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welcome to the new daily japanese thread, the toppest of tiers japanese language discussion thread on 4chan

this thread isnt for beginners and we mostly talk about things not related to japanese in any way like tea and other niche hobbies but if u need japanese help our crack team of esteemed nihongologists are ready to assist u at any time

if ur post is retarded u will likely be shitted on for it, so new posters be sure to lurk for a while and reply with "lmao" or "lol" to the funny posts until u get the hang of things around here

be sure to read the guide before posting https://youtu.be/wYnsJcu83Ww

zen thread >>67724153

in this thread we're banning racism and stale djt memes that started in like 2018
lets start this thread right
first for 2 dads, niggers, and nukemarine
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>in this thread we're banning racism and stale djt memes that started in like 2018
matt says memes spread through peoples brains like viruses so you cant ban them
make sure to use ゴム
>we're banning racism
go back to /jp/
no because memes are banned from there period. memes are allowed here but they have to be fresh.
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anyone got that matt screenshot where he says something like "good luck getting better at japanese than me while arguing with people online all day LOL"
if the opening ceremony was anime then all the athletes would have to stay in bed for the rest of the event
you are not welcome here
please delete this photo of me thx
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what was the name of his alt account on discord again
that was one of my favorite matto arcs
doesn't fit the situation at all becasue there are no losers here on /thrash/djt
ironic considering literally all matt did besides flashcards and watch k-on is argue online with people
bet he still posts here every now and then
matt says he's living his life to the fullest and doesn't have time for that
matt says there is no consistent method by which a democratic society can make a choice that is always fair when that choice must be made from among three or more alternatives due to criteria of unanimity, non-dictatorship, and independence of irrelevant alternatives becoming incompatible.
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this one?

Matthew "Versus Japan" Bonder, language-learning guru
get another random image from your djt folder
since a completely "on topic" djt is innately the most boring thread one can imagine i wonder if we leave the jp one like that forever is it going to develop an identical community
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this alt?
yeah but instead of laughing at matt, nuke, etc. they'll seethe about jamal, ciaran, etc
then they'll eventually migrate over here cause that's where the action's at.
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dying whitey passing on the torch to the planet's new owners
i have no idea why i made this but i can't be arsed at the moment to finish it

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>Apothecaries Diary mangaka evades jail time, manga will continue
yooooo we fucking did it
kinda cool thx
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>yooooo we fucking did it
kamala harris needs to win even though she'll do anti-white stuff.

the trump cult needs to end, and his losing twice will help with that.
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why aren't you watching ハヤテのごとく?
this esl is still seething after getting btfo last thread
why don't you just head back to /jp/ if u hate it so much here lil bro?
no idea who you think i am or who you're referring to
i have an idea who you think i am and who you're referring to
i think its really based that cancel culture hasnt set foot in japan as of now
thinking about matt's 3rd dad, ken kaniff from connecticut
The Japanese restaurant that my co-workers like to go to is staffed by Vietnamese and Chinese workers, but they act like they're Japanese. When a customer walks into the store, they're trained to yell いらっしゃいませ, and it sounds completely wrong. Even my average joe boss, when he came with us, did a double-take when he heard it. Just hearing them makes me feel like I'm going to die from second-hand embarrassment.

