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Fapping-focused AIslop thread for those who enjoy plapping to AI perfection. A thread for prompters, editors, requesters, gooners, AI pornmommies, PLAPpers, Stable Diffusion artists, NovelAI artists - anything and everything AIslop.

>3D Edition

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Request Anchor
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More ladies in useless armor!
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Good lord, she looks great. Could you try Paris of Troy (guy with bow)?
Actual previous thread link.
Also this one is supposed to be #228. orz
dumb shark, commit sudoku again!
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>when the nipple peaks through the inverted area
Now that's that good shit right there I tell you what.
Need Big Gabi Butt
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I already got My zeta Gen but anymore Granblue girls losing to dick after a face fucking would be nice
Another thread made, another sudoku completed.
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Requesting an AI slop goddess to milk me dry.
kek, well done
Can you give these girls more like gundam features? Like the masks, V-fins?
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Messing around with 3DPD. Here's a terrible slop Tifa.
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Funny enough I have a few with masks and I started genning some specifically with it. I can try to add more features if there's anything else you'd like to see.
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Mouth masks and maybe some kind head antenna is what I'd look for, like a Gundam mecha musume.

also, given your ladies any kind of backstory?
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Requesting one of those loving cheek squish images with Rouge the Bat.
Like picrel but with both hands.
Can I get a big booty undead?
Requesting some Ishtar from FGO twerking
Ah gotcha, I'll try to make the masks more Gundam like. No backstory or anything like that as of yet. If anything, I guess they'd be like safeguards or something since this whole idea stemmed from me reading Blame again.
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>Paris of Troy (guy with bow)
Not sure what kind of look to go with that
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This one looks nice. Just needs a golden leaf crown, some blue cloth and a cape like picrel.
They need to be protecting cute shotas! And giving them rich milk.
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Looking good!! Love to see a Samus too.
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They can! As long as they're programmed to...
Very based. Powerful women's only weakness: cute bois giving them kisses.
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Meh maybe later, got other plans now
No worries. I still appreciate you taking my requests, thanks anon and have a good day.
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If anyone were to be so kind as to give me a few gens of Mission Vao from KOTOR? There is, like, zero art of this beautiful teenage Twi'Lek... Any outfits and any kind of pose or action but of high-quality, please.
Hey, that's looking great. Hopefully it can give some good gens where it's just the mouth mask covering and the v-fin. She's definitely ready to protect and kiss shotas.
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>just the mouth mask covering and the v-fin
Ah I see, I can try to get that too! If not from prompt then maybe I can just inpaint them in, shouldn't be too hard or time consuming. I'm looking into genning duos too so shotas may be put in their programming
I'd love to see the results. Love the basic build for your mecha musume. Or mecha mommy, really.
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np, see ya
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Thanks! Yeah, I tried but it seems like I'd have to do inpainting to get it styled that way, unless my prompting isn't right. But that's a good thing, I finally have a reason to test out inpainting. Intent makes for good results. We'll see what I can make later, for now I'm going to bed. Nighty night!
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Hope you like it despite the slop. Last gen from me for tonight.
Can we see Samus squatting with a dildo prodding her asshole?
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Requesting this pose/scenario with other vidya women
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How slop do you want it?
Requesting a teacher(M) and a student(F) fucking in the classroom after hours, and there's a wedding ring on her finger.
Cupitan - Granblue Fantasy - fucked by or tittyfucking some animal dicks
Also a completely unrelated idea is her in a gangbang and LOVING it
Albedo and Regina from Overlord fucked by a horse, and tittyfucking it
Requesting futa dark elf girl with silver hair red eyes and having some muscle
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Pine from bombergirl fucked by tentacles
Hairy MILF pussy fucked by tentacles
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Is it to your specifications, my lord?
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I can't believe the last thread got me horny for CD-i Zelda...
Also, is photoanon kill? Haven't seen them in a few days
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Built to impregnate blonde princesses and GILF queens.
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Would any slopper be kind enough to gen some Cynthia from Pokemon in a classy black dress so I can fap myself to sleep please...?
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Oh that's nothing compared to what I've been horny for the past few days, haha...
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NTA but lose the cock, add some jewelry on her (piercings), have blue eyes, and she's my hun
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requesting Izuna (blue archive) as a shinobi bride or trying out an office lady look (fishnets please) to help sensei; wedding ring not required for the latter
Were you the Zelda genner? I kinda wanna see Arzette in that CD-i style, but she's probably too new...
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Requesting bride Klaudia or get getting plapped lovingly. Or both.
Oh hell YES! This is what I'm talking about anon you're not going to stop with just 1 right surely there is more? Thank you btw
1 tentacle is 1 IQ lost for her.
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Due to the surge of yandere and VTuber stuff, I'd like to make a request for yandere Nene Momosuzu in a bunch of scenarios like sex, impreg, threatening (but still cute) with a knife, etc.
Although, Roboco-san is another good contender and both have good excuses for being yandere. And would be really hot.
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We'll see after I catch up on the big and neglected request anchor
have her fucking rotty
Good luck then, and if you do do more make sure Pine's tits are huge from the tentacles and sucking and stuff! She looks so natural like that.
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No but I hope they linked the model because I definitely want to use it sometime lol, it's super based
My brain is way too fried to care about the voice desu, I would still fuck the shit out of her.
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Requesting Neptunia Noire lovey-dovey sex I'd prefer if she had larger breasts.
I'd really like some lewd lovey maid-wife Noire too.
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I dont deserve access to this software
Break time! Bend her over and fuck her on the chair, over the desk, blow me under the desk.

