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haha its chewsday innit
too thin poor girl's gonna starve
Not now blob fags. Wait until next week when the underaged twitter tourists leave this board and then you can have your mentally ill blob fetish thread
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Agreed. They should eat more.
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You kidding? Now's the perfect time, scare the tourists away with this shit.
I'd post inflation or fat Pokemon themselves if I really wanted to fuck with them
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On one hand you're right, it would be safer to have it then and I'm in no rush. But on the other, normalfaggots are too busy shitposting about rape to bother us right now.
>Wait until next week when the underaged twitter tourists leave this board
i came here as an underaged leak tourist in 2016
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Fucking zoomers it's ok we were all tourists once, way to show up at the end of the good times
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Melony is fat!
I believe it's an old BWS stream sketch
God. I just wanna bury my face between her massive, fat, sweaty tits and smell them until I suffocate while I fuck her cute fat tummy through her tight jorts while I play with her chubby cheeks as she and I make out passionately
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Man I really hope someone does something with that new Jasmine tcg card art.
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>the card in question
Make her ass destroy that stool.
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Postan prequel to this (canon)
This with Melony
This shit and the Arceus stuff make me want to write sequels to my stories so fucking bad now.
Who are the other gluttons in Pokemon? Because apparently my description of Jasmine stuffing herself wasn't realistic according to the amount of food she's got piled up in that card, good God.
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It's a shame Squidbiscuit/FungusFangs is a die-hard fujo, because her girl guts are top notch.
haha imagine watching a pokemon trainer slowly lose her desire to go out and explore and instead becomes lazy and addicted to junk food haha
Really? Considering the constantly pokephilia posting on /vp/ right now you would think this would be nothing
I had a feeling this thread wasn't going to last, but I'm glad it just went to /vp/ instead of getting sniped on sight
Anyway, how bout that Skyla?
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We should make a /vp/... I mean, uhm, pokefat general 4chan tiering of which Pokémon girls would be the heaviest, with only the question of, "how high should it go?" as a limiter.
I personally think Melony should be like top 3 heaviest minimum, she's canon fat AND is snow mom, all this to me confirms a need for blubber
Here's the little tier list I threw together a while ago, but obviously open to adjustments.
Melony for sure would be up there given the chance. I've always though Caitlin, Zinnia, Shauntal, and Mina were big potentials. Lusamine *only* under UB influence. But I'd love to debate this and see what everyone thinks for how big they'd go.
I've always liked the idea of female water type trainers being big, mostly due to the inevitable compairisons to sea mammals.
>begins sinking to the bottom
morbidly obese black brits can't swim
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Silly anon, fat is buoyant
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It's a cute idea, and feels very appropriate despite their usual athleticism
Katy has to be top tier c'mon
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To be fair I struggled at the upper tiers in placement. She seems like she'd go up there but it was a fine line with her and most of the women in the second tier
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>get told your next gym challenge is going to be a double dynamax battle
>but no one said it'd be the pokemon getting dynamaxxed
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Friendly reminder that jannies are nigger trannies.
It's been years since he stopped drawing fat art, but Jeetdoh's fall from grace will never not be heartbreaking to me.
Dookus was never good, though.
Only based
forget training pokemon, let the trainers turn into lazy good-for-nothing junk addicts
>Dookus was never good
That was uncalled for and also wrong
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I loved Jeet's gaining sequences and it sucks we'll never see any more of them. There are so many pokegirls I'd love to see get the same treatment.
I think his heart still longs for it personally, him drawing big Transformers girls isn't fooling me, not to mention he did dip into big girls a few more time after his 'retirment" albeit via commissions.
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I still think saying Jeet fell isn't fair to him. He's doing what he loves, even if it sucks for us.
We've no dearth of great fat artists nowadays, and many are finally tapping into other girls
Actually with leak, Nessa is actually South Asian.
>no bro, I'm not fattening up my pokemon, I'm just HPmaxxing
>it's foolproof bro, you can't lose with that much HP bro
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I think it was mostly out of him wanting to be taken seriously as an artist and not just be a kink guy, which I understand and can't blame him for.
At the very least he bowed out gracefully and tactfully, which is more than I can say for Bamboo
>Virgin denial vs Chad embrace
mmmmm, indian obesity...
>bowed out gracefully and tactfully
He threw a bunch of artists under the bus and started the character age witch hunts because he wanted to score brownie points with his tranny buddies. Fuck him.
What is it about fat girls being in a pair or group together that makes it so much hotter?
because you know untold gluttony is about to commence
It's more than one gluttonous gal, so their collective peer pressure would make them indulge more, not to mention how you know collectively they're hotter for how much weight is between them
Imagine the sound...
plump melo my beloved
(seriously though i would have a cuddly mon or two just to snuggle with not even for battles or contests )
mmm elephant thighs
i would wish to be crushed in-between two huge women either via a couch or in a elevator
>The gurgles and sloshes of their bellies
>The creaking of where ever they are struggling to contain their weight
>The little satisfied sounds they might while and after eating
Oh lordy I am not strong enough for this
mmmmm doughy gurgly brown belly stuffed to the absolute brim with high cal, buttery, spicy curry.
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>That one scene in that anime that canonically made Mallow and Tsareena big and enjoying it
It's downright shameful that it didn't spawn more art than it did
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Need fat chacolate mountains....
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damn I got replied really fast, couldn't be happier with our dedication to the blubber cause.
...anon... I was going to say I don't have any strong objections here, but i'm pretty confident May is nowhere to be seen here, I think also Dawn and Serena but specially May would surely be extremely important here, like 3rd highest tier MINIMUM

