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Bunny Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67535815

Spillover of horny, blogposting, tea parties, and AH refugees from /omog/

https://picrew.me/image_maker/1689727 (RW)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1203187 (DW)

https://rentry.org/homogtemplate22 (Thread Template)
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i think we're dying.
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No! We will live forever!
This OP pic again?
Not that I mean, it's cute and hot.
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1000 years of /homog/!
it had been half an hour since that anon said he was making a new thread, so i figured they probably had to do something or forgot, so i just made one and grabbed a random mildly horny basil image to use. sorry if it's been used to much.
rawr XD
>it had been half an hour since that anon said he was making a new thread, so i figured they probably had to do something or forgot, so i just made one and grabbed a random mildly horny basil image to use. sorry if it's been used to much.
Hello I am that anon, I was waiting for the thread to hit page 9 before making the new one and I get hit with "You must wait a while before making a thread" and while I was in the middle of waiting BAM! a new thread was made.
Post omori porn that is not on rule 34
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>Now this is podracing
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Heartwarming AU where Sunny thinks Mari died, but then she arrives home 3 days before he moves away to help pack up/chill with their friends before they leave.
Mari would be in college, and Sunny would think she's dead because he didn't expect her to leave so quickly and shut down.
They should pull a prank on the gang before moving
The weebs are trying too hard to shill the trash manga. Stop it, it's trash. If you get off to the images kids with almond eyes, do that privately.
>almond eye
What the fuck is your obsession with almond eyes? You've mentioned this shit every fucking thread.
his friends and family try to help him out but he can't understand them insisting mari's still alive after her funeral (which he dreamt up) they all went to
snuuytism can be a very tragic development problem even healthy sunny's can suffer from
Mari got some cute hips
I can’t believe Vance fucked a couch
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I want Daphne to put her feet on my face...
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how are u doing this thursday my fine anons
in a state of eternally wanting to sleep but otherwise fine.
I’m goo
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eternally wanting to sleep or wanting to sleep eternally? either way same

anon's goo...
I ended up waking at roughly... 7:30pm? and immediately wanted to go back to bed
Im fine, I start a temp job at a county fair in a week. It's just restroom duty, 8 hour shift for 10 days in a row. Plan to hide an ear bid behind my hair because apparently it's against policy.
What keeps bringing you back here anons?
Mary Making
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Hopes that someone draws Moonie getting fucked again
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I'm just waiting until we all finally agree on where the /homog/ orgy will be, so I can have my pick of scrawny nerd asses.
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basil porn and anon penis
I come here 1-2 times a week for 5 minutes only to check if lewds that haven't been posted on pixiv or r34 have been posted here, then leave.
does it includr anon lewds
I respect the determination anon
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the blood pact of old binds me
So nice of Omori to feed his girlfriend
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Are you just this addicted to music?

Let me guess. You're indonesian?
>Let me guess. You're indonesian?
Forgive me I am very white and I dont even know what addicted to music even means, I just think having some music will help the hours feel shorter.
Need to cuddle bunny Basil and make him feel loved and protected...
I need to be fucking gripped
I need to be gripped and fucked.
my friend made a tiant
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my friend made a giant polar bear out of wii controllers and wii accessories
not deleting its a piece of history
very big
The sillies
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Moonie having fun with the boys (unfinished)
Woah, Moonie anon actually did it.
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I don't know what went wrong.
I fail, lol.
If you make her tits more modest it would be perfect
do you even know who's moonie
>puffy nipples
Ok I now see the appeal
kill yourself
Moonatics, the lot of you.
One for the album
Omori and his big purple friend
I swear this cute OC has more porn than the majority of Omori characters
i have 65 nsfw drawings of this girl saved on me including incomplete sketches that became completed drawings and variants of the same drawing
there's definitely more of the main cast and some others like sweetheart but you aren't going to see polly or mincy compete with that number
What's your main fetish, Anon? The thing you most commonly search for when it's time to fap
Those are winning numbers
male:humiliation is the GOAT search. If there's no new doujins there, I go to femdom, which I love, and then crossdressing, which I don't particularly like but it tends to involve male subs. The couple of times a year I jerk off to 3D the first search term is always "femdom joi."
I love bondage!!!!!
i can't really think of one specifically so i think i'll choose size difference
>tfw you will never humiliate an omogger