That barely visible bra, what the fuck is that sorcery anon? This pic, FYI, 10/10 fuck me man. Honestly too cute I feel bad for wanting lewds but with that cleavage I can't help it.
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please turn my mesugaki into futagaki bache with giant throbbing hard pp and balls while she's looking smugly at the viewer, extra cumming version too please and thank you
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I'm addicted to inpainting
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got anything new? seen this months ago on /v/
Klaudia's OR here that dress is putting in the work to keep her tits from preventing her from being classy! Still, she's so cute and erotic no matter what. Thank you I like the design that you posted too, goes without saying I'd enjoy the plapping but that's for after.
nta but she looks like Lillie from Pokemon, love that
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Moar Roll, yes please
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Wow, seems like you have a lot of fantasies you need fulfilled
I fucking love fishnets
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nta but you do vtubers too?!
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yeah sure!
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Imagine the warmth...
fuck she's getting worse <3
Fat-assed and bimbo-lipped Gaia (Final Fantasy 14) striking some whorish poses in her hooker heels. Twerking/assclapping if possible.
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here you go, hun
I'm genuinely surprised at how many requests are twerk related
I wanna pee on their faces.
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sex with NPCs
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God, I need to see her cream a bunch of JKs
We like asses! Asses look good when clapping.
I assume..?
God I love this
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Great! Btw, what prompt did you use to get that type of background?
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I didn't add the text in the corner
I forget but its Novel AI the tags should all be there
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How do I gaslight my friends to make them believe I'm not using AI as an infinite supply of porn?
mmmmm these pics make my pp so happy <3
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Really sexy Lap
Make them cute reaction images
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has anyone managed to figure out floox styles that they use?
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more of this OC.... she wears gymgear way too much for my cock in all of her art...
He has lie 5 loras you can copy
It's a nyantcha/cutesexyrobutts mix with some other shit
aaah I have tried stable diffusion but it doesn't work that well for me the results are always very low quality
Wearing yoga pants yet never showing off her ass... shame.
yoga pants are a fucking dream for her... any other styles you can get minahslut showing her tight black-clad ass off in?
Nice, could you do more futa on femboy gens
Results are so-so. Haven't really found a blend that I like to use.
Requesting Peach or Rosalina getting fucked by monsters. Preferably Bowser but any will do
pumping to futa Rouge
Anon asking for Fauna and Noel breeding
I'm not that anon but these are really hot.
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daring today aren't we?
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I'm a simple man. I like seeing the women I love taking inhuman cock

it just feels right
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me forgetting the pic doesnt feel right
Hope the king knocks her up too. Thanks for this man
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Alololola has some nice girls.
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Alola honestly top 3 or top 1 for pokegirls. Sword and shield had really good ones too it's wild the rebound after x and y.
I may as well finish the trio, its bad luck otherwise
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X/y’s best was a fuggin NPC trainer.

