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/bara/ - THICC thighs Edition

>Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67631579
>Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Fbara%2F
>Writefaggotry: https://rentry.org/i9mix
>Shitpost Filter: https://rentry.org/7xxzv
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>Trips of truth
Fat cock Haida ftw
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That's next week horsenigg.
>he's back to replying to himself
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are you retarded?
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ganondorf figma looks alright sculpt wise
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Fat foot canuck kek
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He's the imageless poster, Of course he is.
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Need bear to mount.
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With the release of that bear we're really seeing whether /bara/ likes muscleguts huh? Super muscular but also super fat
Kys faggot
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Not for me desu but I won’t sperg out like some of the others here
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>hands have claws
>toes do not
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>we're really seeing whether /bara/ likes muscleguts huh?
Always the case.
It's just one very vocal problem poster that keeps trying to control the thread by imposing arbitrary rules through gaslighting and manipulation and spergeouts.

I'd argue >>67739866 is teetering a bit on too fat for here specifically but it's better to look at than >>67715042.
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I'm all for it if we remove borderline twinks like in the OP
That namefag ain’t going anywhere
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bear supremacy
this but reversed
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>attention whores not leaving /bara/ after pandering to them
and water is liquid
>pandering to them
Fuck the panda
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>Fuck the panda
Don't have to tell me twice.
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That's okay anon, I like my men's tiddies fat and jiggly and it only comes from muscles and fat so I'm not complaining
True, though I'd say >>67739866 is technically too fat, yeah, everything is enveloped in round curves, but it only looks better than >>67715042 because of art style, that one definitely is more muscle defined
You wish
There’s nothing wrong with tadatomo or tadatomoanon
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I need more art of big men loving smaller men, or fat man and skinny man that's good too
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I love muscular but more slim men ready to fight
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Slim muscular men losing to muscleguts who then proceed to rape them
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sounds fucking hot
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I'm willing to be the twunk but no musclegut rapist :(
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i kinda wish oscar wasn't usually drawn as a bottom

because i can't tell if i want to fuck him or if i want him to fuck me
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working towards being the musclegut rapist but not there quite yet

Thats because all tiggers are naturally bottoms!
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>all tiggers are naturally bottoms!
i guess i'm picking up what you're putting down...
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>He will never be husban-ACKKKKK
What were you saying /bara/?
Not canon.
>But the creat-
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Reminder that /bara/ is 50% spic/beaner/latino and a quarter finn/estonian.
Finnanon hasn’t been here in years
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I don't know if I'd ever be able to suck someone off
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if you're meaning by what you posted that's not my thing, because slim muscular men winning against muscleguts, or even multiple of them is hot
what's even hotter is if he is eventually overpowered by underhanded play and still fights against being raped and milked with all their being
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is this william cliff fusion dance? cliffiam?
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>50% spic/beaner/latino
Hairy beaners are made to be topped.
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Threadly reminder to play Another Eidos
(sex with Zacharoff)
This triggers the leaf
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man that new cg will ruin your day zachanon (and maybe jalamanon)
oh no no, zacharoff bros
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not that the story in it
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tldr lusting for daughter incest on both jalam and zach
this is right after they became wholesome gay
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Nice game eidosfags. Anyway, Wild Hunt Heathcliff and Lobotomy E.G.O Red Eyes Ryoshu soon.
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why must bifags do this shit? and then they whine and moan about people hating them.

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