Also, is "250" on the scale pounds, kilos, or stones? haha ;)
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Same. I need a girl big enough to require climbing gear.
Well shit, I think you're right, I must have overlooked some of the girls
Ah well, future me can fix it or someone else can, there are a LOT that had to be sorted through
Can't blame you, too many girls on this series to keep track of sometimes.
I feel alternative weight tierlists/charts could be fun, if someone has any sort of specific "fat chat" picture they want filled i can try it, hopefully i can finish it today before thread dies

My brain never actually connected the dots until you brought it up, isnt he drawing fat mecha girls or whatever now? as other anon said that ain't fooling anyone.
Since we're in /trash/, part of me really wants to go full gloves off and post everything slop to vore. But I also wanna be considerate of everyone else
Oh the conflicting emotions.
I implore you to do it
I vote against slob but then again I can't stop you either
Go crazy man
You can always post slob and vore in catbox links. t. slob and vore enthusiast

Wouldn't posting those spoiled also work? Or do spoiler pics not work here in /trash/?
/v/ must be colonized by obesity
As tempting as it is, I'll hold myself back for now if it's not unanimous or majority
True, but that defeats the point.
This is /trash/ my guy. There are no spoilers here, you take it all at full force.
Always was
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>isnt he drawing fat mecha girls or whatever now?
He does OC and redesigns of Transformers characters now. You can still see a little fetishism in there if you know Jeet's history but it's buried under several layers of sanitization and fear of public persecution.
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>Three of the four biggest TF are female/feminine
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This thread needs more Hilda
I don't think he's even really trying to hide it, he's just doing what he does best
ah yes, the fat worship wall.
a reminder of what I am subservient to
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Annie delivered
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As we all are brother, as we all are
Based Annie does it again
i on the other hand will NOT hold back
>ywn get smothered by the wall of assmeat in >>70030749
sit on my face whilst you eat junk food
lay your belly on my face whilst you eat junk food
The pain is real
Funny part is that pic is already outdated, he made another one (Blackarachnia)
>giving Hilda her insulin jab whilst fucking her 800lb ass
in my mind all fat chicks i masturbate to are perfectly healthy and are only cosmetically fat
My man.
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Same, except when it comes to her digestion after eating.
being such a good trainer means all that extra money has to go somewhere
indeed, they're still healthy but they burp and fart like monsters and the digestion noises are rather loud
based as hell
Call it the pussy's way out but when I see vore pics like this I just imagine the prey black out and wake up at the nearest Pokemon Center (with perhaps a questionable boner) because game logic.
ikr like yeah theres some art but not as much as there should be (which sucks cause mallow is my favorite pokegirl) would draw myself but im not there yet still cant draw well.

