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Needy Archers Edition


>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.

>why /trash/?
We in ragna/v/ have a thriving ERP community, with many people often sitting closely to each other to DM and whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears. There are people that even have a fetish for younger adventurers known as "Novice" and will ERP accordingly with someone young, if you're into that. We in ragna/v/ even have female high priests in Prontera's church who use their bodies to cleanse our sins.

>what should I do to ERP?
You should get in character much like your role in the game as, that way you'll fully feel immersed within the world of Ragna/v/. As an example, priests are often very submissive and supportive, and they even have a romp with the God of Death Anubis, which is why you'll often see people joking about them being knotted by him. As long you get into character on who you choose, everything will turn out fine, our helpful members can guide you through your first time.

There are also blue threads regularly on /v/ and /vg/

Previous: >>70179183
You fags let it die again :(
Thread should be about nonoko
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Isnt she on break?
Sorry I was too busy erping actually... I won't let it happen next time, promise
I forgive you...but only if you share the details
I can't do that! I have to respect my partner's privacy!
But who knows, maybe I'll let you enjoy the same treatment instead sometime~
That is fair, haha.
Why are there no priestsluts in the church?
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I don't think it's a good idea, but I told myself that if anyone can find me, I'll do whatever you like for a while~
Any tips?
Sorry, I had a taker who kept me from the church tonight...
No...... bros it hurts
Name begins with a C. Hunting Creamy
Are you standing still or moving?
I'm not changing maps, if that's what you mean.
i might also not be on the same server
When did this thread get moved from /v/?
I don't play that server, no.
Aaah I see then, I searched in every cramy map...
What server do you play in? MyRo?
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(once I figure out where to get the right items from. But when I do, I'm going to make a certain someone, or rather someones, very happy~)
I'm a bit bummed out by recent events but I'm going to try my best and keep this small space alive for as long as I can. Here's to many feverish nights ahead.
What do you want to do?
Noo don't be sad!
>I'm a bit bummed out by recent events
Same here anon
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That feels better.
What the fuck, to your account?
>Day 15
>Nervous Gunslinger Log 010
>White herb dreams are terrible. I kept falling back into that nightmare about the burning mansion, the fire raging around us, bullets ripping through stone, wood, and flesh, screams of my comrades and metallic screeching...
>Then I woke up in a cold sweat to do it all over again. No more smoking white herbs. Ever.
>I’m barely awake as I leave Geffen again. I met someone willing to hook me up with supplies for cooking lessons and for some reason, they needed a ton of scales. Thankfully, petites would do.
>It took a while for me to notice that I was followed. I had a few suspicions but it wasn’t until I was sitting on a cliff, harvesting scales from a kill, that I heard throat clearing.
>My legs went weak and I slid to my knees. My rifle was next to me but I there was no chance of reaching it before a knife was in my throat. My eyes fluttered shut as I saw his cloaking undo itself.
>I had heard of Gredex before, of what he did but to have him appear in front of me was scary. The fact that he was inching closer only made me tremble harder.
>This new life was already over. Dying again was scary. Dying with my clothes and dignity stripped...?
>He explained that I was annoying to find and passed me a cigarette. Shaking hands brought it to my lips but I didn’t bother lighting it with how hard I was trembling. I really considered taking my chances with the cliff when he sat in front of me.
>Continuing Log...
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>Apparently, his guild had given him a task to deliver something to me but I was so skittish that he was never quite able to. Now that he had me where he wanted me...
>He handed me several items. A gift box, several of those yummy royal jellies, and a few more sweets.
>Then he went on to insult my figure, my aim, my trigger happy tendencies...
>Sure, I grew up malnourished like any slum kid. I don’t have Ennui’s killer legs or Miss Nonoko’s big, massive, bountiful...personality. But scrawny...?
>He got up soon afterwards to report the completion of the task, promising he’d be in touch and that he’d “shadow” me. Then he vanished again.
>What does that mean and how does he even do that...?
>I’d be a liar if I said the walk back to Geffen wasn’t a little embarrassing but the fear of being eaten by giant mantises and kobolds made it quick. The Santa Poring card in the box kind of made up for it though and I think I made another friend.
>Having said that, I’ll ask Ennui what her workout routine is like. Maybe eat a little more from now on. Clearly I’m still too used to rationing...
>I’ll resume my hunt when my teeth stop chattering...
>End of Log.
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They're probably playing on CCRO, it has gimmicks which ragnav doesn't have
>What do you want to do?
Become a Dancer, of course! I even got all the material, now all I need to do is pass the dance exam and, boom, Dancer!
Its all we can do, little mob.
Where are the priestsluts!
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Squeezing the souls out of the poor novices they caught.
Sorry, I am a priestCHAD(female)...
I could use a priestchad...
For what?
To have her repent me from my sins using her holy stick!
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The power of christ compels you!
It could be possible, I could arrange an exorcism or penance for your sins...
Can we meet at the church sister...
I'm not a prontera church dork...
Then where?!
I tought that was the holy place...
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Probably Amatsu or something, but it's late tonight!
Oh... Can I at least greet you to add you?
I'll be by the kafra!
>Then he went on to insult my figure, my aim, my trigger happy tendencies...

