceana, she doesn't typically trail off like that, the Atlas have probably never seen her do that before
>She looked shaken for a moment there, but is very quick to compose herself
>What is there to say? That it's starting to look like they have been placed on a chessboard in a game of the gods, and have been for quite some time? There is no possible way -this- is coincidence, that Sekhmet and Kauket would meet again... but her being involved, now that Ra is, is that just happenstance, is she just in the middle of it and then happened to be taken as a piece for one side?
>At one time, she was so very sure that everything in her life just the gears of an uncaring and unfeeling world turning, happenstance and nature
>...That belief is getting harder to even consider by the moment, not just Ra, but all of this was set in motion before that
>Well, if there is a god that's playing with them, all she can do is figure out the rules as best she can and make sure she plays her own cards right, she has a much smaller board, but with pieces she cares much more about

>Finally, Oceana speaks again
"My apologies. This is simply an unexpected development. It appears that allies of mind have encountered Sekhmet and may again in the future. You can understand how this fact is not a pleasant one to learn."
>Meeting the eyes of Maurice and Gretha
"Thankfully I believe you two and the Atlas can remain uninvolved, it should not be a threat to you. And I suspect Sekhmet did not recognize Kauket any more than Kauket recognized her."


>No kidding, hard to focus on battles after all that

>He could have just thought he texted but didn't because he was so tired he forget to press "send" lol
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>i started drawing to pass the time and completely forgot about the thread for a whole hour & a half whoops
“Ah. Man.”
>small laugh
“Pretty sure I would’ve had the same reaction no matter what, actually. I’m like that.”
>Aaand goodnight
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Don't let all of that celebrity go over your head, Doro.

Maybe, but I doubt he cares either.
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Yeah, cold but not too cold. Makes sense since you don't have any fur.

>He's too focused on the task at hand
>Though Razz being Razz, he may have to keep his eyes averted on occasion

I'm too famous to listen to you!

But really the fame was getting in the way more than anything.
It's calmed down a bit after the tournament at least.

(work time)
this place haunted or what?
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Places with light snowfalls are the best
Cold weather, but not absurdly freezing
>Yes that sounds about right lol

>That might be worth considering, especially if things are fairly quiet in Lut for a little while
>Might irk Ra a little bit, though

>She could always try that, if she wants

>Kauket simply nods slowly
"The one who's been negotiating with Sammy, yeah. Probably the one who blew out one side of the Hearthome gym to steal the warp tile, too."
>That's true, however... This does mean something else, more on that in a bit

>Kauket sighs
"I... I guess not immediate, but..."
>It's clear this revelation is still shocking to her
>She's stared down her own murderer and didn't even realize it
>You know that sort of after-the-fact horror where you only realize afterward what you've been looking at this whole time and -that- is the horrifying part? Kinda like that

>Maurice and Gretha don't quite know what Oceana means, but... It is unusual to see her trail off like that
"... What is it, dear?"
>Asks Gretha

>It does, indeed look like that
>But it's possible she's also looking at it backwards, that her meeting with Kauket wasn't the result of a planned move, but rather one of the many factors that served to influence Ra's actions
>Then again, Taner's parents would probably argue that "Arceus has a plan for all of us" so who knows
>Whatever the case may be, at the present time, it does seem like Oceana now has a larger part to play than simply being on the receiving end of fate/a god's whims and just struggle to stay afloat, so that's a bit of an improvement
>Even -if- Ra is using her, he did, indeed, still give her a few more pieces to place on her smaller board, either directly or indirectly

>Once again the two Atlas members look at each other, Maurice replying first:
"But how...? These texts are ancient. At least a thousand years old, maybe more."
>Gretha surmises:
"Perhaps this Sekhmet is a... Reincarnation, in some way? Or simply a ghost, just like Kauket."
>Kauket shakes her head, letting out another sigh before answering both them and Oceana at once
"She did. She recognized me. Or at least my name. When Sammy called me Kauket in front of her, she just... Looked at me, and smiled. Then, she casually walked off."
"It's not Sammy's fault, how could he have known? But now... What if she... Comes back to finish what she started?"
>Kauket is just staring down at the table, unable to look anyone in the eye, even through her costume
>This might be a good time for Oceana's hug

>Neither Gretha or Maurice really know what to say next, at least at first, but then Maurice adds:
"Well, at least now we know who we're dealing with. With a bit more digging, we'll know how to stop them."
>Which brings us back to
>>But it does increase her calculation of it
>What this means is, while yes on a surface level, this changes nothing for their situation, they can now begin to work on a sort of defense plan, or counterattack, so they're not just sitting ducks waiting to be picked off one by one by some ancient eldritch evil
>They can be proactive, as opposed to just being reactive, something both Oceana and Star will surely appreciate



>lol that'd be silly but it could work

(Also very good OceanaThinkingHard!)
(Good afternoon and see you later!)

>silly dort
>Please post your drawings, thank you
"All good. Come on, let's go back to the hotel. I've had enough standing around the woods at night for a while."
>We're GONE
>Bye bye

>Yes, she does not seem to know when too much is too much

>Eventually they'd agree to have Daniel's group stay in Unova, while Becky and Razz's would go to Ferrum
>But that was before Daniel's house GOT SWALLOWED BY THE EARTH
>Which will finally bring us back to the present timeline, at long last

Though I'm surprised that at this point there aren't people who know about "the traveling Delphox and Blaziken with Falinks" because that's a pretty recognizable group, I wonder if there are people who have seen more than one sighting in very different places and are very confused. That'd be funny, I think.

Of course, my group also stands out, simply due to number, since we all like to walk together...

Yeah. But I can always put on more clothes! But with too hot, there's nothing you can do after a certain point. Other than things like ice moves and stuff.

Also, I saw you on the news! I saw Rita and Walker and myself in some clips in Sinnoh too, but in Unova, you were the main topic of a segment! That's going up in the world! If there is a secret group of hidden Zoroark influencing things behind the scenes, expect to be contacted by them soon... Though I guess, maybe you already have been, and just can't tell me! That's okay, I understand.


>A text, not to Daniel, but to Zapman, from Taner
/>So, Oceana just texted me that apparently, uh, the pink not-a-ghost lady? She's apparently an ancient evil named Sekhmet who -Giratina- was involved in creating and who, uh, knew Kauket from a past life where they were enemies, and I was just told to warn you about, um, those facts. That's on top of also being a bounty hunter who now knows who I am. On the one hand, I'm glad I didn't try to battle her. On the other... Dang it.
/>If Arceus only sends the trails we can handle, we must really be something.
/>Anyway, I'm sure Kauket will tell you more when she meets back up with you, but they felt that the sooner the information got out to you, the better, so, uh, here you go.

>Let's hope that doesn't happen to poor Taner, though the way he's met Razz almost reminds me of it already lol

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>Perhaps it will irk Ra less if Oceana is able to mention that part of the reason she's doing it is because Sekhmet is out and about and needs dealt with, she doubts there's any love lost there
>Perhaps she'll have a "conversation" with Ra beforehand, which will basically mean speaking at the wall but eh, what else can she do?

>Due to the fact that she's been keeping in contact with Taner, Oceana probably knows about much of that (she also views Porychan from time to time, she just doesn't post)

>Oceana decides there is no point in thinking about it right now-- there might be some advantage to thinking of it later, if she can gain some insight from it, it's not a useless line of thought, but it will take some contemplation
>Also the idea of just asking Ra directly occurs to her
>In any case, Maurice and Gretha seem more surprised that Sekhmet still lives than the fact that the rest of it, so perhaps she's overthinking it anyway
(Also, I want to point out that despite Oceana's astonishment on connectedness of it all, I really do appreciate how well you've woven all this together, and given it such a good amount of prior setup, it makes it all the better)

>She shakes her head
"Perhaps a reincarnation, but I would surmise something else, as we are aware of the fact that she escaped from her tomb slash prison. That would indicate that she might be using her original body, or at least that she came back to life right on top of it. With the possible involvement of Giratina, there is little that's off the table."

