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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #3184

>"Service With A Smile" edition


By Anonymous
>When Did Marriage Go So Right (Complete)

By TheEcstatic
>A Second Chance

By Jixijenga
>Broken Sanctuary (Ch. 10)

By TheHonorableAjax
>The Tales of Prince Anonymous (Ch. 7)

By ReckfulAbandon
>Songbird (Ch. 3)

By 7834non
>A Story I Suppose (Ch. 2)

By spaceface404
>Prey (Ch. 14)

By Dregger
>Deserted but not forgotten

>Softer than Steel: Odd Looks

By OptiJams
>Reborn in Iron (Ch. 3)

By Mountlear
>Manhunt (Ch. 2)
>.45 & Cosmoline

By ColonTwo
>Service (Ch. 4)

By ThisIsARealAccount
>Vipers, Nights, and French Fries (Ch. 7)

[ Story Masterbin ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa | [ Story Update List ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa_updates
[ Word Filter ]: https://rentry.org/fsdnd | [ Image Filter ]: https://rentry.org/sksge
[ Writing Guides, Media, Misc. ]: https://rentry.org/hmofa4

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67737928
Missed a thread or two?: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/hmofa/type/op/
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Greetings /hmofa/ today I'm very happy to present to you a tease of my short film for college. (yes, i will graduate thanks to this thread)

So please enjoy the first minute, hope y'all like it!

>"Hey G can you make me a sandwich?"

>"Fesh Pince was 10 years ago man. You gotta move on."

>"How could she be so cruelhouse..."
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>Inb4 this is a Mike and Melissa situation all over again.
not gonna watch it
>"enjoy your meal"
>"y-you too!"
Is that supposed to be like an alien abduction or something?
to spoil a little, no.
she wakes up from this random light and once she opens the door, she wakes up again scared, the lights turn on again and she tries to open the window this time, only to wake up again. she is trapped in a loop and soon you will see how she gets out of that.
It is imperative that you, a fertile male human, find and impregnate a lapine female as soon as possible
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Holy shit. We are getting true absolute cinema. Good luck on your project anon.
... alright I will
I'm afraid your bnuuy propaganda is useless as I have already fallen for it.
I want to believe.
But apparently it's not aliens.
So I guess I shouldn't bother to.
secret ending animation exclusively to hmofa???? (someone hand me an alien model)
Bunny girls are a litmus test for the greatest members of mankind. (You) belong to the upper echelons of our race. Attraction to a member of the lapine species necessitates greatness, especially when such attraction yields MANY offspring.
Breed breed breed breed.
Fuckin amazing
I just want a clingy waifur who wants lots of kids, bunnies have the added benefit of being light enough to fuck at any moment if the mood strikes
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Octavia is cute
>"Dude, this is like the third time today you've drove through and just ordered a small fries."
>Keeps doing it until he's gained enough confidence to actually talk to her
>Car smells of old French fries now
>Still somehow managed to get her number after almost a week
Ayy lmao
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Put a ring on her finger immediately.
I will call her C O U G A R
damn she's farting up a storm under that blanket
cub factory*
You could say that about every single waifur, it's not even worth stating.
not after she hits 35
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cheese puffs!
Cheese sex?
cheeseo sexo.
Where is DOG
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>doesn't know about anthro fertility
Senior waifurs need love too, anon.
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human women issues
Mike and Melissa you say.
>when +60 year old anthro lady tells you not to worry about getting her pregnant due to her age
>year later you are father of atleast 5 children
I like bottomless waifurs with visible vaginas.
Forgot the pic
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this random anon on/v/ drew her so fucking well, I wished I knew who he was
>anthros have heat cycles and beg for dick
>foids gush chunky blood everywhere and bitch nonstop
>anthros remain fertile well into their 50s and 60s
>70% the human woman's eggs are gone by age 25
>fur feathers and scales hide their true age. she could be 20 or 60 you can't tell
>foids age so terribly its legendary
anthro woman are so superior its unreal.
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it's literally impossible to add a tail to a rigify metarig
Built for cuddlefucking.
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>She's right behind me isn't she?
It's over forever
it's not over, it just means we have to make our own rig (again (for the 47th time))
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>"Surely, a handsome young man like you can do better than an old owl like me."
>"I've raised Yunifi like my own, the time to have my own chicks has passed."
Cut to a few months later with her roosting on a clutch of eggs.
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I won't hesitate.
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Eh, win-win situation
pkm when they learn how to use social media
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I'm a simple man, and this isn't rocket science.
Hags? We love them.
I like the boldivers more
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I want to date her
Surprised these artists are able to get away with it on /v/.
You don't often see anthro cows with udder coloured breasts.
>kobolds are awarded citizenship in return for helping in the war effort
>for acting as a support class, they are 'unofficially' rewarded with human dick and affection
The perfect arrangement
Take the local hag on a date, brighten her day
How's it goin, fella anons? I don't know if anyone remembers but I was the Vidya dev anon from a couple of months ago. Some of you had said that my art style was very 2010's flash game like kek. anyway, I have a free playable demo of my game Furry Fatale that was published yesterday. linked below.


