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Intercrural Edition

Previous: >>67527996
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the perfect lover
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My wife.
Nice butt
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Your wife is a paizuri professional
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Sniffing Laura’s asshole
A fighting game slut thread and no Tits Shiranui? For shame!
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Wanna annihilate that butthole
Feeling Momiji's boobs must never get old
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oink oink
Noel Vermillion riding my cock
This game wasn't fun but I like the new costumes it gave the girls.
Me fucking her butt
I wanna be greedy and have a two for one special.
Don't we all. I hope you don't mind positions where Honoka and Marie can make out, like one riding your face and the other riding your cock.
I wanna be with Cammy White
luckily doas come in two
Oh, I don't mind that at all! I'd even encourage it! While I'm doing this for my enjoyment, I do want them to have fun as well. Some nice group dirty talk would do everyone some favors.
Truly, we live in a blessed world.
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Honoka's English isn't great, but does it need to be when she's pressing those sweater puppies into your back and chanting "Breed the Swede"

Marie, of course, can be a lot more descriptive about what she wants you to do with her bestie.
I love the idea of being balls deep inside Marie (or Honoka) and having the other cheering me on and encouraging me as I erupt to shoot more and shoot it deep. And that broken english sounds like it would be really cute to listen to, I'd have to reward her for trying so hard. And if I was inside honoka, all the filthy, erotic things that Marie might whisper to me would have me on the verge of busting almost immediately.
Fuck Marie
In her ass
Need another cock
Imagine both girls playing with your nipples after you've creampied them into a warm cuddle pile
So Honkers can lick her pussy
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What is the next conquering endeavor for the southern belle, and why is it shooting a porno with me?
Can her petite frame handle two in a hole?
Me when someone is playing a Draph
mare mommy's big, strong legs
>Boats and Hoes: Tina Armstrong's July 4th Lake Party
Onahole draph wife
You just know she doesn't mind anyone feeling up that ass or rubbing their cocks on it
Outfit made for paizuri anytime anywhere
I love my wife's ass.
So does everyone else who she flashes it to
Paizuri pressure in the middle of a match
Making her blush, convincing her to just take off her top after the first round. Cheers all around and she pretends to not be flattered.
Oh? You love my wife's ass? If you can believe I don't think she intentionally flashes it. She just wears clothing that shows off her butt.
That may be but she doesn't do anything about other people taking advantage and copping a feel. I was grinding against her last night at the casino. We celebrated after I won big. Lol I thought she was some dancer or some skank the casino hired.
My wife does that as her job. It's just a part of it. Also can you blame her? She has a nice big butt.
Encouraging her to show off a little more while fighting. To exagerrate her hips more or lean down reaaal far forward
>InTina'sPiedance- the patriot cock story
I encourage my wife to show off more of her ass by wearing tighter clothing.
You're OK with everyone perving on your wife's round, sexy ass?
Yeah actually, it doesn't bother me. She gets looks all the time but I accepted she would when we got married. She said she doesn't mind the attention.
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Well if that's the case, I'll be sure to stare at her a lot~
I might even start stroking myself, nice and slowly, while I gaze at her curves~
Jeez, just because my wife has an amazing ass doesn't mean you have to act like a fucking pervert. She's just a very confident woman. Can you really not help yourself?
Isn't it great that Poison and Chun Li can get along despite being on opposite sides of the law? What do you think allows them to have such a bond?
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Of course I can't, confidence is sexy as hell. And if she's gonna show off her body like that, why not make use of it?
So if me and my wife are having dinner at a restaurant you're just gonna sit at and opposite table and jerk off? That's really perverted.
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You're the one encouraging her to sit with her ass hanging out while having dinner in public. Isn't that perverted?
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I don't necessarily encourage her. She just does it because she feels confident in herself. What do you like about my wife's ass?
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Well she has a lot to feel confident about, but it's still a little lewd to be showing off like that in public.
What's not to like? The shape is perfect, I love the softness and the way it bounces with every step, and I especially enjoy the way her leotard clings to her body and accentuates it~
Well goodness anon, I almost get the impression you want to grope her ass and slide your cock between her cheeks!

Her leotard is beautiful. What other color would you recommend?
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All that and more, anon~
Of course, I'm not going to force myself on another man's wife. Especially when that wife is a highly-trained combat android.
I've never really considered other colours, I've always thought the black and white look suits her perfectly. Perhaps a bright, bold red?
Thanks for being respectful anon. You know what else I really love about my wife besides her ass? Her beautiful feet.
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I can respect that. Feet aren't my thing, but I do love a woman in black leather high-heeled boots.
I'm more interested in that paizuri hole, personally~
Oh of course, her boots are so sexy. No skirt + leotard + boots are such a sexy thing.
Especially when she bends over like that. Her whole body just looks so inviting~
Oh her body is amazing. Her ass especially so. Smacking her booty is very satisfying. If my wife got herself caught in a public use hole, would you fuck her?
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Not intentionally, but how am I supposed to know that's your wife? All I see is a big, round, perfect ass ready and waiting for public use~
I'm absolutely going to impregnate that woman~
I don't know who's wife she is but I want to run a train on her with another anon or two. Just her jerking guys, sucking cock, giving kisses, taking it in every hole nonstop. She can handle it.
I.... I ummm... hearing you two anons talk about my wife like that in such a manner makes me blush and feel tinglingly. I... I need to talk to my wife about a 4some.
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To be honest, if I had a chance with a woman as beautiful as your wife it would be just the two of us, drowning in pleasure and fully enjoying one another's bodies~
Cuddling, kissing, groping, and breeding~
I can tell she's a popular girl though, so I don't mind fucking your wife with you and a few others~
You're opening a door that will never be closed again. Just a non-stop parade of guys taking turns with her. Sometimes just one guy, sometimes four. You'll come home to find her taken mouth and pussy. Just undress and watch until you can hop on.
Imagine how many different fathers her babies would have, each one she loves all the same with memories how much they made it clear how they simply needed to breed with her
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Oh thanks anon. I don't mind sharing her with people we're both comfortable with.
I hope you realize that my wife would fuck people we're both okay with. She just wouldn't fuck random men.
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>Oh thanks anon. I don't mind sharing her with people we're both comfortable with.
That's very generous of you, I'd absolutely take you up on that offer.
Obviously your wife needs to be comfortable with me too, does she have any requirements or preferences?
So glad you decided to open things up. The number of men increasing, seeing how happy she is and how her body refuses to quit even pleasing so many. She's such a people pleaser deep down and watching her blow guy after guy is a testament to how loving and giving she is
Thanks anons, I'll speak to my wife about this. I gotta head to bed now. Have a goodnight.
Sweet dreams, anon. I'll probably be dreaming about your wife tonight~
I just want Narmaya to take her top off and make sure everyone gets a good look and making them bounce a lot
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>me watching and pumping
They know
I want them to encourage me to stop showing restraint and act on impulse. Putting on a show for me too.
Me underneath
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Come anon let's get to know each other, you know it's rude to just stare and not use your muscles

Hi Zack (or Diego, or Bass, or whoever is made for them)
Fighting game girls who encourage bi guys to play with other guys in front of them?
I'm just a convenient guy with a big cock, nothing more~
I don't know who she is, could you fill me in?
well i assume super buff also

literal eye candy from dead or alive
Whatever it is the two of you lovely ladies need~
Burying my face in 2Bs ass

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