>Oceana once again manages to keeps composed, though her tail quivers in the air for a moment and she lifts a paw off the ground, just to put it back down
"She will find the task considerably harder this time, for a great multitude of reasons. And now that we know, that's even more true. She may be devious and powerful, but she is only one person."
>Oceana is not as good as Star is at comforting, but she's trying

>3/3, I made it

>She will, in fact, give Kauket a hug
>She's glad the Atlas are who they are, others in Lut Sarab might see that as a weakness, but they will see it for what it is-- one friend comforting another who desperately needs it, she doesn't have to worry about showing her softer side around them
>After she's done and Maurice speaks up, Oceana has more to add
"And we know she has her own memories intact. That may be useful. She also doesn't believe that Kauket has her memories, so it's likely she does not view Kauket as a threat at all. It's telling that she wasn't surprised... but she might just have a good poker face. It doesn't seem like meeting Kauket was part of her plans, anyway."
>A ding back, Oceana looks at her tablet, then back up
"He has given Sam the warning."
>She confirms

>Indeed, she was just about to say something along those line
"I think it's best we start to play on the offense."
>She looks at Atlas
"That is, Kauket and I, and those who are in her path already.. She doesn't know about you in any way, and it should stay that way. We can explain any knowledge we gain as Kauket recovering her memories. …I may have to be away from Lut for a while to help take care of this. I'll figure out a way you can contact me. I can get you a tablet to keep, you can think of it as payment for all the information, if you like– that information has suddenly become considerably more relevant to my plans. Though it will still only connect to the internet around Voltz HQ."

>Oceana shakes her head
"There is a lot of planning to do. Everyone who has tried to get rid of Sekhmet in the past has failed, knowing the reasons why could give us a clue as to what not to do."
>She looks at Kauket
"This will be hardest for you, as if you see her again, you'll need to act as if you don't recognize her."
>Oceana then sits down, allowing anyone else to speak
>This has been a lot more than any one of them were expecting, that's for sure
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>Among other things

>Yes, that sinkhole really throws a wrench in the works
>For now Doro will still be hanging around Unova, ready to help if they need it.
>Finally, the timeline has been restored

>Also the Sekhmet/Kauket revelation was a cool twist, I didn't see that coming

That's part of why I think I prefer cooler weather to hot weather.

Taner help I've become famous
That's a silly thought, then again wasn't there a group of psychics you talked about before? Maybe there's something like that with Zoroarks. Hmm.
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>some day
>And it looks like there’s nothing to add here
>So goodbye
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Not famous enough to beat a Blaziken.

Come on, don't be dumb, Eevee-boy, do you remember every odd Pokemon group you've ever seen in a city? Do we look that out of place? Besides, I know you're not up to date on everything, heh.
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locals may be
falinks aren't exactly widespread in Kalos
or Unova

>Sam has been busy
>Which means replying a little late
/> a what now?
/> uh
/> that means I am in the right path
/> ask you know who I love about what this path is
/> just in case
/> it just gotta work
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I don't think fame is what I was missing in that fight...
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now think, "how to weaponize fame"
>True lol
>Actually, how DID he stumble upon Razz to begin with? I don't think I remember that

>Hmmmm true, in fact, that might be precisely what he wants (other than the longer term Lut Sarab restoration project)
>Most likely yes

>I think you might have compressed a few too many lines, I'm not sure what that part is a response to lol sorry

>Well she was already going to talk to him so, might as well
>Honestly they're surprised by... All of it, really. They also think it's one hell of a coincidence

(Thank you! The link between Kauket and Sekhmet wasn't originally planned when I made Sekhmet, but when I realized I had accidentally used an ancient egyptian name for both of them, that Kauket's origin was still unknown, and that Sekhmet would be a huge pain in the ass to deal with... I figured I could kill three birds with one stone. Though like Oceana said, it's more than a little coincidence lol)
(The whole thing was pretty much decided around here https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66227594/#66282439 )
(Which is when Sekhmet seems to recognize the name, but neither Sam or Kauket know why)
(Everything else after that was just leading to that reveal)

>Both Maurice and Gretha nod at Oceana
"That's true. Had she become a ghost, we would've found her body with the others."
>This prompts Kauket to add a question of her own
"... Wait, so... You guys found... My body?"
>This seems to unnerve her somewhat
>Kauket is not typically so easily disturbed, but... This is pretty atypical
>Maurice doesn't seem to know what to say to that
>So Gretha responds:
"Well, yes dear, we did. It's fairly old though, there isn't much-"
>Kauket interrupts, not wanting to be rude, but she really just has to ask:
"Can I see it?"
>The two from Atlas once again look at each other
"I suppose there's no reason you couldn't..."
>Looks like they'll be making another trip to that tomb after all
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I can't help you with that, weaponize it!
I... had almost forgotten about them, yeah. Apperently they did something with Alakazam that had been harming humans, and the human as well, and then told Dart to tell me that I should not under any circumstances make wish with Jirachi, something that... I don't think I'll ever be able to do anyway, but also
Well, thankfully, that's not an order I think I'll ever get the chance to defy anyway, so it shouldn't ever be relevant, but it's still very creepy.

I suppose they-- the group of Zoroarks that totally doesn't exist and you defiantly haven't met yet-- told you to feign ignorance. Don't worry, I won't prey, no more questions from me, I'm sure they don't exist, job well done!

That is a very good point, in most places I've been, I don't think there would even be a second glance.

Not up to date? Well, uh. Okay then!

>That's okay, unless he was currently in the meeting with said pink women, Taner doesn't think it'd be vital for him to read it right away... nothing he can do about it anyway
/>An ancient evil. More ancient than the one that's currently infected me, Star, and Beryl, though I don't know about more evil, there's sort of a ceiling for evil that I think both of them are hitting. I don't want to find out, anyway.
/>I trust you, even if I don't get a chance to speak to her soon. I'm... thinking I might end up having to get involved at some point, so uh, just so you know, I'm willing to help even with dangerous things, it's not like I'm not in her crosshairs already. And she's already tried to kill another one of my friends. I'm all for redeeming whomever I can, redemptive justice as Star calls it now, but I'm not sure it'll be an option with her, I'm willing to do what's needed...
/>Anyway, I'm deleting these texts after you read them, and I suggest you do too, she's been known for snatching Pokegears.
>Then, back to Oceana
>Kauket nods slowly, silent for a moment, before eventually letting out a mere:
"... Yeah..."
>It seems to help, at least a little

>Well done Taner!

>At first, Kauket is a little stunned by this
>Not the kind of thing she expected from Oceana
>But she will, eventually, wrap her own tendrils around her, returning it
"... Thanks."
>She lets out quietly

>True. Out of all the people in Lut Sarab, these two might be the safest to do that in front of. Save maybe for Voltz ofc
>They wait for them to finish, not interrupting

>Maurice nods
"True. The fact that she didn't immediately attack her again upon hearing her name seems to suggest she is counting on Kauket not remembering her, and thus not being a threat. We'll have to be careful though, if she begins to suspect Kauket knows, she could take action."
>Ding, response
>Kauket nods
"Thanks, Oceana. I appreciate it."

>Gretha seems a little nervous
"Oh, but, you'll still both be in danger, then...!"
>Maurice nods
"Yeah, at least contact us if things get ugly or something."
>He seems to hesitate for a moment, then adds
"... After all, we can't let Kauket die a second time, she's a living piece of history."
>You get the feeling he's saying that to hide the fact that, deep down, he does care for Oceana and her friends, and doesn't want anything bad happening to them
>But that would be a very Gretha thing to say, and he's Maurice, so he gotta act like it
"We'll let you know if we find anything, in any case."

