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Previous thread
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request anchor
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122 KB PNG
Delivery anchor
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3.65 MB
3.65 MB PNG
Choose your flavor
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3.45 MB
3.45 MB JPG
Edit guide. You may also reply here with new EBONIZED chicks and pics you made yourself.
My hot wife, Miku
File: 635e4c_11455721.jpg (476 KB, 1200x1800)
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476 KB JPG
Make Frieren Evening Elven and Dusky Dravidian
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2.46 MB PNG
Requesting African queen and black hair
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101 KB JPG
Nightshade for both of the women in these pictures please( thx to anyone who does these edits)

Higher resolution
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1.47 MB
1.47 MB PNG
Requesting Nightshade and white hair please

File: 1725977844131.png (1.72 MB, 2400x1486)
1.72 MB
1.72 MB PNG
Requesting African queen and keep her hair white please

Requestng Nightshade Himiko and Spanish Mocha Ochako and add light soles for both of them.
File: GVYokHaWMAEmhV3.jpg (141 KB, 1290x994)
141 KB
141 KB JPG
Requesting Bedouin Dreams, amazon chocolate with pink hair, and nightshade with sliver hair
Right here. Had to fix it. >>69258636
Requesting recolor's for the four females in this picture

Reference's below

Requesting this skin tone for the girl on the upper left.

And this for the girl on the upper right.

and for the girl on the bottom left this skin tone

and the girl on the bottom right this skin tone.

(And make the females hair black please, you can keep the dickgirl the same.)
Yeah you just fixed it just after I tried to warn you, so I just deleted my comment as well lol
File: 1724985373576 (4).png (1.57 MB, 1558x1686)
1.57 MB
1.57 MB PNG
Requesting African queen and black hair, and can you also make the black under suit under his? Silver armour this shade of red

(And for the vagina and the scales around it
Could you make them this color
https://files.catbox.moe/hx07kf.jpg )

Thx in advance.

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2.71 MB JPG
Blackout and white hair
File: 0608x8.jpg (272 KB, 842x949)
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272 KB JPG
Requesting Nightshade please(and you can leave her hair black)

Higher quality version
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1.08 MB PNG
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1.08 MB PNG
African queen and black hair for the women and make the boy Nightshade please, you can color their outfits however you want to
Black power girl is sexy
African queen pls
Requesting blackout, and for the tattoos could you make them white(and please keep her hair the same color it is now)
Do you have more edits
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1.26 MB PNG
African Queen plz
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469 KB PNG
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1.1 MB PNG
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936 KB PNG
african queen
Does anyone have any more Nigerian miku pictures?

If you see this please post more
I’ll dig around
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999 KB PNG
File: FsKNOqtaUAIAxuR4C.png (1.15 MB, 1600x2400)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB PNG
File: 1726488698593883.jpg (616 KB, 2804x3865)
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616 KB JPG
Requesting African Queen.
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131 KB
131 KB JPG
File: 1726702368060085b.png (1.41 MB, 2579x1506)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB PNG
Thanks, I look forward to that.
File: 2024-03-24 00.26.32.jpg (367 KB, 1448x2048)
367 KB
367 KB JPG
Requesting Blackout for Transcend, as well as with this hair alt https://files.catbox.moe/66ivt5.png