same i dont really think about health problems unless im spiteful towards them
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nah that's how I imagine a lot of vore scenarios too
>prey loses to fatass gym leader
>blacks out for a few hours
>wakes up and sees this looming over them
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I like this just because of how hot it would be to get teased with the fat I added to someone
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Nessa is the only brown girl I'll ever make an exception for. The exception for hating niggers.
make every nigger obese
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>be me
>vore fetish
>also dogshit at pokemon battles
>throw myself at nessa until she's practically immobile
>just take the badge from behind her lmao
It's that easy.
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Fuck it. I'm ballin
Not a bad idea, but I prefer it being a one way trip. The only place you're going after is some extra layer on her tits, belly or ass.
Don't you have an ai slop thread you can spam instead of this one?
I can become assfat and still live, conservation of mass be damned.
One image isn't spam
Losing to the same trainer over and over until she's gone from a slightly chubby bombshell to a huffing, belching, sweating pile of lard...
>Feeding Nessa
>Rubbing Nessa's rumbling and gurgling gut
> Grabbing onto Nessa's flab as you plow into her wobbling brown ass
>Shatter the bed with Nessa as it was barely able to hold her at all
>Watch Nessa lay around she her enjoying how big she's gotten
>when the gym leader has that one ace pokemon that stonewalls your whole team
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>Shatter the bed with Nessa as it was barely able to hold her at all
Nessa becoming the new bed
Who am I to say you're wrong?
You live truth my man
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>become champion
>food just comes to you now, dozens of challengers everyday
>gain hundreds of pounds in a matter of months with no signs of slowing down
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I like that, I'm kinda used to figuring out other ways to make vore non-perma or to cope with the permanent nature of it, that's a very ambiguous way to do it while also being source-accurate, great for pokemon girls and also for other franchises with respawn mechanics, I like! Maybe I could write some fic outta this.

Permavore in pokemon would only happen if you're running a nuzlocke run I assume.

I want to be stonewalled by pic related, she's canon chubby so surely she gave someone else a lot of trouble too
When you aim for the queen, you better not miss
That explains why so many Unova girls have gotten so big with all the failed B2W2 nuzlockes
How could one miss, when she's that big?
humiliating 700lb nessa!
I know, she's underleveled. Bea is already passing her! She needs a few more hundred pounds on her asap!
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big ass aki I drew
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Well, well, well
What do we have here? Jeet you old dog
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gimme art profile, rn, this is high quality content
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I need a nasty fat bitch to bully me...
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Very nice
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"huff... huff... finally caught up that Snorlax.... who knew that they were so fast....! Now hurry and get in the ball, I'm about miss my third lunch stop!"
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Not too into health issue stuff but that's kinda hot
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Alright, wrote something down as hinted, I really liked the extra hint of Unova girls getting huge asf from a BW2 nuzlocke thanks >>70034051

Just please ignore the fact that Hilda isn't a rival you can battle in BW2 lol. Used pic related as visual inspiration for the fic, also be aware, this does have vore
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There's always some level of disbelief for these things. Either way, pretty based for you to make it
tysm, I love being able to cook stuff up on the fly in kink threads like this. I don't wanna be shameless but I can plug socials if anyone wants to read further stuff from me (i'm a lazy anon tho so those aren't likely to pop up often - ideas from other anons help me get the creative juices running tho)

Also just hit me the sweet irony that this thread started with a picture that almost ended in vore (the chewsday pic by Plump) and then goes back to vore
That is pretty ironic, and fitting when you get right down to it.
And truth be told, I've been meaning to sit my ass down and make some fics one of these days, shame I'm always too lazy to follow through though
>Alright, wrote something down as hinted
uhh where
God I fucking hate the English accent.
>The pain of wanting to play a pokemon game but your main 3ds not working so you can't really replay any of the ds/3ds games, and you don't really want to play the switch titles...