>Another nod from them
"Yeah, we'll have to learn from their mistakes. There should be... A lot of them. Surely we'll be able to narrow down what her weaknesses are- or at least, one of them."
>Kauket's sharpie eyes blink at Oceana
"I- Uh... I'll try. Very hard."
>She doesn't seem sure she can actually do it, now that she knows
>Indeed, time to sit down


>Thanks! Like I told Taner, I wanted to have more steps leading to it, but eh, what can you do
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>>Actually, how DID he stumble upon Razz to begin with? I don't think I remember that
>A ghost posted online, begging for someone to save him because he was being eaten, and gave the location, so Taner Tanered right over there to Taner all over the place (as far as I'm aware, the ghost in question wasn't a witch, though he was a confirmed jerk)
>And got Razz to let him go, after telling Razz that he'd find some alternative food source for her, Razz was very friendly and agreed, Star thought of a few options including using Soak to change her type, and Taner thought he had a new friend, a problem solved, and one less ghost eating other ghosts, and that was that
>But Razz didn't quit eating other ghosts, she just did it behind his back (hence why he feels betrayed, there was no -explicit- agreement that she'd stop, but that was the entire reason he went out of his way to get Flow to use Soak on Razz, and purchased food she could eat etc.)
>And then, after months of her being on his team and befriending him and giving him her backstory, all hell broke loose because she's #1 most wanted

>Maybe he'll even help-- they could certainly use it


(Oh, well in that case that worked out extraordinarily well)
(There are a LOT of reasons for coincidences to happen in the Pokeverse, it just messes up with Oceana's worldview in particular, though her and Star have both had to adjust their belief system given everything lol)
(Also, that's still a while ago, so very good lead up)

>Oceana doesn't know if it's a good idea for Kauket to go looking at her own body, or into the tomb at all, but she understands why she wants to and isn't going to make an objection unless she thinks of reason it puts them in greater danger, right now it just... sounds like a bad idea
>Oceana does hang out with Taner and Sharon after all, both big huggers, so when all else fails...
>And it seems like it helped at least a little
>Yes... in fact, it might even endear her to Maurice somewhat, no reason to hold back, especially when Kauket really seemed like she needed it
>A random thought occurred to Oceana: there are probably a lot of similarities between Zapman and the person that Kauket originally loved– beyond the eclectic theme they both share, no wonder Kauket was attracted to Sam more or less as soon as she met him
>Also, Kauket nearly faded before Sekhmet was able to do anything... that wouldn't have been good, where would they be now? But she didn't

>But now, to strategizing
>It's nice of them to care enough to want to keep in contact, at any rate
"In that case, I will. I'll never rule out the possibility that a vital piece of information might save my life."
>Implying that is all she'd want them to provide-- she still doesn't want them directly getting into the fight, for a lot of reasons
>She cares about them, yes, very much that
>But also, if something does happen to her, Taner, and everyone else... Voltz will still need allies
"Thank you."
>She'll have to get them that tablet shortly
>She's sure Voltz won't mind them getting a free tablet, now another clan can advertise how useful they are
>Oceana has a moment of a half-smile as Kauket is called a living piece of history
>Technically, now that they are involved in this, so is everyone in this room, because the continuation of that tale from long ago is happening right here and now
>No matter what happens, they might end up as legends on the wall of a tomb themselves, for good or ill

>A nod to Kauker
"You typically hide under Sam's hat, right? Perhaps just keep doing that."

(And now, I'll be back in a few)

>Oooh right, I think I remember that
>Probably the best way to get Taner Tanering yes lol
>Yeah... That too *2

>So long as he doesn't pull a "oh I can't get involved because reasons" or something

>Taner ;_;

(I had plenty of time to give it some thought, but yeah at first it wasn't very clear. Especially since Sekhmet was essentially born from a single porn image that Beryl posted)
(That's true, and fair lol)
(A little bit yeah. Thanks again!)
(I wasn't sure if you hadn't made the connection yet, or if, in character, it made sense for Oceana not to know that "bad pink wriggly thing = scary pink woman hunting down Taner" because it would've been one hell of a conclusion to jump to)

>The two Atlas members probably feel the same about it as Oceana does
>But again, can you really blame Kauket? You'd probably want to see your own body too, if you'd died and came back as a ghost, without ever seeing it
>Slightly morbid perhaps but... It is still a part of her, and a part of her past

>Makes sense!
>Yes, it does feel nice

>That sounds more than a little likely (and now I know what personality to give Bastet, if it ever becomes relevant, thanks Taner! :D)
>Indeed, they would've had to do all this the old-fashioned way: Try stuff until they find something that works

>They both nod, seeming to agree with Oceana
>But yeah, they seem more brains than brawn... Then again, is there a difference, when you're a Psychic?
>Also true
"It's no problem, dear."
>Responds Gretha
>Maurice simply nods, once again agreeing with her
>That too yeah
>Voltz won't mind, so long as Oceana can bring more!
>Don't let Beryl hear this, he might go "UHH ACTUALLY A DEAD PIECE OF HISTORY"
>They'll never settle that debate
>Another fresco, perhaps

>Kauket thinks over, nodding slowly
"Yeah... Or I'll just pretend to be asleep. The least I have to actually, y'know, talk to her, the least likely I am to blow it."

(See you soo
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/> ancient or not, I got a plan
/> I just need for her to come back to pick up a thing
/> good idea

(time to go zzz)
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I don't know how!!

That's weirdly specific. Did they think that was a real possibility?
Creepy is right.

There's definitely no shadowy Zoroark organization that plans to rule the world through subterfuge and gradually replacing all important people with Zoroarks in disguise, who would even come up with something like that?

>I think it turned out pretty good!
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>Question for you two: should there be any "aftermath" scene with Rita/Walker/Taner regarding the Al thing? I don't know the exact timeline, but it was probably the very next day where Taner starts getting ready to leave, and he would have at least said goodbye and explained why he was going out in such a rush

>Yup yup

>Hopefully not, though if he says that Oceana will wonder if he has godly powers in a certain zone, and then is just a Skarmory when he steps a claw out of the dessert... not that's she'd ever suggest that


>>(born from a single porn image that Beryl posted)
(Well this is the Pokeverse after all)
(I had an inkling after the tomb thing, because you posted her under the name Sekhmet lol)
(But yeah no way Oceana would have ever known that before now)

>Oceana would like to say she wouldn't like to see her own body in such a circumstance, but that would be a lie-- her curiosity is one thing that persisted even when everything else wasn't connecting

>Hugging Kauket is probably a little like hugging a plush

>(No problem :) )

>True, Oceana is sure they can stand there own against some foes, but best to keep as many allies and assists secret as possible, Sekhmet doesn't need to know what cards are in the deck
>The Vaporeon looks at the wall for a moment, her expression unreadable
>Oceana is starting to get accustomed to making plans for things that are more powerful than her
>In fact, while she hates that her friends and family are in danger again and wishes with all her being that wasn't the case... the idea of crafting a plan to take down a target that would be so beyond her abilities normally...
>It's invigorating; in the same way Star feels herself come to life when a difficult battle starts, Oceana can feel the challenge she's facing starting to energize her, as her mind works itself over the problems and solutions
>The game has begun, and Sekhmet doesn't even know the pieces have started to move
(That moment when you post the post that's supposed to be 2nd, first)

>Back to Kauket
"That might be best. If you do end up saying or doing something that clues her in it isn't the end of the world; so long as you don't outright accuse her of something it might be odd if you don't act a little odd around her, considering."
>With all the confidence from the previous parts of this, Oceana continues
"It's my family she's after too. And I am -not- going to let her harm them, or you. She doesn't know it yet, but the legend of Sekhmet is nearing its conclusion."
>She's going to make sure that any new fresco ends its story with them all still alive for some time to come
>(Or "existing," if we get pedantic lol)
>Though it's also possible that Zapman will get rid of her before all that happens... they really need to coordinate plans
>Also, Zapman's plan at betrayal sounds awfully familiar...
"I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but you and Sam should not eat or drink anything she gives you. Always assume that she may know of any intentions to betray her and is planning to backstab you in some way first, and act accordingly. Never assume you have one up on her, even if everything seems to indicate that you do."
>Normally, she wouldn't think she needs to say that out loud to Kauket, but with how emotional Kauket is right now-- understandably so-- Oceana feels it's best not to take chances
>And maybe, that'll get her to get Zapman to wait until they have a plan B, C, and D to go with their plan A

/>That's good!
/>Oceana says she wants to talk to you and Kauket herself at some point, and I'll need to be there for that... with everything going on, it may be hard for me to get to Orre quickly, but I guess we'll see where I'm at after talking to Breakback, which I'll be doing asap


Weaponize that lack of knowledge!

Also I think, uh, you missed. Or is that the post they told you to reply to? The, nonexistent organization Z.


