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What's the procedure for when a trainer falls unexpectedly pregnant? Surely it happens when they're traveling on their own. Does their journey end when they find out or are there systems in place so they can continue the adventure?
if you're going to make a fetish thread you could at least pick good art for your OP
Free belly rubs at the pokemon center. Also >>67735117
Why would it be anyone else's business but the trainer's, you weirdo? Your fantasy makes so little sense that it annoys me you had to share it with others. At least make it more plausible. Next time you wanna fantasize about being a Pokémon center midwife touching young girls' bellies please keep it to yourself.
It depends. Is the father a Pokemon or a human?
A Zoroark but he was human at the time >>67735119
This. You should be touching hag's bellies instead OO!
I want to impregnate every pokegirl in every region
Lol lmao
Being serious a young mom in the world of Pokémon probably is unimaginably better than being one IRL. They probably get more support and battling is always an option to get money unlike the real world - even if they aren't gifted with MC privledge. More opportunity for them if they keep it, basically.
Family wise it's probably the same old song and dance, tough I wouldn't be shocked if MC moms were also young mothers themselves LMAO
>Cannot post files in incognito mode, wiping file
I bet preggy trainers generally get more money for battles too, or are expected to give less when they lose. It'd only be natural for a girl in such a condition.
Pregnant Hilda feels like it should be canon.
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Kek why do mods hate pregnant pokegirls so much
It’s something that is inevitable for any pokegirl on their journey
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True, becoming a mother is basically a rite of passage for any girl trainer! Hopefully she's lucky enough it's from a human...
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Oh no...
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>Pregnant Hilda feels like it should be canon.
She has big teen mom energy
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All pokegirls are built for impregnation
Totally agree but in a somehow wholesome way
Just a quick trip to the Daycare where she can lay the egg and be on her way.
Anon nobody knows where the eggs come from :^)
Nobody has the heart to tell them that the entire Daycare business is just a front for shifting the responsibilities of horny young girls on to unsuspecting ten year-olds.
Shit that's one hell of a scandal! I wouldn't mind reading a fic about that actually
Cute preggy pokegirls waddling along the trail~
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Ancient internet relic right here
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Ash if he wasn't fightsexual
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This thread is very specific
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It was on /vp/ originally lol

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