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Something Something Something Gay
Might be time for a break if it keeps dying, bit it is the weekend so maybe not yet.
Yay new thread!
>kicked off game
>family issues
>gay pokemon keeps dying

what is there to live for?
Giving a snake legs is pretty fucking gay.
You do not have permission to die.
>Snivy in shambles
I'd put him in shambles, all right...
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I know that feel bro.
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Today's a really tough day and I never know what to do, all my things I use to avoid life are disappearing and I'm afraid I'll have to actually do something.
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>oh you're so big, uncle!
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>HA gottem
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Does anyone have an image like this, but with the positions reversed?
>inb4 some anon reposts the same image, but flipped horizontal
>inb4 some anon reposts the same image, but flipped horizontal
why you gotta take the fun out of it? :c
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Please take your sperg back
Friendly bump while we're at it
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This is what I get for trying to keep the thread bumped
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That's a nice one
I'd like to see this from an angle where their bellies are pressed against one another, cocks rubbing, and their ballsacks are all visible
Not sure from what angle that'd all be visible though.

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