>Fank yew Doro
>I wanted to have something for Doro to do in the meantime so the tournament thing came at just the right time

>Well, to be honest, if Taner said: "Okay guys I gotta go someone's trying to kill me and/or my friends", Rita wouldn't just go "Oh bye then" so... lol
>Though maybe if Taner assures her that the castle is safe and they have plenty of friends there already, Rita will agree to let him go without her, provided he at least keep her informed
>Like, this is pretty serious

>It's likely that the truth lies somewhere in-between
>Like, it wouldn't be farfetched to imagine his powers are considerably reduced when outside of his domain
>But certainly still considerably above that of an average mon overall, you wouldn't want to 1v1 him unless you had some serious tricks up your sleeve

>Nothing lol
>I just still have no idea what >>Due to the fact that she's been keeping in contact with Taner, Oceana probably knows about much of that (she also views Porychan from time to time, she just doesn't post)
>is referring to, even though I asked you to explain :P

(In case you were curious, this is the picture)
(As you can see, I took inspiration for the body color, sclera, and pupil color. I added the tattoos for that ancient/mysterious/wild factor)
(Also, not to spoil it, but similar powers as well, albeit... A lot less fetishy lol)
((Unless she's posted at Beryl or Celly (the players) in which case ehh, maybe a bit fetishy))

(That'd make sense lol)
(Yeah like I said, I wanted to make her come to that realization herself after enough clues, but... Eh, kinda ran out of time of my end. Oh well)

>Yes exactly. Not something she "wants" to see but rather she "has" to see

>It very much is! In fact, her favorite position to sleep in is: Teddy bear

>Yeah, why take the risk? It's not like she would play fair either way. She's quite possibly the complete opposite of Al in every conceivable way
>Quite, it's becoming a hobby of hers at this rate
>Yes indeed. Ideally this would be some bad guy that's unrelated to her, maybe some criminal underlord that she can just pull out all the stops for, knowing they have nothing on her
>But this is a bit different
>True, or perhaps you could say, Sekhmet has already made her opening move, and has no idea what her opponent(s) will do next

(Taner! Don't post the second post first!)

>Back to the plush
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Thing is though, I don't know if remembering would be all that different than having been told, in her book. I guess if I say I remembered, she won't suspect there's other people after her... Hm."
"... She might still want to kill me, though."
>That part's not so great
>What Oceana says next seems to give reassure her, though
"... Yeah. Thanks Oceana."
>Kauket doesn't seem to care too much about that anymore lol, she didn't even correct Maurice earlier. Yeah she argued about it with Taner but at this point it's like tomato tomato, y'know?
>She then stifles a dry little chuckle at what Oceana says next
"Yeah, fat chance. If anything she's the one eating and drinking -our- groceries. Whenever she stops by, she just opens the fridge and helps herself to half of our snacks. What a pig."
>Now isn't that a valuable tidbit of intel
>Kauket seems receptive enough, despite her current state, nodding as she listens closely

>And then, a long silence
"......... Speaking of snacks..."
>Looks like it might be time for a well-deserved break
>A food break
>Kauket isn't even really hungry she's just... In need of something else to focus on for a little while
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>You guys already have enough RP to get out of the way
>So I don’t need to add to that
>And in reference to >>67716943
>Walker would, in fact, say “oh bye then”>If he wants to keep up with Taner’s status he knows he can just check the threads
>greentext arrows upset me sometimes
>We're going to say that Taner is telling them both that he hopes to have it all resolved soon and he's flying to Kalos to take care of that, and that the castle is pretty safe and has so many people in it at this point that if someone can take them out, having more people there probably won't prevent it, better to have friends he can call
>Also, he's going to ask them to pretend that he's still there, at the tournament, which might throw off those after him

>Yes-- still good reason for him not to want to leave if he doesn't have to, one gets used to powers like that

>I hoped you would forget about that (like I did), now I've got to go back and figure out what that was all about, hold on a moment...
>>"The one who's been negotiating with Sammy, yeah. Probably the one who blew out one side of the Hearthome gym to steal the warp tile, too."
>That :P

(That is, indeed, a picture)
(Oh, so she can change size, makes sense if she has some Fairy typing)

(The only clue she would have needed is "this pink lady said her name was Sekhmet" but I'm not sure how one would get that to her, reasonably, it's not like she told Taner her name (I think))
(Without that, it'd be... pretty difficult if she doesn't know she should be looking lol)

>Yes, it's understandable, and it is possible they'll get some more clues from it, it's just likely to be dangerous

>That's a cute image, if I ever get confident enough to gen one with Zapman and Kauket both in it, I want to do that one


>She wouldn't hate it, if not for the aforementioned risks to friends/family (and nowadays, herself too)
>While it's nice when her opponent is one that she's more powerful then, there's something exciting about the idea of facing the giants
>Sekhmet has made her opening move, perhaps, but she's just doing "business as usual" right now... for the moment, she's unaware that the game has changed-- she thinks she's still the predator, but...
(I deleted it and got the order right, but I've got to get out of the habit of posting as soon as I'm done by instinct lol)

>Back to it
"She may. But the very fact that she's unaware of how many people know of her, and are backing you, will remain an advantage in your favor. As soon as out planning starts hitting diminishing returns, we strike first and strike with everything we've got. She is likely unused to being on the defensive, after all these years of not having to worry about enemies. But if we can delay that for a little longer to gather more clues, all the better."
>Oceana would find the whole thing silly and pointless, she wouldn't indulge it at all

"She is, is she? That's good to know. Any action she takes of her own initiative with consistency can be useful..."
>Turnabout is fair play, but it'd have to be a pretty strong poison to take down something like Sekhmet. However, giving her something that might react to Zapman's plan (of cancer, lol) and make it more effective isn't out of the question...

>Oceana nods
"I have snacks."
>She doesn't pull them out of a backpack, she took a mini-freezer to the basement and hooked it up, so there's ice cream, but also some stuff Orbeetles would like
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>Dart :(
>lmao Walker
>Best friend
>But alright, fair enough
>Will try to do more Shirley stuff before long

>>67717020 >you don't upset me

>Alright that works
>In which case, they can part ways there
>Rita will give Taner a hug and wish good luck, and hope to see him again soon under less life-threatening circumstances
>And she'll agree to do that, though... Rita probably won't be there for much long herself, with the tournament wrapping up and all
>Also I forgot to have anything meaningful happen to the green-gem Espeon lol whoops

>Oh absolutely
>He would if he reeeeally had to, but... It's clear he'd rather not
>Maybe that's why he took Oceana under his literal wing, to act as a more "mobile" agent for him

>Oh lol
>Alright yeah that makes sense
>Silly Taner

(It is. Also it has a typo, but I won't make you look at it a second time)
(Sort of. It's not -literally- a direct size change thing but... Now that'd just be telling, wouldn't it)

(Correct. She said her name was Samantha, so at best, Taner miiiiight've gotten a hint if Oceana shared all of her discoveries with him. Again though, I kinda went "Here's the answer" and dumped it all on you since we were kinda short on time lol)
(Yep, very much so)

>Possibly, though at this point they've dealt with the Warden, so... Also this will be their 3rd trip (one without Oceana) so the clues left on the floor are probably running pretty thin
>THAT said, they also haven't gone through all of the translations just yet, so there might still be some answers laying dormant in their piles of ancient texts. These things take time

>Oh dear... That might be pretty tricky. Still, I'd love to see that!

>Well, it's the challenge isn't it? What's the fun in squishing a puny little thing? ... Unless she's into that
>True, true...
(Silly Taner, still!)

>Back to back
"Yeah, that's true."
>She nods
"... Though, she's seen Taner's phone, with Sam in it, so she might have some idea. Then again, she'll probably just assume those are all just Taner's friends, not necessarily Sam's as well."
"Hm. So you want to strike first?"
>This seems surprising to her
"I was thinking we should think of some kind of trap to lure her in. But maybe your way isn't bad either."
>She's not opposed to shooting first and asking questions later

>She nods
"Yeah, and she's pretty careless about it, too."
"... Could use that to our advantage. Hm."
>Seems like they're having similar ideas
>I have a plan for Zapman's plan, let's just say that it's for the best that it is, in fact, plan A...

