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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #3183

>"Mom Jeans" edition


By Anonymous
>When Did Marriage Go So Right (Complete)

By TheEcstatic
>A Second Chance

By Jixijenga
>Broken Sanctuary (Ch. 10)

By TheHonorableAjax
>The Tales of Prince Anonymous (Ch. 7)

By ReckfulAbandon
>Songbird (Ch. 3)

By 7834non
>A Story I Suppose (Ch. 2)

By spaceface404
>Prey (Ch. 14)

By Dregger
>Deserted but not forgotten

>Softer than Steel: Odd Looks

By OptiJams
>Reborn in Iron (Ch. 3)

By Mountlear
>Manhunt (Ch. 2)
>.45 & Cosmoline

By ColonTwo
>Service (Ch. 4)

By ThisIsARealAccount
>Vipers, Nights, and French Fries (Ch. 7)

[ Story Masterbin ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa | [ Story Update List ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa_updates
[ Word Filter ]: https://rentry.org/fsdnd | [ Image Filter ]: https://rentry.org/sksge
[ Writing Guides, Media, Misc. ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa4

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67720289
Missed a thread or two?: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/hmofa/type/op/
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>tfw no tradfurwife to roleplay HMOFA
Why live?
90's waifurs
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A long night of plapping Lena until she passes out is a night well spent
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>come home
>see this
what do?
aww yiss cheese
Kill the tranner OC species with a fucking flamethrower.
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Snekguy for king of /hmofa/.
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/hmofa/ egyptian themed adventure set in the 19th-early 20th century
Shoot on reflex, and spend the next several hours trying to figure out what the fuck it was, how it got in my house, and how I'm going to explain the gunfire to the cops without showing them the giant monster.
dragon bird
Grab that ass then seggs.
Take her back to the giant underground cheese vaults where she belongs.
egyptian waifurs are so sexy with all their jewelry and shiny metal
Would you fuck the living personification of Furry community?
uh oh! looks like we got us a few cases of the "cheese seethe" sad! lucky for y'all, the cure is... more sergal!
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My lab-grown bio-engineered Dino soldier comrade gf
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Totally-not-Stargate isekai with ancient Egyptian alien waifurs
I think she may be a dragon and not a dinosaur
Thick tails don't look good when they're that long.
you know, this is the same mentality that gets apogeeshitter and doberanon so much flak.
that story is mid at best anyways
Imagine the smell.
Heavy Creatura
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story? lol. im just a serg enjoyer.

Pounce, ravage, and breed.
I love your The Cure shirt!
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All of this is very organic, rest assured.
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I'm starting to think foxposters are schizophrenic.
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A lil dnd/fantasy comic~
The birb isn’t a slave she is just chained for protection reasons~
Sergals were literally built for big black cheese confirmed
Anons, what is your ratio of humans to anthros in your /hmofa/verse? Are there more humans than anthros, vice versa, or is it an even split?
Absolutely disgusting sergalfags need to rope
Surely he'll send soldiers to fight the Lich and not just plap the bird lady instead?
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I'm admittedly not into this kind of premise, but the birb is cute.
i've noticed this too. i think its because foxes are a trad oogabooga waifur choice.

1 human for every 2 anthros.

no u.
"Anthros" outnumber humans, but Humans heavily outnumber the individual antheo sub-races. So humans are the majority race while there are technically more non-humans.
Pic unrelated, I just like pretty kitties
Don't post shit like this.
I've been thinking about frogs again lately.
Running my hands over slick, slimy, gooey frog skin.
if I get to expand my setting, there would be more than one anthro species (so far, there's only one), but they'll be deemed as monsters or demi-gods
Sliding the wide tips of my froggy fingers into my always-lubed pussy thinking about human men taking advantage of my constantly moist body.
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Nah, I think they're cute, but anything vaguely humanoid, or just large and alive in my house without my prior knowledge is going to be subject to my abject panic and gunfire.
1: Based cute lizzer enjoyers.
2: I always said I was never going to try my hand at drawing, but the recent uptick in stick figure art for the thread has encouraged me to at least try.
3: how the fuck do you artfags do it? I see the shape I want to make, but it just doesn't materialize. This is gay.
Fantasy-verse: More humans than anthros. They also coexist with elves and dwarves and your typical fantasy nonsense.
Mundane-verse: Humans are considered a kind of anthro primate and essentially just another species of animal in the verse. Vastly outnumbered by traditional anthros.
>alive in my house without my prior knowledge is going to be subject to my abject panic and gunfire.
This is the correct answer to all
>Come home find this WYD
tier posts.

