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Formerly known as /ssg/ sexy synthetics general.

A thread for anything that isn't made out of flesh and blood, Post robots, rubber dolls, latex drones, plushies, pooltoys, figures and anything that's normally considered inanimate like plant, food or stone creatures.

All content is welcome, doesn't matter if drawn by a person, Al generated, or even a real object you took a photo of. You can even post a story or greentext. Post anything as long as it fits the theme.

Previous thread:

We do occasionally post non AI content but if you want to succumb to peer pressure:

Best quality, heavy censorship

Poorer quality, no censorship

Good quality. Specialized for furry content.
25$ a month for unlimited image generation.
Request anchor
Careful not to get in too deep
Rebranding again?
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Perhaps. Depends on the reaction to it.
Could you regen this one? I think Luna looks too much like a real pony and not enough like an inflatable in the final part. Maybe give her one of those painted-on-grins?
Yeah I wasn't really happy with it either. Here are a few more. I'm still not satisfied with it so I might try again later.
This sequence was pretty bad but the final result was the best so far.
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Latex Luna is the best thing about these threads.
Goodnight. I hope the thread survives today.
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Sleep well anon, may you receive good tidings upon waking
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Since 15ai is dead, anyone know of an AI voce generator that does GLaDOS for free?
more of her if you can please
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>"Pulvinum Impleta, otherwise known as stuffed toys or plushies, are animates of the family Automata due tot heir heterogenous construction. Their stuffing, skin, and eyes will consist of varying materials, and in recent times include a multitude of polymers in their construction"
>"It's nearly impossible to tell the difference of a normal stuffed toy from a member of Pulvinum Impleta by sight, aside from it being in an odd place or unusually clean given its surroundings. In recent times, Pulvinum Impleta will tend to have more exotic and higher quality forms than normal. Though, the fastest way to identify them from a distance is through thermal imaging, as they will maintain a 5% higher temperature than their ambient surroundings"
>"The stuffing common to Impleta is typically twice as heavy compared to [REDACTED] brand stuffing, though it would appear to have the same level of softness. Though, being able to determine that a stuffed toy is heavier than it should be puts an individual in reach of an Impleta's grasp."
>"Unlike the active predatory habits of Pulvinum Cavum, Impleta will typically wait in environmental choke points from which they can ambush passing humans. They are capable of a brief but potent flinging motion to launch themselves at a target, though they do require time to recover from a miss. That, or they will wait for an individual to pick them up. Impleta are not hazardous, and from observation actively avoid hurting humans. They do however derive energy from humans who are sleeping, and are known to generate soporific effects upon contact. Older members of Impleta can generate not only a soporific field around themselves, but also perception altering and compulsory effects upon nearby individuals as well"
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>"While their initial pounce is entirely avoidable, this will not deter the now exposed Impleta from pursuing its target. Albeit, pursuit is a strong world for the hobbling gait they will typically employ. Being mostly Invertebrates, they plod forwards with a shambling motion, body partially collapsed under their own weight. Once they have regained enough strength, they will attempt to pounce again, otherwise herding their target into a corner. Testing was conducted using a Vexillum Subject and a 24" [XXXX:REDACTED]-brand teddy bear in a 20' square room. Within thirty minutes the Vex/Sub was too tired to escape further and was grasped by the Impleta. A further 13 minutes passed before the Vex/Sub fell asleep despite efforts to remain awake.
>"Combat with Pulvinum Impleta is not advised, due to the resilience of the entity/creature. Given a complete lack of organs, cardio vascular, respiratory, and even central nervous system, Pulvinum Impleta is capable of taking extreme trauma. As they have no skeleton, blunt force attacks and grappling are ill advised, though the best option would be to use slashing weapons. While being pierced does not phase Impleta, sufficiently sized lacerations can cause a lost of structural integrity, causing the individual to flee and seek repairs. Extreme dismemberment can incapacitate, though once all the pieces are sewn back together the Impleta can resume regular locomotion. The only certain way to "kill" Pulvinum Impleta is fire, though this is not practical for a number of reasons.
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>"It is currently unknown the exact method by which stuffed toys animate and thusly become Pulvinum Impleta, though other members of the species can do so. They will often approach other stuffed toys in a group and conduct a self biopsy, before implanting the stuffing into another toy. This is rare and hard to document, as all members of Ordo Animatum have extrasensory perception which allows them to know if they are being observed. Animation in this method has an incubation time of three weeks before beginning in full, the toy animating after five weeks on average.
>"Most of the time, an Impleta will be given to a child as a means of comfort, and will not engage in movement for extensive periods. This results in a benign parasitism relationship, where the Impleta will gain energy from the child, while the child is granted healthy sleeping habits and protection from Somnia entities
>"As the child ages and grows, the Impleta will grow proportionally alongside them, maintaining a familiar presence to the child. Simultaneously, it projects a memetic that prevents alarm in other humans, as the Impleta was always that big compared to the child. This is the primary method of growth among Impleta that has been observed."
>"The secondary method of growth it actively infusing itself into another stuffed toy of larger size. The Impleta will create an incision large enough to crawl into the selected stuffed toy and will sew up the hole behind it, before moving roughly to the center of mass. From there it will remain motionless, as its stuffing beginning penetrating its dermal layer and extending into the stuffed toy much like mycelium in a fungus. As the former "skin" disintegrates, the Impleta will gain control of its new body, seeking other stuffed toys to cannibalize for material and stuffing to bring it back to the proper density."
>"This is occurring more often, as children of the current generation move away from toys to electronics, and with the expansion of the [XXXXX:REDACTED] community. Members of Impleta now come in a variety of forms beyond standard stuffed animals and are larger on average. This does make for easy identification on Field Collection Deployments. This demographic shift and with the rise of the internet is putting Pulvinum into conflict with both Pulvinum Cavum and Galatea Peripetasmata in terms of acquiring sustenance. Containment of the species has been deemed impossible for centuries, though social medial allows for the memetic suppression of the existence of such entities."
Can we please get more plush content? Its my favorite part of these threads
im not kidding im in love
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I've got plenty more. I used to post her a lot back when Bing Creator was brand new.
NTA but speaking of Bing, is the watchdog still a pain in the ass?
Or are you still able to get gens like this?
Yes, these are all recent. I still don't understand the filters. I can get great gens and then change the species or color and I get dogged over and over. On one prompt, I got a ban warning by changing 'grass' to 'green grass'.
Any example prompts? I know the filter has a hard time dealing with longer entries and locational tags.
she looks like i could be in her arms forever
People were starting to post threads about this topic again without including AI slop. This was unacceptable, so drastic measures needed to be taken to kill the topic again.
Latex obsessed furries deserve only AI slop.
What's she buying?
>op is some socially stunted beastiality fetishist named William w**dward. He used to make the plush threads where he posted himself fucking stuffed animals before he fully doxed himself using a single picture.
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It looks like there are 50lbs packages of shrink wrapped meat on the shelf.