>Another small nod, and a sigh
"Good. Great."
>Oh right the Orbeetles are still there lol
>Just pretend they were just really focused on these two talking
>Gretha finally lets out
"I'm sure we can brainstorm better with snacks."
>Maurice, however, shakes his head
"Not that I'm opposed to snacking, but I've got to get back to HQ. I'll leave you guys to it."
>He nods
"Kauket, it was nice meeting you. I hope to work with you again very soon."
>Kauket gives a costumed nod
"Hey sure, no problem. You guys are cool."
>Maurice then looks over to Gretha
"You'll be alright to make it back on your own?"
>Gretha gives a little wave
"Of course dear, don't you worry."
>Maurice gives one final nod, and a final wave to Oceana
"Don't hesitate to contact us if there's anything else."
>Before grabbing his stone and BWOOPing out of there

>And so it's to be a girls night, with ice cream and gossip, and hopefully not worrying so much about serial killing octopus women

(But for now, goodnight!)
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>Those are sensible things to say
>Walker shall play along with the lies and deceit
>Easy enough

>That is how it is
>Yes Walker’s like that
>Dw about it

>noted & good morning
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>Sounds good
>The green gem Espeon can have done pretty well in the tournament, but a lot of the competitors don't really see each other unless in battle, so it makes sense that Taner wouldn't have met them there (as interesting of that might be)
>They've probably seen each other, but there's no reason for them to pay any attention to each other
>In fact, if the green gemed Espeon noticed anything that stood out, it might be the fact he feels like there is another psychic type watching some matches from high in the air, but when he looks up, he only sees a cloud... or, wait, a Whimsicott? Strange, they aren't psychic types

>That works out, and if that's so, even less likely there will be an objection

> :P

(I don't mind looking at it, I don't find it disgusting, it just doesn't do anything for me)
("This is very fraction" lol)

(Maybe he would have, Taner does pattern match a lot, but it'd be a stretch)
(Probably best this way anyway, it works well narratively to have Kauket be the one to put it together while they are talking to her)

>They have, but bringing the soul/spirit/ghost of one of the people who were supposed to be in the tomb seems... unwise
>True, though perhaps a translation app could be created

>I can do it with Eevee well enough, but only NovelAI can do Kaukets so far so and there's no regional prompter for that

>Oceana was curious about why Pokemon would even be into that at all, and even after trying to figure it out she didn't really "get it"... she now considers it something lesser evolved beings like to do, that's the only explanation
>There is no fun in that for anyone who's evolved enough passed the animal brain
>...Though she won't say no to an easy tournament battle because that gets her money

(I know)

>Oceana nods
"We don't know what she got from his phone, so we have to assume she got everything she could have."
>And that's a lot, including conversations with Oceana...
>But nothing that would indicate they might go after her, or that Zapman is going to, really... but again, best to assume that she knows

>>"Hm. So you want to strike first?"
"Yes. No matter what she's expecting, she's used to being the one to decide on the timing, the battlefield, everything. I doubt she's ever had anyone with the resources and knowledge we have go after her in earnest for a long time. Will she even know how to react to becoming the target, herself? She's very powerful, but we still have the resources to force her to play by our rules, especially once we know more about what has and hasn't been attempted before."
>Oceana doesn't seem to be treating her lightly-- if anything, she considers this plan to be the one that takes Sekhmet the most seriously

>A nod
"And she eats a lot? I wonder if she would notice a fridge Rotom... Hmm. Do you think she'd eat a head of lettuce whole?"
>More people in the room, more things they can do, poisons that might help Zapman or be explosive, yes, but if she ate actual bomb disguised as lettuce, especially if said bomb was a Zapman special... It sounds like it's right out of a cartoon, but it just might be another advantage they can use
>Though Oceana is sure poison would be a method that Kauket would agree to, some sweet revenge there

>That's fair
>Oceana gives Maurice a nod and smile
"Farewell, and take care."

>Oceana has never had a night like that, I'm not sure she'll know what to do with herself lol

(And good morning, I fell asleep)


>Now that we are here and between RPs, want to get the "Taner meeting Gliscor" scene started? It probably won't be all that long but my schedule means it may still take a bit
>Taner is going to land around lake Valor, though Dredd is easier to notice than Taner of course, until the trainer hopes off and starts looking around, Star on his shoulder as normal, and Repose and Lightspeed the only other ones out of the balls at the moment
>Yeah that's true. I was gonna have their team fight against Taner's at one point, but then things happened and yeah
>At most, maybe Oceana will make a passing mention of them, which would make Taner go "Oh yeah, I saw them at the tournament" or something... Provided they become relevant enough to the Atlas arc
>Ohoho really now, so Freedom is not participating in the tournament? Or is that just between matches?

>Yes indeed
>Kind of ironic to use a Water type to act as liaison for a Fire type, but I guess that means he's not Typist(?)
>Then again, maybe that's what Embodiment of Fire is for

(Fair enough!)
(Yes lol)

(Yeah, also fair enough)
(That's true. Plus it gives Atlas some usefulness instead of just "here's the texts uhh now figure it out yourself")
(Like when you have NPC followers in a game but you still have to do everything yourself anyway)

>That's true. There might be more "automated" systems in there to prevent something like that
>... Speaking of which, I never did explain how the Warden actually worked, as in why a Ghost Pokemon behaved like a robot. I'll have to get to that at some point if Oceana runs into another one of those, because that actually is something I intended for her to figure out, and possibly make use of

>Ahh, I see. Hmm. I wonder if there's at least one Mimikyu lora out there?

>That's a very valid explanation. After all, Star would probably say she's read something about how people with an inferiority complex(superiority complex?) always have to belittle and demean people they find to be beneath them. Though that's usually in a more social context and less... A physical one. Maybe that's just how it is in the wilds/with more brutish Pokemon
>Well yeah but that's different lol


>Kauket nods right back
"Hmm. Right, right..."
>Good thinking, using one symbol instead of three (1/2)
>But I'm still gonna

>Kauket pauses for a moment
"You might be right about that, but... How are we gonna know when's the best time to strike?"
>Kauket doesn't seem to disagree. She's just a little more cautious, possibly because she's among those that are likely to get offed the earliest, and she doesn't exactly wanna kick the hornet's nest

>Kauket taps her nonexistent chin with a tendril
"Maaaybe...? I dunno if she'd eat -lettuce- but... A whole chicken? Yeah, for sure. Probably in one bite even. Like I said, she's a fat, disgusting pig."
>Bit of a common trend with these super evil types, it seems
"... I guess we'd need to find an actual Rotom willing to do that, first."
>But yes, poison would certainly be on the table as well, and that too, would be a sweet way to do it

>And off he goes

>Really? Not even at the castle? Or before that? Interesting
>Well, the topic would probably naturally drift from the serious stuff to less serious stuff
>Like favorite flavor of ice cream, what's Oceana's favorite drink, what actually IS the relationship between Gretha and Maurice, stuff like that

(Good morning, and good timing!)
(And now, like I said, I'll probably be busy all weekend)
(Will try to get a post or two out if I can, but otherwise uh, yeah, good time to do Taner meets Gliscor lol)
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(I have my theories on the Warden but those are for another time)
(or for when there are no more Warden sightings)
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These techniques are getting a bit too advanced for me...

Yeah my bad. Or was it?
Organization Z is a good one, I like that.

>I should really come up with a new plot myself...
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>Yeah, it would have been hard to fit that in, as fun as it would have been to actually see a relevant tournament battle
>Oceana doesn't want to "out" the Espeon, but she also isn't at all worried about Taner spilling the secret, it's just the principle of the thing, it seems like it would be rude
>No as often this year, what with Taner not able to use his typical psychic communication tactics, she might have been in one or two battles but not most of them

>True, but strategically it's sound, especially if he has more than one liaison
>Oceana has involvement with Fire and Electricity both now, strangely enough

(Atlas has been incorporated well!)
(It's always hard, with so many characters, to make them feel alive in the world, but you've done really well for your Lut Sarab characters especially, it really feels like a living place)
(I'd love to do something like that myself, but I'd have to drop Taner or clone myself lol)

>Oceana isn't as academically interested in the ghost Pokemon robot as Star would be, but if something arises that makes it so it could be useful, she'll learn as much as she can about it

>There is actually, as of February, I'll see if it works with Yiffy/Easy/Indigo

>Yes, that, and Star would also say that it's flawed part of every brain, humans, Pokemon, anything sapient-- it's just that most don't have the opportunity and many don't have the desire manifesting in a form that makes it dangerous as they are raised to see others as "people," and the is social pressure against it
>Which is a little different than what Oceana think, that those who engage in certain things are literally less sapient and closer to animals, following outdated instincts because they haven't developed the higher brain functions that would make them feel guilty about it, guilt like that only being useful for more highly evolved species that can begin to work together on larger scale things, where sociopathy is weeded out instead of filtering to the top
>Yes, it can come in handy in a pinch lol

"That's a good question. Your idea of a trap is valid, waiting for her to come to Zapman, as we know she will again, so long as that is true we will have an opportunity. We'll need to be ready to mobilize quickly, if she's choosing the time and place of the meeting, she'll be less likely to suspect something. We have to be prepared for all the traps we put in place to merely wear her down for the full assault afterwards, but the more she has to feal with before that, the better chance we will have."
>Oceana isn't just thinking one trap, like Zapman's thing, she likes combos-- poisoned food with multipole slow-acting poisons, something that will activate upon Zapman's own cancer-inducing trap, maybe a bomb-- all that they can get inside her, due to her gluttony. But then if they can make a quick exit and trap her in a room, even for a few moments, there's also gas, and spikes, darts... With the group-teleporting Lut stone, they could then teleport her to the battlefield of their choice (assuming consent is only needed from one party to activate the teleport), and if it registers her as "human" and explodes her, all the better. And that's only the start...
>Ocean wonders what happens if one clamps down a Ultraball while it's still shaking, even if one could technically break out of it normally, that might make things difficult...