Why would I not shoot a home intruder? Cause she's hot? Fuck that, I don't have time to look at tits, somebody broke into my fucking home, it's time to dump all seven rounds from the Winchester twelve-gauge.
How many children has this king sired with anthro women? Who is the heir to his throne?
>catches her ass with my face
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With the power of greyskull, he shall destroy that funny skeleton lich guy. Then he will do the birb.
The fact that you're drawing on scraps while on an insane hike probably doesn't help.
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My scavenged paper bag, and pen that I found on the ground are first class artistic instruments, I'll have you know.
>God himself with his divine powers materializes your perfect waifur not only into your house, but into your bed
>your first thought would be "ooogabooga muh second amendment!"
you don't deserve a waifur at that point, honestly.
>you don't deserve a waifur
been a long time since you shit up this thread LOL
can I choose neither
since having knowledge of either will make the absence of them that much the worse later.
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This is reason to double the panic actually. If I open my front door, and there is a regular hot human woman standing nude and smiling, not only is she getting shot, but I'm blind firing through my walls until I'm out of ammo, in an attempt to kill whatever cartel hitman put her there as a distraction. If it's a waifur, and thus unnatural, I'm burning my house down because fucking cthulu is hiding in my closet, waiting for me to let my guard down.
This post was written by somebody who doesn't understand the basic concept of Femme Fatale
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
I got a bridge in new york i want to sell you if you're still game
Bitch trust issues doesn't means fuckin trust issues
>Sketches in the wild
Looks like some Slender shit outta context. Imagine being some frightened normies that's shutting their pants in the woods and seeing panicked, slapdash drawings and descriptions of scaled monsters hiding in the green hell.
oh no, she caught you eating the muffins in middle of the night
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schitzo moment. would you incels really magdump an anthro woman you found laying in your bet with 0 questions asked?
>POV: You are a little boy that tried to escape her schlick shack, not knowing you're several levels deep within Hell
sexy pseudo-dragons
Stella fucks human MEN, you shota faggot.
There is a perfectly good bench on my porch, I cannot think of any good reason she couldn't just wait there for me to get home and instead needs to break into my locked home.
Damn right I would, bitch boy. If she's inmy house without my knowing she's probably a gooberment zogbot come to steal my money.
You can be upset people didn't like your image and/or your shitty porn pardoy tier scenario, but screaming schizo at your detractors just makes them right.
Why in Gods name would anyone just trust a home intruder? Nicest things anyone could do is pull out the gun to "politely ask them to leave" because clearly if I didn't know them before this moment they aren't friend or family, and their intentions are yet to be discerned.
Trust isn't on the table, and sex is just a flat-out retarded suggestion.
Holy aspergers, Batman!
Remember, if you're not right wing - you should not deserve a waifur.
My setting has what I call the "Mass Convergent Evolution", basically meaning that "tool-using biped" became the best method of survival, so many animals evolved into anthros. End result being that there are roughly as many humans as there are any other individual species.
>find actual anthro female in my house
>Hello *insert full legal name here*, I'm your new fuck toy
>I don't care who the IRS sends, I'm not paying my taxes
Remember, if you don't have unprotected sex with random nameless home intruders - you should not deserver a waifur
sex both the pokemon
She will groom shotas into men
>sex is just a flat-out retarded suggestion
Not if you trap them in a sex dungeon
lawbreakers have no recourse
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>Damn right I would, bitch boy. If she's inmy house without my knowing she's probably a gooberment zogbot come to steal my money.
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no one says this
>He's resorting to wojak posting
A shartyposter shitting up a thread over their gooner fantasy?
I'm so surprised.
Nah he's right. It was a bad scenario. Also sergals are kinda weird looking.
No argument, clearly you're just doubling down on your retardation ad a defense mechanism from everyone shitting all over you for your low quality posts.
feudal birdies
dayum. y'all can't handle da cheese.
>Stella takes orphaned high society boy and grooms him into the perfect prince to rule alongside her in Hell
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Sergals were always trash
Sorry, I'm sergal intolerant.
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Fill your adventuring party with birds.
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You are the biggest mark on God's green earth.
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Yes, it has nothing to do with you making a shitty post that even /hmofa/ rolled it's eyes at.
/hmofa/ can't handle sergals. Guess we should have SOASW stricken from the thread and run out hte creator.
Because nobody likes your shitty home intruder fantasy.
Nobody read that shit and went
what is she drinking
>makes the radioactive autists itt crawl out of the woodwork
im starting to like them now.
This thread is for cubchads
does that cat have those weird hands in-game
>Makes people annoyed
>I like them now
You want an invite to the shitposter discord? I'm sure they'll take you in quick.
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Fortnite girls...

