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Corruption edition

A thread for those who have no hopes of ever fucking real women, whether it be through being weeby eternal virgins, pussyfree losers, hoe scarers, conditioned goons, or self-made faggots. If you've given up on ever getting pussy or just prefer being a hypersexual, porn-addicted hand-fucker from now on then this is the thread for you!

>Previous thread:
>More material:
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Glitched brain.
Second for Popura!
Wearing a pull up all day again...
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Letting anons decide who my waifu for laifu is because I'm too beta to choose...
It'd be really scary having what you can see controlled by someone else.
are there any gempigs on? i was hoping more would show up after goon toons returned....
Giving up that much control to somebody is super hot too though. Even moreso if it's taken instead of given, but still.
voting for eunice from bully
Humping my pillow like it's a long lost lover~
I might be a gemstar.
Wearing breast forms is starting to become a bit of an addiction...
oh gosh how do they feel~? and how big are they~?
wanna be a lewd dumb gem~
>Even moreso if it's taken instead of given, but still.
Oh definitely, I'd love to be forcibly chipped. Having to gradually put up with seeing less and less skin.
>Wanna be a lewd dumb gem
Amethyst, is that you?
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Only E cups, but they feel really, really heavy!
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gosh i'd get breast forms too if i lived on my own, can't in current situation... are htey jiggly~? and where did you get them from?
every gem is a lewd and dumb gem when they are horny~
Samesies! Actually your post reminded me of what i should have been doing all along this session~
Ofc it's the one i'll also sleep on. Eventually :3
>middle finger
L goes to forehead, tongue out, edging
As always!
this thread man, already insanely strong triggers everywhere
The idea of being made to wear big fake tits along with skimpy clothing is so hot..
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Obsessed with breastform anon, you're adorable <3
Are you managing to keep it dry?
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So... That camp idea... From last thread..
Oh, no I was asking if you were a certain Anon who liked to be called Amethyst, I hope she's doing well...
>misspelling gemtard
aww did all the blood rush to your pathetic little clitty nonnie?
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Some heels are all a censor addict like me should be able to see.
Now even pits and diapies and mommy!
What is happening to my pp...
all i wanna do is plaprape lewd dumb gems!!!
No! I meant GemStar! I fuck gems! And it's small but it's not a clit...
Hngh it's almost too hot for losers like us! There should be censors of heels too, like only showing stencils
Could you PLEASE be my bunkmate Anon? I'll help you clean up when you spurt.
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Being only allowed cum to the clicking and clacking sounds as she struts about in her sexy heels~
>taking turns huffing the counsellor's sweaty musty pits to release
>then after dark all the better equipped nonny campers take the opportunity to deepdick their shrimpdicked beta bitch bunkmates
>the creampied bunk betas are then punished in the morning with lashings, forced into lewd outfits, and made to wear weighted chastity cages only for the cycle to repeat
Now this is a pandemic I can get behind. The governments desperately trying to develop a cure while super spreaders roam the streets, infecting everyone they come across with their goonbabble~
you're right, its not a clit, its practically just a nipple at that size lol
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I wanna be a tranny...
what's stopping you?
Sure thing, nonny, dibs on top bunk tho, hehe! :3
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How rude! I could take on that fat gem booty.
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No pills
do it fag. become porn for us
Sounds good.. But if you have top bunk, you have to convince me!

Anon but what if someone hung wants to be a bitch and some shrimpdick wants to humiliate wimpy faggots and fuck them like the bitch they are?
Fuck yes! You have no idea how hard this kink made being outside with all sorts of heels and pumps clacking across pavements and cobblestone. Well, you probably do, but anyway. The sound alone makes me all subby and in need of a good spanksession with a leather mommy!
get some pills and i'll be your boyfriend
as if. you can barely handle humping your hand
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I want to!
Easier said than done... but I'll try harder
couldnt be me. but im sure the scout masters could find them a proper place. maybe as a relief tool for shrimpdicks with attitude
Where did you get yours from? Ordering a kig soon and would like to get some nice padding to go with.
Small dicks + Big Asses is the best though!
Stop being mean!
it's a little damp from precum..
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>1 year after anon's transition and this is how his family greets you
cope harder dicklet. as if you arent loving every second of my brutal honesty
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I know, it can be super distracting. It leaves me so desperate to start pumping to heels once I get home.
I still want to squirt hard with an Anon! And be taken away and helped out of our shorts, only to spurt more..

