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Location: Gotham City
OOooOOoo spooky.
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Test this
>uses 40% of my power to complete mog your ass 3x over
Heh, too easy lanklet. Maybe try some scoops of whey before you step up to me
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>>67742604(Nickname game)
Hh. No, you're right. Usually Kaz was the one who handled this kind of thing...
>So maybe her code name is just "Bitch" after all-
How about...
>Oh, good, he's thinking again.
... Steel Centipede.
>It was closer, he thought. She liked to use an axe, hence the steel. And she was small, hence...
Unless you prefer your idea.
>There's always one more roll. Ball's rolling up-!

>>67742640(Bombing Children--)
>This was news to him. Were these creatures capable of the same brutality that the Reich was? Would they even know better if they were...?
>The man groaned to himself for a quiet moment. Both blood and metal fists clenched at his sides as he realized something.
I... think I hold a degree of responsibility regarding that "King" in the south, and at least some of the movements he's been making lately.
>I wonder. Were the queen perceptible, or perhaps just knowledgable, enough to recognize the symbol displayed on his left shoulder...?
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Steel Centipede... I like it.
>Is it strange that her genuine non-sadistic smile just seems a bit off? Or is it because she's usually seen as a monster that makes it seem off.
Nah, steel fits like a lovely glove, suits me better than love.
>She awkwardly stared at the man for a moment
So... Unrelated question... How'd you get your code name? Eh, Big Boss right?
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I sent them away, of course. For all we know, the attackers are looking to steal people from their houses and doing... very scary, 13 and up content with them in their dens- we could be hurting their victims!
>At least, the Queen understood the implications of collateral damage.
Are you a part of his court? You look like a very busy- human...who fights.
>The Queen would look somewhat nervous and regretful all of a sudden, as if she were worried the Emerald King would take this slight personally and deny her region aid.
>To her, the diamond symbol on the visitor's arm was a nice, crystal-y one that reminded her of her own kingdom's revolution around them, though it didn't mean any more.
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Whatch your blood pressure, fatso.
>sees you increase in size
Oh, you're not the only one who can do that
>I brace myself, feet planted in the ground and increase my size until I tower over the little Bane boy
>I put my hand on his shoulder as if I'm talking to a lass
What are you going to do now, boy?

>Dubs and the bartender throws me a bottle to smash on Bane's head
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I like AOC
See that's the difference between you and me. You actually have to try. I was born big.
>table starts to buckle under the immense strength
>match your size
>more pressure on your arm
>looks you dead in the eyes
>dubs and I make you flinch like a bitch
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All of you are terrible. And if I get numbers your balls get destroyed by a SlapChop.
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>Off by one
>He's seen worse things than a strange smile, that's for sure. Even if it was a little creepy, he wouldn't mind it. So long as he wasn't looking it down on the field of battle.
>But upon that question being asked, "Big Boss" here shifted his gaze elsewhere. He took in a sharp breath through the nose.
I... it was given to me, for completing a special mission. I stopped a nuclear war from breaking out. Destroyed an experimental new weapon. Defeated a "traitor".
>Even Gert might realize that was only the cliff notes version. There had to be more to it than that, right? Even if "that" already sounded like plenty...
It was an empty title when I got it. Awarded to me by the President. It was when I left my country and made the name mean something through my actions that the name "Big Boss" finally meant something. That it was a name I could finally be proud of.
>For some reason, he seemed rather emotional about this subject. I mean, jeez, it was just a code name. Right?

I'm not part of his army, no. But...
>He hesitated for a moment. This was a fairy dangerous thing to reveal while he stood, no weapons in his hands, right in the middle of the
"enemy's" most well-protected fortress!
... But I am the leader of another organization on the island. One who's men moved into your territory recently. Though not under my own orders.
>He didn't seem happy to reveal this information. But he did it anyway. Perhaps for the greater good of... something or other.
Yeah I have no response to this failure.
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Funny. You need machines to go over your limits.
I have no limits
>The pressure of these colossal powers going up against eachother is causing strange things to happen. Dogs are barking, birds start to migrate and the small tremmors have made plenty of car alarm go off.
>I increase my pull a bit harder, but the table can't withstand the pressure and collapses
>We're not letting eachother go and continue the match
It's okay to give it up. You are not on my level, Smurf

>Dubs and I get Bane's arm halfway
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That sounds rough, sounds like you went through more trouble than I did, I mean I only waited.
>She leaned back on her chair as she squinted at the ceiling, tapping at her legs as she looked a tiny bit bothered
...So. We're expecting to uh... Hold off on the fairy killing for now... Right?
>And there it is, a little spark, the murderous intent in her eyes, she seems bothered by the fact that she can't hurt her absolute timeless enemy
Like, nada on the killing?
>Banes arm snaps to the other direction losing
>defeated. Bane kneels
You...truly..are the biggest guy..I've been mogged.
He said halfway.
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>The Queen wouldn't blame the Boss for not being able to get a handle on his own organization...
Did...did you think someone is trying to um-
>False flag.
Trying to use you as cover to do something bad?
>Be patient with her, her vocabulary didn't contain many words you wouldn't use in a friendly conversation.
The helpers that were fighting on those walls are very unhappy with what they did.
>They wanted blood.
And though most of the humans don't know, so are a few of the city-dwellers.
>Yet neither would she not fail to hold him accountable for it.
I would like to know why you're here controlling a group of warriors with weapons that could do something like breach our outer defenses to begin with. Those aren't things you should be carrying with you every day.
>Unless you were a Poppy Bro.
And even if you think you 'have' to, you should be keeping a close eye on them to ensure they are used in a safe, responsible manner.
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>So, is it too late into the night
>Or is this the place for continues
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Couldn't have happened to best... No, it couldn't. Wanna know why? It's because I am the BEST! Hahahahaha
>I walk to the barman and put a bundle of bills on the counter
This is for the table and a tip.
>I walk to the barlady and give her an equal bundle of bills.
And this is your tip.
Your punishment is to help these good people clean up and to train HARD until you can face me again.
The moment I exit the pub, the sun starts to shine because Ma'at wanted everybody to see that she has blessed me
>Could have happened to best
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>I'm fine with that.
*pets the coil snek*
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Roll I guess.
Your arm is bent halfway when you lose a arm wrestling contest
>a arm
... I'd prefer if you didn't, no.
>Snake looked back at her as he spoke, his voice returning to its usual level of bluntness.
If you're going to fight them, at least try to end things non-lethally. We're trying to settle things on the island, and Diamond Dogs going out of their way to fight the fairies isn't going to help things.
>He paused.
... But the Kingdom in the south, they're being plenty aggressive toward us. And I doubt they'll back off anytime soon. So if you need to work out some aggression.
>Should Snake really be encouraging this kind of behavior? Even if it's been incredibly useful to his side in the war so far...?

I wouldn't say they were trying to do something bad. They were... just afraid. The Kindom in the island's south already-
Defeated, the group of Americans still on the island. And my men in that section were cut off from the rest. So they panicked, tried to regain control. But that only ended up making things worse for everyone, it seemed.
>It was clear that this man wasn't entirely pleased with how things were going. Was it just because they weren't "winning" anymore? Or because more men had to die to get him here...
... We're soldiers.
>He responds, as if its the simplest thing.
We're the people the world needs when there's wars to be fought. The men and women who can't live lives of peace and luxury, like you do here.
>That was already clear just from the visual differences between them alone.
There was another army, one fueled by hatred and a need for control, who invaded that country around the same time that your people appeared on the smaller islands. We were called in by the people of that country to fight them off. And we did... but there's still a lot of work to be done. Me and my men are still needed.
>For the most part.
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God. They brought back the Winter Lanterns...
Distracted with gooning again?
>Also yeah if you waaaant-
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Elden Ring DLC. Hidden area, the main enemy of this area, is pretty much a Winter Lantern from Bloodborne.
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>it's a secret to everybody but
>you can parry them
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>Ei, so

>Think you're up next Boss, Big.
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>The Queen would gesture Big Boss to move out of the room she had designated to pick up all these portal-travelers to somewhere better for long interactions.
Please, follow me.
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Running around with two great hammers. That and all weapons I don't use I got rid of. I don't remember who sells shields or daggers that can parry.
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>one of the old husk ladies in roundtable sells a heater shield
>also youre jump attacking aren't you
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>Hmm, something subtle or more direct?
Roll for it.
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>Did you want to continue the chatter between our generic dudes from yester-night, or?
>Back to it then.
>The Boss stared in a long silence as this... being, approached the bed. He was the only one both still conscious and not terribly used to what he was seeing to still stare in stunned silence at the walking suit before him.
... Is... Are you...?
>Someone help the poor man, honestly.