No, but I'd sure as hell be cautious.
you can't do this to me. my sleep schedule is gonna be fucked now.
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>made >>67738319 2 fucking hours ago
>make dinner and play some tf2 with the lads
>come back 2 hours later to this scitzofrenic bullshit
holy god. y'all must be genuine newfags to get this twisted over the "see this wat do" meme. it's probably older than the average poster in this thread.
Grooming daughterfurs must be easy
Nobody is falling for it.
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I don't play very much, but Kimiko is kinda cute. Meowskulls is like an Ankha where gooners made her attractive with fanart but there's nothing there in the canon design.
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Fuck cubs give me some MILF waifurs
The meme has always been that anyone who replies to it sexually is a fucking weirdo. It's literally where the "all the eggs" joke comes from. Stop pretending to be retarded.
is this that fabled "skitzy" i've heard about?
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Fuck the MILF and her cub
>Lol this was totally me the whole time you guys
>By the way I was gone and none of this was me
>Oh you don't like my shitty scenario?
>Guess you're newfags, since calling you mentally ill didn't work

Okay bro.
yeah, right here>>67741097
This is getting sad.
"See this, What do" has always been a shitpost. it's sugar. it's air. it says nothing. At the very most, it's a conversation starter.
>The meme has always been that anyone who replies to it sexually is a fucking weirdo
What the fuck are you talking about?
You can stop responding to it any fucking time
Just get over the fact no one liked your shitty post, dude. It doesn't matter. Better luck next time.
It's not that hard man
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You know what, at this point anyone going on with it is helping the shitposter, so just post a /hmofa/ image and tell me which thread story you wish you could read for the first time again.

Mine is Vice Versa
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i really wish they didnt remove the unique ip counter.
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Don't expect much intelligence from 4chan users
>Presses airplain moad.
Nothing personelle kiddo.
if wishes were horses, beggars would ride
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Mother waifurs?
Wait, I thought it was the sergals that are supposed to be racist.
>admitting to it
sigh... thats what i thought.
Wouldn't know which one to say
But that drawing is based as fuck, do you know the artist?
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Unironically HATSSSSS
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it's Nigga Duck!
>Fuck cubs
>give me some MILF waifurs
If a cub becomes a mom, she's technically a MILF
Would you an incontinent waifur?
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Hmmm, tough choice. A spare in the trunk was the comfiest shit ever, but wilderness hearts does REALLY good action.
I think he was just pointing out that you're a giant crybaby and they only thing you want it back for is so you can spam report from 4chanX
Bad_parenting is one of the best tags
Off the top of my head, maybe Where Kitsune Wait? Not necessarily because I want to try to relive the experience of reading, but because it would be cool to just enjoy it as a novel when/if it finishes.