Fuck what Matt says about learning pitch accent in your second year. I'm going to learn this shit now.
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good night djt
sleep tight!
sorry u missed getting uprooted
more likely something like 中山 but needs more context
I saw Matt vs Japan at a grocery store in Tokyo yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for Japanese tips or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen KitKats in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
i already solved that one
what is it then
read this as plant and it was way funnier
because i already finished it
hinagiku is best girl
the other option is that it's a really fucked up way of writing 雲 similar to this but more idiosyncratic
got banned a few days ago for linking kiwi charms. had no idea they instaban you for typing certain things now
the truth is much more painful than this
篦 cool kanji
cuz i can't 聞き取る the 台詞s
if anyone wants to try feel welcome to
i get that reference
yeah ive seen jojo and aladdin too
i will never accept that she supposedly says 壊れたのはお前の頭じゃ
well she doesnt
what does she say then
左腕 freq decks tell me that both さわん and ひだりて are equally frequent, but i don't believe it.
壊れとん w/e it still doesn't sound like that's what she's saying
it does
what does it sound like to you
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we've been through this
i know
and i still won't accept that that's what the va said
ok but the real kicker in that vid should be hirakegoma
that was just og being og
all matt had to do was become a jvlogger
he has the platform and im sure he could figure out how to make content for the masses
but hes simply too lazy and would rather make expensive fomo courses
y'all should watch some classic children's puppet shows if you want a real kansaiben listening test
remember og getting absolutely obliterated by that haruhi clip and claiming that そうは問屋が卸さない is so obscure not even japanese people know it
stfu ciaran
wait a minute i have a lot of japanese friends now i can just ask them what they hear
all claims of "japanese people don't know it" are correct because there are many japanese people low on the knowledge index
Remember when you got BTFO by that vtuber clip Queeran? You said it was Chinese.
you got the wrong guy i am not a manlet and have never been fucked in the ass by a man
you didn't try to refute sucking a dick tho
laughed and smiled a lot at the enchiridion episode (1x5) of adventure time. western cartoons are good enough that we should retire djt.
the difference is i was obviously being sarcastic but (native) esls have difficulty picking up on sarcasm
dame i can understand this easily now let's fucking gooooo
kek my bad, sorry
almost posted in the jp thread
they made the first ep region blocked but none of the others. basic japanese computer illiterates
wasnt actually as bad as i remembered either
cant happen to me cuz im still banned
got a new job today
pray for me
doing what
not praying for scum
adjusting and maintaining a machine
i dont listen to kokujin music
that's what i do in my spare time. a fuck machine.
post it
nah it folds paper and shit
ive worked with similar machines before but never adjusted them myself i would just call my sempais
its written as senpai
che you will learn one day my bouzu
immersion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYpin_YuO3M
im gonna order a pizza
based and pizza pilled
you should really be making your own pizza it's so eaasy
do you make the dough too or buy it from the grocery store?
got unemployment form done today.
800 bucks per week.
western civilization's decline
damn they're even accounting for the bidenflation
forward barbarians
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damne why even work
not gonna work lol.
gonna just keep applying to jobs and never interview or follow-up
u don't really have to worry about the fancy flour but nice tomatoes are noticeably better. avoiding calcium chloride is the most important thing but even then it REALLY doesn't matter that much if u wanna be cheap.
quizler was crazy for this
quizler? that's ciarans old deck
Xるほうがいい its better to do X (general statement)
Xたほうがいい you should do X (personal judgment and sometimes showing urgency)
XたXた buy it buy/ jump in jump in (like when someone is trying do make you do something in a jewishly persistent way)
oh yeah and free health insurance and roughly 800 per month for food (EBT) >>67735539
wait so 800 * 4 + 800(food) + health insurance?
the fuck
that's what like 5k/mo? so 60k/yr?
yeh buddeh
feels good to be an american rn
this nigga must be diagnosed with something
to withdraw 60k/yr using the 4% rule you need a $1,500,000 investment portfolio
rich get richer.
the unemployment check amount is based on the salary of your previous job, up to a limit.
and im at that limit
not sure where you live but in my country its possible to go jobless and live an ezy live just from interest alone when you put in 200k
ok but for how long
you get 450 usd a week here and they barely let you have any savings
oh yeah? what country. i got over 200k invested already
hate when i catch up to the latest chapter of a comic book
i'll never be able to invest because i gotta have 3 or more kids.
setting a limit on savings is meaningless
everyone can just take it back home where nobody can check how much you got
>comic ""books""
kids are nature's investment
gonna need ciaran's take on that
matt we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
i posted it
i won't invest however
"Black Lives Matter" is a much catchier way of saying the exact same thing but for nogs
do you go out of your way to learn names?
can't read male given names to save my life
i did a bit of the name deck and i look some up sometimes
now i can read a decent amount
what do u guys think the janny is doing now
laughing at us for giving up easily
just look them up if you feel like it https://youtu.be/wYnsJcu83Ww
shouts out to all the niggas who read 要 as よう even when its actually かなめ
can't relate since i always read everything correctly as the author intended
shout-out to the niggad that did the same for 用いる
but but 必要
fr though japan needs a 地名 reform
it's not really important if you can't pronounce random place names until someone tells you to how
that's how it works in the uk as well
>japan needs to cater to me
kys nigger
japan needs more diversity, equity and inclusion
japs cant even read that shit
but yeah i guess its not actually important its just dumb
there must be a better way
globalization has made it so people have access to too many places
back in the day you'd only know the name of your own village and the one next door and that was enough
unko why did you go to university if you ended up as a repairman
can't you do that st8 out of high school there
sadly we have no choice than to adapt to it though
i dropped out lmao
why did god give me an attraction to big dicks that cum.
i'm a straight guy for crying out loud.
dont make me post the gooner webm
>japan has an effeminate or tranny character
this is fine
>the west has an effeminate or tranny character
this is disgusting
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gooning is crazy just do heroin or something
debian stable is so epic
like a 3mb security update a week
non-arch chads we are so winning
yeah debian is probably the best low maintenance daily driver. huge number of available packages and no need to deal with all the crap that's advertised to you in ubuntu
if i had faster internet and a better cpu i would probably still be using arch
the constant updates and compiling sucks for me though
arch updated to linux 6.10 this week and i'm afraid to update because it's not rare that something goes wrong with the .0 or .1 release
unko reinstalls his operating system every week such is life for a linuxtard
next week he will find some reason why debian stable isn't working for him and move to freebsd
still faster than updating windows
windows is so bad it made people learn how to install and use linux
i like how every web novel has a manga now so i don't have to read to enjoy the story
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the ffxiv raid content is a lot better than the dogshit story
think of all the lonely jap bbas playing ffxiv
still super mad at 343 how they retconned the way ai rampancy works
is it based or cringe to write 口 as a circle in kanjis like 器 and 品
writing in the first place is cringe
if it involves using japanese in any way and youre not east asian then its super cringe
>39 posts in /jp/ djt after 10 hours
poor janny hardly has anyone to moderate anymore. sad!
you dont want to fuck japanese women?
so true
ciaran is sick of this shit and wants the janny to back the fuck off.
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holy moly it just makes sense
i don't really care what he does now that we have an alternative thread
it's just quicker to write a circle than a square so it's unavoidable
why are you up so late
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just write it like an R or 12 if you want to write quickly like a normal person
it's not that late and it's a friday anyway
im so lost at these scribbles? why do djters learn to read them? its just indecipherable mess to me. are people itt really writing like this so they can write letters to others online? i just don't get it. if its not written with a digital font that makes it perfectly readable i would ignore it as trash someone senile has written before
have you ever seen any hand written text before in any language
it doesn't look like a digital font
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circle looks better imho
also get ready to seethe
is actually read 五郎造
just go all out and make them hearts
was thinking of writing 回 as @
>was thinking of writing 回 as @
ok that's it imma alt+f4 outta here for now
you're several hundred years late on that one im afraid
downloaded a highly rated and praised werewolf romance novel to see what women like
i forget the name but nevermind, it's a vampire demon guy not a werewolf
report back
women like guys who just take the pussy like our guy djt
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every other
legacy thread ahh post
legacy thread ass post?
fu u cant even read 水面
gonna need lil c to khs and leave this thread (and world) for (my) peace of mind
i could read that before you even had a dream of learning japanese
doubt it bukko