>The man said nothing and followed along after the young girl as directed.
>No need to have this messy conversation out here, right?
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Evens: Subtle
Odds: Direct

>I'd be game for it. Sorry for falling asleep on you two again.
>If you happen to have the desulink I can go ahead with my part.
>If you waaaaaant
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He is a spirit...
>Croaked the bedridden guard, lucid enough to be able to tell the rest of the room were talking about the voice whom he at first thought was his guide to the afterlife.
I'm man.
I feel like somewhere my current actions are being judged...oh well.
>Just found out Castle Crashers is getting a free DLC.

Samus would be the best captain if she encountered the Pikmin.

Good to know. Also I'm run L1 and jump L1ing.
Also exterminate all Frenzy Flame niggas.
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They don't even hide the fact the Frenzy Flame ending is considered the VERY bad ending.
Kinda makes me feel bad for the merchants.
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>Even as the UNSC prosecuted its campaign in Ireland didn't mean they would remain idle in this "Arena" place. And who better to continue with reconnaissance and intel gathering than the Master Chief?
>Thus a Pelican dropship would fly towards the outskirts of what intelligence identified as one "Gotham City", it being host to a number of interesting characters. Nothing the super soldier couldn't handle if things got problematic, his flying ride coming to a hover in a rundown warehouse area.
>The Chief would jump out of the back of the troop transport and hit the ground with a thud, head and carbine on a swivel as the Pelican's pilot radioed him.
(PLT) Okay Chief, this is your stop. Radio for pickup when you're finished with your assignment. Good luck!
(CTN) Roger Victor-597, thanks for the ride.
>And with that the D-77 would take off and fly up into the dark and cloudy skies, the MCPO carefully moving out by his lonesome...
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>A voice? How rude, he's only right next to him. Perfectly visible, if you count only the clothes.
Quite right. Why, it's only been past a hundred years since I met my bitter end by now!
>The Ghost reaches up and removes it to bow.
In life, the humble highwayman Jim Craddock. After it, I also go by the Gentleman Ghost! On the nose perhaps, but descriptive.
>And he's straightening back out.
For my part, I'd been set to meet an old associate of mine, but it appears I'd gotten rather jumbled up as to "which" Ireland I'd appeared at.
>Snake might've noticed by this point that the medic is conscious, but seems unwilling or unable to get up, given the look of confusion and horror on her face.
>...Might be afraid of ghosts.
Our man here's been through Hell, I'll tell you that much.
>...How old is that game again?
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First release was in August 27, 2008, for the Xbox live Arcade.
Damn 16 years...
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>Good lord.
Newgrounds my beloved...
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>I never did go there. In fact, it took me until years after I even heard of it to find out it came from there....
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>You're not out of the woods just yet.
"Which" Ireland, huh?
>It's never so easy is it?
>Mokou turned to extend a helping hand to the Zeon lady she'd recently "recruited," softly reassuring her best she could that she was not in any mortal danger.
Worst he can do to us is bore us all.
>Congrats to her for being used to it.
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>Through a colorfully decorated hall they passed by, where Big Boss would get a glimpse of a mural depicting herself and a countless of her flying, legless subjects all smiling in a rainbow of color.
>It appeared to be rather fresh, with no outward signs of wear. The whole palace appeared to hold very few signs of wear looking from hall to hall, as if it had been constructed by a year or two ago.
>After overtaking it, Snake would be led to an area with a wide portal (of the mundane door-less entryway type) opening up into a balcony beholding the evening sky. Here sat a round table and several heart-shaped stools, these ones closer to scale to something a human would find usable by virtue of the fact they were made for herself.
Please, have a seat.
>Down sat the Queen, motioning for the Waddle Dee who had previously threatened him to go fetch them some tea.
Most of our business has been kept inside; we were told by the humans on the island that conflict was breaking out all around them, but not by what or who. The Helpers got into a few scuffles with groups who were- using the situation to do bad things, but they won through to the end.
>Reaching for a drawer well-hidden in the table's side, the Queen would pull out what appeared to be note paper and a pencil covered in very girly decorations.
Now, we are in an agreement with the human inhabitants of this kingdom to aid them in fighting a similar goal - driving away a group of invaders who impose their will on the regions they seize; if what happened to our walls is a common occurrence among your "soldiers", it seems that you've- or rather, they're giving them a poor impression of your goals.
>Her face would frown at what she would have to say next, as if she could relate.
It's important to be able to direct, and support your helpers at a moment's notice, as they won't always have the same intentions as you would.
I just realized they’re doing The Big Meeting again. This time, faction games: Ireland edition.
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>[Cheif could handle alot of Batman's rogue gallery. Too be honest senpai. Heads up Captain King, landing an air ship like a pelican is bound to get some attention.]
>[Either someone or something managed to signal in onto his AI GF. Or someone is trying to hail someone on an semi secured channel.]
A lot of people could handle Batman's rogues. All you need is a gun. Just ask Jason Todd
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>All right boys, we left off here! You next, Marines!
>https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67709884/#q67716290 (Can-Handlers)
>https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67709884/#q67716733 (Diamond Dogs)
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>117 may be street level by most metrics, especially depending on his loadout, but his plot armor-tier luck made him stand tall over the majority of his SPARTAN brothers and sisters.
>And it would be just his fortune an unknown was trying to contact him soon after making landfall in this rundown section of the big city.
>The Chief glanced around, enhanced eyes scoping out his gloomy surroundings and the abandoned buildings and cargo containers that dotted the area as he ducked into shadowy cover. Stealing a glance at his motion tracker, he would mutter inside of his helmet to Cortana.
>'What do we have?'
>"Gimme a sec and I'll have an answer."
>Cortana would try to ID the transmission for starters along with attempting to run a trace and or listen in on the broadcast. Neither cyborg nor AI were quite ready to pick up an unidentified call after all just yet.
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... Huh.
>Finally, Snake uttered some kind of noise. Followed by him doing a hard swallow as he tried to piece his mind back together.
>Hold on, almost there...
... In this place, Ghosts are real too.
>Not something you get to hear yourself say every day, huh?
>Snake glanced down at his gun for a moment, and slowly returned it back to its holster. What was it going to do anyway?
Not sure how I should feel about that...
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Yeah, like... sun is real, even if you... live in... cave whole life...
>Added the patient, trying to give any more inputs than remaining a living prop.
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>Snake remained quiet as he followed behind the fairy. He only made mental comments as he looked at all of the strange decor, of which everything seemed to look relatively new. Just how old was this "kingdom" he found himself in...?
>Eventually, they reached a balcony that overlooked the evening sunset. Snake stepped up to the railing and looked around at his surroundings.
So this is what it's like to stand on an alien world...
>He quietly thought to himself as he continued looking around before the Queen offered him a seat. Which, after a moment, he would take.
>Then came what appeared to be... politics. Snake never really was fond of meetings like these, but he knew they were necessary.
Men at war make rash decisions. Everyone does when they think they're about to die.
>The soldier dryly remarked.
That's the problem with all of your walls out there. The people, at least the humans, inside aren't aware of what's happening outside of them. The same applies to those trying to look in. The only thing we can see from our side of the wall was... bouncy castles and playgrounds and walls of random junk being built by dozens of fairies. My men who invaded your outer lands likely assumed that it was just empty holdings, and figured they could use that to give themselves extra space to survive against the people who, as I've come to learn, were more than willing to kill them to get what they want.
>He wasn't quite sure if he should be so blunt when speaking to a child... but if she wanted to call herself a leader during wartime, then this is what must be done.
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(MRN CPT) We don't have the full picture gents. Or at least *I* don't.
>Even as advanced as they were it took time for word to travel to all of the boots on the ground. ONI was still looking at the situation and passing along intel that filtered down as needed, the most recent update provided over the secure UNSC battlenet on his TACPAD.
(MRN CPT) For now they seem mighty agitated over there in the east.
>The CO would bristle at the nuke accusation.
(MRN CPT) We're not nuking shit. Just like those Dog guys didn't have much discipline attacking them Fairies.
>Facing the Army sarge he would add.
(MRN CPT) We could use all the damn help we can get, and I've heard we're getting reinforcements coming in. Appreciate you boys sticking around with your APCs.
>The Marines and UNSC at large would do their damndest to help with maintenance and take care of their crews with the limited supplies they had.
>He would then cast a glance out over at the Atlantic Ocean to the west, brow furrowing.
(MRN CPT) Don't know if those reinforcements will run into trouble with that Imperium ship though. But the UNSC knows a thing or two about cleaning up and making a place habitable again.
>The glassed and radioactive sections of Ireland could be undone via terraforming tech with time and effort.
(MRN CPT) We're here to help, not lord over or ransom Ireland or whatever. But we're NOT going to be dicked around with either.
>Be it the more terrestrial UN and nations, fairies, kings, OR mercenaries!
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>The Ghost will pretend he didn't hear that, Mokou.
>The medic, meanwhile, with some serious degree of reluctance lets herself be helped to her feet with a sheepish look on her face. Not daring to look in Jim's direction, she goes to that trunk that the man on the bed's communicator is to retrieve it and check if it's even functional.
Indeed, if this were my Prime Earth, the country would be swarming with superheroes, bah. Least of all of that old Jack O'Lantern.
>Yes, there's really an Irish superhero named Jack O'Lantern in DC. You'll never guess his power source.
...Dublin's not much more than ruins, now. Ruins, madmen, and whoever was unfortunate enough to both live there and survive whatever occurred to it. Bombarded near beyond recognition. Wouldn't you say?
>The way the hat and monocle tilt downward sure looks like how it would on a human if he looked downwards to the guardsman.
So did you get to meet the ghost of the queen? How is she?
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>There was no denying it: when the mercenary leader glanced beyond the confines of the palace, he would behold an otherworldly atmosphere full of hearts and rings floating between the clouds, including a peek at an alien constellation behind it; dozens of worlds and countless stars, one of which bore a prominent, broad five-pointed shape that was unlike any normal stellar shine.
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>War was an extension of politics, wasn't it? Big Boss couldn't call himself a soldier if all he did was shoot at people all day; that would make him a simple hitman.
I think I understand that, yet I'm also curious as to why the people of those islands view your men as a threat, especially if you were paid to fight their enemies to begin with.
>Could it be that in his quest to recruit random people to his army who earlier wanted his head on their platters, Big Boss had gathered a few genuinely bad eggs, handed them military-grade equipment, and sent them off to locales hundreds of miles away from him with minimal oversight beyond a radio?
I have met the king of south; he is a rude, short-sighted man who has enlisted the help of terrible things to see his will done...
>A thought which prominently lingered in her mind whenever she interacted with the King.
But I don't think he's dark-hearted. He took it as a measure to protect the people in both his lands and behind our walls.
Can you tell me why you think he attacked these "Americans", and your soldiers?
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I don't suspect she lingered.
>(Sorry for the wait)