Ah so you have chosen the guilt trip then.
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Anyone got that desuarchive post where skitzy was banned And 70% of the thread got thano's snapped?
awwww did the we baby get a warning for spamming report?
>we baby
he's an ESL too? lmao
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This one?
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>tell mewhich thread story you wish you could read for the first time again.
have you seen the news
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Foxpill me on Where Kitsune Wait.
Don't spoil anything of course, but what am I in store for?
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Chubby Focks on Human Cock!
Seriously needs a higher res version. Did an Anon make this on his fucking thinkpad from the 90's?
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Listening to mommy ASMR, pretending that it's Krystal. I can't tell if I wanna sleep or nut.
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that foxe is NOT chubby!
This looks nothing like Krystal
It's definitely not for everyone, but I like it a lot. It's a slow burn that's still being worked on. The main character is a monster hunter who has some trauma from his past escapades, and I'm a sucker for healing through relationships. The two main vixens are both very likable (although I prefer Saki). The story uses its historical fantasy setting well, with both ties to the MC's culture and the Japanese setting. There's some love triangle, not communicating to each other nonsense towards the middle, but overall I like fantasy and foxes, so I like the story.
>Corrupting Krystal
>Hearing her go from uppity Bri'ish to American Southern cookout cookin' mom
Getting older, having kids and eating burgers can thiccen a lady
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I can't think of a story I want to relive, but thank you for making this post to try to get back on track.
We really don't talk about stories enough anymore.
In three more months posting quality will go up when Americans are finally off the internet. Just hold on longer, /hmofa/ will be saved.
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There were some pretty decent discussions a thread or two ago. I wish newer stories got more attention though. Everyone keeps praising the classics, and newer gems go unnoticed.
That's just /hmofa/
4 years ago all anyone would talk about was Happiest place on Fur. Two years ago there were entire threads dedicated exclusively to Missy. From 4 years ago to today, I'm convinced some Anons here have only ever read Leaves of Fall and never touched another /hmofa/ story in their lives.
skibidi rizzler on my fanum tax baby gronk ohio sigma male grindset
I like when this thread acts like a bookclub/writer's guild. Very comfy.

Any modern gems you recommend? I'm working through Frost on her Feathers right now, but would be interested to know what else is good right now.
deadass ong
>Frost on her Feathers
NTA, but I want to speak my mind even though it will make me sound childish.
I only don't want to read that story because the waifeather is a gryphon. That's cringe. She should be 100% bird and 100% woman.
There, I said it. I'm a crybaby and I said it.
Probably true. A large amount of people probably left the thread due to the regular spergouts, but they come and go. There's a lot of new creators lately, and they all seem willing to stick around through the autism. I feel good times are ahead for this medium of entertainment, even if there's a puzzle piece shaped bump in the road every few threads.
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It must be depressing how fast you fail and flounder when the stick together.

/hmofa/ wins. You lost, shitposter.

You don't even get a last (you) from me. Just this last acknowledgement. Fuck off ______fag
This place is full of newniggers
lion pussy probably feels great when your dick isn't an inside-out cheese grater
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I kinda agree but also there are so few bird stories that beggars (me) can't afford to be choosers. One day the great waifeather revolution will some.
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mid if i ask for the artist of picrel or the original unedited picture?
Real question is where did this edit come from?
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good artist
from hmofa discord
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Nice pic.
Where's the
>Original version
Shitposter when he'd be useful?
Oh wait, that's right...
When is he going to draw her getting gangbanged already?
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Don't give him attention, he's not worth the post space.
But I want to join it
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>Mine, ex dee

Depends on what style of story you're into. 'Wilderness hearts' does a fantastic job in a gritty low fantasy, although the sex scenes are rather abrupt. 'An unlikely bride' was great at cheesy 80s sword and sorcery. I personally am really enjoying 'songbird', for it's comfy medieval slice of life style, and even though it's just started the author seems to be the dedicated type. There was another one with a hyena and a sorcerer who went and fought a Godzilla corpse possessed by the ghost of America, and it was really good but I can't remember it.
A modern slice of life one is spare in the trunk, and a sci Fi one is bug in the stars.

These are the ones I really liked off the top of my head. I'm sure there's one or two I'm forgetting.
Some ones that are a little rough around the edges but still worth a read are Survivors of a shattered world, which is sort of a post apocalypse sci Fi one, and vipers nights and french fries.

God, there's so many good ones that rarely get discussed. I know the songbird guy and the survivors of a shattered world guy are usually pretty active in the thread, so I hope people engage with them more.

And hell, any author reading this, if you think your story deserves some attention, shout it out here. Don't be afraid to spill your guts about it in the thread from time to time.
wow you guys are fucking annoying
Checks out
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So Admiral still works in the server?
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>*Sniff* Is that true? *Sniff*
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What exactly, precisely, in the most specific terms, is the difference between a hag and a milf?
And to end this shitty argument, yes there is a Discord. Yes, artists do use it as a way to pitch ideas and drawings, yes it is a gated community so that the shitposter cannot get into and yes, nobody isn't even allowed to join.