Well, do you want a boyfriend or not
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Just off of ebay, there' a lot of different models to choose from. But I remember someone mentioning that silicone filled forms feel better than cotton filled foams, so that's what I went with.
Forced fem stuff is top tier~
Thanks, anon!
How big is your meat then? Huh??
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mmhp ill keep that in mind when im able to actually get some of my own~
What do you usually do with them~? just wear em and lewd around~? have you tried showering or anything like that with them?
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Library of Ruina e-bf?
im packing 8 uncut inches of gemtard goonpiggy pole....nnggh that pic reminds me of fun times
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Yeah, I haven't really done much fun stuff, mostly just wear them while gooning~
I definitely recommend getting a pair!
Tell me of the fun times?
>{{{{{{big boobs}}}}}}
>generate image
mostly just other gemtards picking up on my masochism and egging me on by telling me jasper would drain my needy pole mercilessly nngghh
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Gotta up my storage capacity

Big enough to get trips
its so nice living in the future
Might have been me if this was a week ago... Or less...
now just need a device that can do that to me when i step inside~!
I've become a drained paypig for a girl who hasn't even shown an inch of her skin to me, where do I go from here?
my dick totally isnt tingling over this reveal i swear hahaha....
cuckhold induced poverty
Maybe you'll be nicer to me now or does Jasper have to work you over even after you've already cum twice in her mouth?
>Step into the device
>Receive a brand new body, generated based off somebody else's prompt
>Optionally, receive a brand new personality too (Chatbot/character card-style, running directly on your brain), that matches the body
>No takebacks or rerolls

Who doesn't step in?
a-amethyst bullying would be enough to get me to behave oinnkk oinkk
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Your body perfectly molded to suit the fetishes of the person behind the controls. It sounds tempting...
Jasper Bullying not good enough? So am I still a Gemtard or a Gemstar?
jasper bullying makes me a quickshot while amy is my favorite gem oink oinkkk
>So am I still a Gemtard or a Gemstar?
I'm glad you see it my way!
Amy's my favorite gem too, probably goons a lot..
But I think you're more in need for Jasper to suck the soul out of you.
I've gotta entirely agree. Even knowing that most people, at least around here, are total degens.
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It's not like you'll even risk having to regret the decision, once your brain has been rewired. There's nothing to lose, just step inside and enjoy what happens.
True. In that case, what I decided should probably be optional because I thought most would find it scary, becomes a benefit. How clever.
Mandatory for betas
I wanna be facesat by a cutie in a trans right diaper...
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Turning anon into a faggot cockslut~!
Phew!~ What a nice, quiet thread to relax in~
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Going on to show my sissy friends all the cool stuff anon showed me~!
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gosh yes~ my dream~ maybe sometimes my real mind slipping through as i get bashful at the body im in~ or object~
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You don't fuck gems. Even if your slimy little shrimp could manage to worm its way past the perfectly sculpted clapcakes of any given crystal gem, which it certainly will not, every other part of you is as comically pathetic and disgustingly organic when compared to the perfection of a colorful gem goddess. Gems fuck humans in the same sense that humans fuck onaholes, and not the other way around, because one is bright toon perfection in female form and the other one is a toy for their crystal superior's amusement. Besides you of course, you DEFINITELY do not fuck gems.