I hope you'll enjoy it. thanks and have a good day!!!
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Too many Anglos ITT
God I love this dumb fucking dog
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I'm hagmaxxing. I'm doing my part for green energy by making Freud spin in his grave from the sheer magnitude of my Odipedus Complex
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If only Super Earth was actually this based.
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kys zoophile
Hags? We date them
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>calling kobolds to drop in front of a factory strider or a group of heavy devastators or berserkers
>imagine the jealousy inducing unprotected threesome
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Ugly old hags...
Actually pretty
>fantasize about female anthro dogs
>"kys zoophile"
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Hags? Adore them.
I bet she has strong clitoral winks
>"my favorite spot on my cheetah wife? why the one under her tail of course."
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One day I’ll finish it. Maybe I should make a frowning alt just to keep the energy.
>huskee-hoomen daughter
men, few are the moments where my story is brough up, and I'm not there to give insight
anyway, when I came up with the idea I read a book about gryphons and wolves and I felt inspired, besides I wanted to create a monster of my own
and last but not least: I like toe beans. I like waifeathers but lupine beans have their charm
Why edit the ages?
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Hag a day keep the final solution away.
zoomers ruining milfs like they do everything else
wasn't hagmaxxed enough
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Even better!
You lick.
It licks back.
Zoomers aren't into furries.
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it was me all along

nice work my guy
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She's a wolfgriph, then?
>Strong spies on anthro women while they sleep
You're going to end up with a restraining order
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Will play when I get home
Is this oyakodon? extremely based if it is
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Underwater hags.
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she also has lil horns
>get her drunk enough to ask her how she lost half her face scales
>massaging her smooth breasts while she explains her adventure
>she rips her clothes off, and mine
>get buried under all that blubber and muscle as she rides my cock
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She's clearly not underwater retard
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that characters is the literal manifestation of the "furry artist that only knows how to draw dogs" meme
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War torn hags that need to feel.like young civvie women
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i hate it
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>"Hun, I'm old enough to be your mother"
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Hag space mercenary cougar
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where is the french guy when you need him
Coolest fox I've seen this month!
>Leopard print top
>Shiny black leather pants
Woah mama. That's a hag whore right there.
>Pepperidge Farm's sponsorship expired and new funding has been secured.
HMOFA the Movie.
Coming out this winter.
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French reporting
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She will.
I'm not getting critique from a dog-lover.
Oh great more games!!
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why the long face
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Its so over anon. Just let it go.
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She has experience securing contracts via unconventional social engineering. Her tactical prowress on and off the battlefield is something to be commended!
she looks like she needs a slow night in, watching movies and couch blanket cuddling
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mobile hag gooncave
Looks like the hot single mothers were actually located in this thread all along
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Uhh hey what game is this?
>seducing the genetically engineered killing machine anthro
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Hags? Breed.
This is the first mare image that gets my dick hard.
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sex with fwrtile women
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>twist ankle on hike last week
>finally healed enough to walk around
>trip in groundhog hole in my garden
>hurt ankle again
I'm going to kill them anons. Even the young ones.
The can't keep getting away with this.
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She needs to be scratched behind the ears and told that she's a good girl
>looking where one steps is too much responsibility
But they're cute! You wouldn't hurt this one, right?
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>admit you killed an entire village of sand people to the woman you like
>this should make her think of you as a psychopath who she needs to get the fuck away from
>instead has the opposite effect and she marries you
wtf was george lucas thinking with that one
It was in my pumpkin patch and can't exactly bend to inspect everything.
Yes. No fatties will be tolerated near me.
Then how do you not step on your pumpkins?
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Urban hags! Would you a ghetto momfur?
Lucas can't write for shit. His movies were only good because his wife and peers resigned him in (also, his wife was one of the main people behind Taxi Driver).
Behind every great mind or auteur, there's a team of tard wranglers. Just look at Hideo Kojima's development dairy for MGS2 that was recently released. If 75% of those ideas weren't shot down, the series would have died. Without wranglers, you get TLOU2.
A crack team of covert infiltrators have stolen classified reports indicating that bro bricked his computer, which corrupted his file, and the release will be delayed.
Do you think she’d like having her scars kissed
They're brightly colored and stand out from the soil, mulching, and leaves. The holes do not.
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Get a cat waifur. She might be a lazyass during the day, but those 3AM zoomies and a couple scoped rifles on the roof means every pest in two miles are dead.
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>40mm side arm
I’m remembering the behind the scenes of the phantom menace where no one says no to any of George’s ideas and the result is they all look shell shocked when they see the rough cut of movie for the first time.
I want to pick her up and cuddle her.
Need more chapters of this
She wants to smack you for interrupting her coffee.
Upside down hag.
Where's her ground harness?
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>the skinniest roo in australia
fluffy mongoose
>You want to do what to my mom?
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Cute hags.
what exactly is she showing me her thigh for?
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'You have no idea. Even if I try to explain, you won't get it, girl."
"But I can give you an advice. Try to become like her. And the call me back".
Intimidating courting roo ritual.
sucking her wet pussy for hours omg
Strong hags.
>Koopa hag
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Trips checked. Let the SHLORPING commence!
We need a full task force of /g/tards on this case ASAP! This cant be real, I can't survive without venka in my life for much longer.
Rino hag? Why not.
they are big
Is this Hagspam a new tactic that the shitposter is doing?
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Jiff hags are real
Bro we're just posting cool pictures here, tf are you talking about
That or you are schizophrenic
I use 4chan so the schizophrenia is common
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>We can't have a thematic thread cause it triggers my schizophrenic paranoia
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Right behind you.
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Fuck yeah I love furs with guns
fun fact: there's no such thing as a "hag" sergal, as it has been scientifically proven that they only get better with age.
forgot image xD

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