There, now the thread can continue.
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damn straight
He gives me big King Magnum vibes. How often does he bed those wenches?
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Milf has kids, hag is barren.
That's what happens when you advertise an obscure general on other boards and cesspools like Twitter
That blue cloth going down the center of his throne actually obscures his gigantic human cock.
No fun allowed in /hmofa/, only serious discussion about the same 3 stories for the past 5 years is allowed here.
Exactly, now shut the fuck up and post /hmofa/.
When was the last time an "Original version" post was made. He's probably not around anymore.
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She got happier.
>All this story discussion.
>Bringing up older stories.
>Nobody talks about The Legend who was so based he got to go to a writers bootcamp to explain to everyone how based he is.

MY GOOD CLOSE PERSONAL FRIEND COMFY CREATIONS (don't ask if he knows me, he'll pretend he doesn't, but we're friends I swear it's not para-social and all in my head, he just can't afford to admit to hanging out with me, cause, he's, too, popular) WORKED HARD ON THAT SHIT AND HAS INTEGRITY FOR HIS CRAFT-WORKS.
what happened
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Lena sexually assualting human men with her stench.
Thanks for the story recommendations. I've seen a lot of those names floating around but hadn't put any kind of descriptor to most of them.
someone who actually has a twitter account download then send this to comfy before this coward deletes it
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Sell me on it.
My brap waifur.
Abrasive kangaroo GF.

Happy ending :D
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Roo butt.
E621 deleted all the Frisk x Toriel porn because they purged all the porn with the tag Young human
Bye bye mommy Tori fucking frisk
>200k words
God damn.
>Last update 2022
It's joever.

Ill give it a look I guess. It's one of the names I see passed around a lot, but so far most of the really popular ones weren't all that interesting to me.
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Waifeathers with guns
>so far most of the really popular ones weren't all that interesting to me.
>Well I dunno, after last time...
>Well, alright, I would like to read something, especially if it's long-form


Holy fuck that trigger discipline. Someone shoot her already she's a threat to everyone around her.
This is great lol
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You both were kinda real for this ngl
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She's a goetian and goetians belong to solomon so goetian = isrealites
And isrealites don't have trigger discipline.
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She remembered carrot cake and human men exist.
>he drew him with a 14 inch cock
why are you gay?
The SDS Virtual Universe (SVU) is permanently stuck in the mid-2000s.
Big bunny girl feet...
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Me glazing Comfy aside, I genuinely was happy he did that.
Not because he "defended the thread" or whatever, but because he showed himself to be a person with a large amount of integrity for the things he has created with a serious tone.
I strongly believe that's an important aspect of being a goodly creator.
Caring about what you make, even the silly stuff and even the stuff people might not like or might want to change is important.
I hope I meet more artists like that.
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>permanently stuck in the mid-2000s.
My God...
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I live near a mall that still has a small mid to late 2000s scene scene.
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You should check into the magma real quick!
As I said last thread, that much sweating could be indicative of a serious medical condition. She should see a vet.
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I already drew in the smol one twice, so better leave space for others to try drawing.
Maybe even for the very first time.
So do I. Its called Hot Topic.
Doublespace if you actually posted that image wtf, but no but I just wanted to share something with you.
Stoner waifurs
You should try to be someone artists like that would want to meet.
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>what little Timmy saw on MTV at two in the morning in 2003.
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All Hot Topic sells is cosplay and vidya merch now. The one in my area doesn't even sell band shirts anymore
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>Doublespace if you actually posted that image wtf
I've decided to make being a humorous nuisance my character motive.
Anyways, post a link to the aggie.
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It often feels like the culture of hmofa stopped evolving sometime around 2021 with how stale the current crop of classics has become. Given the declining amount of readership and story discussion over the years I think the thread fell into the trap of everyone deciding on a few stories to recommend to new people, which eventually became the only stories most of the thread ever read, which meant they were the only stories anyone could recommend to anyone else, which meant they were the only stories anyone ever read, which meant they were the only stories anyone could recommend, and so on. I think it's fine for classics to be talked about and recommended on a regular basis but they shouldn't become omnipresent to the point of snuffing out discussion or interest in newer stories.
I think this is what we all wanted to see on the television as kids
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>reddit finger
My favorite day of the year
wifwolfers here we gooooo
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reddit paw
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More like stinky armpit waifur.
a bunch of guys cranking it to lena's body while she sleeps...
Not a waifur, no matter how many times you post it.
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WOKE Lamat
Yes honey
What species would Peggy be? Or would she remain human?
wtf is this dogshit dude
Ladybird, but human

