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/flg/ - F-List General #5602

Annoyed Edition

Previous thread: >>67737791

F-list is a website for people interested in erotic roleplaying, and creating character profiles to find like-minded partners with similar interests and fetishes to roleplay with. It features a webchat (which can be used for textual roleplaying), group forums and more kinks and depravity than you can memorize.

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where roleplayers can freely share and advertise their profiles, solicit roleplay from anons, critique each others' characters, ask and give feedback, share their roleplay logs, discuss their kinks, gossip about site drama, and anything else related to F-List.

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What are some pet peevs your /c/ has?
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Ooooooh, now that's a nice SHILL
This happened to my pink once (out of view: ear penetration)
instant boy just add lizard
Touching his (inherited) hoard drives him up the wall

What's the correct name for mouth_over_head or only_head_concealed or whatever
Or is it such a niche autistic fetish that it doesn't have a dedicated tag
Either way, sauce?
Super fucking hot anon, nice.
where do I find the horrorsmut dm like this
head_engulfed has a few on r34
i cannot find a bigger headache maker than playing a dm/gangbang profile
Squishy, what janny are you?
I approached a pink with this faceclaim once on my centaur, we never ended up playing
I want like likes to do this to my pink
would also love someone who can play a tentaplant and do horny / pheromonal pollen right
evens and i just jerk off
odds and i lower my standards to see if i can get some okay-quality fuckslop from flist
one night stand here i COME
Sometimes I hate playing using popular characters as faceclaims since whenever I see someone having a melty using pics of that canon I get inordinately worried people may think I'm the one having the melty.

I have no idea what you mean, janny of what?
Which F-List staff are / were you?
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It's honestly really fucking sad when even those lower quality bottom-of-the-barrel tier sluts try to act as though they have higher standards than what you're offering. Says a lot about what F-List's become since the normie invasion.
I enjoy that type of stuff
I feel like the effects of aphrodisiac drugs / hypnosis are more a burden on the pink's side rather than on the tentacles
how would YOU want the play to handle it?
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Goddamn I fucking despise seeing people I recognize and have on my friends list on profiles like these. Makes me want to remove them outright and block them.
people trying to act like "mean girls" has been a thing on flist even before the influx of the people that make the site what it is now, anon, blame the people that have enabled them for years
for me it's snicker worthy because i know a lot of those people don't play or are ass at writing (from experience). also
>on my friends list
do better anonnie
janny of krypton
It's this shit that makes me never want to play with him even though I had a funny idea.
Being a Blue on F-List is the definition of Hard Mode, so sometimes I take what I can get. But yeah, the vast majority of these people don't RP most of the time, and just want to spam fuck-talk at each other.
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Neither but I'm curious why you think I am


dear god....
Giving everyone access to guestbooks was a mistake, and profile play should be banned outright
Seeing somebody I respected on some shitter's friend wall would immediately turn me off them, desu.
guestbooks used to be actually good thoughever
One of my /c/s has mysteriously attracted MULTIPLE friendwall shitters that don't play and never talked to me when I reached out to them.
come on anonnie, there's always a reason. how fat is that dick.
>dm a note wanting to see when someone would be up to RP in f-chat or suggesting a plot to them that we could do
>never get a response back
every time
I think I may take the "no random touching/offering of food/drinks/etc" custom pill, flg.
I-Is that it? I did add another pic to her gallery showing how her elf cock was big enough for her to suck herself off but I didn't think it changed that much since she already had a lot of dick pics.
if that's the size you're playing at as long as you're not a complete and utter sub-coded /c/ the friend requests will roll right in, yes
Just ignore it
Even if I totally agree with you, having those custom nos makes you look like a sperg despite totally being in the right
>t. use to put those in my customs
It's just going to make you seem unapproachable and won't do anything to reduce the volume of people who do touch you.

