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Something Something Something Gay
Might be time for a break if it keeps dying, bit it is the weekend so maybe not yet.
Yay new thread!
>kicked off game
>family issues
>gay pokemon keeps dying

what is there to live for?
Giving a snake legs is pretty fucking gay.
You do not have permission to die.
>Snivy in shambles
I'd put him in shambles, all right...
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I know that feel bro.
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Today's a really tough day and I never know what to do, all my things I use to avoid life are disappearing and I'm afraid I'll have to actually do something.
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>oh you're so big, uncle!
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>HA gottem
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Does anyone have an image like this, but with the positions reversed?
>inb4 some anon reposts the same image, but flipped horizontal
>inb4 some anon reposts the same image, but flipped horizontal
why you gotta take the fun out of it? :c
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Please take your sperg back
Friendly bump while we're at it
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This is what I get for trying to keep the thread bumped
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