"A whole chicken? How small can Sam make a bomb while maximizing damage, do you think?"
>Oceana does not pull punches
>She shrugs
"I don't yet know if there would be any advantage to a Rotom fridge anyway, it's simply a thought."

>Maybe at the castle, with Sharon?
>Oceana is okay to let it drift to less serious stuff, that will help Kauket
>Does she have a favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla, perhaps
>Drink? Does water count? If not, she's probably become found of some of the offerings at Lut Sarab, but she also likes Mist

(Good luck, I hope the weekend goes well)
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You can weaponize anything with enough effort!
...Or with the right moves. I'm sure there is a move that hits harder the more fame you have, or the more confused you are.

Don't worry, I see nothing!
Yeah, I came up with it on the spot! Or did I?
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Yeah okay so it's just the Falinks.

Literal skill issue in that case.

Exactly. People are going to forget about it 10 seconds later, at best take a picture. Of them.
Oh yes, really not up to date.
Was it the attacks?
Those gotta hit you know
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Yeah I guess so, but should I?
I could send my new fans to attack my opponent, that's one way to do it.

Taner are you a Zoroark? Is this the Organization Z initiation ritual? Do we get cool matching black coats and new names that are anagrams of our original names?

Yes but I'm improving! Also type weakness issue.

It was the attacks! That were hitting me, really hard. Because I'm a dark type and Blaziken is fighting.
You gotta dodge those
Getting hit makes you lose
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With genius like that, I'm shocked you aren't already the Kanto Champion
You say that
But I did win a massive tournament in Unova a few years ago
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can confirm
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>Yes please
>Drip feed me RP

>Dredd is very noticeable, that’s good
>Due to the formation of this beautiful lake (pic related), señor Gliscor will take it upon himself to sit on the lake’s middle island and scan around the area like a prison panopticon
>Once Taner and his big bird are spotted in the air, Incredibat shall take flight over the water
>Please standby for the Gliscor-shaped dot to approach
>Aaaand he’s just about here
>The tree nearest to Taner is slightly shaken up as the big bat latches onto the side of it
>He’s about 10 feet up

>”Hello hellooo! Does Taner speak Pokémon yet?”
>Speaking to anyone who’ll listen, really
Huh, didn't know that.
Well nice job!
I do not accept cookies do not continue

I got stuff in the mail from 'fans'
It was weird
Someone sent me an Ultra Ball and I caught Beryl with it when he tried to murder me
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to be honest it was open to everyone, including non gym circuit trainer
I think your lawyer friend was also participating
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I disagree, it is simply an issue with your combat analysis. You focused all of your efforts onto me while ignoring Blazy. It led to your downfall.

Practically. Wow, Blaziken and Delphox, really REALLY damn rare indeed.
No I don't wanna
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Oh. I probably would get some weird mail if they knew a way to send stuff to me.
Hmm, Beryl origin story.

Daniel too, huh? Well less restrictive tournaments are definitely fun too! I remember the one hosted at Sharon's

I gotta play to my strengths! I'm strong against psychics, Flow against Fire types and Julius against fighting types! She was just too strong and quick and blizted us all!
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now, which other couples like that do you know

you will

you should give coliseums a try
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How do those work? They're in Orre, right? I've still never been there.
Yeah, probably, I can't think of any place where that wouldn't be true. That's good though!

Have you ever been mistaken for another famous Delphox?

I suppose! There is a move where that's more powerful the more Pokemon that are in the party. I wish anyone I know could learn that one, if it keeps getting more powerful beyond six in serious battles, it could be pretty strong!

I can't say anything one way or the other, aside from that if such a group did exist, you'd also have to add a "Z" somewhere in that anagramed name. But, you don't have to be heartless.

>Sadly that's how it'll have up to, especially tonight as I have to turn in early

>He is indeed, especially if this is occuring during the daytime
>That does not seem to be a natural formation, but that's a question for somebody else
>Wow he's fast
>Lightspeed is especially impressed

>Taner yells up himself
"I don't, but Star can translate so close enough I hope! Also hello!"
>He waves in the direction of the tree shaking Pokemon
>From his shoulder, Star says

>Taner hopes to talk to Zapman in person soon, but needs to do the Breakback soon first
>Oceana will also want to be there for the meeting, seems like she has some ideas to go with Sam's
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>It is what it is
>Have a good early turn-in

>Evening time, is what I imagined
>Yes it’s quite the strange island
>He’s not thaaat fast
>He probably flew straight up, and then just glided downwards for a while
>At the speed of gravity, and however fast that allows him to descend

>He takes a second to process the fact that Taner answered him despite not knowing what he said
>Then he comprehends the words “Star can translate” and the confusion is gone
>”Also hello. Yup. Good enough for me. It’s a good thing we don’t need anyone to translate human speech for me, then we’d need two translators!”
>That’s kind of a dumb sentence but don’t call him out for it or he’ll feel silly
>He eyes Star
>Then he grapples another tree branch and hooks his tail onto it, dropping himself to be completely upside down
>”Any particular reason you wanted to come to me? Because I coulda just come to you. Probably would’ve saved your time, you know.”
>It's troublesome

>Works for me, Dredd's black feathered body is still easily viewable on the horizon, until dusk arrives
>Oh well that's not quite that impressive
>That's falling with style

>Taner probably did that on purpose, considering the question-- Star would have been able to reply faster and first, but it was more fun to let Taner reply first after getting the translation
>It's just too bad she can't translate for anyone else right now
>Taner nods
"Yeah, that'd be pretty bad for everyone. It's also a good thing that Pokemon don't need translated for each other, or we'd need, like... a LOT of translators!"
>He seemed to pick up on the idea fast, Taner is pretty silly as well

>Star just dips her head to acknowledge the returned greeting
>Then, Taner replies again
"Uh, well, mostly because I though it'd be easier for you, and... we can't actually head out until the storm clears, so it's probably going to be a few hours anyway."
>"In addition, meeting with you here first seemed efficient should any extra travel arrangements be needed."
>A nod
"And, to get you up to speed..."
>Lightspeed chimes in
>"There are a -lot- of -ghosts- that are after -us- because they think we have -someone-!"
>Star clarifies
>"A significant number of bounty hunters have been sent out to find an acquaintance of ours and they may not hesitate to use force to gain whatever information they think they can from us. Hence the desire for extra help. Night Slash will likely be your most relevant move."
>Sadly, Gliscor can't learn Shadow Ball so Taner can't offer that TM
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>oh my gosh you’re awake

>yes, that and, good bat eyes help to see him
>Falling with style is how he lives

>Swell lad
>Oh the woes of being everyone’s translation tool
>El Incredibat laughs
>”No kidding.”

>”Ah well, I’ll take your courtesy.”
>I assume it’s not currently raining
>Alright, officially being kept up to speed starting now
>The bat’s expression displays most interest when listening to Lightspeed
>Because he is a funny little guy
>Its also hard to really process the bat’s subtler expressions when he’s hanging upside down, he’s kind of disturbing looking if you ask me but that’s subjective
>”I geeeet it. Sounds like a real annoying situation.”
>He already read on the thread about Taner and Star dealing with a ghost that can kill them with his mind or something
>He kinda skimmed it

>”Ooh, Night Slash. Sure. I can be your Night Slash.”
>He holds a claw up to his mouth, tittering
>”These ghosts, they CAN be hit with physical moves, right? I’m not gonna go through them or anything? ‘Cuz that’d make me pretty damn useless ya know.”
>He may not have Shadow Ball but he’s at least stolen a bunch of TMs for personal use
>And an ability patch or two
(Little post or two for the night)

(Oh? Intriguing)
(You mean if there -are- more, right?)