>(yeah, that's true)

>[At first, it was a super encrypted signal! No, it wasn't, Cortana was easily able to ID the transmission. Coming from someone named "ZagZag". What type of name is that?"
"Testing! Uhhh... Testing!"
>[The voice on the other end of the line spoke with a high pitch. Almost sounds like those alien goblins, Chief, and his blue GF are all too familiar with.]
"Hey, humans. Can ya hear me?! Which one of you dumbasses is flying your ships close to cities?! Ya know we don't operate on cities?! Especially when those monsters are hunting us?! Ya basically sounded a dinner bell for them!!"
>[Yep. It's a grunt on the other end of the line. I don't think he knows who exactly he's speaking to. Probably thinking it's another human on the end of the channel. Strange how a grunt would openly speak to humans in such a crude manner. And what did he mean by "operate near cities" and what "monsters" are hunting them?]
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(It's cool lol)
>"Hm, the signal is similar to Covenant public broadcasts yet... different."
>It was enough to tell the two that they *might* be dealing with a different batch of aliens. The name "ZagZag" had an Unggoy naming convention and all too soon, the squeaky voice of one of the methane breathers was heard by the SPARTAN and AI. It was enough to get the Chief to tense up at the idea that Covies MIGHT be operating in a human city! But given what the alien said, maybe the two were again dealing with a different group.
>All the same they would stay alert, the mention of "monsters" being of mild note for now.
>'Are there any Covenant forces nearby?'
>"We'll see, I'm looking into it now, Chief."
>There was nary a Phantom or Spirit dropship so far nor any alien ground forces that could be discerned in Gotham just yet.
>Or monsters for that matter, the SPARTAN keeping a firm grip on his suppressed MA5K carbine as he scanned his darkened surroundings.
>Again, neither human nor construct saw fit to answer the taunting ZagZag just yet. He might even just be bluffing to get them to reveal their positions, Grunts having often manned Covenant comms to monitor human radio traffic during the war and all that it entailed.
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(ARMY SGT) "Not rightly sure the amount of help we can give in this state sir, but at least seems like we fill a niche your big ole' space caddy forgot to pack this trip."
>These APCs were as old as they looked, some of them older than their crews, which made them a fickle bitch when it came to servicing the moving parts, but thankfully they came with manuals included and English had miraculously not drifted too bad in the half millennia separating the two forces.
(ARMY SGT) "Those space dickweeds are still out there above the clouds? You'd think they'd have better things to do with their ships than pick on some islands."
>If the sergeant had to guess, those Nat. Socs. wanted to make a point to the world with all those nifty assets they gathered, only to have it flattened when the world came up with a space force of their own.
>"We" as in everybody in this room, right boys? Which of us sacrificed two whole divisions for the sake of these potato munchers before a faction of them decided to decimate their battalion?
(ARMY SGT) "It's not "us", it's the "international community" ladies, after getting OURSELVES killed for trying to protect these islands, they think the military ain't right for settling what is clearly a military matter, or would be if they saw it from closer than the other end of the Channel!"
>Though tempered with the knowledge of what they might become in the future, the UN of today sucked a huge bag of egg-on-a-leg, and the egg was spoiled!
>Farther back in the ranks, one of the lower enlisted would pester a mercenary, having overheard their intentions to leave.
(ARMY MECH INF) "Actually, if you can secure a way forward...we're all technically off duty now, for real this time, so I figure I could be allowed to visit my folks down in Lisburn. You boys look like you could use an extra gun, anyway."
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>A world swarming with superheroes, you say.
Do you know Superman?
>Mokou asked the floating clothes expectantly.
The whole country is in upheaval.
>The woman shook her head sadly.
We might be the only ones who can save it.
>She looked up at the eyepatched veteran.
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SILENCE! Stop pretending to be fictional people! It's late! Time to sleep!
You're dead lol, you have no power over us
Says the man fictitiously pretending that he can somehow hear them through text and can't close the tab
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>Rarely for someone like Snake, a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach was beginning to develop as he looked out across the utterly alien sky. Nothing like this should be possible... nothing about space should look like *that*. And yet, here it was.
>Man, was he really out of his element here...
>Ignoring the existentialism of an environment that really only duel-hearted beings should be finding themselves in like this, Snake also worried about the 'soldiers' he'd recruited into his army. Some of them were genuine, loyal. Honest soldiers that believed in his cause, and were here to 'fight the good fight' as it were. But he couldn't account for everyone. Snake worried that among every squad, some were only doing this for the fighting itself. Or to have an excuse to "rebel" from their normal life. Not everyone was cut out to be a soldier... It was a thought that plagued Snake, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself. He didn't want to become that kind of leader.
>But that train of thought is broken away when the young-looking Queen asked what he believed the "King's" intentions were.
>He glanced away briefly, trying to find the words.
... I don't know how things are in your kingdom. From little I know of fairies, I assume that you all generally have the same ideal. Laugh, play, be happy... humans are more complicated than that. They're also violent, sadistic. Most men will often think that they should be the ones in charge of everyone else. But very rarely does one rise up to the challenge. Even fewer succeed to the extent he has.
>How... philosophical, for a lowly soldier like him.
I was hired to come to the island by its ruling government to help clear out the invading armies. Whoever this King was, he's from the island... but he's no King. Not in any official capacity.
>But nor was Snake any "Big Boss" of anything, beyond the hearts of his followers. This King was more similar to him than he'd like to believe...
In short, he attacked my soldiers because they struck him first. That I can admit. But he defeated what was left of the American forces on the island because he saw them as "invaders" as well, even though they came with the intention of securing the island just as I did.
>He wasn't *really* sure of that, but he kept that thought to himself.
Eventually, I think he'd have attacked my men on his own volition. I also believe he has some desire to protect his island and his people... but he also wants to take control of it for himself.
>Snake leaned forward in his seat a little, looking the fairy in the eye with the one he had left.
In our world, in our place in time, we don't have kings like him anymore. Most places have presidents or prime ministers, people who are voted into power by the people who live in that country.
>Again, more or less...
In short, I don't see him as a true king. I see him as an opportunist, trying to take control of this country while its true leaders are still recovering from this war.
>Overdid it a little bit here, I admit.
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"Hey! Can you hear me! Think I tune this thing off. This a dead air channel. Guessin' I'm the only one speakin' here. Jackals suck! Best used as monster bait"
>[Letting Cortana do here thing. She'll discover the origin of the grunts signal. Far south away from the main hub of Gotham. On the border of Mooney Bay. At least this alien goblin is far from the human city.]
"Stupid unngoy!"
>[Another voice speaks. This one sounding rough and scratchy. Might be a Jackal.]
"Talk too loud. Everyone can hear!"
"Shut-up ya damn space chicken!"
>[Even here in this messed up world that is HaitchGee grunts and jackals, still hate each other. Not sure how Chief's feels about knowing two members of the "covenant" are near a human city. Granted Glassing Gotham might be a good thing.]
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>"Yeah, I'm not answering that. Although our talkative friend here told us something he probably shouldn't have. Namely, where they're apparently operating out of in this city."
>"Signal's coming from a place near "Mooney Bay", a few clicks from our current position."
>Should've probably looked at a proper map of Goth Ham before inserting the Chief, but let's say he and the Pelican set down between the southside of Burnside and the north part of Archie Goodwin Intl. Airport.
>No surprise Unggoy and Kig-Yar STILL hated each other so there was at least that constant, possible Covenant or not. The SPARTAN still didn't like the idea of genocidal aliens in a city full of humans in any case. And with no sign of a caped crusader or other hero about, it was up to the green knight to do something here as he set out south for more recon on these xenos. Maybe he'd find "monsters" along the way that they had mentioned.
>Cortana of course would continue to monitor for alien activity while sending periodic updates to the Tip of the Spear and its crew far away from the big city.
Where's superman?
Batman ain't here and Gotham...well it's being Gotham
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DD 1: "All right, all right! Easy! We're all feeling pretty hot-headed out here, especially after today. Let's not start biting at each other's throats."
>One of the D-Dogs spoke to try and cool the air, both to the other two faction's soldiers as well as his own, when the back-and-forth jabs started going. They were all just grunts on the field, after all. The large-and-thick of it was a bit beyond them, even if they wouldn't like to admit it...
>Of course, it should be said that these are still mercs. No wonder they're just a touch too pompous for their own good.
DD 4: "This is why we fight for ourselves. We aren't tied down to any one country."
DD 1:" Dude, can it already!"
>At the same time near the back of the gaggle of various soldiers from various lands, one of the Americans spoke up to the DDs about heading North with them.
DD 2: "If we can get that radio call out, we should be able to get a chopper to come and pick us up. It won't take them much convincing to stop by Lisburn, I'd bet."
DD 3: "Just hope you don't mind flyin', kid."
>Hearing all of this chatter back there, one of the merc grunts gets an idea.
DD 1: "Hey... what was your plan to get a message out to the rest of the world once you cleaned up here anyway?"
"Jack O'Lantern"?
>Snake couldn't believe what he was hearing.
>And even more so was surprised to hear *that* name brought up. Everyone from his day and age, even men like him, had at least heard about that particular character. So to hear him brought up like he was real...
>Seeing as how he reacted to that and not ol' Jack, seems like Snake is just a normie... although now I need to read whatever book that guy's in-
>Either way, Snake shook his head, trying to clear the mental fog so he could be part of this conversation in some capacity.
Yes... we're doing what we can to re-secure the country and, ideally, pave the way for the clean-up effort. A lot easier said than done, of course. Especially since some people started lobbing bombs...
>Did that happen by this point? I forget.
But that doesn't mean we're going to stop anytime soon... uh... "Jim".
>Nope, it's still hard to process. But at least he's trying.