I think you’re pretty…

Ahh, I hoped he'd have his way with you...
What hair color lets Anons know I'm A-Okay for ERP? Aside from pink
Looking to ERP, nothing too serious.
Please message Crowmonk.
post a pic of your tits with Gredex written on them
How about my cock?
So what now?
First person to post their dick wins.
Double points if you write gredex on it.
3x points if you post your character name too
I love my fellow anons, but sometimes we can be such awful autistic assholes to each other.
Greatest downside of anonymity. None of them are bold enough to make their presence known in-game. It wouldn't even surprise me if it were a coordinated effort.
I tell everyone who I am all the time and I'm not afraid of anything like the people that say they never read the threads but actually do!
No one knows who I am because I don't post in the threads much and I stopped playing last week, but it is genuinely shocking how apelike some people can be when all the nametags come off. I get it, it's 4chan, "cesspool of the internet" and whatnot, but not even my old /vg/ general contained this many schizophrenics.
Which thread?
It's been gone for nearly 8 years, don't worry about it.
Sorry but I'm going to need some proof because most threads here are just as bad if not far worse.
This is basically nothing compared to the rest and in my opinion it's tame.
>appartment internet cuts out
>matinence around here takes ages
Well there goes my weekend with you all, hope you all have a nice time anyways.
Oh, no, I'm not talking about the /trash/ threads. I was referring to the schizo hotbed that is /rog/. The RO threads on this board are super chill.
The same people posting here are posting there minus the myro shill.
I assume 90% of the namedropping and schizo posting is being done by him.
He wants to kill the server so bad that he's losing sleep to shitpost about it.
I'm pretty sure some people have essentially moved here full-time, and even non-ERPers post here. Completely understandable because holy shit /rog/ is unusable dogshit from the amount of havoc these schizos are wreaking. I feel awful for all of the people getting hit by them [spoiler]because I was actually a guild member before all of that shit went down[/spoilersdontwork]
It's literally one person with a pass samefagging nonstop, try posting about it there and you can watch it deflect and start another shitstorm.
What happened to that guild is so sad.
>and even non-ERPers post here.
guilty as charged
What really fucking gets me as Nonoko leaving, Goonku being gone sucks but at least he left on positive terms, Nonoko got driven off for the high crime of...what? Posting OC?
Ive seen this exact scenario happen across multiple boards (/tg/ in particular comes to mind) where drawfags get driven off.