Hell yeah, being tied up is great

You a big boy or a small boy?
either's fine but i'd pick smaller boys
honestly, I can't think of one.
except maybe breasts but that doesn't even count as a kink I don't think. really if I wanted to get myself off I'd just, find a way to feel pain.
lolis and double penetration are the fetishes of kings (me)
Based either way, power imbalance is what it's all about

Breasts are about as vanilla as it gets for heterophiles, but the masochism adds some pizzazz

III can't say I approve of the combination, but DP can be good if you don't think about the logistics too much. Frotting AND fucking at the same time? Yes, please
I'm all over the place, I'm just a huge degenerate.
Probably going to hell for the shit I've fapped to(loli or shota sometimes).
The only part of vore I understand is that biting is hot, desu

Fapping to loli or shota isn't that bad, in the grand scheme of things, at least you haven't fapped to a picture of an omogger's collarbones
Why is there a assassin from assassin's creed running around at the Olympics?
We're having an olympics?
Heh, is a sportsball happening? I was too busy reading Sūnzǐ's The Art of War.
i don't know about any olympics or olympia's
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why do you look like that
Giantesses, drool, tank tops, thick lips?

The autistic sub. Which doesn't narrow it down much, so specifically the autistic straight sub who plays Factorio
Oh, I know him now.
I don't recall ever fapping to collarbones.
>omogger's collarbones
which one? I have 4 anons lying around somewhere not counting nakey anons where you can see them anyway
Collarbones are fantastic, though..... Kissing them and stuff....... Biting maybe

The hetero factorio player. And agreed, full nudes don't count, the collarbone focus makes it better. Probs like foot people prefer it when the foot's in focus rather than just at the bottom of the pic
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oh you already said them sorry im retarded
I'm never going to live that down am I.
that was aa.
Post more pics, loverboy, and we'll see what the omog dicks do

Not in 100000000000 years
well I guess I'd have to try find something that'd be more relevant, even if most my stuff is game shit and the hand.
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old favourite
never before seen with penis collectors edition
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this is going to turn into a 'anons post their hands wrists and collarbones and get freaky' thread
All you have to do is post a more explicit picture and everyone will forget about the collarbone one

10/10 would tie you up and suck your cock while playing with your nipples

We can only hope
this feels targeted.
anon. as much as that would work, that's like inviting a bear into your house to get a racoon out.
There's nothing wrong with swallowing a fly, and then swallowing a spider to catch the fly, and then swallowing a bird to catch the spider, then swallowing a cat to catch the bird, etc. That's normal
it would have been better not to swallow anything to begin with, to be real.
though thinking about it, knowing this place probably means it'd go somewhere else instead.
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u only get neck
blood pipes
It's common courtesy to start off trying to swallow it and then take it up the butt desu. For the bottom, I mean, and the biggest one tops, sooo

>displaying neck
Making me want to pin you down and bite till I draw blood (sexual)
fuck it for that shitty pun. I shall indulge your shenangians.
but with a glove on.
here. now quiet it about bones.
why is your skin black and fuzzy
that is a glove.
There's not even any visible bones.... And i'm going to bed so I can't keep badgering you....
why are you flipping us off :(
fair, fair. rest well then!
I still got shit to figure out with PM stuff concepts.
yes! I said before posting, it is a glove, I clarified, it is a glove. it is a glove.
I like gloves, avoids having as much skin exposed to the air.
Now I want the anon with the big butt to post again.
there was an anon with a big butt??
It wasn't too big but it was a nice bubble butt
rude >:)
Do you remember his skin or smth? Any details?
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don't die only I'm allowed to do that
They wore leggings so no skin. I found one of the posts
that is a nice ass
Milk Chan...
Would she get along with Sunny. I think she might considering how quiet Sunny is.
I wanna look like him but happy
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tfw no bf to give the golden chastity cage to
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same, but I enjoy it more when is a bitchy bratty nasty girl getting raped
>t. sanest Sweeetheart fan

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