>Try asking Lois.
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>[Just a few mile sprint. Nothing John Halo can do, give him 20 minutes tops. Meanwhile, a small augment breaks out between the to AYYLMAOs. Ending with the alien birb storming off set.]
"Yeah, go back to looking out. Stupid Jackal. Hope you get sniped! "
"Hey, humans on | Banished | channel. New news! Green demon is ally now. Helped us fight monsters on big hola hoop. So don't shoot him on sight anymore. But if he dies, we take and sell his armor and weapons! Fair deal!"
>[ Banished Channel? Odd choice of words, wonder how John Halo feels about the grunts words. Possibly, this sect of the "covenant" has humans in their ranks. And this "Green demon", maybe it's John Halo. Or some other green dude in armor. Let Blue internet GF try to decipher the grunts ramblings.]
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(MRN CPT) Right, didn't mean to get snappy here. But we all know it's a bit of a crapshow at the moment with how things are going. But trust me, it can get much worse. God knows I've seen it.
>At that, a haunted look would come over the salty bastard's face as he remembered seeing more than one human world get glassed by the Covies. He would shake it off just as quick, the captain in command and no-bullshit mode as he addressed the Americans in particular.
(MRN CPT) Now's not exactly the time for shore leave people, but I ain't exactly your CO or you're a part of the Marine chain of command so I can't tell you guys "no". But I wouldn't recommend moseying off when there's still a job to do. At least, not for too long.
>Grizzled as he was, the jarhead wasn't completely heartless as he spoke to mercs and soldiers.
(MRN CPT) Like I said before, got a radioman nearby that can give DD HQ a ring and flag a helo down as needed.
>Assuming the occupied air corridor was safe for such a thing.
>And speaking of which the officer would nod at the sarge.
(MRN CPT) Not over Ireland after the Spear held their own against 'em in space, but they're STILL in Earth's atmosphere from what I've heard. And I'd bet my left asscheek they might take issue with our coming reinforcements even if their Nazis buddies ain't around no more.
>Moving on to the subject of the space UN, the captain would let out a grunt.
(MRN CPT) I'm not high up on the command line here people.
>He was *just* an O-3 and even then, he might not even be leading a full platoon of Marines at the moment!
(MRN CPT) But what I CAN tell you fine folks and the world at large is the UNSC is here to help Ireland. We already proved that by kicking those Nazis bastards out with some good help!
>He would nod at the merc soldiers and green grunts in front of him. And the Marines would continue to do so if able even if it meant their grease monkeys had to get "creative" with the M113s upkeeps.
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"Ay caramba..."
>Those were words the guard did not want to hear, though the more he focused, the better he remembered that his last action was to try and provide a distraction against those super-powered scoundrels who saw fit to assail the city while his teammates tried to lead who they could away.
"I know that guy..."
>Murmured the patient. Would've been real useful back in Dublin.
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>John wasn't as fast as his sister Kelly, but like any SPARTAN worth their dangerous ASTER augmentations he could move quickly and for a fair bit of endurance. All the better he traveled on foot given how noisy even a Mongoose would be or obvious a Pelican or HEV drop.
>As Mooney Bay came into distant sight Cortana was naturally listening in on the chatty aliens. The ZagZag guy sure liked to run his mouth, the mention of not just the faction's name "Banished" being of interest, but cooperation between a "green demon". They couldn't be referring to another SPARTAN, could they? The only one the Chief had actually dealt with in the Arena was Emile-A239 and that was years ago...
>Maybe 117 and Cortana would find out more, the latter putting together puzzle pieces that was this budding enigma as best she could. ONI *knew* that the post-war Banished faction made use of humans in their ranks in a radical departure from their Covenant origins, although it was still a bit of a quiet surprise to the Chief when Cortana informed him as much. He had yet to deal with or know of them in most capacities so far after all.
>Namely because this was post-3 but before 4 Master Chief...
>No matter the case 117 drew closer to these aliens' operations at the bay.
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>Don't worry, he's a bit of a literal who. The first wielded a magic (fairy) lantern and had some 20-odd appearances before dying offscreen, leaving his cousin to pick up the role. He's got a big closer to 30, most of it's from a series called Primal Force.
>...For some reason, when he joined the Ultramarine Corps, he was real pissy with Knight, but I assume that's just "Haha Irish/English relations".