Raceswap that I’ve been using for a hot minute, same personality, just for a different purpose.
using my schizo detective powers
this is aini
You're right of course, but still.
>who do touch you
Really it's not the touching/offerings/whatever itself that bothers me, it's the fact I can't really respond how my character would respond without giving off the same bad vibes a custom would've. An awkward 'no thanks' works, I guess.
excuse me what the fuck are you talking about?
>be talking in a room or pms
>some rando will hug, offer a hug, spank, pet, pick up, offer some snack food, a drink, so on and so forth out of the blue
>despite being an IC action responding in any way that's not happy acceptance or just breezing past it will make you look coocoo
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I've been on F-List since 2014. Deleted my entire account around 2019 because of being fed up with the way I was being treated by everyone, only to remake it a month later. Came back and feel like everything changed. Feel like I've never gotten my groove back, and that I've just been coping this entire time. It was years before I actually bothered to remake my original and most popular character because I felt so detached from him after that had happened, and the vast majority of people I had on my friends list before I deleted everything have either left F-List entirely, or flat out don't remember me despite all the times we've RP'd together, and how specific of a character he is. Lately I've been feeling the exact same way I felt back in 2019 before I nuked my account. No matter what I do, be it IC approaches, OOC approaches, or sending Notes, I just flat out never get any responses whatsoever. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing wrong with my approaches at this point, and the majority of people I approach don't even bother giving me a response in the slightest to at least tell me how or why they're disinterested in me, so I have no fucking clue what it is that turns people off from me. I don't know if it's my character, my kinks, my profile... I just don't fucking know, and it seriously drives me to fucking tears some nights, and makes my feel like there's literally no hope for me when even someone who I know I'm miles ahead in terms of writing capability doesn't respond to me at all. F-List has me black-pilled and it's fucking hell. Like I wish I could just quit this site and never look back, but it's about the only social interaction I get these days.
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https://www.f-list.net/c/Gothicc Predator
When the other /c/ isn't 1X years old
that explains it, she's an old profile but suddenly pinks were getting really chummy and pushy in public and I got so embarrassed I hid
Playing a character that refuses, yet also wants things is a very hard thing to do.
These little interactions people do aren't because they really want to offer your character some random retarded item, it's because they want you to response to them in a way that grants permission for them to interact with you further.
Rejecting them, the vast majority will take it OOCly, because they simply don't know how to take it any other way. What you're looking for is the tiny grip that say "Alright, bet", see it's an IC reject and not an OOC one and then interact in an interesting way that gets what they want.

If you put a custom no saying "Don't do this" you won't get that, because people will assume it's an OOC order not to do that.
>New Poison
>BBC recolour
>Raceplay focus
I curse my luck
the site meta has changed, you need to make a profile that look really fuckable, like to the point you get horny just from seeing the inline
>These little interactions people do aren't because they really want to offer your character some random retarded item,
Um, maybe for YOU but I wanted to talk about a drink I had, OKAY!?
>It's just some generic anime girl with a dumb fucking hat.
Well, that's disappointing. The fuck are the masochistic nazi anthro dog girls at?
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Time to make a reality bender, that seems like an easy way to generate violent stuff.

The idea is they warped so much about themselves that there's no trace of the person they used to be, now just existing to seek serotonin. The reality bending has a "everything has a price" dynamic to it, taking something of equal value in exchange for a desired effect, though I'm not sure if people would care for that compared to just fingersnapping. I like some depth.
/c/literal snowbunny
Unimpressive penises that are the wrong color / aren't caged.
Honestly anon, without seeing your profiles, /c/, or general interaction we can't really say much of anything.

Being ignored outright, I'd assume it's a profile issue or you just come across too timidly when asking for play.
To be fair, that's been the site meta for a fair while. I have a /c/ that I purposefully haven't changed (other than fixing a typo I only noticed recently) for 8 years and the meta it targeted has barely shifted in that time.
NTA but she's a character from a gacha game called Arknights.
Also you could basically change your sentence to say,
>>The fuck are the anthro girls at?
and it would better represent the current state of F-List.
>Vore not in no
>Noncon strongly implying bitchbreaking
>Interracial as a custom with "b-but I hate raceplay"
That's a dropped from me. Regards, an anime canon.
So it's even worse
do you play some fat guy with black hair that wears green clothes
Hey are you taking character requests?
depends on what you want to do
you'd probably need to dip a bit into DM territory
Yes, you understand. If we're not planning for them to already have some kind of pre-established relationship then I'm assuming their /c/ and my /c/ are on 'strangers' level. A stranger that has said or done nothing but some compliment on your body should rightly get side-eyed for offering some food right after. Groping should be met with CBT or a really unpleasant, loud scene. My /c/ is not going to follow yours home because they talked for five minutes.

