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/psg/ - Persona slutposting general

QoT: Favorite persona girl and favorite sex position?
Who is better, Lisa or Maya?
Lisa goes all out while Maya is more gentle with her sucking. As a team, they're both A++.
>Lisa aggressive with the top while Maya slowly kisses the base
Sounds extremely hot.
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Aigis, and I'm subm- well, lazy so I prefer cowgirl
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>you are erection again
How submissive are we talking?
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mommy maya
up to the point of role reversal
Does Aigis have an internal countdown timer? Something when it goes to 0 it's milking time?
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Aigis' sensor suite allows her to monitor your health in close proximity. If she detects excessive stress, or perhaps that you're a little pent up, then she gets to work. Your well-being is her top priority, after all.
Of course there's something in it for her too - as she becomes more human and loses her innocence, her desires steadily become more pronounced, and she starts to feel the same pleasure a woman can. She is very eager to explore these new sensations...
>Makoto-san! I have noticed it has been some time since you relieved yourself. It is time for your milking~
is that her persona or the viewer's persona?
Chihaya's breasts
what a slut
>Hop right on in
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Black or white?
if he was bigger I'd let him go full fag on my asshole
Same sadly this one is the only dom shinya image
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Does it come with BBC
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Yeah a hung shestud thug
Would fuck from behind
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breeding the slut
>if you promise I can be in reload I'll do whatever you want
What kind of dirty things this slut is willing to do, for a chance to be in a game again...
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Mitsuru & Yukari having passionate make-out sessions as girlfriends while getting fucked by me!!!
What is it like, Anon?
I choose Chie.
The best you can imagine
They get to make out with your dick in between
Must have a lot of sloppy kisses
Especially when they confess how much they love each other while I'm cumming balls deep <3
Let me guess, why laying on top of each other?
I really want to fuck Futaba
how much?
So badly. I want to press my body her petite figure.
Can that body even come close with how smol she is? Any cock would be massive to her
I think Futaba might be into it. She wants an older figure pressing onto her smol body. I'll do that right on her bed too, make it creak loud and fast.
First off, the only way she can take a cock is really spreading her legs as wide as possible. She's going to shake a bit before slowly putting the tip in. Anything more will break her.
What persona she stud has the biggest dick
Good enough for me. Futaba would be broken the moment my dick would enter her. I'm gonna breed that tight pussy until she's mine...!
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Why don't you stroke yourself? Close your eyes. Open your mouth and moan.
Close my eyes and imagining that I'm fucking Futaba...
Spit on it first. And I mean really spit on it like you are slobbering while staring at it. Makes you feel how wet taba is...
Exactly, you get me!
Futaba's teen pussy is very wet... fuck I really want to fuck that slick wet pussy of her's...
Spit on it some more. Do it for a couple of minutes of nothing but spitting. Only stroke the head, since that is all she can handle at the start.
Feels good... I really need to feel Futaba's pussy~
How wet is it? Make sure every part is wet, due to how much it's dripping from the head slowly going in and out of the entrance. Poor anon, you seem so desperate.....
I'm very desperate... I need Futaba pussy... I need Futaba pussy!!
So desperate... It's cute, cute boy. Go a little further with your strokes, but only up to half way. I want you to be a moaning mess before you cum.
Cute? Hehe... I'm getting a little horny just from that alone~
A little horny, hmm? Your cute cock must be so desperate... Maybe I might delay you from cumming to tease you...
Well, what would you do, anon~?
Maybe keep you at only half way up your cock to stroke, and make you fondle and slap your balls until Futaba is "ready" for more.
Hnnng... Futaba ready for more... I need to breeed Futaba...
Fondle your balls, maybe a small slap against them. If you want, you could post your cock as well. But I think you can go a little faster with your strokes into Futaba, don't you think?
Yes yes... I'm gonna cum... I wanna cum in Futaba!
Go to your base then, quickly. Go very hard with it. I'll reward you with this image, I know you will cum to it. If you wish, you can post proof as well.
>I know you will cum to it.
And I did... Futaba's slick pussy is so good <3
Do you want to be called a good boy? Cumming to the image of Futaba sucking someone off, while you fuck a hole? Well, you are a good boy. But that doesn't stop the fact you might have more in you.
I wanna be called a good boy!
A good boy is going to cum again. Apply more spit as lube, and ask what a good boy like you want to fap to.
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I wish this artist completed more of their shit
Why haven't they?
Hell if I know, honestly. I used to follow their pixiv but I swear they post like once every 4 months. It's incredibly sparing. It's a shame, too. I always wanted to see the Kawakami and Chihaya in that first image. They really got screwed over by his laziness (or lack of free time, who knows). I'd kill for a beach doujin with them
They probably treat it as a second hobby or they run multiple accounts. Many artists in Japan run accounts for each game series
Definitely Mitsuru
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No Aigis, here is the optimal way to jack off your boyfriend.
I want to fuck Chihaya's tits so fucking bad

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