Oh, I've clashed wits with him a few times, but I much prefer Batman for that. Or tormenting that blasted Hawkman...
>He said that second name with some particular bitterness.
>...He's not going to correct the name, he responds by all three of the titles.
It looked like the dust had settled for a bit after the fact, but I hardly saw a soul there, living or dead, besides your girl and this man, here. And that madman, or whatever he was....
...There's blood in the water. You'd best hurry, whatever it is you were doing.
>...So, about that thing that the medic was looking for?
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(ARMY SGT) "We're all trying to help Ireland, but from where we're looking at things, parts of it would rather kiss up to the freaks showing from the other side!"
>It was a logic the NCO understood to a degree; those "Kaiju", for lack of a better term, had abilities literally unlike anything on Earth, and if the Irish government - "an" Irish government could seize that power for themselves, Ireland goes from a political milquetoast to a big cheese on the world stage overnight!
(ARMY SGT) "Ain't fighting for no country, practically the same as fighting for all of them?"
>Unless the Dogs were willing to fight for terrorists or international criminals, they weren't so different from the peacekeepers beside them in function. At least, the UN would be as ready to clamp down on them as if they were their own if they started getting on its bad side.
>Noticing the conversation between his band and the mercs the captain had picked up on, the sergeant of what little remained of the mechanized turned his head.
(ARMY SGT) "And just where do you think 'you're' going, private?"
>The trooper would flinch upon address, slowly turning his head over to the captain and the sergeant.
(ARMY MECH INF) "General's already marked us as dead...we're only fighting for ourselves, and I came here expecting to fight for the people I know!"
(ARMY SGT) "Our officers entrusted us to get the job done on a shoestring! I will admit, their trust may had been...optimistic. "Big Boss" might be one of ours, but I cannot say the same for whatever he dredged up to pad his forces this campaign. As you know, the city you are looking to visit was part of the North controlled by the United Kingdom, while the bulk of the local fighting has been done by local partisans from the Irish government proper, many who would like nothing more to do than gut the Northern Irish."
>A breakdown of law and government like this was a ripe case for a free-for-all between bereaved parties.
>[Waypoint mark. Destination within reach. Once Moore Bay was in view, it looked like your stereotypical warehouse at night by a shoreline. Where the main badguy and his nameless goons would meet up and plan. Only difference was the few alien towers' communications (shown here >>67747096 ) sticking out some roofs and the two phantoms docked at a harbor.]
>[Granted these phantoms where red and black in color. Unlike covie' purple and sliver. Or Thel's green and sliver after his departure from the Covenant.]
>[Should join step forward and charge in head on? Or will he wait and scout the area? Assuming Chief won't die the moment he touches the number one killer of Halo players, that being shallow and deep water.]
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>The Arena sure has a fascinating selection bias.
..Right, the leaders.
>Bullet Phoenix helpfully reminds her superior of the plan, looking to that ever-frightened medic who......
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DD 2: "Well, as far as we can tell, those Kingdom guys don't have much in the way of air control. So if we can get call into someone, I'm willing to bet they'll be able to come pick us up. Though, uh, maybe we should move to some more secure coordinates first."
>Who's to say when more of those knight freaks might pop up!
DD 3 "Can't even imagine how the hell we'd fight off something in space."
DD 2: "Maybe if we had one of those 'Metal Gear' things the Boss keeps talking about."
>Perhaps there's some things that will just remain out of Snake's scope. At least for now...
>But, then the seargent took notice the the private's bright idea and began chewing him out. Which led to further bark-back from the Diamond Dogs.
DD 4: "Hey, we're doing our best to re-establish order up there now that we've got most of the North secured. It's... rough, but I doubt it's that bad!"
DD 3: "I dunno. Blown-out streets, bombed-out buildings... a bunch of Irishmen with the chance to take as much free beer as they like. Not to mention we're spreading ourselves thin as it is on the backlines."
>The Dogs, admittedly, weren't an army of 20 thousand + like America was at its height in Ireland. There was only so much they could do.
DD 1: "Like I said. We all could use all the help we can get. And the only ones who can help us is... well, us."
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>Checkpoint... done
>Alien hotspot and gathering sighted, the SPARTAN sticking to the dark and whatever cover, be it a rock or patch of vegetation, that he could. Using his helmet's optics he would zoom in to see the broadcast towers and notably different looking Phantoms that hovered over the waters. Two to be exact, their profiles a bit sharper and more angular versus the rounded dropships he'd dealt with. To say nothing of their different color schemes. Available intel confirmed they WEREN'T Covenant but the offshoot Banished faction.
>117 still wasn't going to just charge in like a daft fool. Even if this was a Normal encounter, his likely death would be Legendary with how quick it would be. Especially since he didn't have any heavy weapons on hand as he cradled his suppressed MA5K.
>Neither he nor Cortana knew what or even why they were doing here, no signs of monsters just yet that the grunt had mentioned. Scans from Cortana would possibly read negative for Forerunner artifacts for that matter as the AI continued to quietly and sneakily monitor the aliens.
>The Chief would keep his distance, trying to find an unguarded or lightly guarded way inside the warehouse complex.
>Snake rubbed his right arm down his face, trying now to wipe away the intensity of all that.
I guess you overhead our plan, since you were... there.
>He looked at the chair for a moment.
I... don't know if you have any means of which to help us get some of these civilians off the island.
>Considering you're DEAD-
But regardless... you have my thanks for helping this man where you could. It's certainly better than nothing.
>Snake could understand the plight of the soldier laying beside him, at least to a certain degree. Though perhaps the Gendie might prefer a coma to the alternative he currently finds himself in.
>... Still, that thought doesn't matter now. What matters is how hard this whimsical goal of theirs is going to be!
all this yapping and no medicine
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>The Queen had assumed that statement regarding her kind to be true; before the first crisis hit her world and turned it upside down, she thought she had known every fairy to ever live on a personal level, having instructed them on how to fit in with the rest of their world to some productive, or at least passive extent in relation to their sisters.
>Now, with the existence of multiple kingdoms of fairies confirmed, she wasn't so certain. One of her advisors had been mistreated by the fairies of her past, and many of the wild fairies in the world below seemed to harbor an almost callous indifference to what occurred around them at times, though she supposed in their case it was due to the conditions they lived inside. If Big Boss was paying attention to her expression, he'd perhaps notice their feelings were shared.
>How was royalty decided? Divine decree by beings beyond the understanding of mere physical creatures as themselves? A warlord being able to back his claims through force? This monarch didn't often give the mechanisms behind legitimacy thought, as she had always operated under the ideal she was most suited to run her world herself, so the same must had held true for the Kings and Queens of elsewhere.
I think...the humans south needed someone like you, so they picked him to rally around over the people who came before, like the humans north chose you. But if he attacked people who were merely trying to help him, or his men did under some misconception-
>Well, that wasn't so different from Snake's mishap with his own endorsed unit. The same excuses could be applied to King Stephen.
A good ruler *should* be held aloft by the satisfaction of their subjects. Where are these true leaders that ran the islands before him?
>It seemed odd to the Queen the citizens of the country would flock to an opportunist, or an outsider like himself over who ruled them before, unless they were dissatisfied with their leadership to some degree.
It's so bad. No one is reading what the other people actual say. They already know what they want to do and it's like they don't acknowledge the RP at all. The quality of RP is bad too, Masterchief is using AI and snake might be an ESL.
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>He was there, but he couldn't contribute so much as a hand to their effort. If his general presence could go on to preserve a few more of the faithful and the innocent, then he could at least find gladness in that little fact.
Ah yes, not reading, which is why someone picked up mention of superheroes, asked about Superman, and got a reply in the affirmative
Bro is schizomaxing.
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Anything that's not ERP is too hard for him to follow.
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(MRN CPT) They don't have dedicated anti-air weapons or even vehicles from what I've seen and intelligence says as much. Still something to watch out for.
>With how the knights and other rogues had managed to overrun American and Diamond Dog lines, it wasn't out of the possibility any one of those barbarians had gotten their hands on say, a Stinger. Although jury was out if they knew how to actually use the damn things. Like which end of the launcher the projectile came out of.
(MRN CPT) If you stick with us, we can help push back against space threats.
>The UNSC (barely) managed to hold off the Imperial vessel at least. The captain would raise a brow at the second DD soldier.
(MRN CPT) Metal Gear? The Hell is that?
>Whatever it was, hopefully it was a real damn game changer, the CO trying to keep these guys together.
(MRN CPT) Monsters and a breakdown of law and order or not, WE'VE still got a job to do like the sarge here said. If anything it's now more than ever would put on a damn good showing for EVERYONE to see. We've been doing our part to maintain control in our sectors.
>Friend, neutral, and enemy alike, a projection of strength that may or may not exist. At the very least the UNSC had some muscle to them and the Diamond Dogs ample land in control.
>If they could take Ireland TOGETHER and return it to the rightful people and oust the nastiness, then they would find the gold at the end of the rainbow. They just had to get through the damn rain and mud.
>The field officer would grunt to himself.
(MRN CPT) So, guess you should make that radio call then, yeah?
>Their current position, point 104, was about as secure as it got for UNSC holdings. Deep in their green-colored territories AND it had a fortress with various hardened structures and defenses about. And no shortage of patrolling jarheads at that.
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>[Times two zoom. Giving off details and rendering in new contacts. Of course, standing next to one of the comm towers was a sniper birb. Armed with a weapon (H3) Chief had yet to see.]
>[Standing next to the xX_Jack@1_5nip3r_Xx was a... human...?! No tricks here, Chief. A whoman wearing armor similar to standard issue UNSC ballistic armor.
>[This man was held a new model of the SRS99 Series. Must be strange to see a Jackal and a marine standing side by side. Scouting out the surrounding area.]
>[It seems like these aliens (and humans) were just here. Nothing suspicious going on, I swear!! Okay, that's a lie. But there's no yellow paint or waypoints to highlight a path to help you get onto the Bay, John. Captain King might have to dare I say it... Swim his way to uncover why some AYYLMAOS are here of all places. With how many lives of both Spartan's and Elites were taken by swimming in Match-Making, this might be Chief's toughest challenge yet.]
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'Twas merely the proper thing to do. I'm a thief, not a body-looter.
While I am a bit of a dabbler in the arcane, but teleportation has never been my specialty.
>Certainly not for anyone other than himself, anyhow. Occasionally, sure, but not en masse. Damn.
...But I do know a fellow, a real rogue of a Scot. Neither of us are normally ones for charity, but there's a bit of a line....it seemed to me you already had something planned, though, didn't you? You'd need an awfully large mirror, too.
>...So uh. About that communicator that should've been over there that the medic was pulling out the container? Not exactly my kit, here.
>Snake noted the subtle looks on the Queen's face, but didn't comment on it.
Well... good question.
>In truth, Snake couldn't fully be sure about the current state of Ireland's *legal* leaders, not with how everything's been going.
Most of them were likely in or near the city of Dublin when the war began. By the time the war reached them, they've either gone into hiding somewhere, have hidden with one of the nearby factions, like the UNSC.
>The space-men. Some of them, anyway.
>Snake didn't finish, but it was clear what he was going to say.
It's hard to keep in contact with an entire nation during wartime. Bombs and gunfire cause people to hide, or flee, while buildings are knocked down and destroyed. Power is cut off in some parts of the country, so there's no way to hear the news under normal means for most civilians. It can give the impression that you've been abandoned, especially when multiple foreign powers end up fighting in your streets instead of your own.
>It was a troublesome situation indeed. Snake leaned back in his chair and pondered on the situation. The situation of things that are hard to focus on when you're busy being shot at like he tended to be.
If you can believe it, this wasn't a normal war. This sort of thing doesn't usually happen, or at least it didn't where I'm from. It was like... one spark starting a whole forest fire. Even I have a hard time believing... well.
>He gestured with his bionic arm towards the Queen across from him.
For starters, I had to come to terms with the fact that "fairies" are real. No offense.
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(ARMY SGT) "They have a few forty-foot tall monsters I wouldn't want to buzz, sir."
>With giant monsters, anything was on the table! Hell, the sergeant would only be half-surprised if they could survive a nuke to the face.
(ARMY SGT) "Hmph, "all the help you can get" huh?"
>The fact the DDs didn't even clock at a battalion officially was a *big* problem, actually.
"So, was it the North or the rest that paid ya to come here? I don't know if you boys know a lick about Irish history, but this place was split up in two when shit hit the fan, and from what our intel told us, you've managed to raise up a sizable militia who now holds both halves of the pie. Kicking out Hitler's spare goon-squad seems like it'd be the perfect excuse for the folks beneath your nose to attend to some personal business."
>Like, deposing the Northern Irish government (if the Nazis hadn't helpfully done so already) to set the seeds of an Ireland, unified by gunpoint.
(ARMY MECH INF) "You can't be saying-"
(ARMY SGT) "Can't be saying what? That the big ole' colorful map that gets paraded around every damn other day ain't the full picture? Big Boss is working for the locals and not the other way around, and those locals have thousands of miles between them to do whatever they damned please without a functioning government telling 'em to behave. I bet a good chunk of your new boys already knew how to fight when you inducted them, all they needed was the Green Beret stamp of approval to start taking ground and enacting their own agendas when his eyepatch side was turned their way."
>That wasn't even unique to Big Boss, as other GB-trained factions had gone from fighting for to against American interests in the decades to come.
>The private's heart sank at the slow realization of what might had been happening.
(ARMY MECH INF) "Then let me go to confirm or deny, sergeant! One of us needs to see what Jerry did in the North, and all the consequences!"
Why are you talking crap?
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If this thing doesn't work out, we'll get some big mirrors.
>Addressing the dapper apparition, Mokou not so secretly hopes this won't have to come to...well, he'll elaborate later if he has to.
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You started the fire, not me.
They're asking you to say what the radio is and if it works bro you gotta point it out or you'll be stalling forever
Fred durst alert.
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>It wasn't much but it was enough to clue the SPARTAN in on what he was dealing with. Namely that the ranged Jackal had something that resembled a Plasma Carbine but again different like the Phantom dropships. But of greater note was the HUMAN sniper, their weapon too of a similar yet different type.
>"Well, this is... interesting."
>It was one thing for humans and Elites to work with one another at the end of the Human-Covenant War, but this was... different. The Chief nor Cortana were buying the kumbaya and innocent act here. These crimson bastards were up to something here in Gotham.
>He HAD to get in there to find things out, and there was no way in Hell he was going to go for a dive. Chief could "fly" well enough for a half-ton brick, but he couldn't swim even if his suit had its own lengthy air-supply.
>But he couldn't damn well just go up to the entrance or the perimeter without being spotted even under the cover of a semi-cloudy and moonlight night. He and Cortana were going to have to get... creative.
>'Cortana, can you break into and hijack their broadcast towers?'
>"I should be able to Chief. Why?"
>'We need a distraction.'
>"Ah, I see where you're going with this then."
>Time to turn some heads away from the green guy, 117 moving towards the complex as sneakily as he could with carbine in hand as his AI friend tried to break into those propaganda towers. Given how comparatively lackluster Covenant cybersecurity was, it *should* stand to reason the same would hold for the Banished and their propaganda towers as the AI tried to forcibly access and prepare a broadcast of her own...
It's like they don't read the RP and do what they want instead.
Anything that's not Eric is too hard for you to follow
Eric and Cirno love stalling
And cirno was my favorite rper.
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>Pst. Take this!
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DD 2: "I dunno. But the Boss talks about it like some demon made flesh."
>He couldn't be more far off if he tried. Right? Surely.
>Still, back to the matter at hand.
DD 2: "Right. Show me where your stuff is, and I'll call in a pick-up. Shouldn't take too long, now that at least *most* of the anti-air is gone."
>Barring freak occurrences, such as possible ground-to-air weapons... and, of course, the UNSC themselves.