Leaves of Fall. Whatever happened to the author, anyway?
The Hills would remain unchanged, I feel. Hank is VERY traditional. Boomhauer would be shagging furry sluts left and right you'd see a new one exit his house every episode
Oliver Shart died of ligma in 2022
Poor Bill...
Imagine goblin slayer if he suddenly finds a small tribe of goblins who aren't evil, but he can barely contain his autism about killing goblins
That was the best description I found here
What about Dale?
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Here's a setting idea: Human techno-barbarians vs. Stone Age or Bronze Age anthros.

The humans could become conquistadors, but they'd rather chase waifurs.

You can lick MY sweaty balls, shithead.
Bill gets into a two-parter about picking up a Buncel and wanting to marry her and the gang needs to band together and save Bill from this psycho bitch
Well you can go the obvious route, and say John Redcorn is an anthro male so Joseph looks even less like Dale but I think Dale's suffered enough on that front
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Classic advertising. Yep... they don't make 'em like that anymore.
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we are ready to edit the Martina video
Peggy is still human.
Bobby keeps bringing home cat women and not dog women.
Cause that boy ain't right.
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YES more Martina content!
im scared im scared hold me bros
Human guys looking for anthro women? I'm game if you are.
Total Trannycide When?
fuck off
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why you gotta give her a dick, bro?
That a dealbreaker? I'd still let you humies hit it.
This isn't exactly /hmofa/ per se, but do any of you good men know of any online chatroom roleplaying websites, wherein you are thrusted into a random chatroom with a stranger and.... roleplay?
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Human men hawk tuah that thang for sure!
just ERP with an AI dude
I am a heterosexual straight male man. (Straight)
I don't want to do ERP and I don't want to carouse with AI.
>you are thrusted into a random chatroom with a stranger and.... roleplay?
That sounds horrible why would you do that to somebody?
Well, you see, this would take on a roleplaying website. That is, everyone is there to roleplay in the first place.
martina will be real in 5 seconds
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I have a strong desire to fuck blazikens
double penetration is gayer than gay porn
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uh, when did I ask?
17th of february 2013 at 1523 HRS
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I never asked about that on the 17th, you can't fool me.
you did though you did ask me personally you asked me you asked me you did that
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Worthless rheotirc.
This character/style looks familiar.
i'm going to worthless YOUR rhetoric
This thread is so fucking weird man
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It should have been her!
Here anons, have a good blaziken pic that isn't faggy
which is why he posted it here
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you can do better than that to close out the thread, you're just phoning it in
built for hyur men
Just because you aregay doesn't mean everyone here is gay too
Why so mad?
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because there's too much shitposting
Angry furboi rants against double penetration after the human football team ran a train on his sister instead of him.
Reminder your waifur had a crazy streak in college and its best you dont look her name up on any naughty websites.
I thought I recognized her on that YEENED.COM website.
The fuck are you going on about?
Wait comfy posted something? What he say
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Fuck Toons
waifur baiken stepping on you with her big meaty sweaty paws
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Call her and take her out to dinner first.

Milf is something you like, hag is something you don't like.
he said what is written in this comic >>67742576
i finished my animation but i will wait for the next thread to post it
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you mean the martina one or the glaceon barista one?
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I think you mean gilf
the martina one, i want to share it nicely

I didn't have a picture of a MILF on hand.
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>wake up
>open up thread
>see this
It's just one of those days isn't it
guess were dead now
No shit Sherlock
The only thing dead is grammar. You lot should be ashamed of yourselves.
More milfs in clothes suited to younger women!
New thread:
Remember to hide and ignore all bait and off-topic posts.
>all it takes to ban evade on 4chin is a new IP and a cookie clear
No wonder it attracts the worst shitters
Man, Euro hours really are the fucking worst anymore
Vale City's "wins" are because they trooned up their "girls" team? Figures.

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