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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off

Peak Entertainment Edition

Previous: >>67747373
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Wawa sexo
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>Pumping loads into AGP cumdumps.
>Selfishly using Anons to get off.
>Humiliating and ruining cute subs who don't know any better.
>Other cartoon dom behavior upon request.
Your first post needs porn.
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My wife is cooking me Strawberry pie right now.
Why I only see cookies in the plate, then?
She's trapped in stasis mode forever.
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cooking ME
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Baking that bum on your back by slapping fast enough!
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I'll always look out for you.
two 27 yo porn addicts btw
When will it be MY turn.
this is so ridiculously pathetic it's actually kind of funny? thank you for the cheer up
That's what make it cuter desu. Even in this goddless place, in this hellish era, and with the poverty ghost looming closer, they found love. Did you?
I wish the best to both of you, nonnies like this are rare to come by, I had one, but he needed to go
thank you I appreciate you saying that. We both knew this was only for a little while. I still felt that way and had to tell them.
>two fat hairy dudes wrote this imagining they're anime girls
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You ask me what my tag is?

it's poufraisan
p o u f r a i s a n, poufraisan!
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We did not
>pink heart
ok looni
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Plot t wist: This was in a group chat and they were both talking about me!
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What do you fap to, doll fren?
we saw each other's bods. We talked until 4 am.
need an anon to jerk off to furry femboys with >.<
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Love, it's what I fap to
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okay it stopped being funny and now it's just really sad? thanks for the mood ruiner
Loonicore phrasing.
that's because it is looni, dummy
Did I stutter?
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My name? Dollbert Joinsteins!
's alterego
those are cookies stoopid
I love being a feedslut
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who is funny and why does he have an alter ego?
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You mean you get off to sending people porn? Lewd~
I get off to nonny cuties getting off to what I send them specifically
Then why are you here talking about it instead of adding that lazy faggot from earlier in the thread?
Why do you care
because it's him
Making anons fall even deeper into the addiction hole...mean! But also..LEWD!
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Feeling horny and needing to be bullied again...
Why do you lowercase
because I'm him
Why are you a liar
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Cute~ How many customers have you served today?
why does lil bro lie
Cause I want to be the cartoon dom being worshipped instead, and I'm bitter someone else had the gall to post openly post an ad for it.
none so far but tell you what? you could be a returning VIP customer with personal service every 30 minutes if you post a tag?
Hh nice! I get off knowing the other person is getting off from getting me off!
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Sounds like a good deal to me!
I cant get off to explicit porn anymore. Im having better luck using my thoughts and looking at romantic focused images :/ Im touch starved
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Kissing good morning/good night to Anon's cock!~
good morning to you too!
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But nonny, what if you end up being too cute and then I feel bad?
for me its the one in the middle
the one with spandex, for sure.
This but right after I text good morning/night to my bf
It's okay! It is what I am asking for and craving. Something I need that my inner fag desires. So please don't hold back. It will make us feel really good~
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would you mind having another customer? love what you post
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The whole /d/ board is gone on sturdy now...
nope! go ahead and post a tag though I might take a lil while
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p*dos take the L again
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I was going to make a post but I forgot about what
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God it's been a while since I've gotten some good /trash/ fag pussy....
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I know that anon that takes confessions isn’t around. But sometimes I think about getting teased and bullied by some smaller twink. Just out of curiosity!
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Yeah but what about the porn general where i could talk about fetishes and getting off without all the drama here. Also without all the restrictions here. I fucking hate 4mb only, no audio, no mp4, and having to do a captcha almost every fucking time
ooh, great! take your time, i know you must be a busy bee

You ever just suddenly become super aware of a body part for some reason? That's me with my nipples right now. I can't imagine they were always this sensitive to touch.
how do you like being bullied, masochist anon?
I want to rub my cock against your nipples.
cute! keep focusing on rubbing them as you browse.
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Shota hunter
Me as the shota who just became the champion
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She is a Queen and is totally pure.
Why does your wife look so slutty?
The ones that appear prim and proper usually are the most degenerate
That would honestly feel amazing right now. Constantly finding myself rubbing them even typing up this post, thinking of you thrusting against and across them, smearing them with your pre.

It's decided I'm going to run with it and focus on them all night.
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I would be really grateful if anon called me a good boy.
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What is this trend I'm seeing with stating answers with ? at the end? I want to beat your ass whoever the fuck you are.
See, see? It's the weekend and he shows up. The scientific method works. QED.
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I agree to disagree! She is pure and would never lust after anyone!
you're such a good boy. now get back to sucking, hun
You're cute when you're begging for attention so politely you know. What a good well behaved boy you are <3
I can't just call you a good boy, I need to know you are one first.
it's not a trend that's just looni
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Well, what kind of "good boy" things are you willing to do to be called that?
Not while making a face like that
I think it's an Aussie thing?
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A face like what anon? Thats just how she always looks!
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>you're such a good boy...
fjadkfsdn <3
>...now get back to sucking, hun
s,sucking on what?