I'd love for people to try to properly get to know my characters if we're going for a "from nothing" setup, but again, responding to an IC act with a measured IC response is off-putting.
>Implying Gachaslop is better than furries.
Anon, come the fuck on.
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You also know you would prefer a doggy
anime website furnigger
I don't mind either but furries are very loud and annoying in this thread
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>schizo is back
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that guy's too close to zoo, sorry!
Vore should always be in faves. In fact it shouldn't be allowed in no.
F-List should ban anyone who doesn't like at least one type of vore.
Unironically yes, for the vast majority of under-baked furryshit I see on f-list.
>voreschizzy woke up from his nap
Have fun with your next mental breakdown!
now now anon i'm a furry player and a weeb player but lets be careful with those stones...
I wanted to play a kemono one time but I think f-list is allergic to them.
I can't wait for them to ban loli/shota. It's going to be so funny
A general rule when profile making is to write about the stuff you want, and less about what you don't.

Focus on custom yes and favs that get you want you want. People prefer to be told what to do, not what not to do. A custom for getting to know her, or even if you wanted to use terms a debased retard could understand "playing hard to get" would probably serve you better.

Shitters annoy everyone and regardless of what you write on your profile, you'll get them. So, build a profile for people who actually read them.
I think the vibe I want is immortality being used for hedonistic gains, creating back and forths that regular humans just aren't capable of keeping up with. Could be fun to make the powers be based on a parasite that can infect others. Double trouble. I do like two powerful characters teaming up...
Based vorefag
I have a handful of characters that fit what I believe the 'site meta' currently is, but they still don't perform very well. I actually do have one shemale profile out of all of my blues that every time I get on her I get swarmed by people, and it's gotten to the point where I resent the character outright because of that. In fact I hate going on her because the moment I do I see a handful of other profiles pop up just to hound her. It's honestly demoralizing as fuck.

Most of my approaches I guess you could describe as timid, but I've also had people yell at me for forward IC approaches in the past, so it's just made me wary of doing anything that isn't what I'd describe as safe and inoffensive. Those types of approaches used to net me at least a small back-and-forth, but now it's ghost city.
F-List has simply become garbage. It was always bad but it's actually managed to get worse. There really aren't any good ERP places on the internet anymore so unless you already have some good partners from years ago it's pretty much over.
It's a matter of time. I think it'll be some time after Trump wins. But, the fall out is going to be fucking funny.
if they ever do i'm willing to bet it's only the flat/small pp ones that suffer and the rest can limbo under the "oh they're actually 18+ hahahahahahaha" bar or some underground loli/shota community springs up
It's true, I keep going back to my old favorites on the same characters. New ones get next to no traction...
>I actually do have one shemale profile out of all of my blues that every time I get on her I get swarmed by people
you're figuring it out
shemales are the gooner sex gender and making a hot one is going to result in more approaches than a (SUBJECTIVELY) similarly attractive blue
name of the shememe?
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good luck with it, hopefully it'll turn out as you like
I honestly have some trouble picturing partners into that that wouldn't just want you to god-dom them
People are too busy losing their marbles over whatever generic AI-generated anime slop gets made instead of actually bothering to go out and find good art to make a profile. Do a quick crop (if even that), slap it as an inline on your profile, write a few customs and bam, you're done.
>Timid Blue.
Yeah, that ain't gonna work man. People just don't like that kind of thing. Yes, there's porn of it, and there's mommy archetypes in animes. But, when it comes to roleplaying, you won't find shit.