I’m not a huge fan of SWSH myself desu, Marnie cute though
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That series of doujins with the Alolan girls as prostitutes changed my mind forever
Futa Rosalina getting deep throated by Peach
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Nessa + Bea be cute tho
and Melony has also a pass
Daisy is always missing out.
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Even the MC sucks which is a travesty
SW/SH had marnie, glora, melony, bea, nessa, that pink girl ain't bad either
Alola - Mallow, MC, Lillie, Lusamine, Aether Foundation generic goon, etc
Just listing off the top of my head they were so stacked.
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kek I also made her, look up
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People also like Lana but I’m not too fond.

Acerola better. Anyway here’s one more Mallow
Anyone want to gen some sph?
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Yeah all good it's the best blessing for pokegirls since black and white / bw2.
Loving the skindentation in these
I was typing this >>67749339 w/o seeing the Daisy one lol.
Yeah, because I think daisy looks butt ugly compared to my queens
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shame on you anon
Peach is lucky.
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For anon that wanted the helmets more Gundam like with helmet and mask but no visor/visible face. I got close with the prompting but alas, yeah I think I gotta do the inpaint. Gonna give it a go soon!
Rosalina is canonically futa and I will stand by that
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What model? Is this NAI?

Daisy underrated.
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Time to rim...
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I could not get the actual deepthroat, genning these two together is always a pain in the ass, specially when one is futa and the other not.
Oh mama
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Good boy :3
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Best Pokeloli.
I know its probably just the AI being a fuck with the perspective, but she looks so tall and thats hawt
Gonna have to settle in for a longer night than I expected to spend in an alley...
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not even gonna disagree
Freaking great though. Thanks a ton. I know trying to get two characters can be a hassle, but this is solid.
Phew, Peach's expression here. All that's missing is a cumshot facial.
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AI blessed me with this slutty getup, damn.
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Pokemon Daycare webcams.
Good lord. Fantastic
>X/y’s best was a fuggin NPC trainer.
hex maniac, serena or shauna?
Hex. Shauna is mid, and Serena is the playable FMC.
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Yes please. Seeing Sammy get gangbanged is always a treat.
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Twerking works surprisingly well.
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Chocolate or vanilla?
Portable titcow
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She’s a Harvin

Bae looks really good in this style!
Can we get some Bowser on Sammy?
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very nice
Need a genslut to help my morning wood...
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Would love to see you gen some Marnie teasing ojisans
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And that's all for that while I do more things to make the victim (giwtwm) a 100% human shota.
any pose in particular?
fuuuck, I want to get Lillie stuffed full of babies
was surprised myself with how good this one worked on her...
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portable onahole
Not usually a fan of gigantic/borderline hyper tiddies

But these actually feel heavy and meaty, I dig it.
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Not my gen, but maybe something to tide you over.
Lillie is completely built and handcrafted for older men
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Imagine getting your rod sucked by her shark teeth mouth
it's funny because i've been generating flat for like a week

but sometimes the urge for big, heavy tits hits, and it hits very strong.
Mating press, doggy style, or against the wall.
More vtuber titties like this, for the love of god!
Speed bump position is a pretty good one too.
the best cocksleeve
Thanks. Not twerking or using stupidly high whore heels, though. But I appreciate it.
Welp Mori's set might take a while but it's looking pretty damn good so far
Built to get knocked up by Hala and Kukui
There's no doubt in my mind that his married ass was railing Lillie's tight white pussy every night as his wife shlicked to it
Seeing this was wondering how well you could do double/triple anal or vaginal sex. Basically stuffing multiple dicks in one hole or will it just melt together?
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Yeah, I get it. Even if I go for the “realistically huge” type, these are great.
I wanna be Samus cumming over and over on Daddy Bowser's huge koopa cock~!
huh what of the odds, got an unprompted threesome when you said that
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>wearing high heels at the beach
she's such a fucking slut
Really takes after her mother
it's the weight aspect, they're the best when they look convincingly heavy as fuck instead of like balloons, don't you think?
Yessss. I’m not satisfied with huge boobs unless they look HEAVY and WEIGHTY.
big tits asian black long hair fucked inside nightclub please
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Requesting Merveille Million getting fucked by a dog shota
rrat milk
That belly is really fucking sexy as well...
Fuck, I throbbed...
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nta but gave it a shot
if you are willing to gen niji can i get pomu with breasts this good? the same size or even bigger, she is the one niji girl i like and love
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last, hope it is what you wanted
That facial expression too... she knows she's hot
Thanks, anon.