i also welcome your own take on what hair colors would fit her!
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603 KB JPG
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2.32 MB PNG
african queen
File: 1684339390305.jpg (488 KB, 2292x3017)
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488 KB JPG
African Queen
File: 1725736158398458.jpg (2.03 MB, 1069x1880)
2.03 MB
2.03 MB JPG
Can I get pic related in Nubian Silk?
File: GX2Re-DW0AA3uG8.jpg (583 KB, 4096x1365)
583 KB
583 KB JPG
Delicious line-up, mighty need for more ebonized invisible girl
A feast made for kings
File: jiro1.png (1.08 MB, 1536x2048)
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1.08 MB PNG
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1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
File: GXt_9bYXkAAUE3a.jpg (261 KB, 2048x1019)
261 KB
261 KB JPG
Black Bussy just hits different
Requesting Amazon Chocolate with pink hair,
File: DoublePAWG.jpg (1.66 MB, 2400x1800)
1.66 MB
1.66 MB JPG
File: Neopolitan.jpg (325 KB, 1290x994)
325 KB
325 KB JPG
Thanks, I love it
File: WarmInvite.jpg (636 KB, 2070x2137)
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636 KB JPG
Requesting Amazon Chocolate please.
File: GXo3V9ZWsAAMUBJ.jpg (659 KB, 2925x4096)
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659 KB JPG
File: GXsCn_9WMAAXqnf.jpg (162 KB, 1328x2000)
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162 KB JPG
File: Nigerian Lagos Miku.png (1.14 MB, 1632x1905)
1.14 MB
1.14 MB PNG
I love Naija Miku
God she’s so fucking SEX
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901 KB PNG
Requesting blackout with white her
File: GV2Y5n8XQAAI1TK.jpg (1.02 MB, 3328x4096)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB JPG
She's beautiful!
Requesting Red earth and silver hair
File: k5u9hc3n7zta1.jpg (14 KB, 500x374)
14 KB
I mean, Satsuki is asian AND had barely any ass in the anime, so very on model I suppose
Requesting Nightshade and black hair
Nightshade for sayori and African queen for natsuki
Fantastic Edit!
Magnificent Booty
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File: GettinStellas.png (2.54 MB, 2122x2400)
2.54 MB
2.54 MB PNG
Thanks for the edit!
Damian won.
File: GYB2kKPWoAAsDiV.jpg (644 KB, 1830x2971)
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644 KB JPG
African queen for the girl
damn that one is good
Requesting blackout and black hair

Here reference for her outfit's colors if you want to color it
Blackout pls
Requesting Nightshade with white hair, you can color the armor however you want

Here's the nipple plug version of you'd prefer to do this one(I couldn't find I lower quality version that would fit)
Sorry I meant keep her hair black
More black Neko arc!

File: GYAw6r_XAAAhaLb.jpg (1.06 MB, 2778x2796)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB JPG

Full size
Pretty sure that is not a nipple plug version.
They're strips of scripture placed with a wax seal, just like the one on her pauldron.
Requesting making hekapoo african queen or nightshade and the guy white in these images.


Ok thanks for the information
African Queen for the main girl, Arle, please. Dark brown nipples, too.

The green haired girl, Draco can get Amazon Chocolate, as well.

Keep the hair colors intact, too
Shilling for my buddy, if ya want any ebonzied girls in koikatsu shoot him a message
File: 4a8f38363a7990a2.png (647 KB, 1684x1140)
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647 KB PNG
Indian Summer for Ringo on the left, Scent of Cinnamon for Amitie in the middle and African Queen for Arle on the right.

Give Ringo fuller, glossier lips like here
I love Lolu's renders
Do you have any more black Neko arc pictures
OP, nice shit! Sorry was away , mind if anyone will do Blackout for the classic “Drow” look?
He’s a joy to work with as well, love his sexo
File: DrowPlease.png (2.41 MB, 1200x1800)
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2.41 MB PNG
File: RedHead.jpg (1.19 MB, 1830x2971)
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1.19 MB JPG
Another redhead recast...
Ooh, now THAT'S a damn fine dark elf
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554 KB
554 KB JPG
Nightshade and keep her hair black and blackout with white hair, with brown eye's