The mothering instinct is unique to women IRL. 99% of the people on F-list are guys. You will not find any players who want to be all motherly and reassuring to a timid blue.
I'll just groom them.
as a player of the motherly type we exist we're just either
>basically only log in when someone vetted is online
so what you said is still true, but the nuance is important
Unironically I blame zoomers. They treat everything as if there needs to be a punchline attached, are obsessed with irony, and exist in the era where treating people like shit is normal behavior.
>You will not find any players who want to be all motherly and reassuring to a timid blue
My pink literally did that to a small pp femboy the other day thoughbelt
Wish it were anthro
I'd never be totally motherly with a rando, they have to prove they actually want that to get my trust.
why does this name keep getting hoarded
It'd be so much better if it was anthro. It's insane.
anon what do you think
>If you put a custom no saying "Don't do this" you won't get that
Nuke South Korea
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Yeah, because BBC raceplay is boring as shit and overplayed, and I wanted a Poison for shefaggies...
based kim will do it
I somehow got one of the primiest names for a canon years ago but I don't know what to do with her now...
Is that the bad one?
I will instead trigger furries by only being attracted to anthros with giant tits, even when it doesn't make sense for that kind of animal to have tits.
aim for the one that has slant eyes
What like praying mantises and shit?
erm... make her?
>trigger furries
>by...being into furries
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>wonder what the bookmarks are up to
you should take this as a moment to introspect on your tastes
>24 hours of ERP for only $50.
Not bad.
whats sad is that this might work if they actually kept it on the down low like anyone with half a brain would've done
>Reported this retard an hour ago
>Still not banned
I don't see this plan upsetting many people
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I can get a month of Novel for 25 bucks and it'll play far better than 'her'.
Is he only advertising in private channels?
Sorry anon it was their first offense so they got away with a slap on the wrist and a couple thousand dollars teehee
no it won't juran
Jannies probably just told them to take the status down instead of bothering with all the work of banning them
Has furry culture changed then? Liking snake tits (or any scalie with tits, really) used to get you screamed at a lot.
You're about 15 years late.
>Make a character I think people would go after
>Zero interest
What character?
10-15 years ago is about the last time I really tried engaging with a broader furry community with any regularity, yeah. After that I've just kept to one on one stuff.
You need to make bbcbait and chase the lowest common denominator if you want regular play
they probably mean that it repeatedly keeps getting deleted and remade
report it
i have seen more memes about people hating things like reptiles with tits than i've seem actual reptile-with-tits haters, if it's still a thing it's only held by boomers that don't venture out beyond their lawn
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Make him
There was a period where a group of furries got really agro about things like mismatched dick types, unnatural colors and tits on species without them.
Oh shit. It's an anthro human.
That's hard work and her prime moment already passed because she's a gacha canon I knew would come out but she already came out a while ago
Give me the name
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Squishy's ass is the key to all of this.
That buzzed bitch?
Is that true?

yeah that's long gone, i dont hang in 100% furry spaces but i do hang in places that has a lot of them, and the only thing that starts shit are pol-tier topics
He squirts if you so much as cough in his direction, so yeah. He's been used by everyone.
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Genuinely what is the major cause for the HQ hate?