==== door knob and signature blocker ====
Water Face
>==== door knob and signature blocker ====
i wish qm could see how united djt is
quiz would hate this offshoot. he made his discord specifically to avoid offtopic shitposting
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>quiz would hate this offshoot. he made his discord specifically to avoid offtopic shitposting
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what does 今にも足を踏み外してしまいそうな細い縁 mean? can't wrap my head around it.
Why though? Jamal tried to do this exact same thing before but no one ever moved to /trash/. There was over moderation and even hololive spam, it was way worse. What changed?
its pretty basic
what part dont you understand?
shes standing on an edge
>There was over moderation and even hololive spam
jamal and other djters says that the janny is closely monitoring djt in a way that's never been done before, and that explains why previous exoduses didn't work.
legacy thread post
or ltp as ive taken to calling them
i know that's whats happening just not concretely sure what its saying exactly. "kei climbs over a fence and is standing over a thin edge like she about to slip"?? like idk what being said specifically
just come back to it in a few months or years
Shes standing on an edge that looks like she's about to fall off of
thanks my problem was actually with 今にも didn't it meant "at any moment" or "on the verge of"
that doesn't change anything, it's still just しまいそう
love being able to read hidden shit like this
maybe i actually didn't know shimaisou
dame... well it's in tae kim https://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/similarity
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friday night
i skimmed all of taekim, then decided it won't click until i see it in practice
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スイカ (すいか) - watermelon
果肉 (かにく) - fruit flesh
水分 (すいぶん) - moisture, water content
呼ばれています (よばれています) - is called (passive form)
なことから - because of the fact that; used to introduce a reason
タベチャッタ - contracted form of 食べてしまった (たべてしまった), meaning "ate completely" or "ended up eating"
i dunno some cure dolly stuff about how everything is logical and makes sense prolly
oh, yeah the な has nothing to do with this construct

