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Slavery edition

/co/ thread
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Paulo deserves correction
I have some more stuff planned for the Slave Daisy thing
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I hope drawfad gets to posting all that art he's made
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Giving Juniper some love
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Hnngh thick Ragamuffin/Selkirk Rex crossbreed hips
No. Not drawing BCB anymore.
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Oh someone else drew all these screenshots then
Got any more anon?
Kek, based
In 2-3 years when something interesting happens some old artists will return and new ones will arise. It's happened before.
Not atm but I am currently working on a Mike x Tina(Genderbent Augustus) piece
Might as well post a WIP given this thread it's likely gonna die before you finish
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Weren't these drawn by the same person?
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Haley and Mike help each other out with their stress from college
Things happened more frequently before, and there were hanging plot threads to be addressed, now there isn't
Only teaser you'll get for now ;)
rape all bcb men
Thank you for your contribution anon
>Never posted the Molly stuff
Sad! What happened?
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What molly stuff?
Sorry. Don't want to post these. People hate the characters.
Which characters, if you'll tell?
I wouldn't say people hate the characters of BCB. They just hate the extreme meandering and dissatisfaction the story has.
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Ok fine... I guess that's too mean. I'll post these.
I haven't finished that one.
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Unfinished. Don't think I'll even bother anymore.
Thank you for posting the completed work. Sorry that anons have become hateful and apathetic though. They're just frustrated is all.
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Buy yourself a catgirl today!

Looking forward to more

Hot. You okay? You sound depressed.
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we're already in the worst content drought and we lose are only artist
atleast the bright side is this means one less lucystan in the general
Something wrong anon?
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Mike x Tina has arrived
Question where did Mike x FemAugustus even come from? It's a neat ship but I'm just curious.
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Just for you Anon.
Trying out new techniques.
>cynical whitecat who doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve
I dunno, but when you think about it Lucy's an inferior version of Femgustus
Why the toilet

Sad. That's fucking hot.

Love your art, hope you will delight us with more
I like grumpy booba cat

Did anyone use the BitterLora since it dropped?
I tried to, but I can't get it to output anything passable. How do you use it? I tried automatic1111 with the model the readme mentioned and the scaler addon, in 512x512 and 1024x1024 modes, with euler and dpm++ 2m karas.

I haven't tried comfyui, is that how the model is supposed to be used?
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I'm not sure using forge/comfy/automatic have any intrinsic difference when it comes to actual generation, should be the same as long as all gen settings are the same
I also couldn't get it to output anything, but maybe I just don't know how to work it, the readme was kind of bare, i was really hoping someone else wouldve found out how its meant to be used because the old pic he posted of daisy on the bed looked fantastic
A friend and I are starting out a comic on it and that happened because we did two images of Mike and Tina that we really enjoyed enough to start writing down a story. Short summary of it is the two fall in love during their College Years after Mike and Sandy break up.
Bring back AugustusxDaisy
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What do you guys think about this not-Lucy?
She looks like she could survive many child births.
So, a Lucy but the size and proportions of adult Daisy? Neither Mike nor Paulo would survive her, especially when she can just grab them. Grab both at the same time even
Tubby whore. I bet she shits like a racehorse
This is the kinda Lucy that would have a child with Mike, then Paulo, and many other men. Brood mother Lucy, or Big Mom Lucy if you will.
I still hang around sometimes, I'm just too busy to draw much bcb stuff right now. Doesn't help that this current chapter looks like a wash so there's no motivation, since I don't care about Jessica at all.
I think that applies to most people not caring for Jessica like at all, so it makes sense interest has hit an all time rock bottom. Hopefully at the end of the chapter we'll see the rest of the diversity squad and Paulo or something.
If it's Paulo again that'd be annoying
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Streamer girl Tess?
I suppose camgirls are technically streamers, aren't they?
the /co/ thread is dead
Deader than Augustus and Daisy's baby
Now I wonder if this thread will end up deader than Abbey's mother
How about deader than Lucy and Paulo’s kid
I said dead, not that it never existed.
Given how we started with "I'm not making art anymore"the answer is yes
You said what we were all thinking, it's just the normal cycle of a bcb artfag
>1. Hey these designs are cute I wanna draw them
>2.This story's kind of bad but whatever, I'll draw for the community
>3. Actually the community's bad too, fuck it
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His art was the sole reason to make trash threads desu, actually really sad to see someone lose enjoyment in something they liked
Alright, here advertising a lewd fic where Mike and Lucy shag each other after the play.

In other words, Mike is getting some of the best sloopy seconds he could ever get.

Does Paulo find out at the end and get pissed?
>Paulo using a condom
I donno. Inkinda wanna draw something, but the latter was the issue
draw it anyway
do it when *you* really want to. dont let any dicksucks here or anywhere pressure you into it
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No one asked but here's Lucy being tortured

Cute, illustration half way through was a nice surprise
I didn't even know fic sites allowed you to upload images dang that's a good addition

Thank you for you service, anon. Love your work!
She's lucky he's not even making her wear nipple clamps.

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