Ah... Truly such a predicament I'm in...
uhh at >>70033863
sorry im kinda tired rn and didnt think my message here through, i put all my brain juice into writing the fic
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FUCK FUCK I'M DUMB I FORGOT THE PASTE apologies anons have another fat hilda just in case
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I know the feeling. Luckily it doesn't take too much to emulate these days.
Happens to the best of us. Thanks for the fic
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yw I hope to get more of these rolling (heh) as said
I love these fat threads they make /vp/ a trillion times more bearable to me
That's true... I just don't have the confidence to try and emulate stuff these days... Last time it happened, I somehow got roped up into getting my old laptop ruined. It's why I'm uneasy about it still... Even though I know it should be easy these days...
That ridiculous pear shape is driving me crazy... Disproportionate fatties are fun.
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It's a very appealing shape
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I fucking love this image. The idea of Cynthia eating herself too big for her Garchomp is so hot.

She's gonna need a bigger Pokemon to ride around on, to carry all that blubber.
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Who knew Buneary could get so heavy?
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nicely done anon, there something really hot about a pokegirl getting gluttonous enough to start eating pokemon/pokeballs to sate her hunger or to just bully other trainers
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I need her to sit on me
Careful, you might get lost in there
Regret is something to fear more than death.
which pokegirls deserve more fat art?
Generic NPC trainers that aren't Hex Maniac
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Definitely NPC trainers, like the female sky trainers from X and Y, I can't find any fat art of her
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Also the female NPC in the rest house on route 216 of Platinum Version. If you talk to her, she says, "I don't have thick fat like some pokemon. That's why I'm bundled up in layers of thick clothes." Its almost like she's asking for it. Unfortunately, that tiny overworld sprite is the only image of that particular NPC that I can find, I don't think there's an in battle image of her, so its hard to know exactly what she looks like.
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All pokegirls need Thick Fat
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Preach it. I'll always stan for more NPC classes getting fat art, especially any that aren't XY Hex (much as we all love her)
In no particular order
>Charm, Clover, and Coin
>DJ Mary
>Prof Burnet

Don't even get me started on sidegames and the NPC classes.
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Meh I try to be understanding. I've talked to her about it and she says she's okay with doing female for money, though yeah she does say that she prefers male obviously.
All of them...
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klara should be canon fat
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so true
That would be hilariously ironic
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>YWN tenderly lick and knead Gardenia's giant tummy
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Tragic. You just know it would be incredible to give her belly some loving kisses while sinking your fingers into her flab.
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And wider...
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I wouldn't mind railroading if girls like this were blocking the way
Fuck, I love big Cynthia
As do I, anon!
Me too
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Quiet aren't we, on a Thursday night?

Higher Quality:https://files.catbox.moe/kde8kp.png
I rather like these papes, if I had no shame in revealing my power level I'd use something like this as a wallpaper.
Been awhile my guy, glad to see you still up and at em. And Clair is a good choice
>Quiet aren't we, on a Thursday night?
Sometimes it be like that.
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>If we were still on /vp/, this would've been image limit
Funny that.
oh hell yeah
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Slow thursday indeed.
/v/ is unusable, threads get nuked quickly or die without a single reply. /vp/ is in an uproar still, and even in the non-leak flavored threads tourists run rampant as if they owned the place.
But at the very least we have peace and good company in here out of all places.
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It's nice to be among friends, I'm sure things it'll settle down on /vp/ once the leak stuff loses its magic and /v/...maybe we'll have a decent there one of these days. That Splashwo one did pretty well from what I've been told.
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It will probably take awhile for /vp/ to calm down at least… And yeah, from what I remember my time with the Splashwo thread, it was damn good.

