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Lewd Critter Edition

(LEAKED STORIES HERE) What pokephiles should know: https://rentry.org/bm9m59vu

Pokephilia /pō-kē-ˈfilēə / n. sexual attraction of a human toward a pokemon, which may involve the experience of sexual fantasies about the pokemon or the pursuit of real sexual contact with it. Note that pokémon on pokémon is not pokephilia.
Post female pokémon with male humans and solo female pokémon. F human/M pokémon are allowed too, but not solo male pokémon.
Ignore on-model autists, anthro is okay. AI is tolerated, but leave dumps to dedicated threads.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70054871

[Various] https://archiveofourown.org/works/52038529/
[WIP][Various] https://archiveofourown.org/works/52138093/
[Sandslash] https://rentry.org/sandslash-melts-anon
[Zoroark] https://rentry.org/zoroark-seduces-anon
[A-Vulpix/A-Ninetales] https://archiveofourown.org/works/57279286
[Raikou] https://rentry.org/mchpoqs6
[Various studies] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ni0fYdKi2TaQiKnC6yx1pM7nmG_KtGE0fn0XvKJOrR0/
[Game] https://pawpunch.itch.io/pocket-campfire
[Zangoose] https://archiveofourown.org/works/54296398
[Green/Glaceon] https://rentry.org/sus-glaceon-kiss
[Green/Vaporeon] https://desuarchive.org/trash/62638195#62787404
[Meowscarada] https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54636012/
[Lopunny] https://archiveofourown.org/works/50821492
[Zoroark] https://rentry.org/i96o7
[Braixen] https://archiveofourown.org/works/49281094
[Deoxys] https://archiveofourown.org/works/49012456
[Blaziken] https://archiveofourown.org/works/48433849
[A-Ninetales] https://rentry.org/fkz4wk
[Quaquaval] https://archiveofourown.org/works/47658094
[ShortVN][Manaphy] https://naughtysableye.itch.io/manaphy-meetup

More links and resources: https://rentry.org/bsp72
Various works archive: https://pastebin.com/jbe8xLuc

QoTT: What do you think is the perfect size of a pokéwaifu?
>Pokémon of the thread
I'd say that insertion would be fatal but then again a Whalord can fuck a Fennekin and not smash it into chili with its dick
BTW sry guys, I fell asleep
I've been keeping the lights on here for a long time and anons are used to me making threads, but you can always bake when needed. I try to ask for help when I can't deliver
On a side note, ideas for QoTT and OP pic are always welcome.
his sister's hotter.
>perfect size
either significantly larger or significantly smaller than myself. size difference is kino.
mawile? perfect. lapras? also perfect.
gardevoir? meh.
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Underrated Pokéwaifu.
>Washing yourself in god's sexual fluids.
"I love the kind of pokemon that can kick my ass"
Guaranteed it has to be a potent aphrodisiac
You don't just bathe in the goddesses juices and not instantly get rock solid.
That's how she keeps them going.
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>QoTT: What do you think is the perfect size of a pokéwaifu?
lucario is also this size
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i prefer a different size for my salazzle
Meowscarada turned me into a pokelover (I hate furry stuff)
I can't get enough of her and Lopunny now. I can't fap to human girls anymore, it's over
The internet will never not give you some kind of "you're a furry now, cope" replies to posts like this, just warning you.
I don't mind furries as long as they're not mentally ill (and alot of them are). As for whether I consider myself a furry? My default reply is "I don't give a fuck, I don't need to label myself"
One thing's for sure, nobody wants to be associated with diaper wearing they/them fursuiters who bark at each other at your local grocery store. Nobody can blame you for that
Pokégirls are hot af and I love them
(the actual Poké-girls, with the "Poké" part. I know /vp/ calls human girls that, but fuck them)
Aww, cute service for a butterfly.
>It was also the movie where I learned there's a difference between the English and Japanese versions in like context dialogue.
Interesting. So one needs to watch the Japanese version to have the "true" experience?
Checked and yes, even now it's STILL crazy to think about. Arceus... Holy shit.
>By the way, while we know Arceus was female (or at least made itself female to fuck the dude), did we ever figure out the canon sexes of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina?
Seconding this question
Palkia and Dialga are male in PMD but it doesn't count
>pokemon and humans used to get married
>humans and their pokemon 5000 years ago
Our Daily Bonding Exercise
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>Hey Glaceon lover, how are you going with getting all the Eevees? How many eggs have you two made so far?
Four, two boys and two girls. Only one girl is still with us, they grow up so fast... My eldest son became an Umbreon and he's with a female Blaziken. The other son has got a human girlfriend, he assures me he doesn't hypnotize her (he's an Espeon). The daughter only recently left to seek out a lonely human boy and/or evolve.
A good reward after all the time it took her to evolve~
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Have an Espeon
Espeon more like Espergers lmao
Beware of hypnosis. Do yourself a favor and tell your Espeon that she doesn't need to put you to sleep to have her way with you.
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god i wish that were me [spoiler] (guess who lol) [/spoiler]
A question.
How do you deal with the dubious pokemon.
Ones that the dex make icky but she really wants you?

What do?
>"The three called upon their father, Ia, and their mother, Ea, for aid."
from pmyth01. dialga is male, palkia is female.
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pic related
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Meanwhile in a Humanphile forum thread
>Braxiengoddess435: Hey! Have you seen that new episode of that popular tv show? There’s this specific scene where the main protagonist was helping by giving out tickets to a school reunion to mom and dads. But there’s this specific moment where the main protag gave a ticket to some dad but with his… “wife”
>Image Uploaded
>It shows a picture of the dad in a suit with a Serperior in a nice red dress, and wearing make up with big feminine eyelashes holding a purse
>Braxiengoddess435: I know it could be a silly visual gag and could be just be some dad with his pokemon to take the mom’s role, but I dunno, I have not seen that guy’s human wife. If anything, I seen him holding hands and dancing with his Serperior “friend” in the background! Are they finally giving humanphiles and pokephiles some recognition?!
No one?
Have anything to say about those kinds of Pokemon?
Ahem, I have some to say... Would.
I will fug all the "baby" pokemon
Maybe if she looked like a woman.
That way I know I am not fucking the reanimated soul of a lost child.
What, what nugget blah are you about to spew?
Dead children don't grow old.
No but pokemon do.
Can pokemon be kinky or they just want vanilla sex?
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smol wife
Why are humans kinky?
Bit of both I would imagine.
Probably got the wild side wanting just regular ol' "Breed me" sex without much thought while the trainer owned side can learn to or knows how to spice it up for their partner and keep things interesting.
they rut like animals
depends on their nature
Good i love fleshlight sized
some artist made them joked about unanthro them into feral. I'm not joking about me being 120 more interested in them.
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I see a cute consenting creature = Sex time
its okay she's level 82
Perfectly sized.
Aw. Don't worry. And thanks for baking so many times <3

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