See, THIS is a toy! A human who lets his swinging bloated bator lead over his empty rock filled head is something of high value to any potential crystal conquerers and gemstone goddesses! Not as an equal, of course - something so disgustingly piggish and organic is more fit for carpeting the dirty earth the poor gem walks on then sharing a bed with her - but the amusement and convenience of having a squealing hog who will do anything to hear the faintest praise for his worthless behavior or feel even a glance of smooth gem skin brush his aching pole is a must in the glorious future of the gem empire!
...I was trying to act tough, Anon..
I talked to a nonny trying to become Amethyst and now I want to do the same
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Are you gonna be a good Amy Trannythyst?
Can someone tell me what my new body would be?
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Aww, were you~? You were posting like a big tough toon breeding stud in the "pussyless loser" thread?? I know that it must be hard on that poor empty head of yours to be utterly unfuckable by any women in your life, but please don't delude yourself even further; even fictional cartoon women wouldn't let you NEAR their perfectly drawn goonbait pussies! I mean, come on, we're talking about a race of colorful cartoon warrior women with fully figured tits and asses whose whole culture goes from planet to planet conquering men beneath their fat bouncy gem behinds here, and you really think YOU have any right to act like they'd be lining up to BREED with you?! A Garnet would absolutely flatten you, any proper Pearl would recognize an inferior/superior inbalance RIGHT away and waste no time showing you what end you fall on, you'd be lucky to get an Amethyst to stop laughing at you long enough to shove your empty head under one of her pits... toon women are still women, silly boy, and they do NOT want that slimy little pecker anywhere near their sex, just like everyone else~!
I don't know maybe...
I would enjoy gaining weight on hrt to end up being someone fuck hole
Be my fuckhole, I'll feed you lots of sweets, babe.
I'll get you nice a chubby, and we'll have lots of fatsex.
>Amethyst to stop laughing at you long enough to shove your empty head under one of her pits
I would cry
you would break me, so i am too scared
I'll be gentle, I'm sorry, I can be real gentle...
Kisses, cuddling...
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I was only trying to act tough because that Anon was being rude!
I know my place is to desperately tug my little dick to them, I'd love to worship Amethyst's pits, I'd love to flash Pearl and have her be utterly disgusted!
Garnet flattening me would drain my sad little untouched virgin balls for a whole week..
Please! I know I wouldn't handle it any attention from them and I'd fire off in my pants!
You're making my pathetic little dicklet throb, Anon, and I don't want to disappoint you, but I know I'd disappoint them!
The smell...
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It's true, the sheer grimace of disgust on a Lapis' face upon seeing your overeager shrimp splurt excitedly at just her glance would certainly sting pretty hard the first time, but that's not entirely a bad thing, especially for boys who VASTLY overestimate their own adequacy like you seemed to. Men who have had their egos completely shattered over the firm knee of a colorful toon conqueress are the building blocks of a proper gem society, after all! Men who spend time constantly being belittled and mocked by a cackling Peridot are much easier to train to keep their knees down and their face up when her big green gemdonk needs a throne worthy of it, and the scathing critique of your unfortunate inferior flaws from a Pearl just makes her adoring praise when you lay down and get your back arched just right to carry her delicate feet across it feel all the sweeter! You're a disappointment to women everywhere, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll come to know how good being inferior to a gem goddess can be!!

....and don't worry to much about that big meanie, that braindead rump-huffing gemtard would crumple even harder then you would when placed under the care of a lazy and sweaty enough purple princess, just saying ~
I accept being a disappointment, I just want to make them laugh from just seeing my cock or be disgusted when they see me cum from just their praise, any praise it doesn't have to be sexual.
I want Amethyst to twerk at me in a taunting manner, the musky smell of her ass making my cock throb and quiver, my cock is utterly helpless right now because of you and I need to start stroking, it's utterly embarrassing, you're so good at this, you make my cock just scream in sweet agony, and I really want squirt my nasty human cumshots for them! I bet Pearl would hand me a tissue as I spurt, not even properly trying to catch it, just placing it on my cock.
I already came a few hours ago and you're making me want it again so bad...
Aww, I guess promises of kisses and cuddles weren't good I'm sorry, well I hope next time I don't make you think I'd break you.
Imagine the sweaty crinkly diaper covering your face in the summer <3
Using your waifu like a pillow!
Cute couple
The return of the living gooners!
2 counselors, fresh graduates, a smoking hot babe and a muscular handsome hunk, while the campers are in their 40s and still treated like babies
Weirdest Rugrats episode ever.
A lot of dicks and sex
are there any long form stories with gooner material in them? thinking something like literotica/archiveofourown tier. I like captions but even the long ones are too short. don't know where to look
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ngh fuck that's kinda hot... would love to look like that<3
>raspy gremlin voice
my tulpa has a voice kinda like that. she sounds more like that combined with dub konata's voice. and now I'm thinking about her being coombrained and it's turning me on ngh
incel pussyfree loser here, what are good games that lets me create goonbaits and fap?
as in characters?
i cant erp for shit, and im not interested in typefucking
i just want to create plapmeats i can enjoy staring at, or let others enjoy staring at, and if it is possible, put them through some really good sex animations/gameplay
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Was away last week and didn't get to roll for my gender so as penance, I'll skip the roll and just let the thread decide. What gender am I this weekend, /pfg/?
Small dick sissy male
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gettign high and triggering my agp~
OINNNNKKKK I LOVE YOU GOON TOONS. please post more regularly! If jasper anon hadnt made me spurt earlier I would have stuck around longer. I love my rock mommies, but i love amethyst most nnggh. oinnkkk OINKKK AMY OWNS MY DIRTY PORK POLE!
>you'd be lucky to get an Amethyst to stop laughing at you long enough to shove your empty head under one of her pits...
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I love pamper packers <3
>....and don't worry to much about that big meanie, that braindead rump-huffing gemtard would crumple even harder then you would when placed under the care of a lazy and sweaty enough purple princess, just saying ~
i fucking love you anonnn nnngghhh
Being a good babysitter! (By being a chair for them to sit on for as long as they need)
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Me and my goonbro (we've been stroking cock for 5h straight and smelling each others' pornifying cockstink non-stop)
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Thanks for volunteering to be the thread babysitter. I’ll make sure to really fill my diaper for you!
Boys will be boys!
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gosh imagine filling them all as you get dumber~
Which anime girl's feet (or shoes) should I fap to today?
Hi agp sisters!!!~ been thinking of taking a break lately but I sorta wanna go on with a bang, and I want to indulge some seriously taboo ideas and scenarios , you guys wanna hear em? <3 <3 <3
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Modded FFXIV, modded Skyrim, Modded Fallout 4, Conan Exiles
>Conan Exiles???
how can conan exiles be lewd and how lewd can it get? i know you can see tits if you take off the armor but thats it
Go ahead and tell us, Anon!~ We're all ears!~
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Ungggh... *plap plap plap* Ougghh... *iku iku* Unffff... *fwap fwap fwap* Guuuhh...!
I mean I guess I should have added modded there but it has full sexual mods that work in mp or something I haven't looked into it.
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dumping your brains into your big girl diapies~
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messsssing away my masculinity~
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feel your body becoming more feminine as you fill your diapers~
your pp getting smaller, your voice sounding girly, you've got thingies on your chest and thinking of hot boys gets you excited and flustered~
I wish so badly this would happen to me it's my biggest dream
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A special sissy diaper that melts your weewee away when you go peepee, and replaces those boy bits with princess parts~
That's the dream 100%... God it's not fair I wish I was a girl...
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Do you have a tag, nonny? Maybe we can talk about your dreams and fantasies together~