I never seen this kind of mating press.
god damn, you're a lord.
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like this?

i don't know her too well so not sure if the style and expression suits her
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NTA, but based taste
This artstyle looks familiar. Who?
I need more of this, especially with a fatter guy
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You did a really hot Froppy one last time. Can you do Mina in a similar position?
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Talk about big titty vtubers I have this old gura gen
two for the price of one thank you anons you rock, pomu is just perfect with breasts like these but i think we can go even bigger
Ill try :3
Really nice sag on these, shame the panties didn't cooperate as much though.
Thank you. That was an amazsing pose.
I'm still so addicted to Mina slitting it up for civilians and villains
Original requester, and that's pretty damn good. Not the style I expected, but loved all the same. I just can't resist a good goth bitch. Saved.
As am I. It's so right.
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God I can confirm 100% I'm degenerate after saving every single one of these pics in that folder... and these pics making my pp so diamond hard specially the futa scat one on the bottom, I don't think there is a turn back for me... but regardless, thank u so much for posting this <3 mmm
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what a tease she is resting them on my lap still clothed like that, man i love her so much
Slutty JKs are meant to drain the cocks of old men
legit the reason why I come back daily for these threads is because of this, god bless u
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Need some fat white dudes raping that brat Haruhi for making them sit through the endless 8
MOOOOOOOOORE. That wobble wagon belongs on old man dick.
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Kinda bored of Mina, any other mha chars yall want
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sybil is way too sexy
i'm glad someone improved on my prompt
That invisible girl with the the green hair!
She looks really cute
Midnight also works for this I think. I wanna see her making scumbags cum
Can we get some shota love?
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Pomu's pomus, very nice. Would love to see more, I'm sure the other anon wouldn't mind either.
Can you do da Wose with big tits? Petra's best friend is missing!
marnie with big boobs... artist:chamchami save me...
slampig ochako, or invisible girl, or mei, or burnin
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>stop licking my body master I'm not a popsicle!
Be quiet my little popsicle
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im too lazy to download the lora
If we're doing vtubers, is Laimu possible?
Fuck yeah, work it Midnight-sensei
Getting to play with those would be heaven, man...
still sexy
Oh fuck yes, Limes would be kino
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It was an attempt in making print panties
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Would have been so good if it genned them properly, Gura with kid panties is the cream of the crop!
what a bubblebootied levi-slut. even has her asshole exposed
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what the hell I actually like cham22 style, I'll get the lora.
can't wait to stroke to chamchamislop
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Not really, but you can have this vaguely Laimu looking girl
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>The hands on the towel
Oh no, Sarah and Harper are at it again!
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Sex her, cum on her, leave her a gaping mess!
I'll take it, thanks!
I don't understand how it all works but this person got it: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10607290
topless is the best
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Short stack Lillie, holy mother of... this is fucking fantastic
Must... plap... the... rat...
need more cham poppy, preferably on her back legs spread
That's because he's using a local model. Local models can use LoRAs. If they are trained on enough images, they can replicate any artstyle or character. NAI works off of Danbooru's dataset from ~Dec 2023, Laimu had VERY little art at the time. It hasn't been updated since, probably will have to wait for Anime v4 at this point. For consistency on NAI, the character needs to have been trained on roughly 200 images.
I see, I see.
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Little brat noticed your leaking, aching bulge…
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oh fuck yes its perfect, thanks anon, I'll take anymore you got of poppy
one more and im off for a bit
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Shortstack time?
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Tits (pink woman)
can you do Noelle from genshin?
Thanks for the rat gens, they're great. See you around.
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all girls should be shortstacks by law
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Is there a way to catbox an album of images or whatever? Would be convenient
Thank you very much~
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Yeah, you just have to make an account
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also lore accurate minotaur