>...begging for attention so politely...
well I don't want to be a bother and take up too much space!
>What a good well behaved boy you are <3
fdsjnksdjfnsdjgdfivjferfsd thank you so much ><

uhm.. how can I do that?

I can sit, and do tricks!
Food so good it makes her salivate like crazy
cute puppyboy
Well a good boy would get on his knees and open his mouth wide for me, to start with.
me and anon's fucking megumin's mouth pussy with out stiff cocks until we shoot our cum in her throat!
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Glad you finally agree, shes just imagining all the delicious food shes about to eat. Nothing wrong or dirty about that!
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Let's rub our cocks together inside Megumin anon <3
Be it inside her pussy, mouth, ass. She was made to be used anyway
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This shit makes me so hard desu
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rubbing our stiff cocks in megumin's tight pussy after shooting our cum all over her face and down her good whore throat~!
This shit gets me so hard desu
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thankyyouthankyyouthankyyouthankyyou <3

They're inviting me in
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hanging out with my best friend
>expect beast kino
>get gay shit instead
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Is this gay sex or straight sex?
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Heres some beast
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>expect beast kino
>get some cal arts shit
where are the mommies when i want to be called a good boy...
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You have shit tastes but here
Stop playing Path of Exile!
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For real though. I wish I was Producer-san watching girls dance to the newest fad.
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NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FUN
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beast you say?
crank crank crank
humping my bed while thinking about anon
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Nothing is stopping you from doing so
>no cookie
Why even bother at this point?
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knots and sheaths for me
If you're reading this, I expect three next time
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If you're reading this, I expect four next time
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Three feets?
I like both
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2 is the most I can do, sorry
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if you say so
teasing nonny's nipples until they start squirming~
image didn't post oops
I want to play but I'll just get burned out like all the other times I try. I need to consider the game finished for me.
its been a minute since I fapped to this
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my bad...
>captcha: yw4x4
0-4 smoke now
5-9 smoke later
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4x4 puddle of.... >:3
Smoking is lame
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What do you think is going on here?
Vtuber porn makes me wanna watch vtubers
/dft/ rp based on dialogue
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4 4x4 puddles?? that's a lot though!
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Aaaaaaaaand this is why we need to ban vtuber posting here
Big Lucario knot
Im gonna stop for a while after finishing this half ounce
Ew worse, its weed. Thats even more lame
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What kind of justice?
I want to lay my head on those
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I dont know what youre talking about anon, my wife does train a lucario, but she doesnt tie any knots with him!
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Doesnt she just look like a soft and sweet motherly figure~?
oh wow opinion discarded
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Smoking is based (and good for you!)
Yes.. soft and sweet and warm...
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>promoting 3D
>garbage art
And now smoking...

We failed /dft/
>my wife
Oh, that is a new information. You have a sweet wife anon!
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It is! But I demand it! :3
Jinxy is so cute when she isn't feeding in bot lane!
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She definitely is! So caring for others~

Thank you so much anon! How sweet of you to notice~
I wish she'd take care of me...
How does it feel to know your wife is one of pokemon worlds most popular, famous and beloved woman?
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looks like it's time to to visit the sperm bank and ask for a high interest rate loan.... i'll never recover from this....
Why so pouty?
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This photo has been retouched 400 times

At this point, it's not even 3D anymore

What's the point?? Just post an anime girl!
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So all the time! You're so sweet anon :3

Just drink lots of water and you'll be fine!
Are you there often while she "trains" her lucario anon? Lucarios grow very attached to their trainers, and god knows how they blow off steam after an intense training session together
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big boobie plappies!
Which garbage art? The aislop?
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She is so kind that she always cares for anyone she meets, so Im sure she would anon!

It feels great!! It makes me so proud of her and so supportive of her role~!
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This is your warning to not lewd the Moom anonymous...
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Give AI sloppy toppy.
Jinxy makes me so horny with her pretty blue hair and pale skin....
Rightfully so. I bet half of young pokemon trainers idolze her
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don't care it makes my dick hard
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No not often sadly! Wish I could be there for her, but she always is training him whenever I'm away!
Well thats reassuring! Id feel bad if they werent at least close after all the training theyve done throughout the years
>want to enjoy big tiddies
>so unbelievably pent up that I know I'll quickshot a gallon of thick cum and then just be exhausted
I hate being too busy to fap every day :_:
A gallon of thick cum you say?
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if you send me a video of you cumming or cam for me I might let it slide and feed you some titslop~
I think you might just be too critical
Don't judge me! It's been a week, and I'm used to at least once a day...
If I was home, I would take you up on that without hesitation, anon...
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Yeah? And I think you might be too [CENSORED]
Huh, how does that feel heh?
it happens when no one likes you
the eyes spook me
I want to see the big fat cumshot so i will judge you (positively)
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Rightfully so~! Theyve heard countless tales of her after all!!
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I want to see anon's big fat cumshot too!
I want to cum on aqua's fat tits.

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