Not joking ir trying tonshit stir I legit dont know what was the inception to all of this. They're annoying and I turned down rp with them because of that but I really don't know what they did to get the 24/7 schizo treatment
for starters /trash/ schizos are dedicated to their craft, mostly because there's nothing stopping them. otherwise you said it yourself, they're annoying, they feed it, they encourage it, they're easier pickings than someone broadly liked. even if people that actually dont like them rarely post about them the spammer will make sure you see their name all day every day. easy prey
>24/7 schizo treatment
Okay HQ.
Pink, BLC, or pink with a BLC in the info tab?
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So there was no major event like with Chloe, it's just because they're a bit cringe?
>a bit
>a bit
lol fuck off hq
technically the major event is that they've acted so shittily to a lot of people both in rooms and pms to the point where 5 (and counting! do you know how bad you have to be for me to be able to COUNT this???) non-flgers have confirmed that they've acted weird/annoying towards them at some point, but no, nothing BIG big. they're just a shitter with some name recognition
It was the vectoria logs for me desu.
But there was a lot of hate before then
I can assure you that I am not HQ. I'm from kangarooland so "a little bit cringe" means "they're annoying as fuck" my apologies for the misunderstanding, my ethnically diverse friends.
Hmm, I see.
I don't know what that is
>all those characters are buzzed
this picture is effused with artistic SOVL
>all those unaccepted friend requests
uhhhhh based?????
It says a lot that he was hated before he even did the thing that I dislike him for.
How much shit did this nigga do?
status play with squishy
I still do that!
again it's not like there's a long list of crimes, they've just done the same few offenses to a lot of people, all of which boil down to being unpleasant to interact with either in rooms or in pms (if you're not interested, obviously)
There is pretty clearly a long list of crimes if they've repeatedly been unpleasant over the span of years.
erm akshully sweaty we count crimes with this format:
>10 counts of x
>5 counts of y
>8 counts of z
>x, x, x, x, x
so its still pretty short when you look at it!
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Post profiles with this feel
the last one is not epic
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Hrm... I should trust my initial judgment but as long as there's no dumb BBC shit...
Wow bad art
i want a hunky blue that likes short flat non-loli pinks are fucked am i
depends on if you're a furfag
If you want anime, you're fucked.
If you want furries, decent chance you'll get something decent.
i myself am multi-cultural but the /c/ it's on is around the level of kemonomi (kinda)
You're going into something you already suspect being highly niche, and you're immediately trying to put off both of the major sides that would be interested?
I've been there. Good luck.
Also if you don't explicitly outline that you aren't interested in males/orientation play, you'll surely get swamped in hung shitas
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I shilled in the last thread by accident like a retard.
i-is it really offputting, it's just that the art can kinda go either way...
I NEED this to happen to my straight, always dom human preference pinks.
If it can go either way, then it can also be interpreted by either side as something they don't want.
Don't let that stop you from making a character you want to play, though, just know what you're getting into.
>this kind of profile
>with that little views
>and that date
why shill something you dont use anonny
Felt like hopping on her.
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>Do nothing
>Pink's ratio suddenly gets way better
Bookmarks mean nothing but I also want to know why I got so many new ones for doing absolutely nothing.
it's the universe trying to put a band-aid on the gaping wound that is that ratio (ratios don't matter)
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Do you chew your food?
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How does your ideal Poison self identify in terms of gender?
i know you're really proud of dropping $9k on this gif but we don't want to see it
what are you interested in currently binah-chan
Uh well, my kinklist.
Need more hardvore
I see... I figured you wanted something in specific on your list
What were you even hoping to hear? Surely this implies that you're someone that can offer something specific/was hoping to offer something.
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Either futa/shemale or trans.
Your pink's ratio is similar to my OC blue (derogatory)
Female (cis), they're just born with a fully functional penis as a throwaway joke because Japan then stuck with it.
Just musing, I do have some profiles that can do some of the stuff on your kink list but I was just curious if you had a hankering for any type of play in specific
Shill in the form of an image of one of these profiles you think'll hit a nice chord.
Women don't have penises, anon...
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Shememes do
>mentally a woman
>raised a woman
>physically a woman (barring the penis)
>never had surgery
amazing what can be achieved in the world of fiction
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Based and Binahbait.
>>never had surgery
Oh come on, help Poison break in that new pussy.
nice slop
Futas would be real if it weren't for intersex corrective surgery performed on any infant with ambiguous/mismatched genitals.
If a shememe got surgery to have a vagina then that'd be funny
Never thought I'd come across a scenario of a trans-herm
Thanks. Anyways yeah, Tiph is great so send her my way somehow sometime.
I pulled a calf muscle in bed ):
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Former shememe, anon! I'm practically a pink!
More water and stretch your upper leg more often
Penny Polymorphed was one of you guys, right?
Yeah, it as me.
I finally met one of those noplay gooner types. What the fuck is wrong with them?
Why did ya delete?
Yeah but they aren't female they're futas
Who was it? Aini?
Why would I not?
No one from here. I've either played with or been rejected by everyone I've talked to here.
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Been thinking about this since the last anon posted it.
Every pink loses to BSC.
idgaf if it's a bug, give it fat nuts to smack her in the eyes with
spider jumpscare
>its fat body making her entire ass ripple
BSC fucking wins. I NEED this.
Do we have any bugs that won't rip your head off and shit down your throat?
I'm open to playing spider stuff but I haven't bothered making a spider profile
never talked to them but would appreciate a qrd on /c/grubmaking
I find it funny they include intersex in LGBTQ for a couple of reasons
>"yeah im a dude i just kind of have soft grundle tissue" isnt the same as a gender or sexual identity
>trannies, flamers and dikes probably hate them because they live without the stigma of making the rainbow flag identity their whole personality
I would make but as soon as it gets out who it is an alt of I'll be forced to delete.
i want either a human or a furry, not a human with furry ears
I dunno who that is
No one will care. Just like how no one cares that Solly plays sub pinks as well.
that's because no one cares about the sub pinks
Okay sure anon be bitchy
I'll probably get around to making a BSC sometime, although I'm not entirely sure if I'll use a normal giant spider ref like >>67746159 or if I do something silly like a spinarak
either way I'm /c/rearranging if you haven't already surmised by now, I talk about spiders a lot
That's just how kitsune are tho
Succubi but fluffy with added transformation magic and liking to eat your liver
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Omg hiiii anon, spiderpress me soon!
>See someone using an eicon I made in their ad
>I remove the eicon
many such cases
I'll be sure to shill if I do make a big scary spider
Retard, change it to something funny instead
not a single /flg/ kitsune actually transforms into a fox
Great. Got more of those clips, if you're the anon posting them?
I presume you mean feral, since the most famous /flg/ kitsune mostly plays in their anthro form.
i said fox, not sparkledog
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>He's unaware
I more get mad at all the ones that forget they have a tail
Just one more from that game and a few from others
Post the game.
Also this is my gay pink.
this person doesnt play btw. dont bother approaching
syahata's bad day
egg alt btw :3
I can't wait for them to ban rape/guro/zoophilia/ryona
Here are your would be double (you)s anon
What's even left at that point?
Need a donkey with a love potion to give my pink a stinky midsummer's night dream
Proper and godly vanilla. :)
>gay pink
kind of based
Not true! I've got an in-progress scene with my kitsune in her feral form and another fully feral scene planned as a follow-up to that.
Do you desire to be harassed and stalked constantly by an underaged, fucktalking obsessed schizo?

