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We're so back!!!1

>What is this thread?
A thread to set up ERP/JOI, flirt with anons, discuss fetishes, or talk about/post lewd shit that would otherwise get you hammered on /aco/

>Lewd Modding Resources, Guides, and Discords
>/xiverp/ Album(s)

>NPC Mods
>LoIi Mods
>Lala Mods
>Stop replying to the schizo Kanchelle/chal, filter his posts and every variant of the word tranny
Spam filter: https://rentry.org/Kanchelle

>Previous Thread
>Main Thread
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I look forward to all the new meat.
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Are lalas allowed?
Depends on if a group of people feel like reporting you or not, t hey've been removed before in the past
Technically no, there's still a report option for loli on /trash/, but you can probably get away with it.
Kill yourself.
Suck my girldick, libtard.
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mmm gock!
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i missed this place!
can you post the other fulls from this?
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Wait a minute..
Three schizos in under 15 minutes shitposting the /trash/ thread is probably why it died in the first place
Are these NPC mods DT updated? I wanna pose alphi again
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Futacat looking to make friends on Dynamis. I like deep dungeons, crafting, treasure hunts and NOT being raped. Among other things!!!!
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How many times did you cum to those pictures, little slut?
All just Kanchelle, he made that diaper album and goes around blaming his mental illnesses on Tikaasi and Kyogaki. Probably spams the black dildo too.
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These realism gens are so good
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Bumping with pics from a guy on Twitter who takes pics with his big black dildo or something
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Post femras
el goblinos
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How do I get you to do this to my catgirl?
Post cat
I read post cat so I post cat.

Can't be that simple right?
Tell us about this cat
Smug brat who thinks her looks can get her out of any problem

It does but just not in the way she thinks

Certified pussy virgin but that's only because she's a master convincer to take it up the ass instead as if that's somehow more clean
Can we see titties?
>please daddy rape my vagina
Challenge accepted
Took these to tease someone a lil while ago. Gonna need to wait a while till I'm back at my pc, didn't realise these kinda threads were back

That's for after marriage anon!

...or a deep enough ass fucking that you flip her switch. Which is the same thing really
Made for paizuri and nipple clams
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I hate computer troubles...

But anyways, Kitty titties!
no dick? ):
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This cat deserves my milk on her titties
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Three years later and these threads are still unusable, huh? Why...

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