Us anons deserve out fate...
Bums me out too since Nonoko has only ever been nice to everyone, even as people kept trying to get under their skin. I never should've expected anything from this community; this game's only played by insane people who are pushing 40.
We know about you, you're also too nice for your own good and are being unrightfully shitposted.
I like Nonoko, she helped me out and gave me a guild even though I don't know much about the game. I didn't log in today yet but if she isn't there I'm going to be sad.
Sorry anon... seems some people quit too
Will I log in and everyone is going to be gone? Please don't lie to me...
It might be time to move on, anon...
Dunno but the discord is gone.
She abandoned you without thinking twice so fuck her in the ass
I havent been playing attention to the specifics of the drama, but now Im sure that you ERPd the elf, then she REPs with someone else, you get jelly and proceeded to shit up the whole thread and bully her off then whole community. Sound about right?
i'm brazilian btw not sure if that matters
She blocked me...
Which 1 out of 15?
Sorry im new to discord how can you tell? cant see her?
She never even gave me the discord even though I told her I liked her.
That's exactly why she didn't give you
Wtf was i supposed to do?
Not get attached and shit up everything in your path
He's shitposting.
those posts really don't bother me at all so dont worry too much on my behalf anon
Thanks for being one of the few not-horrible people still playing on the server.
I think you're being a little too jaded anon, I'd say its the inverse. in my opinion theres only a few horrible people on the server, and they pretty much entitely keep it to the thread. don't let a few terrible anonymous posters sour your opinion of the whole, especially when people are for the most part super duper kind in game
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I am super duper evil and I will ruin all your fun. You let the snake in and I'm going to keep biting until you all quit, I am going to devour all of you trannys until I find a real female.
I'm trans btw idk if that matters
Far from being jaded, but it hardly matters since I don't play anymore.
t. the nicest anon on the server
Nothing we can do about it now. We can only have fun and hope to carve out a hospitable place should those we lost come back.
Now, I have a date with the Reaper in Thor's because I don't have the time or motivation to get a Pasana card.
I haven't seen Gredex much and I'm worried
I saw him yesterday evening at the airport.
I called him a nigger before going on the ship.
Didn't he fuck up his hand? He might just be resting that shit.
>First person to post their dick wins.

..can I get a prize for having the biggest cock in the thread?
LF> pussy to inseminate
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Wont post my real cock, but I drew this without any references. People who are actually attracted to penis please rate.

What do I win?

>anon who are you
You'll have to guess.
Looks awfull bro, im sorry yours looks like this!
No not my actual cock, just something I drew.
Though I doubt mine as many better.
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Lull Corner! Kill all converter merchants edition

-I'm selling my services as a high priest (for now) to do any mvps/dungeons/parties, we can either share loot amicably or you can pay me for gems and what we both feel like is adequate

-I'm searching for a guild or a group of people willing to do every content in the game too, it doesn't matter if you can't clear anything right now, I am fine with learning with you and/or share the little knowledge I gathered in over a month to help as much as I can as long as the guild is as passionate and motivated as me!

-My dream would be to find a mvp partner to do a ton of mvp rotation with every day, to get as much loots as possible, giving them away for free, and hopefully get a mvp card too for the fun of it, I have infinite stamina to play!

I'm leveling/playing:
A High Priest 99
Alchemist 57
Lord Knight 84+
Ninja+ 85
Wizard 80
Assassin 95
Monk 67
Gunslinger (in progress)
Sage (in progress RIGHT NOW!)
Archer (in progress)
Taekwondo (in progress)
Soulinker (in progress)
Crusader (in progress)
Blacksmith (in progress)

Contact me in-game (global chat) if interested, I rarely read the thread

-I need LK gear, an ulles, a nid garment and diabolus robe/armor/helmet, please contact me with your prices/service if you have them

-Lull Pontera Market (Soon, in progress)

Note: I do ERP but I'm just shy about it!
>Lull erps
And why hasnt she accepted my advances yet?
She was shitposted to death over fake logs talking about how she ERPs with tons of people, those logs weren't true and I can confirm as such. She was trying to find out if somebody within the discord was spreading lies so she made that stuff up to see if it would get posted and sure enough
So blame somebody within that own discord
the guild was left in our hands but nonoko is still in it, we don't plan to do anything with it until we're sure she's 100% done, so if you wanna stick around, feel free
I hope the Hope guild keeps on keeping on.
I'll see what I can do, I'd have to make a new request form or ask her to give me access and I'm no artfag either
I'd hate to disband it, she was proud of it and seemed devastated when I said people were leaving...
is that you xanto? cause you seemed to be the one really driving the guild in her stead, i hope you're good too
Nonoko refuses to come back until you post your cock.
it doesn't matter if it is, i'll do what I can
No namedropping, please. That leads to autism (the bad kind)
sorry, kind of just wanted to say he seems like a good friend for trying so hard but i'll leave it there
No harm done, anon. Just also try to be cool to everyone, its what she would have wanted.
(Fuck, it sounds like were talking about a death)
You really want me to post my 7.5 inch long cock?
Im going to be in Payon if anyone wants to talk or just hang out. Check by the tables.
no balls
did someone come by?
Yes, someone did, went dungeon delving in Payon Cave for a bit.
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Chastity cage on and ready to play some RO!
Ahh, that explains it. I was too late...
...well...I just got back from a grocery run, so I could jump back on.
If you want.
Oh, it's okay. I'm currently trapped in a horror movie set anyways...
Not worries, found someone in need of help anyways. Take care!
haha it would be so funny if anon posted his ign or a way to contact him... haha...
>great art
>find artist - dimansfw/mrcaptainart
>has deleted all his social media
bro... at least his art is on r34
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What would you do if I did that? same cage in the image btw
i'd be more likely to flirt with you as a person than do any erp
Jerk off my big dick... since you can't
I think I'm going to post my cock so nonoko comes back
Do you cock slut!
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Just flirting does sound really nice to be fair.
You got two hands! Jerk yourself!
It's not happening
do it faggot
Were people really leaving? Or was it just shitstirring rumors?
Don't forget to put the number you were on the cock
Thanks but you don't need to force yourself...