>connie (su) corrupts her dignified mom into being a pathetic simp that worships the ground Connie walks on, connie abuses this power she has on her mom to further indulge her own twisted age and race play degeneracy

>marceline toys with the princess of ooo by shapeshifting into a hung loli, blackmailing them into increasingly fucked up stuff like making them wear map colored underwear ~

Libby (tgamm) is a little gooner that spends all day gooning to porn, and finds herself hocking up with a hung neonazi femboy, being Jewish she's both scared yet aroused at how hot it would be..
Oooh, well those all sounds pretty great, especially that first and last ones there as well! I'm sure it's thrilling for Libby to have her Jewish pussy pounded by that big Nazi cock!
Any of these sound like fun agp fantasies for you anon? <3
I think the third one in particular scratches a itch for me, Nonny!~ Just the idea of being treated as nothing but meat by a guy who hates my entire race gets something going in me!~
getting dumber as my pp shrinks~
big boobies forming as i um messy in pampies~~!
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keep packing your pampies full, so you can be a pamper princess~
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mmhp yues filling way more girly~!!!
God~~ wanna explore it on discord?~
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don't think, just stink~
Sure, Nonny!~ I've got a feeling I already have your tag on discord but post it just so I make sure!~
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owing losers anal sex
I wish a girl owed me her ass, I'm so tired of stroking alone
If you have this mindset, you shouldn't be in /pfg/. Go to /soc/ or wherever you managed to crawl out of to find this thread. You aren't wanted here.
Being a loser who can't get pussy is completely valid here, in fact I have been posting similarly for years.
Judgemental pricks who react rudely to how losers like me vent their frustrations aren't wanted, if anything.
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I want to be the heroine in an anime about the "Incel Therapy Club", where parasocial autistic virgin retards gather to hang out, read manga and smash my guts. The school will think I'm running a self-help club for handicapped students and never find out I spend the budget in lube and snacks
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I use my pillow like I'm trying to break my dick
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Messily venting your sperm after venting your loserborne frustrations out loud is the best!
please tell me you have more like this I'm triggered so hard
Never watched Steven Universe but every time I see you post, I fucking melt like a good gembitch, ESPECIALLY when you post Garnet and Peridot
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thank you for defending sexually frustrated virgins
With a pit focus you mean?
been trying to be a bit more dedicsted to bein a loser instead of just fappin while thinking about all my dumb loser fantasies. a while ago i was jerkin off while kissing my sex dolls feet, been planning on saving up to buy lewd outfits like a maid outfit to wear while cleaning the house n stuff. been too shy to talk to ppl on discord cuz i get a bunch of like performsnce anxiety but there isnt a lot of ppl into my kind of cringe in other places. so instead of thst im kinda tryin to do self-bullying.
Do not cum.
for hours? days? weeks?
Until Monday.
Could I get stepped on with your sex doll with you?
is there anything specific i should handsex to until monday then...

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