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/trash/ Pokemon drawthread

Pokemon OCs and Fakemons (actual fakemons please like fusions and clovermons) are welcome too

>How do I request?
•Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
•Provide descriptions, links and image references in a single post.
•Don't spam or bump your requests.
•Check the booru to see if your request was done.
•Request edits in the thread for edits and colorings:

>What if I want to start drawing?
•Check these resources for beginners: https://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a (embed)
•More resources if you need more help:
•You can also ask for help in the Drawing Improvement/Progress thread: >>>/trash/drawing
•Remember that you can always git more gud.
•When ask for requests, post a sample of your work and mention what you prefer to draw.

>What else should I know?
•AI deliveries are NOT allowed
•Do NOT respond to the spam. Just report ignore it and move on.
•Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
•New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit.
•When making a new thread, refrain from adding unnecessary rules to the OP. That's dumb.

Our booru: http://trashdump.booru.org/
*Feel free to post anything that gets done in the booru for others to find later.
*Taggers needed too!

Previous Thread(s):
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Anchor for deliveries
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Requesting these two frotagging their cocks together, and maybe with passionate kissing as well while sporting the same outfits.
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Requesting Espathra cloaca
Wrong thread

Real one is here: >>67674471
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Requesting either a female Lopunny or Meowscarada getting full Nelson'd or mating pressed with a side panel showing her ahegao face by a futa Scolipede, bonus for impregnation.
>When making a new thread, refrain from adding unnecessary rules to the OP. That's dumb.
So, like this one?
Requesting a feral Mew and a human male passionately making out, the Mew's tail wrapped around the humans neck, after the kiss they look at each other lustfully and lovingly
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Requesting Mega Swampert fucking May's pussy in the Full Nelson position while she's wearing a bikini.
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/r/ a female Sneasler dressed as a skull grunt
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Requesting left pic with the Nidoqueen
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May as well repost...
Requesting this Raboot getting fucked in the pussy and creampied by a male Servine.
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Requesting a Nidorina like this wearing a bandana al a Mystery Dungeon, peeing in her poisoned partner's mouth. The partner can be any gender, any species that makes sense (pokemon from the EoS personality test for example). If you can have the Nidorina's pussy visible also, that would be a bonus, but not necessary.

The story is that the Nidorina has convinced her partner, who just stepped on a poison trap, that the bodily fluids of poison-type pokemon act like an antidote to poison. Whether this is true or not doesn't matter.
Requesting a female lucario and anubis giving the viewer a double assjob or titjob
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Requesting bottom heavy shortstack Meloetta and Dazzi having a naked, oiled up twerk-off. The former's got rhythm while the latter brings on da thunder.

I hunger for shortstack twerking, nigga
Requesting a remake of this old-ass pic with GougingFire (Paradox form Entei for non autismos)
Requesting a male Serperior fucking Ippan Josei the 'Ordinary Woman' from Boku No Hero Academia, cum is appreciated.
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Requesting a female feraligatr riding a dick reverse cowgirl
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Requesting Bertha getting fucked in the ass by any one of her team.
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Requesting this Leafeon lady flashing one of her tits, and blowing the viewer a kiss
Futa Luca and Nubi frotting their knotted dongs would also rock, too
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/r/ two Decidueye post-cloacal kiss, with a string of cloaca juice connecting the two.
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Requesting Pika Libre being forced to bear an inmon mark of shame on her lower tummy after losing to a studly Incineroar.

The chastity spell hexed her nether region so an invisible force pushes her hands, foreign objects, and other people’s junk away whenever attempting to make any physical contact with her pussy, preventing any form of relief that isn’t from the champion’s cock himself, and he knows every way to make his prize break her stubborn reluctance, moan, and squirm. She’s his property and he’s enjoying every second of her desperation
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Requesting a female Armarouge lying on her back and pleading with the viewer to fuck her.
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Requesting this Meowscarada/Lopunny fusion fucking a male trainer in the amazon position.
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Requesting this Arcanine officer girl 'interrogating' a (human) Rocket Grunt.
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Requesting this Absol giving a male trainer a titjob and blowjob combo.
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Requesting Yoko Littener giving an anthro litten dude a titjob with cumshot similar to pic related, also make the cock big enough to where she's giving him a blowjob too please
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Requesting my Qwilfish and my friends Maractus holding hands. My girl is madly embarrassed, but her Cactus girlfriend is just happy to be with her. They're probably strolling around Snowbelle City. Both girls can be nude or fully dressed in winter clothing.
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Requesting this Ninetales as a female (wearing the clothes in the ref) having vaginal sex with a male Zebstrika or a male Umbreon.
Shitposter is obviously bumping it cant do much about it.
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Requesting this Noivern lying on her back and presenting her pussy like picrel while in the same outfit.
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requesting penny in a form fitting eevee fursuit with a plush cookie attachment to the suit living out her fetish of being an eevee in heat being bred by her team
bonus for showing an ass to ass canine style knotting and penny finding out she was actually successfully bred
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Requesting this Bayleef getting creampied with heart pupils in her eyes.
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Requesting this Absol ranger stripping after a long day of work
Maybe it's the palshitter, last time I gave his thread a bump was before this one was made, but he's too insecure to let it go >>67731761 also love how he replied within 32 seconds there, yet I am supposedly terminally online lmfao, I think he also believes I made this OP which I didn't
Anyway it doesn't matter, that's the last mention of him I'm posting here, carry on as normal
Aren't I lucky?
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Requesting a male Dragonite with a fat dick and balls like on the very left image but posed like any of the other images. Make it where you can clearly see his dick and balls.
Requesting this, but with the Leafeon in place of the Glaceon taking it from an Umbreon, Flareon or some other canine Pokemon.
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Requesting a female Wixen and Delphox trying to entice the viewer into picking one of them over the other by flashing their "assets"
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Requesting Tsareena and Florges doubleteaming someone with a buttjob/titjob combo
we do not care, stop shitting up these threads with your pointless tantrums.
Requesting this Luxray girl with her shorts pulled down and pointing at her pussy saying "It ain't gonna eat itself!", or something along those lines.
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requesting an anthro pregnant jirachi anally riding a cock while she has "wishmaker" tattoo'd on her belly (or an eye band with it)
>literally spamming in the other thread to kill it
how does this guy keep getting more pathetic
Hey stop spamming please.
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Requesting a male Alolan Marowak and Sima having sex in this pose below.
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Requesting an Arcanine (male) having fun with a Pachirisu (female), maybe have him prodding his knot against her pussy trying to knot her. Both should be feral please~
/vp/ local autist shits up and spam killing the thread.
what a joke
requesting NSFW fanart of this fluffy Tsareena and Lurantis please
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requesting a venus body nidoqueen in the pose of the bottom reference
Requesting a futa sylveon secretary with a body and outfit like in the ref and the pose can be anything you want but bonus if it shows her balls
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requesting this cute glaceon pregnant and stimulating her clit/inviting to fuck
Shut up and fuck off already, you're a deranged manchild with the spam
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requesting a pretty thick pheromosa squatting on a tube
Requesting either of these:

>Cresselia giving anon a "wet dream" by sucking his dick while he sleeps
>Anon sucking and squeezing Cresselia's lactating teats
That's not me you fucking insane deranged ape, and I'm staying right here you little powerless bitch.
I didn't even fucking know what's been going on there for the last 12h until now, piss off.
Seconded the first one.
I have a unfortunately strong somnophilla trait that is rarely filled.
Im not even the palfag you fatherless loser, the threads could've been fine but your autistic ass decided to fuck it up for god knows how long with your unchecked temper tantrum.
Lying through your teeth not even being subtle, neck yourself.
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Requesting Hex Maniac with big bimbo lips sucking a dick while leaving purple lipstick marks all over it.
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>schizophrenic already
The dude trolling you now must be having some hearty keks from watching your mind deteriorate.
I don't give a shit about what you think, I have a normal thread here and since it's creation I'm not wasting any time on palfag's thread.
>Im not even the palfag
Where did I call you that in the post you're replying to? Fucking hell, how can you live with your own schizophrenia?
>neck yourself.
No, I'm staying alive and I'm staying in this thread for as long as I like and there's nothing you can do about it. I'll only act when palfag makes the OP again. Stay mad.
the funniest part of all this is the insistence that there is a "palfag"
damn you're so cool bro
>Could be using 4chanx
Your screenshot means nothing.

/vp/ nigger brought it up and claimed thre is one and is falseflagging everyone as the "palfag" whenever you call him out
Contradiction strikes again.
What is your damn damage?
Are you the retard that goes by hmofa or qwarkfreak? There is no way this is a normal poster
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Requesting the Bara Incineroar, the hot floatzel and mienshao babe in a threesom, in the same position as pictured above the refs.
Requesting this maid ampharos asking the viewer: "Are you ready for your nighttime service?". She has a bullet vibrator already inserted in her very wet pussy.
Requesting a futanari Madafrost, give her a huge normal penis or a horse one any is fine
She is a fakemon
Requesting the Garde getting himself that good tree pussy.
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Requesting a busty Lopunny getting rammed from behind by a Zebstrika.
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/r/ing for my Dewott OC Sayuri to be drawn in a bondage themed harem outfit like the one on the right.

More image refs of Sayuri here: https://imgur.com/a/xOyWF9Y
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Requesting hardass tsundere shortstack Dewott and dumbass bara himbo Incineroar in a “chained heat” CoBondage situation with their navels pierced and chained together like pic related.

Dewott could be visibly angry and blushing while Incineroar is grinning at how he knows she won’t admit she likes having her bellybutton permanently bound to his.

Either they’re hatefucking or Incineroar has Dewott pulled in close to latch his mouth onto her tiddy so the big kitty can have some otter milk, maybe pulling the chain to rile her up while he’s doing it
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Won’t bump the request but I forgot pic related
Requesting a Jirachi that's actually a Ditto
I don't understand that image's composition, whoose tits are those?
I don't think there's anybody here who's based enough to deliver you this request, but I'll be seconding it just case an artbro of supreme culture decides to prove me incorrect. . .
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Requesting my Blaziken wife having wrapped herself loosely in ribbons as if she was a birthday gift.
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Requesting Braixen (or Delphox) trying to use a spell, but it backfires and makes her thighs thicker (same size as pic)
(Optional: It also gives her large breasts, also same size as pic)
There was a Decidueye cloaca delivery semi-recently and the same anon came back to request another one. It probably just got old

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