and yes it's completely logical. Xから is basically "because X". And you can basically add こと after anything as you can see on your web page
actually shouldnt it be 水分の instead of 水分な? gonna need ciarans take
caught another 3 day for saying the nigger word.
>knows kaufmann
>still can' figure out how to acquire japanese
DJT is a lost cause.
based and based
水分な is incorrect. you don't need a lolcow to figure that out
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Why you learn Japanese?
dont quite understand the appeal of hanafuku guess im ngmi
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quiz got jannied for off topic 3 weeks ago https://warosu.org/jp/thread/47290665
new theory: stuff like 739 or 342 in the jp thread is the janny samefaging
but that's just a theory... a game theory!
I bet you ctrl f’d just to make sure those numbers were unique
thats not rly what samefagging means thovghbeit
new theory: you don't understand the concept of samefagging, nor do you know how to spell it correctly
addendum: and ydkj
new theory: the janny monitors this thread
i didnt. what's even the probability of them repeating when there's only 80 posts?
90. if you pretend to be different users then its inevitable that you will directly or indirectly reply to your own posts
new theory: you're all dekinai autists
theory: og is back
new theory: janny jimmies are rustled right now
>disputed not understanding what samefagging means. didn't disupute not knowing japanese
self own
my theory is the guy who says he read 100vns but doesn't like manga cause of furigana doesn't subvocalize when he reads (aka not reading) so having to actually read the sound like you're supposed to throws him off
i accept your concession
old theory: queero’s gay
if i was a janny i would literally ban every single poster on djt for a year the moment they post until my precious janny privileges get taken from me
reply function is hard to use
that's a fact
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>posts n5 challenge
self pwnage never stops
nobody clicks on your 9gag links
How does this happen?
i do
how is it self pwnage when i picked the simplest ln in existence and yet he still cant read it
I do but I wish I didn't.
the real mystery is why are you reading a chinese ocr that can't even format the 長音符 correctly
he's probably using one of tatsumoto's "apps" to read linnies
all "linnie" readers should lined up and shot
a mystery is why you assume im reading it or why you dont know that this isn't ocr but narou pdf output, but the real mystery is why he's trying so hard to avoid doing the vocaroo
lol you think that you can't export narou without fucked up formatting?
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never said that but keep running from that vocaroo by thinking up random shit
why would you provide a text to vocaroo that is full of mistakes
why would it matter? if you cant read an n5 text with minor formatting mistakes then ydkj
you first
*collects all the concessions into his ruckentragkorb and moonwalks out of the thread*
gonna emerse now
but the problem is you are showing that you don't know how to create something correct

women of djt, is this really a すっぴん???
naw but probably not
my exgf had really good skin and looked almost like this without makeup though so it's possible
new theory: jamal is gey
yes japanese women are beautiful like that unlike any other race
i knew it
i have yellow fever but this chick is kinda fugly

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