>As the two US soldiers argued among themselves, the DDs looked between each other.
DD 3: "Do you know what he's talking about?"
DD 2: "Yeah, man. Nobody hates the Irish like the Irish. Haven't you ever watched any movie set in Ireland?"
>Regardless of the lack of history lessons most people here seem to have, one of the Dogs stepped up between the two US soldiers.
DD 1: "Look, not everyone among our ranks is just Irish guys looking to settle old scores. And the Boss keeps close eye on his men-"
>Good one.
"- as best he can."
DD 2: "Yeah, the Boss doesn't want troublemakers running around his unit. Especially right now."
DD 4: "But... he does have a point, guys. It's a big country. Who knows..."
>The men grumble amongst themselves. It was true, they couldn't keep everything *perfect*. But they did try their best...
DD 1: "One thing's for sure, when we get back we're going to have to do a general sweep of our backlines. Just to be safe..."
but that isn't cirno
There's bound to be one somewhere in this forsaken country, right?
>Snake didn't want to dwell on the thought. Instead, he went over to the clearly distraught medic, of whom he was sharing sentiments, and managed to help find the communicator equipment among the soldier's things.
>Becasue I wanna move past this one bit-
Looks like a normal enough radio...
>Though more like a workman's than a soldier's, judging by the yellow casing. But hey, whatever works.
>He then looked up from the thing towards Mokou.
Ask him what frequency his people are on.
"And that's why we should saved prisoners for eat-
>[While the Banished are good at convincing people to join them. Without the leaders with actual working brains. It's literally just a bunch of brainless mercenaries slapping things together to make it work. How easy it was for Cortana to hijack this com tower? This was just a forgetful F.O.B, slapped together in day.]
"Can one of you idiots STOP messing with my-*static*
>[They had no real security measures against AI. Especially against 'smart AI' like Cortana.]
"Seriously?! Who messing with my-*Static*"
>[ While the grunt seeths on his radio. Both snipers up top immediately looked at each other before disappearing from view. Possibly to check out what's happening. While in the this network, perhaps Cortana may able to pull up some useful data on this sect of the Banished and the "monsters" and this "Green Demon" alluded to earlier. (Go meta here bit it's limited).]
>[Data on the squad station here lists. (6)Grunts: one of them ranked as an ultra. (4)Jackals: one sniper. (2)Humans: one sniper and one heavy demolition (Possibly armed with a SPNKr). (1) Elite: Ranked as an Ultra. Last: (1)Brute: Ranked as Warlord Captain.]
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"It is..."
>It should be wherever the cleaners had opted to leave it, just waiting for somebody to relieve it of its post.
>Yellow, plastic. The device had suffered a scratched LCD screen, yet otherwise remained functional in its thick casing, the angle the guard having fallen shielding it from the bulk of the debris. Anyone who gave it an outward glance would assume it were little more than a commercial-grade transceiver, though once activated that little screen displayed several more options...
>And was thankfully to those issued to the rank-and-file guards, was persistently set to the Gendarmerie's section-wide frequency on boot, as few of the rank and file were literate enough to use it for anything more sophisticated.
>Just speak into it, and if anybody in their com station was active, it'd be noticed across their tracking teams.
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(MRN CPT) Ha, we got a demon of our own you know.
>Part augmented man, part machine, all hero to the UNSC and humanity at large. Or an absolute beast to his alien foes, the captain trying to reassure the understandably weary Army non-com.
(MRN CPT) If those "Monsters" want to cause problems, I'm sure we can cook something up, one way or another.
>ONI's research section, III, could come up with something unconventional if their usual ordnance couldn't cut it.
>The Marine CO would nod his head at one of his subordinates before gesturing to the mercs.
(MRN CPT) The specialist will help you make that call to your people. Right?
(MRN SPC) Yessir. This way guys.
>With the trooper leading one or more D-Dogs to the radio center, the captain would focus back on the overarching socio-political situation in the Emerald Isle. For some enlisted guys, they were fairly sharp on the situation.
(MRN CPT) We've yet to see hide or hair of any official government types even over a week into our campaign here.
>Not even a constable, and the captain wasn't too keen on that Stephen guy. Although *some* in ONI thought about dealing favorably with him, even if his so-called royal pedigree was... questionable to say the least. Among other issues.
>The idea of a budding Insurrection or just general lawlessness naturally didn't bode well with the captain.
(MRN CPT) I don't know if you boys know it, but there WAS an "IRA" element about and I've heard reports they've integrated into Stephen's kingdom at that.
>Plus concerning intel that *may* suggest that the Diamond Dogs had received funding or support from said terrorists.
(MRN CPT) Whatever the case may be, the UNSC is ready to enact COIN ops once things settle down.
>Headed by elite ODSTs at that with support from the Office of Naval Intelligence along with cooperation from allies and locals.
>The CO would nod at the nervous infantryman.
(MRN CPT) If you want to go north, you won't have me hold you back.
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Really, I suppose-
"Found it! I...think...gosh, this is primitive..."
>Spacenoid standards. Then again, First Gundam had some clunky-looking tech too, heh.
>If anything's made of Nokium, that thing sure could be, too.
Hmm. Suppose I aught to step out while you have your call?
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Where would you get the idea of fairies if you hadn't seen us before?
>The human imagination was a powerful thing; that painter friend of Ribbon's proved such!
I see. It could be this man was all that was left after whatever ravaged their main city? It's not something I've had to deal with before, but in royalty there is an implicit line of succession during a crisis like this, and even basic soldiers can find themselves in a leadership position if enough damage is done - does a presidency function similarly?
>And if Snake's mission was to preserve the local government, he might had already failed.
And I know; this "Arena" phenomenon, it's dumped conflicts like this upon our doorstep as well. Its name is the truth - a big, ugly thing that exists to smash things together, until all that's left are splinters.
>It was an awful thing to say about a fellow ruler's dominion, especially one she admired, but that is what she saw the lands those chilling fairies named theirs'. Certainly not fairy-safe!
this bitch has huge milkers
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>Bingo, it was all too easy for the Smart AI, even with pending Rampancy, to crack into their broadcast towers. And feeling a bit cheeky as usual, Cortana would opt to play something over the speakers to REALLY turn some heads!
>As the noisy flip music played, to the approaching Chief's mild disapproval, the human and Jackal marksmen buggered off. And with it, the potential overwatch that could've spotted the sneaky SPARTAN's infiltration.
>As the Chief was able to slip into the exterior part of the warehouse complex at Mooney Bay, his AI friend would prioritize the data her little network intrusion had gleaned.
>"There's not that many of these "Banished" here at Mooney, Chief, but they aren't lacking in strength either. I count more than a dozen mixed forces, some of which are packing some serious firepower and ranking."
>The rocket jockey human and Elite and Brute were especially concerning, 117 stealing a glance at his motion tracker as he snuck deeper into the complex. By now, he had come to a halt outside a non-descript building that seemed to be one of many ubiquitous storage facilities containing unknown cargo inside.
>Still no signs or clues as to why these off-shoot Covenant were here in Gotham, the MCPO debating on whether he should try to cut power to plunge the place into darkness or keep poking around without alerting the alien forces.
>He would take a moment to skim over the files Cortana had gathered on the "monsters" and "Green Demon". For the former, they definitely weren't Covies or Flood for that matter thankfully. And the latter was... familiar, the Chief given his occasional dealings with the other Marine from outer space. He sure as Hell wasn't a SPARTAN or UNSC for that matter!
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>Sure thing Boss-
>-Well there you have it.
>With that convenient bit of news out from the gauze confined guard, she took her attention over to the durable gadget that was likewise recovered.
>..Well if it works, it works.
>Mokou directly acknowledged the spectral suit's courtesy.
If you'd be so kind, Mr. Craddock.
Uhh... not exactly. In modern times, people realize that just because you're related to someone it doesn't mean you're automatically fit for their job should they die in some way. In the couple of times that a United States President has been assassinated, among other reasons for a President becoming unavailable, the Vice President takes the role. These politicians are voted in by the citizens of the country every four years. It works this way because the country was founded by people who wanted to leave the way of Kings behind.
>Who could imagine such a horrible world, truly? No wonder the Arena seems to favor humans and other Earths!
I'm not quite familiar with how "the Arena" works in all ways. But, yes, I can agree that it's... troubling, to say the least.
>But at the same time, it's the reason why he's rebuilding Diamond Dogs to begin with. To offer protection to people. He just needs to get it off the ground, finally...
>The man cleared his throat, as he realized how much they were drifting.
I didn't come here to discuss political history and how presidencies tended to work. I'm here to see if you and I can come to any sort of peace agreement. I think we can both safely say that we don't want to see any more people dying because of this war. Be it human, or fairy. Or... uh, those Dee... things.
>Aliens are weird if you aren't used to them, who'da thunk.
Good work.
>Snake gave a small bit of acknowledgment to the medic amongst their ranks. Then nodded toward the Ghost in the room.
If you were waiting in hopes of some kind of reward, I might be able to arrange something once I'm through here.
>Not an offer most people want to give out, generally. But he did help save this man's live from what he understood, so he at least deserved some small favor.
>Putting that aside, however, Snake looked at the radio again, turning it on and holding down the call button...
Hello? Can anyone hear me? This is an emergency. One of your men is wounded, and we could use some help.
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(ARMY SGT) "If we can't beat 'em after cooking ourselves five hundred years in the oven, we might as well spend our time learning Irish."
>The infantry dismounts followed the Diamond Dogs both out of curiosity and to continue their own conversation between parties.
"And the IRA are just the kind of folks who would be looking to put down the Northern government."
"That's upwards of some-odd nine thousand miles plus change you're calling your own, and of the people there to keep your flag hoisted, I'd reckon there's one of you "inducted" for each thirty miles: maybe more, maybe less. The rest of the muscle in those spaces is whatever local gangs or cells of gentlemen with intentions that your Boss has made to agree not to shoot that guy."
>Ireland might had looked tiny on a big ole' papier-mâché globe, but they ought to be able to attest themselves in their mad drive to catch Jerry that it was a much bigger place when you were stepping on it.
"What I'm saying boys, is that you need more than one good eye to pick up an operation the level that's fallen on your plate, and you're in hot as shit water if your goal is to keep the map the way it was before all this bullcrap occurred."
>The Dogs were good for sure, but they were like using a real good wood-cutting knife to chop down a forest.
"Now, as for you, private..."
>The Platoon Sergeant would return his focus on his own.
"Corporal, E-3, E-4: you guys keep an eye on our boy and ensure we get a bead on what's become of the NIR. I expect everyone to double check their guns and radios to ensure they work before setting off, and that includes you mercs. Do I make myself clear?"
>Three additional mechs' were ushered into the Diamond Dogs' retinue on top of the volunteering private, one of them armed with an M249 SAW, for when they needed to SAW things apart from a distance at 775 RPM.
>If the team returned, the information they gleaned could be shared between the Company and their UNSC hosts.
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>For several excruciating minutes, there was no answer; could it be that the signal between them and the islands the guard were headquartered had been blocked out by external phenomena? It didn't seem likely the COM. post wasn't manned for a full twenty-four hours given the crisis the Gendarmerie were already contending with.
"Big Boss? What happened to you? We have not seen you in multiple weeks, we thought you might had gone with those Jobbers and died!"
>Someone picked up from the other side, someone who recognized his voice.
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Save it for the girl who found him with me. If I wanted it, I would've asked for it up front.
>Or taken it without a word. Jim seems to nod and...steps out the old-fashioned way, letting the medic over there breathe a sigh of relief. She'll be there if anyone needs her.
DD 1: "Don't worry, we're not getting paid by IRA. We're working for the official nation of Ireland, the one the world recognizes."
DD 4: "Though just between us, it technically is under-the-table funding."
DD 3: "And I'm getting the feeling that some of the locals might assume that we ARE working for the IRA..."
DD 1: "Ugh."
>While the second man among them was busy helping geti their transport down here, the rest of these Diamond Dogs were beginning to understand just how shite this situation had become.
>But hey, they needed the money...
>But the more they thought about it, the worse the headache started to sound.
DD 4: "Sir, yes sir."
>The fourth one sarcastically remarked at the order given by the general.
DD 1: "We'll make sure your men get back in one piece, sir. Just because we... *might* be a bit overwhelmed when it comes to the peacekeeping, doesn't mean that we're slackers when it comes to a fight. We're trained by one of the world's most legendary soldiers after all!"
>Didn't they all just lose a firefight not 30 minutes ago...?
DD 3: "Hey, has anyone wondered how we're going to get over those valleys that the Nazis carved into the countryside? If we're gonna bring those vehicles then we'll be in for the long way 'round."
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(MRN CPT) If you say so.
>That went to both Army and Diamond Dogs, the fatigued captain not ready to give in or entirely believe what he was hearing. For now though he had other duties to attend to as he went off to the local command structure elsewhere.
>The Marine specialist that led the mercs to the comm center would offer his own two credits for their discussion.
(MRN SPC) I'm almost glad we don't have nearly as much territory to hold on to here as you Diamond Dog guys. Seriously. We're really pushing it as is.
>All total, there were now less than 200 Marines on the ground, 17 having been killed so far while 50 served as security aboard the Tip of the Spear. The ODSTs while better than the more conventional Marines as special forces were still a small force of their own being an oversized platoon that had also taken on causalities with a number of them likewise being partitioned aboard the frigate. And as hyper-capable as the hyper-lethal vector that was the Master Chief, to say nothing of Cortana, he was still just ONE man. And these guys didn't bring a bunch of vehicles with them either and they didn't have much in the way of allies to back them up either.
>So hopefully those incoming reinforcements would help further things a bit more.
>For now, the mixed group of Army soldiers and DD mercs would enter the communications center, a Marine or two glancing up from their work stations to nod at the new arrivals as the specialist lead them over to a boxy radio.
>As he quickly and expertly fiddled with the dials to ping DD HQ at point 8(?), he would speak again.
(MRN SPC) Well, if that helicopter comes here, it can always fly over the ocean or up the tight corridor you DD's still have going for you. 'Sides, the Kingdom shouldn't have AA in their inventory. Right?
>A pause and a blink.
(MRN SPC) ... right?
>Hopefully it would be a "no", the trooper awaiting an answer from a man on the other end.
>Alright, I got to head off for now. So if you guys want to continue without me I think that'll be okay since I think I've mostly done my part here for now.
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>Well done, Reimu.
>The soldier with the long white hair stood by her colleagues, waiting anxiously as the message…might as well had been routed through Mars.
>Eventually, contact was confirmed, and she breathed a sigh of relief.
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Then, it could be that without a line of succession, their presidency collapsed and the people had to look for somehuman willing to take responsibility within the span of days, not years.
>The Queen thought of nations in terms of trying to communicate across a whole planet; though inaccurate in most instances, it was an apt simile to trying to get everyone's opinions accounted for when there was a whole disaster zone separating them.
We don't wish to fight anybody, but we'll defend our territory against anyone using your weapons to breach our walls.
>If Big Boss couldn't keep a handle on all the units supposedly under his command, then the best way to make it easier on him was to cut down the amount of units.
We have an agreement with the King to support his claims, but perhaps you could convince him to stay his hand while you investigate the fate of those before him?
>If the old Irish Government were truly done and gone, then the Diamond Dogs attempting to uphold it was an act in futility.
Understood. Then be well.
>As well as a ghost could be, anyways...
>But with the Gentleman having departed to who knows where, Snake was left to stand for many minutes as he waited for the radio to say something back to him while his soldiers looked on. And just as he was about to give up hope...
>A voice that recognized his spoke back to him! One of the younger men from their army judging by the sound of it.
>Snake sighed in relief before quickly responding.
I'm not dead, not yet. But I am on the island where your men were stationed. I'm leading my own efforts to try and clean up this godforsaken mess. But right now that's not important. What is important is that we have one of your men here.
>He didn't even get his name...
He's badly wounded, but alive. But we do need to get him to somewhere with better medical care facilities than we have available.
>Did they even have that? Who's to say.
And on top of that... we have a pretty big favor to ask from those Dinobots.