But WHY?
Anyone else come here for ERP but now ends up grinding all day instead?
Yup. The people I've met make the grind bearable, at least.
Absolutely true, but if course now we are all so busy grinding we dont fuck each other nearly as much anymore.
waiting for cocks
What does a rogue need to do to get some good gock?
Well, where you at, for one?
here, waiting for big juicy cock
(You want to meet in the Payon inn?)
Show me your cock first.
Anon, this is an ERP thread, not a doxxing thread
Post your huge cock you dumb sissy boy
Not going to do that, sorry anon. You want to type fuck you know where to find me
That anon is an idiot, I was the rogue, you at payon?
How do you even get doxed by cock pics?
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At some point, I'll reach the apex of my power. And then I'll be the high priest sugar momma luring in newbies with my obscene wealth to fuck them stupid. The RO circle of life.
>I think I'm going to post my cock so nonoko comes back

What kind does she like, or rather which cocks will summon her the fastest? Big ones? Asian ones? BBC?
(Yeah, in the bedroom. Thought you had ditched when I saw a player ran in then right back out)
Small feminine penis, maybe with a ribbon around it.
Aren't you a male (male)
>Just flirting does sound really nice to be fair.
there's no way this anon would also be in the US... just kidding... unless?
(Would you rather I show up with a girl avatar?)
I did ask for gock...
>me in charge of reading comprehension
Gimme a moment...
>intentionally post my dick on /rog/ ages ago
>a decade later, anons begging for cock
we truly live in interesting times.
As an ERPer her I know it comes across as ironic, but there are too damn many degenerates in this day and age.
Give me your juicy cock meat!
The bad is getting cold, ya know...
(Blease respond)
(I dont think you are showing up so im logging off for the night)
I'm still waiting for your delivery of delicious cock
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suck my dick anon
My huge cock needs a hole to fuck, anon…
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USA? Sure do!
I have no interest in rp but nice to see a thread where schizos will not namedrop someone you never heard and say it's you, also I hope the server lasts for a looong time I just got time to play now.
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Ikr, this thread is bearable at its worst and adorable at its best; meanwhile the /vg/ thread is mostly depressing
Show me your dick
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cute natsu
Would you like to start together? I wanted to lvl an aco actually
>Day 16
>Nervous Gunslinger Log 011
>I have gone much further than nodding and mumbling should have gotten me and I have no clue how to extricate myself...
>I now find myself investigating some things that I have sworn not to disclose. But I'm certain will probably cause international strife. It’s hard to believe all this started because I felt bad for walking into some kid off the street...
>If I weren’t chain smoking, the stress would overwhelm me...
>Oh, I ran into a new gunslinger in Juno too. Naturally, we sized each other up and took stock of the other’s shooting iron, as custom bids. But then he called me a cunt! I was more scared than offended so I left before either of us could clear leather but it’s left a bad taste in my mouth that no bland airship food can cover.
>Ah, speaking of, I’m eating a little more now. The scrawny comment is still fresh on my mind so...
>But I don’t know about this batwing soup. No flavor in it. The meat is rubbery and I've never tasted a pumpkin in my life but I have a feeling it should be more...distinct? Is that the word? It's like gruel but lacking even in the mouth feel...
>I wonder if my taste buds are shot? Gredex did say I’ve been eating rotten meat and poison for days now.
>But I think he’s full of it. Nibbling on roween jerky makes me feel a little better. Stuff is a lot more tender than the tarou meat we used to fight over in the slums and I see no reason to waste it. Drosera powder gives it a kick too. Doesn’t even make me sick or anything!
>Meals aside, I’ll have to disembark and get back to Rachel soon. Have some business in Veins too. Ahh, I’m not looking forward to it...I wonder if I can fall off the face of the earth when this is all over...?
>Thankfully Ennui offered to help me out so I’ll just do whatever busywork needs doing before then.
>Either way, one of the airship staff is coming so I have to stop hiding in the washroom. I'll make another log as soon as I can.
>End of Log.
I'd post my cock but nobody'd probably even care about it at best and at worst people would make fun of me I'm sure.
Do it!
