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/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Haunting Maheswaran Edition

Last Thread: >>69951223

>Steven Universe: End of an Era
>Original Television Score S1-S5 + Future OST + Movie OST
>Steven Universe 4 x 10” Vinyl Set

Crew blog: http://stevencrewniverse.tumblr.com
OST composers: http://soundcloud.com/aivisura
Ronaldo's blog: http://keepbeachcityweird.tumblr.com
Podcast: http://podbay.fm/show/1261418557

>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads

>Raven Molisee's SU Works On Sale
>Rebecca Sugar's Streamily
>Gemstone Generator (Pick a gem, make a sona.)

>SU Focused Booru
>/co/ Focused Booru

>SUG Aggie
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very spooky!
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big bat teeth...
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love this cutie!
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silly channel! thats not how you rake leaves!
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How would you go about treating her to a night out?
i would go to a park with her to have a nice nightly stroll. afterwards take her to a nice place to grab a bite and then go back to her place to snuggle til the morning.
>no mating press
what are you, gay?
mating press is on the second date
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night sug. stay comfy friends
Rest well anon!
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Why is the floor of the goon cave sticky? Goddamnit, anons, you're supposed to cum INSIDE the eels throats to prevent this shit
>eels die
What now?
We get more eels. They wouldn't die if anons feed them their cum
>"Jannel, please report to the goon cave for cleanup. Jannel, to the goon cave for cleanup, thank you."
They'll die from the cum anon...
These are special sug eels. Lab-altered and genetically engineered to sustain themselves on semen
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good morning sug! I hope you all have a wonderful thpinel thursday!
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>"Ugh...anons can't use the eels right. Let me get the mop...."
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Got some work done. Feel productive. Hop- NO. I am going to continue to be productive. Here's a Ponnie [Pearl+Connie] to ward off Connie Abuser(s).
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well its good you've been productive anon! i hope your day is the most productive you've ever had!
what the fuck is "bween"?
They are actually just going to eat your penis
Nah, they were engineered to not have teeth
forgot to say good morning. its currently night now so good night /sug/. hope the anons here had fun discussing. much love <3
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have a good night anon!
An onomatopoeia for the sound of an espresso maker pulling a shot
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Oh no. The rats are breeding!
soon the sug house will be overrun by pumice...
I absolutely hate you for that pun. But I cannot fault you for it either. Strange we didn't see them in Steven Universe canonically, but I suppose portraying gypsies negatively would be below Becky Sucrose.
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I want to keep one in my pocket and feed her candy all day!
Boop the snoot
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I want to poof one by forcing my cock into her tiny hole
I want to shove a dozen inside Connie and watch as they tear their way out! YUUUUUOOOOOHH!!
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Genuinely spooky Connie. Either she went too far into her D&D cosplay, or she is genuinely unhinged/possessed by Evil Gems. Either way, It's going to be a great Halloween.
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>Toxoplasmosis converts the stereotyped fear response to the presence of cats into a sexual arousal response in rodents
Pumice, who normally avoid large, dangerous, biological entities such as humans, can become afflicted by a strange disorder that alters their normal behavior. When certain organic materials (e.g. saliva, semen, etc.) seep into their highly porous gemstones it can actually affect their “hunt and gather” protocols, making them seek the scent of these otherwise frightening larger creatures instead of the useful salvage they normally collect. In rare cases they will even preform “mating displays” in the presence of the organism they were infected by…
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Gonna try a new recipe today...

Also, remember the anatomy beneath thick clothing...
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Sorry for the quality

I'm pretty drunk
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People forget the value of experimentation and change. Need to keep things fresh and stimulating lest you fall into a rut.

Drunk you can still draw pretty well even under the influence.
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oh this is nice! thank you!
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SPAM in a fryin pan...
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Gettin there...
never had spam but this is looking good!
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Why are you eating SPAM™?
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I tried to make SPAM musubi, but I think I'll need to use authentic Japanese rice in the future. The sushi rice I used doesn't seem to stick very well

Oh well. The flavors were still very good
oh nice! as long as it was good that all that matters!
Once tried to make sticky rice by boiling rice with more water than usual. It came out stickier than I was used to, but also nastier. Looking back, I think it may have been how much extra salt I added. Or the fact I used pre-smoked salmon literally soaked in onions sauce. Either way, don't do what I did.
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have a good night!
The change in which kind of medium you use almost made me think that was a separate artist. If you used only ink pens or crayons how different would identical drawings look?
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Never really payed close attention to Pearl in this pic…
yeah she does look like that image...now I can't unsee it...
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How are y'all anons today? Hope it's going well!
it's been a good day! hope your day has been going well for you!
That's great to hear anon! Just woke up as I'm slowly catching up to all the posts sent in thread as just now seeing the wonderfully new artworks
would trick or treat with her! so cute!
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Good ol Defect Spinel
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she is pretty damn cute!
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>not "underthtand"
uh...the cereal reversed her lisp for that word...
Is there a difference I’m not spotting?
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Evenin sug

Hope y'all are having a comfy Thpinel Thurthday

It's my Monday, so it's work for me. Fingers crossed it's a good one
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Howdy anon! It's been alright while enjoying some pie currently in peace. Wishing all the best at work for ya sake importantly!
good evening! taking care of my friends dog as they take a little vacation so just taking care of him today! Hope your work night goes well for you!
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Forgot to color in a part of the background around Star’s hair
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>eye covering bangs
That's the good stuff.
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only the best gems have that...
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Yeah, and also Sapphire.
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Needs more vodka and sunflower seeds
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slow day huh?
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night sug
Rest well anon!

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