>The Doro plot...
>Maybe a mini plot could be Sheik initiating the meeting with Doro's group? Like, she saw them fight on TV in a public space and she's like: "Guys guys let's go meet them they're so cool!" And the rest of the gang is like: "Huh? Doro who? Tourna-what? Fine if it makes you happy, why not" and then it's up to Sheik to figure out how to get in touch with them
>Just a thought

>That's true
>Oh alright, makes sense

>Yes and Ice, too! A palette-in-the-making of involvements, pretty strategically sound, too

(Glad you think so!)
(Thanks! I was trying to find a balance between "this place is happening whether you're there or not" and "you can actually make a difference here, with enough work")
(As it tends to annoy me in games when towns are either totally indifferent to you and stuck in time, or they act like you're the messiah/chosen one literally 5 mins after you've walked in and they literally cannot function on their own)
(Probably lol. Or maybe just like I did with Sharon and cut down her screen time significantly. But that's not just because of Lut. This is partially why I had her do castle management and legal busywork for Doro's trainership. It technically makes sense that these things would take up a lot of her time in context, but nobody actually wants to see that, so it's a good way to have her take up less space without outright going "yeah she's just sitting at home doing nothing" which would be very out of character for her)

>Oh alright, maybe she could pass the word along to Star then, if more ghost-robots show up

>Oh right! Is that the one you made these with? Or was that NovelAI?

>That's also true
>That's interesting. So Star believes everyone has it, but some are just better at controlling themselves, while Oceana believes cruel creatures are literally just dumber than the rest?
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>Yes lol

"Yeah, actually, our deadline is right about due. She'll be here any day now. We know she'll be coming over to Sam's place, but... Exactly when, we got no clue. Just that it'll be very soon. Might not be enough time to set up a trap before then..."
"Though she did say if Sam delivered, she'd have more business for him in the future... That would allow us to earn her trust at least a little bit, and better prepare for a bigger, less risky trap. I think."
>There's multiple ways to go about this, but she hasn't exactly given Zapman much time to do anything. Whenever she shows up, she just bursts in, takes food, makes vague threats, checks the status of her request, then leaves without saying goodbye
>Ideally, one would want to lower her defenses a little more first, both literally and metaphorically
>After all, they have yet to hear from Atlas on the "what worked and mostly what HASN'T worked against her already"
>So it might be prudent to wait a little before putting forth a hundred different plans, many of which with a high probability to fail and get her to retaliate on the spot
>For instance, in the Ultraball example, it might be wise to find out -if- Sekhmet can even be caught in the first place, before attempting to catch her and immediately give your intentions away
>She does not seem like the kind of person who would let you get away with something like that

>Kauket shakes her head
"Well.. Those crystals the Boys have been making are fairly potent. A fistful of it has about the same yield as a kg of TNT, Sammy said. Which is like... Enough to destroy an entire kitchen and all the appliances within. You could maybe get about the same result as a Voltorb using Explosion if you're lucky. Problem is, any bigger than that, and she might notice it before she's even ate it. But maybe we don't need her to eat it, just be close enough...? Even then, it might still not be enough to fully knock her out, just... Stun her for a hot minute."
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well for a start, they are mostly two versus two
also, yeah


(I wouldn't want to accidentally spoil the mechanics, if I am right)
>She shrugs in turn
"Of course, we could always try to get someone crazy enough to -let- themselves be eaten. Do damage from the inside. Doubt she's like Beryl on the inside though, as in hollow and stuff. Might be full of unexpected nastiness in there."
>Quite the conundrum

>Sounds like it could've happened! After all, she's spent (and continues to spend, albeit less so now) a fair bit of time there
>Vanilla and water
>Wow, Oceana really IS the serious one of the Taner family huh, well other than Star
>Sierra Mist?
>And that's true, there are quite a few unique beverages served in the Lut bars, some with alcohol and some without (ironically, because alcohol is toxic to some species, and not so much out of consideration for people who would rather stay sober, that's not their problem)

(Thanks! I might be able to post a liiittle more than I originally thought, after all)

>>Oceana will also want to be there for the meeting, seems like she has some ideas to go with Sam's
>Sorry, I already had plans to have Sekhmet come pick up her machine a whiiile ago, I just didn't wanna do it until they had that talk with Kauket, so now she knows what she's up against
>Still, Oceana will have plenty of time to meet Sam after this, if they play their cards right. Sekhmet still won't know what they're up to

>Speaking of which
>Knock knock
>..... Oh, the door is already open. Great
>For about 30 more minutes yeah

>Oh yes, him being nocturnal is an advantage, now it's not just Repose awake at night

>Freedom may or may not be around, who knows

>It is not currently raining here, but I assume it is over the path they'd normally take to get to Kanto, that is, the ocean

>Lightspeed is very easy to pay attention to, also being brightly colored and always in motion
>The exact opposite of the Umbreon who is also here

>Taner doesn't see the need to go into that, but if they are going to be traveling together for a while, it's possible that Incredibat will end up getting the full story in the downtime

>Taner blinks
"I uh, they should be able to, just not Normal type moves? But, um."
>Star continues for him
>"Our adversaries' abilities may vary. Ghosts that use 'magic' should be considered at least one standard deviation from what one would typically expect. But total immunity to all physical moves is not yet an ability we have encountered. If the past is any indication then such an ability may come with exploitable drawbacks."

>With a family like hers, perhaps her getting along with other types easily isn't a surprise

(It's a good one! I just wish CBall was around more so Scamp could actually get involved too, but nothing you can do about that...)
(Lol yeah there are a few like that for sure)
(That makes sense too-- there are good reasons for Taner to not post for a while, but while all this is happening it's hard to get him to say he's taking a vacation, my only real excuse is "somewhere without service")

>She might have already if there wasn't so many other things on her plate, Oceana's life just got very busy lol

>NovelAI for those ones, haven't tried the Lora yet

>Star thinks that everyone -could- have it in them, not necessarily that they do, but it's a combination of nature and nurture; she doesn't have any desire like that, but if her past was drastically different, a version of her could
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>The door?
>Oh boy
>It may be time
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>I miss you already

>They’re going to talk
>So much


>ah yes
>all those hurricane beryls, and such


>He’s not too pushy about the story either way, just focused on what he needs to know
>like what kind of evil bad guys he must fight

>”Good, goood…”
>Then Star Stars
>”Wildcards. Right. Think I still have that Misdreavus’ number if we ever need magic help.”
>He performs an upside down shrug
>”I’m imagining a bunch of Mismagius attacking you, is there anything else I should look out for? Also, am I allowed to… well, if I *can* kill them, am I allowed to do that? Genuinely want to know. Might save your life.”
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>Oceana on the other hand, having actually tried something like that and having concluded the idea of doing it in a different context than the exact one she did it would make her -sick- rather than satisfied, came to believe that means that it is not inherent: those who do it are different on a nature level, even if nurture could allow them to control it and even be "good people" they won't ever feel the same guilt or empathy as a higher evolved being would, because their mind is closer to an animal's, more fit for the wild where those feelings would be drawbacks, rather than one evolved for a society where they can be advantages
>It also seems to happen in humans sometimes, but sociopathy and psychopathy are brain conditions, not the normal state for a human and not curable, even if it can be curbed
>That said, "lesser evolved" doesn't mean "dumb" though... often it does
>Star would have a lot to argue against about those viewpoints, but Oceana would say her arguments are more for selfishness, which she agrees all beings share, but isn't what she's talking about

>Oceana considers that
"Could you convince Sam to delay his plans, and instead make it appear that he's doing exactly what she wants? He wanted her to make a healing machine for her and was planning to sabotage that, right? Perhaps he could make it seem to work exactly as it should, but with a slower sabotage that will help us later?"
>She doesn't know it, but that's actually pretty close to what Sam is planning anyway
>Oceana, of course, thinks he is just going to blow Sekhmet up, because... Zapman

>Indeed, Oceana wants to strike fast, but does want to wait until they get more information about what hasn't worked, that's vital
>Still, talking and thinking about it now allows Oceana to get a better grasp of what tools they do have available
>Yes, if the Ultraball is just going to be knocked away, good to know-- though if that's only part of the plan not a deal breaker if they don't
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It's too bad I can't learn Beat Up, that seems like a fun move!

