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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69355970/

Thread Pastes:

CYOA Sandbox Game: https://yttreia.itch.io/aec-sandbox

Art MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!lFwDSB6Q!VaLKlZzYyQPSQgj-k6D9PA

Art Requests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1514LmXbsekCqs1lLGm5l8wShFre7yBN5VMLIl877dPA/edit?usp=sharing
Write requests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qr40Lv4Sclkwn72dzru2VHtDRaP458UEpUjWQPHJZ1U/edit?usp=sharing

Pokeflation Quest Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dXnu86iAU3Z6ZcTLOuAhO3ZOwh7ldzOF0CtMMgu64JY/edit?usp=sharing
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New vidya releases:

> Brewing cat is a short puzzle game where you help Mina, a novice alchemist, to craft the correct potions in time and sell them to local clients. Beware of the side effects, although they might be useful !
>Contains the following kinks: breast expansion, belly expansion/bloat, burping.

>Deep within an ancient Egyptian tomb you, an archeologist, have uncovered a living Pharaoh, who was blessed with eternal life. She holds you captive and forces you to serve her every will
>Contains the following kinks: belly expansion.
Opinions and observations:
>Brewing Cat
Yeah, there's three potion types, one makes her belly a bit bigger, one makes it a LOT bigger, and one makes her tits full of the potion and you have to milk it out of her. I don't like the gameplay, but the art is nice.
I really wish the potion effects went up in tiers instead of just being all-or-nothing, and it's kinda silly there's two separate belly size effects rather than one being two tiers of the same effect.
>Feed the Pharaoh
Make a recipe, feed it to her, she gets bigger, repeat until you win.
Memorizing the recipe sucks ass, the game tests your short term memory pretty heavily. Just play on the easy babymode, it's not like the gameplay is riveting or fun, and you get the same art anyway.
Also, there's a toggle to stop her belly from expanding, and a toggle to add/remove the pop at the end of the game. By default, both are on, and she gets so big she explodes.

Again though, both of these games have ass-tier gameplay with great art, which I find kinda funny.
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I have to agree, art is very cute for both of these games, but actual gameplay is just boring and lacks complexity to feel like the player's actions have a direct impact and involvement on how inflation goes. It all ends up being disconnected, like them getting bigger is just an afterthought and has barely any relevance to game mechanics, if it makes any sense. But, to be fair, "Brewing Cat" was made in 2 weeks, so it's kinda unfair to criticize it for being rather simple. I do look forward to what they will come up with next, since Devs are clearly very talented and have passion for their craft.
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a sketch
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>Belly+Booba combo
>Leaking air from being overinflated
>Character is horny and clearly enjoys herself
Unf, this hits all the right notes, good stuff.
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Big ballon
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Self indulgent gargoyle blimp
What are some good inflation games
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Page 10 pump
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I really want to slap this ass
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Have anyone got their requests from the google docs made?
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guh blimpy fang, also sometimes anon? It depends if an anon checks the doc anyways.
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Hell yes, this is the second Ivy inflation I've seen, and this is even better
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get bigger
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I agree, we need more :>
/trash/ and the other general-heavy boards are always so weird because every thread zips from page 1 -> 6 in like a minute then 6 -> 10 in like five hours as all the super fast threads get like 10 posts a minute and the rest of the threads just lull there slowly in the later pages slowly getting nudged until death by the fast threads hitting autosage and getting replaced.
I mostly hang out around /v/, /co/ and a few other non-general boards, so it's just spooky to see how fast these threads rush to pg 6.
Hell, THIS thread has been on page 8 for almost two hours now.
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Very much agreed! Requesting a huge Ivy getting filled up by a concrete mixer in her mouth
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Another sketch/drawing, suggest what happens next. The 3 other requests from 2 threads ago are still in the works but I want to take a short break.
let's see her on the verge of popping~
Based NIN kot also inflates himself. They are both attached to strings, floating in the air close to each other, rubbing their highly pressurized bodies and share a passionate kiss. The girl is embarrassed and the guy is smug, but they both do enjoy this unforgetful experience.
she's getting quite big
Could be always bigger
quick sketch of a witch outsmarting a fighter
Page 10 Pump
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I actually forgot you asked for it to gon in her mouth :<
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But then I remembered and just made her bigger :p
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I guess this should technically go in the quest bin in the OP?
I'll throw it out into the thread anyways in case anyone actually feels like tackling it.
Requesting Omaneko or Ham Chun (or both if it's on the table) pumped up like this >>69632858 blimp. That shape is absolutely sending me right now.
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Thank youuuu with >>69574767 this is a wonderful sequence
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Reposting what drawanon made for me from last thread!
nice drawn art anon!
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No problem, glad you like it :>. Didnt even consider those fit well with the last pic

This was a fun draw, I draw a lot of eeveelutions but never eevees (especially room filling ones :p)
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Cute art
Bo made Lucario inflation? When?
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Omaneko makes the best blimp.
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He does. Both he and his little mouse buddy oughta pop.
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Here, this is what you came for, it's not worth suffering through the rest of the 'gameplay'

Even then, those 100 year old stock sfx belches are fucking gay

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