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Fapping-focused AIslop thread for those who enjoy plapping to AI perfection. A thread for prompters, editors, requesters, gooners, AI pornmommies, PLAPpers, Stable Diffusion artists, NovelAI artists - anything and everything AIslop. Don't flood the thread with any niche kink, no limits past site rules, use Catbox galleries if needed.

>Mentally Ill Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69016764/
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Request Anchor
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NAI really makes my futa addiction worse...
Defeated heroines with their arms restrained above their heads. Bare tits hanging out and being fondled by hands or tentacle cocks. Your choice of setting, art style, etc.
Voluptuous old married woman with her fat old husband
more futas to help >>69026538
>artist name
interesting I wonder if you can fight against this to see who is actually in there
Wait wats the request?
Great, now I'm hungry at 2 am... for borgar
Shantae and Purah midriff
i meant to select >>69026565 whoops
Anyone up for some sexy stuff with Rozalin from Disgaea
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based on
Can I get some black shemale babes in tribal gear? Big tits and nipple rings!
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Gura like this pretty please!
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I need gens of Cheshire and Kashino from Azur Lane having their breasts milked by machines or by hand while getting fucked and loving it.
Misaki Shokuhou and Misaka Mikoto servicing a man's cock together with lewd expressions.
requesting a destitute (dark?)elf wanderer and her loving human bodyguard/companion
Sucy is so fucking hot, ty
This artstyle with an ass that looks like that triggers me so hard. Can I request Rena from Higurashi's ass in a similar style?
Nongenners have no excuse now. Get to work
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Np anon
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requesting sex with a mothwife
maybe fluffier, slightly pink?
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Fuck yesss that's perfect! Rena's perfectly sculpted booty stretching out that tight white dress, unf~
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This with Kokona or Hina please
the face say it all
"why do you like this crap Link?"
"...Ok fair"
He better clean up after his own mess
is it free and how do you use it? please explain like I'm 5
Clara such a good girl
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meaty Kuro
req her or similar looking with bbc please
Yes its free
Offline NAI
Try reading bc it explains everything
>Offline NAI
bro this isn't /e/ thread
we already have pony for /trash/-adjacent stuff that people could use locally
Doesn't need any PC requirements like other do
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Best Kuro.
>Doesn't need any PC requirements like other do
How so? It's still an SDXL model
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You don't want people who don't overcome effort / skill barriers contributing to the thread. The state of most DALLE threads are a perfect example of why.
>effort/skill barrier
Is typing into the prompt a skill?
Apparently it is if people get filtered by the intro of the process
are some images better than others?
>Get to work
Fuck you.
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I've been on a tight-fitting dress binge lately
I tend to enjoy her in almost any form.
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She’s pure sex. A slight bottom heavy Kuro slays me.

I don’t even into fate, she’s just hnnghgh
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Bitch I JUST mopped those floors
>Wouldn't be a problem if you let me use your throat like I asked...
You have Bowser for that
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