Ozdro? Nazter? Oh good I don't wanna lose my heart just yet.

>I just gotta find the time and motivation to plan it out
>Having them meet could be fun. Sheik might do something like that, she's gotta do something to combat her boredom after all.

Double battles are fun, I should practice them more!
I'll get around to Orre eventually! The lack of wild pokemon is interesting, I wonder how that even happened?
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(Catching up before I sleep)

>Oceana seems to like what she hears about those crystals
"We don't need one big one when several small ones would do, and that would be much easier to hide. Ideally, she'd have eaten some, but in case something about her body muffles all damage done from the inside, we'd also have some go off outside at the same time. I wonder if Zapman could make a pair of classes out of them, or otherwise get her to put them near her eyes somehow? That would be ideal, if her eyes are still more or less normal, they should be easily damaged and difficult to heal, and forcing her to fight blind would be a major advantage. I suppose we could just try to jam one in and get out of the way before it goes off."
>Oceana seems to see nothing off or extra brutal about what she just suggested


>Oceana blinks at that suggestion
"Hmm. I wonder if there would be a way to verify that a ball could still be returned to while a Pokemon was inside her. Then it would be far less risky for the Pokemon involved, they could simply return to the ball and wait things out if unable to do damage."
>She then shakes her head, having thought of something else
"But that might make us hesitate to do more larger scale damage that could damage the Pokemon inside as well."
>Oceana wonders if Sekhmet needs to breath... probably not, so teleporting her to the ocean or space is not likely to work
>Maybe to the surface of the sun, though, but few things could teleport her that far in one shot

>She has, but other than Sharon, I'm not sure there are any females at the castle she'd really talk to all that much... maybe Celly?
>Yes, she is... if her life had been different, she'd probably be a lot less interesting and more normal
>Sierra Mist (it's basically Sprite)
>Oceana probably hasn't gotten drunk yet, but she is a little curious about it

(Can't deny I'm happy to see that lol)

>Ah, ok
>I see that happening now :P
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(Oh, in that sense, yeah!)
(Maybe Sam could help Star/Oceana investigate them, to find out how they work)
(Provided he survives pink bitch tits that is)

>That does make a lot of sense yes

(Yeah... To be honest, a lot of the Voltz stuff would have more to do with him too, but... Oh well)
(Yeah, that's true. Worst case scenario, you could just say he's been "training a lot" or something)

>Yes lol
>And to think she had very little to do up until not too long ago

>Ooh, alright, that's what I figured

>Hmmm, right, right

>That's certainly another way to see it. They're just not evolved enough
>It would be interesting to see them have this debate lol

>Kauket nods
"Yeah, that's exactly the plan already. We suspect she won't trust the machine initially so... It's made to sabotage itself little by little, making it more and more "cancerous" for her each time she uses it."
>That might've very well have been the initial idea lol

>That's true, and it doesn't hurt to draft some early plans in the meantime anyway
>Also true, but then they'll have to find a way to coordinate that with whatever other plan they might have

>Yes, though you are going to bed soon... I think

>Kauket is currently hiding under the hat, watching, spying, on high alert
>Sammy now knows that "Samantha"s name is actually Sekhmet, and that she very likely is the one that caused Kauket to become a ghost, via murder
>Though Kauket didn't remember until recently, and would prefer to not reveal that she does know, as this might alert Sekhmet, who very likely seems to still have her memories intact
>Thus: Gotta play it cool, act as if nothing had changed

>Door's open, no one in sight... Huh

>Oh fuck, voice behind him
>It's her, just looking at stuff in his living room. An old ham radio, walkie-talkies, some transistors
>Without looking at him, she casually lets out:
"I actually knocked that time. See?"
>Technically, she... did
>And also distract herself from her friends' degenerate vore parties (initiated by Sabrina)


(And goodnight to you too!)

>Kauket doesn't seem too sure about this
"... How do we get her to just randomly wear glasses, though? But I guess shoving explosives up her butt could also work."
>It's unclear whether she's serious about that, but the thought of blowing her up in any way possible seems to bring her comfort

>She nods
"That's a good idea. Having them scout ahead, and recall them after... Well, not sure how long, but not too long I suppose. Then we'd know what's inside and how to deal with it."
"... Of course, by then she'd wanna kill us both, but uhh..."
>Once again, they really only have ONE really good element of surprise... After that, it'll be a more direct battle

>Kauket scratches her head
"... Maaaybe Sam could like, X-ray her, silently, to see what she's made of? Might be a way to do it without her noticing."
>Indeed, even for the MDs that might be a bit too far

>Hmmmm, true, true
>Celly, Angel, uhh... Probably not Tempest and Princess lol
>True, sometimes that's okay too
>Now the question is, how does a Water type react to alcohol, hmmm...

(lol well no guarantee yet :P)

>Don't worry, like I said, this is just one of (likely) many encounters
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>It was 2/3, whoops

>I'm staying up later than I wanted so it's doubtful I'll be able to get a post off before work, but you do get another tonight

>Yes, they are, it's Taner

>I, also, had to refrain from mentioning the thread whenever I saw "beryl"
>Pretty easy though, nobody in my real life can or will ever know about this, and they wouldn't believe it anyway

>Then, he asks that
>He IS rather unsettling upside down, but nobody is ever going to say a thing about it (well, Dream might, but she's not here)

>Star replies first
>"Mismagius are most likely, but they could have hired other species so long as they'd have been willing to bounty hunt for them. Use lethal force if it is most efficient unless we say otherwise. Do not land a killing blow if it's unnecessary but don't hold back."
>Taner opens his mouth, as if to object to what Star just said, but then closes it, and looks at the ground

It does, even with the name.

I think Nobody wants to lose their hearts! Or-- well, I promised not to mention that.
I have a feeling robes wouldn't be a part of things, they might mess with illusions.
Natner? Artzs? Hmm... That's not exactly easy...

(Replies tomorrow as I must sleep now, goodnight!)
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you should!

mostly harsh desert coupled with a few nuclear bomb tests make things a bit unlivable out there

>Soon, yeah

>Sam is definitely taking this "Sekhmet may be Kauket's murderer" personally
>Still, he's got a plan, and the plan is in motion
>The rigged healing machine will not only increase the output until six fold the normal, it will also record usage and ping Sam with its location when it goes too long without being used
>Just so he can get it back

>No one in sight huh
>Hopefully he just forgot to lock the door

>Don't forget the old IBM mainframe
>Be careful with the stuff please
"....yes, you did. Hello."
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(Sorry! Goodnight! And good luck for Saturday!)

>Good thinking, Sam
>Kauket is proud


>Oh yeah, that too
>Well so far she hasn't broken anything... Or eaten anything
"So, deadline's up. What do you got for me?"
>The tall pink freak of a woman walks closer to Sam, looking down at him
"Your tile's waiting. Can you hear it?"
>She takes on an insultingly bad faux-innocent tone:
"Zapman, Zapman, save me already! What's the hold-up?"
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>Damn, this woman has no chill
"In the workshop. The machine is ready."

(I might have to call it a night soon too)

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>She has likely traded all of her chill for those nasty curves
>Though she seems to relax ever-so slightly upon hearing that it is, in fact, ready
"Good! That's what I like to hear. Lead the way."
>And so she'll casually follow Sam to the workshop!
>To be CUNTinued!

(All good, sleep well!)
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>Continued, SOON!
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>I love you

>It is Taner
>But also, it’s Repose
>I was mainly talking about Repose and Incredibat during the nighttime hours

>I must take the secret of my porychan posting to my grave

>Dream is wack

>No notable reactions to her summary, just gently swaying and listening
>He slightly raises a nonexistent eyebrow when it looks like Taner’s gonna talk, but nein
>”Oookay then. I’ll see if I can manage.”
>He idly wraps himself up in his wings
>”Did ya know we’d probably call that the “rules of engagement”? I heard it in a military video once.”
>goonight tanor

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