never done it myself but I hear from other anons you just need to make an account in catbox and you can upload albums like >>67749673
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Remind me that I have some old yordle gens
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If you're still around, can you do Peach getting rimmed by Rosie? No futa required, but an extra big ass on Peach would be lovely.
I need more
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Neat, sometimes I have an offline session with anon and make some cool stuff, but don't feel like spamming the threads or making a bajillion links. Thanks!
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Any chance of seeing her get plapped by a fat white dude? Love her hair and face!
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I can get close, but not fully face to ass
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More of that, please.
This is honestly great too, thanks. I'd say ass worship is just as hot.
I genuinely wonder what she'd look like in chamcham style tbf.
Rouge the Bat sitting her huge ass on Cream the Rabbit's lap
Damn, so it doesn't work...
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I should learn to inpaint better, but its so time consuming.
Still leagues above what I could do. I appreciate the effort!
>Picks one of the best possible girls
Great taste anon
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gave it a shot, but the style refuses to go whiter than this, so there's that
this is Chamichami's style, tho it's NAI, so no LoRAs
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put ai in a robot already
Oooh, I thought it was a mix.
Also GOD DAMN THEM TITTIES. That stocking skindentation.
That tummy.
Chef's kiss.
That's a shame, still looks great though!
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Any tips on getting more consistent group fun time in NAI?
Well wrong character but someone who likes Nep herself will love this, thanks anyways anon
Her squatting/twerking on high heels in this style?
would like to see her pussy if she wants to show it off
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The only sad thing about this style is that it doesn't depict her with her big, plump dick-sucking lips. Otherwise it's 10/10 kino.
Hah! She looks just normal but with a knife, but maybe thats even more threatening. Still, seeing Nene like this is awesome, good stuff thank you!
Whoa, there's something about those two having sex with huge bellies and massively swollen tits. Hot af
That booty ripple, niiice
Can you gen Erika being bred like this?
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oops, it's the price I pay for slopping up character I know nothing about
Please do more, maybe together too?
I want to suck her tits
That's a real fucking good noel! im so used to her with hilichurls its weird
See this is what I wanted, and boy, this is good she's all deredere and no tsun, and in the maid costume that looks like her own normal clothing is on-par with real drawn stuff. Sorry for the confusion and yeah, uh, with a view like this I really want more. Noire is all mine. BUCKETS.
Is it possible to do futa POV stuff? Like first person view of a futa getting sucked off by Samus, for example.
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Yes! Thank you so much man I love her to bits. Even if she's used to rough fucking and is weak to slow tender sex and lactates at will she's top-tier.
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thanks to the cool anon who made these
i've been craving some good stuff of her for a while so to see such nice gens like these really scratches the itch! i will beg for more if you're ever willing some nude or bare tits at least thank you again
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Well shit, awesome. Some extra cummy versions, too?
Big Lady Butt, that's what this thread needs
Very nice ty
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I thought her ass had writing on it before I clicked on it.
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Midnight doesn't need her quirk to put people to sleep, now she just sits on their face until they pass out.
Mineta is going to be even more of a pain now.
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He's just like me
Is this a jlullaby style?
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tried experimenting with adding more artists for better lips, to mixed results
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Yeah all my mha gens are jlullaby so far
Doing amazing work. Love her expression.
Jlullaby is based, good artist to use, shame they quit and went to college or something
It seems difficult to balance out. But I really appreciate the attempts.
Also bratty goth donk UOOOOOO
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you have my vote
The tittyfuck is a nice touch
puffy as expected, good stuff
You should do something with Inko
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>"Quick Mina, distract the Nomu while we deal with the villains!"
>As they leave to fight, Nomu receives the sloppiest head to ever grace that prefecture
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>Futa human Ridley
Lol, amazing
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ding ding ding
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last attempt, I think I found a good balance
Kek, at least they're finally getting along. Kinda
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Ok so it's Ridley, still based for futa on female anal
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Yeah, milf on the street enjoying her life and possibly making a bit of money on the side.
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hot hate fucking
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>see boxman sybil comic
>giga coom
>get boxman lora
>looks nothing like the comic
Super hot. Also lol, Ridley's tits looking they're on her thighs, but the throatpie makes up for it.

futanari ran yakumo from touhou fucking kushina uzumaki from naruto please and thank you
Miruko's sting operation where she pretends to be a prostitute "cosplaying" as herself. "unfortunately" they all end in failure as she's too tired from all the sex to catch them. Looks like she'll have to do it again tommorrow.
This. But with pink hair!

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