As for the contents of that laundry bin of a shopping cart, liquid polymer in bulk, patches, and snacks to lure in an unsuspecting anon
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It used to be a lot easier, but as >>67716527 mentioned, it is still possible. It just takes a lot of trial and error.
fluffy and fucking beautiful
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Imagine the hugs
Like the bed in the morning, you don't want to leave
The thread is dead because no one wants to hang out with some cartoon pedophile
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This a mod yet?
The pile on the left of the cart almost looks like a diaper pack due to the fold looking thing at the top
Has anyone triad generating realistic diapercritters?
Have you tried actually going to a therapist instead of doing deranged shit on 4chan?
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I gave it a few tries. Unsurprisingly it didn't understand what that was. Only thing I could think of was "...made out of diapers" and got this.
Hot damn! It's obviously a bit wonky (and more cloth-ish than diaper-y) but that's still pretty cool. I really like the left hoof.
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Kinda reminds me of a piñata.

Speaking of, do we have any piñatas?
Sure, these are some of my earliest gens. Over half a year old, so they're not my best. I should try new ones but the current filter on bing is too annoying.
I think this one is even better. Probably just a hunch but I think the green color might have helped the AI.
>Speaking of, do we have any piñatas?
Artwise there's all that porn of that one SCP and some of the fortnite loot lama
Actually, you've just reminded me. A few years back I was seriously considering constructing a heavy duty one with an SPH.
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eh this is close enough to ask
How come there aren't any FNAF/Roxy threads? Has the hype for those games full died down?
Looks good, sorry the filter is being a problem

Ah, yes, the child-breaker

FNAFs had a good run, as for lack of new content, not sure.
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she's so pretty
The guards make for great replacements.
I thought the guards made for good snacks?
Squeaky squeak
Midna balloon?
Love me some Luna
could you do some of pinkie pie like this? butt focused? these are awesome
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Bless the moon.
Not sure what you mean with butt focus
Something like this?
NTA but can you also do one of inflatable Dash burying her snout in inflatable Luna's ass?

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