>Like Gordon, I will also be going to sleep after I get my next two replies out to the other two RP things I'm doing. So if you do reply to this, you can go ahead and log off yourself for the... er, morning.
>Thanks for getting us this far brahs
>The UNSC at least had the benefit of nigh-constant surveillance mixed with the ODST's party trick allowing them to rapidly deploy onto hot zones.
(ARMY SGT) They melted our VADS with their creatures, so it wouldn't be from us. Just don't fly near any suspicious giant beasties!"
(ARMY MECH INF) "Thank you, platoon sergeant!"
(ARMY MECH INF SPC) "Sure thing, platoon sarge. I'll show these guys you have to make some noise from time to time."
>Ah, so their B.B. was a CO after all; wouldn't had been Major Tom's first guess if he were still there to comment.
(ARMY SGT) "I would have you know I am a PLATOON SERGEANT and that Boss ought to had drilled you to call us by our proper ranks because we WORK for a living! If he has not, tell him to begin instilling that rank in his future training regimen as soon as you touch shoulders; as we will not have a Green Beret, retired or otherwise training his men to act like the Goddamn Reds!"
>Chewed out the experienced Plat. Sgt. who found the idea of being addressed the way the wet-eared Lieutenant he babysat (or did babysit; as him giving orders such as these meant something grim must had befallen them) as patently ridiculous!
"Now, as for transport..."
>A shoulder would be tapped to a pair of men wearing a noticeably different getup from the crunchies.
"Driver, take the closest M113 Armored Personnel Carrier and convince your fine chaperones to strap it beneath their fuselage. And you too, Sergeant! I expect you to put out a good word on why men like us are important to any serious fighting force, let alone one that prides itself as 'elite'!"
>That was now the better half of a mech. inf. squad escorting these stray Dogs back to their owner.
>Depending on how many DDs were coming along, it was going to be a very cramped ride on dispatch - some would have to ride it out on the roof most likely, but it still beat attempting to leg it, at least until they could commandeer a greater motor pool.
It's not so simple. Like most nations, the country of Ireland has a history of its people infighting. Some of the locals have different ideas on what is, or what should be the "true" government.
>Snake pauses as he considers his words. Few places on Earth could have made for a more complicated "fixing" than the nation of Ireland...
The problem with trying to find the old guard, Your Highness, is that this new "King" controls where they most likely would be. And if they did resurface now, in hopes that they're still alive, I imagine they would be killed by the King as further reasoning for why he "should" be in charge.
>To make a point, Snake thumped his still-flesh hand against the small tea table between them.
His goals might have begun as noble, but now he only operates on delusions of grandeur. If you stood in his way between us and them, I promise you that he would not hesitate to cut through your fairies just to reach us.
>Though the man's face remained neutrally stern, there was a tiredness in his eye that the man could not hide. Even for the Boss, over 30 grueling battles had started to take a toll.
... I only seek peace, Your Majesty. Once the fighting between our forces and theirs ends, and only then, will the rest of humanity intervene to help repair this damaged nation.
I just need to ensure we can reach this peace before people begin to starve...
>Ah I'm losing it too much to get another post out
>If there's more of this to be had I'll get it later, but for now I have to go dieeee-
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"Let us tell the Space Bridge to get a lock on your coordinates, and from there you can take the talker where you need it dispatched. You want to do it outdoors, Boss."
>To better facilitate keeping track of each other in a chaotic, constantly-changing landscape like the Arena's the Gendarmerie had their communicators wired to be able to tell the distance from each other based on triangulating the angle and speed in which they received signals between two units on an X/Y/Z basis. Through that system, they could get an idea of how far apart they were from each other, at least within a local location. Sometimes, there was a margin of difference between Isla Sorna and what the "Eye" of the Arena was seeing, but that could be accounted for and corrected, which had already been done during the Jobbers' initial evacuation attempt.
"What else do you require?"
>Fleet was in all probability already likely less than thrilled with the outcome of their unsanctioned attempt at heroics, and the Tenentes certainly did not want to commit any more men when they were needed at home even more from it.