Either way, yeah! Glad to be chilling here with you all as well.
>fat jasmine grinding against her steelix
god damn
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gardes are humanlike enough right?
imagine a gluttonous trainer who's habbits slowly rub off on her garde, eventually the two deciding that all the exploring and battling is too exhausting.
they'd rather use their current prize money to gorge for a few months before having to waddle around and battle people for a week or two to restock.
>/vp/ will be in the shitposter ruins for a while
>/v/'s jannies have become increasingly hostile towards fat threads, if you use skullgirls its almost guaranteed to be nuked.
a damn shame honestly.
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Such a pleasure seeing these survive so long.
I just wish I had motivation to create again
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Garde is accetably human-like enough, and I'm a sucker for mons getting their trainer's habits, even if I'm not into the mons themselves.
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>hear me out bro, the contest judges love this shit
>pokeblock costs get a bit high but its worth it bro, you can't lose
Fat wife
Good life
>tfw imagining Lana's Mom and Lana pigging out together
Just some quality mother/daughter bonding
Any more fat Lana's mom? I surprisingly don't have any saved.
Fat wife, fat daughter, fat daughter wife.
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Me in the pokeball
Perfect family dynamic
Gotta love when obesity runs in the family
Genetics do be crazy sometimes.
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Of course, lotta love to go around in the household, along with some big girls.
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God I wish I was Alister
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>tfw no story about Allister with his increasingly fattening GF
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I love when young Pokegirls get big too
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So nice of Lusamine to groom Lillie into being the perfect lady
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She knows whats up
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Lusamine needs to follow her daughter's example

>Start dating cute blue haired milf
>She's sweet and lovely, so you take her out to nice restaurants and give her plenty of sweets.
>She's always happy, and never turns them down
>The women sometimes acts like she is your mother sometimes, but that is part of the appeal
>A few months into the relationship, you find yourself moving in with her and her daughter. Her daughter seems alright, but she's always a bit weary around you and a bit irritable
>Probably because in the few months you've been dating her Mom, her mothers figure has blown up.
>Her once slim figure, and beautiful hips have expanded into a noticeable potbelly and a waist that not looks like it barley squeeze past any regular sized door. Her wardrobe has been getting noticeably tighter. You've been of little help in this regard as any attire you've bought for her are in the size she was when you two met. Now her shirts ride up exposing her belly to the world
>Lana has told her Mom repeatedly that her clothes don't fit, but she always brushes it off and says there's nothing wrong with showing a little skin. That and her outfit was bought by you, and she'd feel guilty if she didn't wear it
>Your dates have let to a increase in her appetite, and she's begun to eat like she's pregnant again. making more than enough to satisfy this new family of three.
>Lana's portions have increased, and while Lana's Mom is lenient one thing she won't tolerate is a un-cleared plate
>You're no help in this regard, as your cooking is always more than this kid can handle, but more than enough to satisfy the beautiful women you plan on calling your wife.
>Lana's bellowing and complaints go ignored as her own weight is starting to balloon, putting on fat faster than her Mom
>The size of her ass is reaching it's genetic destiny 20 years earlier than it should, the gap between her thighs has closed, the flat tummy she once had now has multiple rolls, and she's the only child you're aware of with a double chin
Elio is a lucky man
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Based and cute
Taking care of a trio of lardy wives isn't easy, but it is rewarding
With him being a Champion, something like money definitely wouldn't be a problem
What would be a problem would be having enough stamina for all three...
He can handle it. It might hurt in the morning, but he'll be stronger for it.
Even if it hurt a lot it would still be very worth it
No man would be able to deny a trio of horny cuties in bed!
Speak for yourself.
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It'd feel so good to have Bianca sit on your lap
Me in the middle getting crushed
This is peak family dynamics..
Hilda really was made to be fattened into a wobbling blob, huh. They knew what they were doing putting her into those shorts

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