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/hfur/ general
Post and discuss your favorite furry dickgirls, herms, shemales and futas.

Contribute to the thread with pics, stories and banter.

Story Mega:
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For a second I thought she had four arms.
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Any respectable herm knows she's gotta wear something tight when working out. Even for a smaller herm, cardio especially is completely off the table without proper, snug shorts.
Very uncomfortable without it!
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I wish there was a gardevoir futa model.
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Holy fuck she's so hot, source???
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haven't been able to post jackshit on /trash/ in general for over a year until today, so here's some faggotry I drew recently.
I was curious what happened to you, but i just assumed you forgot about the thread like artists usually do.
What in the fuck did I just witness. Does someone get off on this or is it just for memes?
nah, the Captchas I kept getting were impossible to solve or I was just too stupid to read them properly (or both).
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Yeah damnsicken how i like a big cock on my wild fur
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thanks for posting about this the other day! finally got back into l4d2 the other day baceause of these; just wish nearly every single one wasnt hyper
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I really do enjoy the text in these. Your work is great.
The captchas vary depending on if you're using your phone or if your IP is in a sus location.
At worst 4chan would make me wait 30 minutes and then solve a very distorted captcha.
Sorry for your pain.
Well people certainly are paying modders to add these characters into the game.
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Thanks for your understanding anon... I really do hope I don't get fucked over again for the time being. It feels pretty hollow not being able to post my chicken scratches here.
Given they know both male and female sensations and issues, I'd imagine herms can actually be quite empathic
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Man, shit's getting fucked.
w o u l d
I humbly request your shiniest blue dongs, or other bright colours please
Does she do a keyholder service?
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Damn that's good.
A boy doesn't deserve to get his hole stretched unless he can show he REALLY wants it.
Faggots in this thread never respond to even the simplest requests.
That's why I think it's bot bumped.
Here you go anon.
I'd pay for that.
this is the second time
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the perfect place for a futa's cock is between her own tits
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I love horsecocks
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Imagine huffing her sack from behind.
God I want her to knot my throat but she's not real. How the fuck do I cope with this?
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Holding their cocks to my throat as if they are knives
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A drawing of a guy being gay with a 'girl' I made some time ago.
>some time ago
Dud- uhh...I mean- sweety, you should be making more drawings of guys being gay with 'girls,' right NOW!! My straight(gay(straight)) dick wants to coom to more big, raw girl(dudette) cocks fucking gay(straight(gay)) boys! Make it happen, bro-err..-babe!
Is she meant to be transgender of something? What is this?
Ok you're just an esl
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>What is this?
It's double irony of shemales struggling to be 'girls,' and guys struggling to not be 'gay.' Both of which is probably also the artist's fetish.
Yep, you basically hit the nail on the head and it is my fetish. Before I'm inevitably told to kill myself I just want to say that I really don't give a shit about amerigoy culture war trivialities. This is just a fucking hobby.

I actually do draw frequently! I just came out of a year-long exile so I'm planning to post my new-ish shit here again. Also
Fucking lame
Sure you do a bunch of shemales, but you're one of the cooler faggots.

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