>(Sleep tight, guy.)
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>This lay beyond the Queen's scope of expertise; she was still grasping with the idea of a single species having different cultures, while the Irish situation sounded as alien to her as the idea of fairies to Big Boss.
I'm sorry. We can offer a place with you to meet each other and try and talk things out, but we can't tell him to stop when we just agreed to give them refuge in part of the pillow fortress today. The Helpers themselves you attacked are from Another Kingdom- helping our project, and they want to hold your forces accountable for what they've done.
>Big Boss saying he was sorry when the units under his umbrella were themselves threatening the peace wasn't going to be very convincing. Perhaps if he sacked some of the rabid anti-fairy members of his unit, it could turn their heads and get this Fairy-Cute alliance from weary to cooperative, especially when the Emerald Kingdom was harboring some who had wronged them of their own.
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>The classic baby (though not the original, that'd be the M44!)
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Former cutie leader here. Why not establish a treaty between the UNSC, Diamond Dogs, and the Kingdom at Ripplestar Palace to ensure everyone receives their fair share? We can call it the Treaty of Ripple, or simply the Ripple Treaty.
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That could work, if we could address all the grievances between us.
>In spite of the Emerald Kingdom and Diamond Dogs' accusations leveraged at each other, there were good and bad people on both sides.
>The bad ones needed to be erased.
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Our goal is to mitigate casualties eliminating bad actors seem impossible. Let's organize a meeting at Ripplestar with all leaders. We can negotiate territorial concessions, such as granting Dublin to the Kingdom. It would be the cutest thing to do.
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That's something I hope I can accomplish by the end of this. I didn't bring so many people together to watch them...hurt each other.
I think Batman SUCKS
excuse me. i have a question.

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