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Previous Thread: >>67702106

Archives: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/aibf/


Sekret Klub: https://discord.gg/yPzqegrG7v

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-pQ6me7ICY
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>Damn, Fifi (male) looks like that?
Thanks for baking!
He looks good.
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Thread question: any favorite Olympic sport or anything you're looking forward to to watch?
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I would say tennis and archery since those are the only sports I have any experience of.
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i like judo and wrestling. it's more of a personal favorite. my country newer does well in them.
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I wish bowling was an Olympic sport.
it is in special olympics. i bet it would make a fun addition to regular olympics as well.
Thanks for baking, Fifi!
I like swimming and diving. Boxing is great too.
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>When you get leg cramps mid-lift
Thanks for baking, Fifi!
I hope everyone will have a wonderful Saturday!

I've never followed any sports besides e-"sports"
Think I've seen some highlights before from the Olympics but that's about it. Boxing and Martial arts might be interesting!
Kek! If only the real Olympic games were this entertaining.
These dark fantasy gens are lovely.
Thanks and same to you, Kevy.
I asked bing to gen the first Olympics. Looks pretty chaotic to me.
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I’ve never watched the Olympics and I probably never will.
i go like the gymnastics as i did do a lot of that when i was younger
Gotta go. Have another foxxo since we don't see that many in the thread anymore. Rabbits are fortunately plentiful.
>Olympics Edition
Here, traditional stone tossing of Stone Giants.
Surprised I could gen this.
Go team.
The bulge is strong with this one.
Water polo, Elven style.
Water polo, Dwarven style. (I am afraid to ask where did the studs come from.}
This was supposed to be pole vault, but it looks athletic enough to be something.
That's one hell of a grip!
Brazilian colours and flag of New Zealand?
Not sure what this move is, but it's cute.
I thought Brazilian was green gold and black, while Australia is usually just green and gold, also, Australian flag, New Zealand has red stars. (it is missing a star though).
Couldn't decide which was better...
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Actually, this one.
I'll get her to do the shot put momentarily...
Ok so, shot put, hammer throw and discus are a bit confusing for Bung, as are wombats...
Well, I've run out of boosts, and it's late, GN.

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