Do enjoy being ignore evaded by a schizo that cannot take being told 'no'?

Do you like retards with awful customs with generic and bland roleplay ideas?

Are you a faggot with no hope?

By all means, you will be perfect for Egg. The resident schizo of /flg/ who enjoys posting on his own guestbook as different characters to boost his attention, whilst ignore and ban evading people and rooms because they've had enough of his shit. Egg is a known shitter with a fetish for harassing people off characters when they reject him for roleplay, schizoing out in 4chan threads and twitter, and let's not forget the best thing: he deepthroats staff cock to keep himself from being banned for harassment.

Don't worry Egg, you might have said you changed but it's very obvious by the amount of rooms that have you banned and the amount of people who have you on ignore/block..

You will never change.

I think not. :D
The ellipses at the 3rd to last line is really funny
Need a donkey (boy)
I remember this guy in flg
This'd be better if he was a feral.
donkeys can't use love potions tho
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Honestly, I just want someone to play a Jager Darklite drawing with me
giwtwm (left)
Me on the right?
Yeah sure.
Shill please?
No i like donkey boy. I want to eat his ass and then have him plap me stupid
Shill, and maybe.
Anon... You know I'd love to, really, it's just...
>hypnosis-induced soiling
giw someone would do that to my pink
You wouldn't happen to be someone who already plays a horse, would you?
Not any I've shilled.
Could you shoot me a note?
Given that I don't have the time for new partners, I don't think there's much of a point to me shilling...
Anons getting hypno shitties all around while I'm too busy to log in :((
I know how this goes
Sorry, I know I'll get shit for it if I post with my main.
I can make both of you happy :3
Isn't it your whole goal to get shit for posting?
The shitties anon can have fun with my ass while the hypno anon is entranced by my beautiful eyes
anyone got that one xeno 3x3? been wanting to make lately but have zero inspiration
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Who are these characters?
But I want ass fun as well, just clean with no scat or farts and such
I'm sure shitties anon will make sure to lick it clean for you!
i recognize nemo (simplifypm) top right, the rest are all too indistinguishable
ask Nui
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Top middle looks like Maneater Mildred
Ask Jiyo.
Still struggling with the fact that i know no female characters aside from gachas.

I guess i'm just checked out of the coomer realities.
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those are Nui's.
you mean you are checked into coomer raelities
I guess.
2nd is Crona, 5th is Hex Maniac, 8th is Lana's mom
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I'm so glad you're back, Cakemaker!~
thumbs down on this reply
Three weeks ago I set up a play with an anon through notes, but haven't been online enough to catch them since, I really hope they aren't mad...
I'm waiting
I don't know if it's pathetic or flattering that they downloaded and uploaded my 3x3 into their gallery.
I'm not mad, I've just been busy with other profiles trying to clear out my giant fucking backlog of anon RPs
Why did Nui remove their sample posts in their profile?
Turned too many people off.
Is it because their writing is actually shit?
Level 1 Writing?
It's fine
Dear anon who wrote this,

consider applying lead to your brain, the smooth metal might be able to do thinking better than the current lump of fat in your head can. Just because I may have some similar beliefs to HQ doesn't mean I like them. I have defending some things they have said, but even when I have they have become so annoying I do not fucking want to deal with them. They are like the annoying orange of FLG and they are a prime example of why the average citizen dislikes people of their political persuation.
fuck off hq
HQ would totally fuck annoying orange with slutty lips
kys venmo
oranges were a mistake
Oranges are a lesser evil. It's better than having pinks/purples with "this character is trans btw" at the top of the profile
When did you find out?
Orange cisgirl rapists with twelve inch overvirile girldicks and a penchant for violence and transupremacy in faves and ntr in yes though....!
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TERFs are piggies.
ban trannies

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