Ok, but you'll have to promise you'll stop annoying the poor anons in this thread and spamming at people to post their cocks...
Ok but you really have to do it!
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Yeah well I never said I wouldn't! I don't think there's anything particularly embarrassing about posting your chode anonymously and it has a bit of a shitposting factor to it anyways. I never said it would be impressive though.
He did it!
Nonoko will return now...
I wonder who's dick it is.
suckable dick anon, thanks for posting it
now the curiosity of who's it is will burn a hole in my head...
>lull actually posted his cock
I'm the paranoid part and know that if you think hard enough you'll be able to pin who I am, but I don't actually post all that much/type in Global or whatever so you'll have a difficult time trying to sus me out by how I type (surely).
Unfortunately, I'm not the best at noticing similarities in peoples typing, so I probably won't realize it!
>paranoid part
I meant type, brain slow.
ah great, lull's fake ass is back online
I think I know who you are, but dont want to namedrop you here. Are you ig right now? If I poke you now, will you confess up it's you anyway? All I can do is promise discretion, and a lot of fun.
stop namedropping
if you think you do then maybe but now im typing in all lowercase with no punctuation
Not good, its a shame! I want a cute anon to tease...
I can't sleep until I know who's cock I want to suck.
It's Ro in 2024's dick
It's not
I choose to believe it is.
that's Ennui you moron
archer pussy....
It's not
Groping archer titties...
Grooming archers into submissive dancers...
alright, now i'm really interested.
unfortunately i didn't see this before i fell asleep.
are you playing on ragna/v/?
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Have to make potion soon...
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>are you playing on ragna/v/
Yep! Who knows, maybe you've party with me before and just didn't know it.
can i get any hints?
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Yeah but my cock is big and it curves up. I am told the curve feels very good.
Cope harder skinless jew!
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i wonder who's going to post their cock next
Give me 1(one) reason to post my cock
I'm too shy and its small, sorry!
rping instant loss to monsters...
You'll get a lot of compliments.
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Post it and I'll bully you, shrimpdick
Mmm nyo, I dont think I will, sorry
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need friends to do this
Add me! we can start just the 2 of us!
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me mememmememe
stop hiding it...
For free? Tempting.
sure sis, ign
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Oh, fine...I only wanted to be cheeky and show off my pan....Just don't touch me there!
S-Show more, and I'll do a lot more than touch it...
Pull it back...
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Came back to something different. Ah well, I won't judge. Carry on. I have a log entry to write.
Anyone down for some futa(you) on female(me) erp?
Might be possible, after the server event... We'll see!
>Server event
Fuck, when is it!?
After the weddings, it'll be a big mvp killing event, but its a bit hard to do it by yourself, need to make sure you have a party!
But I've been playing for weeks and I'm still solo and don't have a party...
You can marry me if you want, are you a cute girl?
Ask in #global if anyone has a spot!
I'm an old 40 year old man... my wife might get jealous.
It's over
Ok so I missed everything tonight and then main thread is unusable, who got married to who? I think I heard Dodo was one?
Dodo saw the cock posted in the thread and married the poster on the spot
His was one of the featured gay marriages. See >>70348802
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I love boobs so much bros...
Show me your dick!
all of them :3
If I show you mine will you suck it?
There wasn't anyone at the usual spots today. I wanted to have fun.
Where are the dicks?
Im sorry, anon, I went to bed.
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2.13 MB PNG
Do you like what I did to your dear city?
how do people level this many characters? do you just watch anime while you grind or something,?
Some classes are way easier to level than others also join parties, lull does that alot
A game this old has been worked out to a science, he can get a character to high level inside a day or two
>but only for cuddles and talking about everything and nothing
Is there a word for this feel?
Lack of companionship?

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