Thx in advance
Okinawan, please!
Amazing edit
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763 KB JPG
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396 KB JPG
Good fuxking SHIT
File: GRF7TE4aoAAjLpE.jpg (844 KB, 2200x3300)
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844 KB JPG
Requesting African queen
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570 KB JPG
File: 1709070981914223.png (370 KB, 620x1090)
370 KB
370 KB PNG
So sexy
Requesting Blackout and silver hair for the femboy
This makes me realize the Jews won. After turning half of the site into gay cucks for niggers, they turn everyone else who slipped thru the cracks into lovers of black women, thus furthering the race mixing agenda. Bravo.
And occasionally peppering in posts like this to subconsciously influence some of us to into eventually becoming gay cucks on top of that. Bravo.
Bro no one jerking off to coloring anime girls was ever going to reproduce so relax.
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297 KB PNG
Go back to /pol/ retard
Requesting Nightshade and keep her hair pink please

I don't no if the no cum version would be easier to edit but I just put that ver there in case that one would be easier

High quality of the cum version

High quality of the no cum version
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1.2 MB PNG
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1.1 MB JPG
Can someone ebonize her? Pandora Smith
Anchor here
Requesting Nightshade and black hair for Anya
Ebony Rulue's cute
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275 KB JPG
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Requesting blackout and white hair

And if you have time could you also make a nightshade version
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3.52 MB JPG
Sexy edit
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890 KB PNG
Requesting african queen
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942 KB
942 KB PNG
Nice thanks
All in the name of Super Earth
managed democracy!
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2.97 MB PNG
Red earth
File: 1697506769368305.jpg (1.44 MB, 1745x3116)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB JPG
Love it when the edits go above and beyond
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2.71 MB JPG
I like em nice and steamy
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166 KB JPG
African Queen
Requesting the Okinawan skin color please
Nightshade plx
I forgot, please also make her hair black
Hey if it's possible could you make the guy dark skinned like the women please
File: GYK5PcfW8AAnUYa.jpg (130 KB, 1200x779)
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130 KB JPG
Requesting African queen
Requesting blackout
Jessica rabbit looks sexy as a black women, do you have any more?
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1.28 MB
1.28 MB JPG

Thank you! This is amazing.
Thanks for the beautiful edits anon!
Lookin' fine
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912 KB JPG
African queen please
Sweet, sweet liberty
Requesting African queen for the red guy and Nightshade for the blonde one, and please make their hair black
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1.92 MB PNG
Don’t worry, Anon. You were never gonna get any women anyway.
African queen please and could you make a black haired version as well plz
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2.26 MB PNG
Those are some damn fine Leaders
Beautiful Miku
I came
Black Hex is best Hex
Red earth and African queen plx
Helll yeah
Requesting Turkish rosewater
African queen
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2.09 MB
2.09 MB PNG
File: 1727224345830143.jpg (1.94 MB, 3800x4000)
1.94 MB
1.94 MB JPG
African Queen
File: try1.4.png (2.34 MB, 1928x2778)
2.34 MB
2.34 MB PNG
File: 1710488754561094.png (2.13 MB, 832x1216)
2.13 MB
2.13 MB PNG
Black bellum is angelic!
Requesting Nightshade
File: 1722740542861.png (927 KB, 2000x1949)
927 KB
927 KB PNG
African queen and black plx
Heh, beeg donut
File: IMG_9920.png (426 KB, 734x1124)
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426 KB PNG
File: 1722266468268.jpg (2.54 MB, 5518x4000)
2.54 MB
2.54 MB JPG
Requesting Nightshade for zelda

File: 1726082446753111.jpg (161 KB, 905x1024)
161 KB
161 KB JPG
File: GYCwa8cWsAIgT3x.jpg (139 KB, 1148x1264)
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139 KB JPG
Requesting African queen
File: 1712065327728595.jpg (482 KB, 900x1200)
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482 KB JPG
File: IMG_5345.png (1.44 MB, 2928x3460)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB PNG
File: bump.png (168 KB, 518x378)
168 KB
168 KB PNG
File: 1691400295417285.png (2.76 MB, 1600x1000)
2.76 MB
2.76 MB PNG
Cute bump!

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