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cute booby lizard Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70123626

Spillover of horny, blogposting, tea parties, and AH refugees from /omog/

https://picrew.me/image_maker/1689727 (RW)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1203187 (DW)

https://rentry.org/homogtemplate22 (Thread Template)
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first for basil sex
im basil sex
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this gay fishing game is fun
training basil to cum hands free just from anal
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Omori sex mode when Omocat?
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i want to ejaculate in basil
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Started actually playing Silent Hill 1, but you knew that. Also Gmod.
Berserk (not, but I should be)
Had an exceptionally healthy meal of half a frozen pizza, fries, and Coca-Cola. Got some pumpkin & cream cookies calling my name too, but I'm too full right now.
Whatever I damn well feel like
Alright. Trying to draw something quick for Bridget's birthday today.
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Animal Crossing New Horizons.
The Kamala campaign crash and burn.
Bonetail's Boss Theme from the Paper Mario: TTYD Remake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JR8XX3_jMU
Oshi No Ko, courtesy of my friend who is borrowing Volumes 105 and 106 of One Piece.
Tater Tots with Lemon Peper Seasoning.
Water and Coffee
Serena from Pokemon, who recently had her development backshots leaked.
Decent, just wish Super Mario Party Jamboree would get here sooner, but all the copies in my area had this stupid 3 Month NSO Membership water mark baked onto the box art which bothers me to no end. Other than that I've been art hunting, sea creature diving, and cross dressing in animal crossing, because it's fun for boys to dress like girls in fictional settings(an hot).
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Nothing at the moment.
Just some college football to pass the time.
The thread and just some readings for my class.
Wendy's Pineapple Under the Sea Frosty.
Pretty good. I just got tickets for the Warped Tour and I'm making some fun plans for next summer! Just tired after my first week with two jobs.
>The Kamala campaign crash and burn.
I've had any and all politics purged from my twitter feed for like a month or two now, did something funny happen or is it just the usual?
Just some trolls went to one of her rallies and booed at her. She just awkwardly laughed at them not knowing what to do. Unironically, Harris fans are bigger dumbasses than MAGAtards. Bad publicity like Harris voters yelling at a child's face or them being cucks on X is just a bad look with younger voters.
This election feels like a carbon copy of 2016. Trump is going to win.
Yeah Trump is totally winning the optics war after the assassination attempts and that sick photo, the Dems are tripping and stumbling and falling on their own face and all they have to say is "Hey, at least we're not Trump!' lol. I personally only really care about Trump winning insofar as I want to relive that 2016 meme magic.
Exactly, lol. This feels like the Big Shell to 2016's Shadow Moses kek
Did you see Trump's MSG event? He has the ultimate meme line up with Musk, Tulsi, RFK, and Tucker Carlson. Plus that Hulk Hogan shit was kino
this shit kills the thread
Post your favorite non-Sunny/Mari incest couples
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Listen, what I'm about to say is going to sound really weird but this is the only way to do it for now.

Ok, You see the blonde girl beside Cris in this image? She's one of many OCs from the commisioner of this piece, a friend of mine.

Well, two of them are siblings which I'll refer as R & O. To be more specific R is the older brother and O is the little sister and I love them to death.

I can't show much cause there's still isn't a lot of art of them but they are really cool and I wish I could show more about them.
I met this super cute girl that reminds me like Mari, problem is that she's 17. I just discovered that we border a state with Romeo and Juliet laws that marks the age of consent as 16 as long as the other party is not 30 or 10 years older than the 17/16 year old. Should I drive her to that state and get written consent to have fun with her?
imo, when you have to do legal maneuvers to make sure something can't technically get you in trouble, odds are it's probably not worth it
What the fuck? This place is too unhinged for me, later homog.
this feels like a crime.
It has to be, there's no way you can just go to another state and expect their laws to apply to you like that. I bet those laws only applies to residents of the state. Plus this is just weird, the anon is talking to a kid. That's just fucking stupid and weird
This song is very fitting right now...
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>the ultimate meme line up with Musk, Tulsi, RFK, and Tucker Carlson. Plus that Hulk Hogan shit was kino
I'm voting democrat now.
Anon.... you do know that the fbi tracks that shit right?
i love the intros to kingdom hearts and shit like the trailer for 4 so much, especially as the music swells when roxas shows up in sanctuary, I wish i liked it more its like 10% god tier shit like the ending fight of KH2, but i feel like the disney/FF characters dont really get enough characterisation except for the main crew and a few others like beast
also it reminds me i need to play final fag xvi
Always a treat to get new CaptainKirb art that ISN'T hyper proportions.
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What hasn't happened?
Her campaign has been in freefall because she keeps trying to form a campaign purely off vibes with little to no substance. When she speaks she makes the already demented Joe Biden look competent by comparison. Her ability to campaign is so legendarily bad that she didn't even win a single vote in the 2020 primaries, dropping out before voting even began.
>TL;DR She's actually retarded
>When she speaks she makes the already demented
Replace she with he, and refer to Trump. Trump is a moron and is scared to do interview's with traditional media.Harris held her own against Fox and already cooked Trump in their debate, to the point Trump is refusing to do any debates. Trump is making a fool of himself by doing shit like the Joe Rogan podcast. Just because Elon Musk is spreading out of context shit about Harris, doesn't mean she's losing.There's a strong support for Harris even on platforms like Instagram and X which are alt right platforms. You can't say the same about Trump on platforms like Reddit or BlueSky.
Replace shit with cum and refer to my cock
Warning to /homog/.

Basil is no longer allowed (and they implied he was never allowed) to be posted on /trash/. Was banned and had to talk to a staff member on the IRC to get unbanned as long as I promised not to post him anymore.
He's probably fine if he's wearing clothes, but I don't wanna risk it right now.
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>This post was fueled by raw copium.
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so true anon, Trump supporters seem to be coping a lot more since Harris replaced Biden
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How so? Harris is at least killing Trump when it comes to traditional media just like how Biden did in 2020. This isn't like how it was when Biden was getting trashed by all media just a couple of months ago. Harris is matching Trump by having plenty of celebrities support her.
I'm not rooting for either side if I'm being honest. I'm just not in a hivemind to think that either side is falling apart. As far as I know, they are both doing strong with their crowds but I don't see much moderates this year favoring a side unlike 2020 where moderates chose a side and stuck with it. I'm betting this election is just going to have a lot more non voters than 2020.
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I don't want to discuss politics any further here, but I will leave one last parting shot.
I will laugh in everyone's faces here when Trump wins.
I won't do it for long, just enough for everyone to get the message.
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>my friend just told me he blew his wedding money on onlyfans girls
this will end well i'm sure of it
rest in peace that guy
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Do you have a hobby like gardening? (Porn isn't a hobby)
As much as im a porn addict i've never payed for porn, ever.
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yeah, but i mostly grow vegetables.
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Trump has a realistic chance, but to act like Harris's campaign is a disaster is stupid. Harris has a real chance too. This race is going to be a coin toss. This isn't going to be Trump wiping the floor with Clinton again.
I want to get into gunpla
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I like cooking though I also want to experiment more, right now I mostly just follow recipes rather than doing my own thing minus stuff Ive made enough times to remember the recipe
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Stick to 2D children
3D is illegal!
Wake up
a faggot hobby? sewing
what is your animal crossing island likr? i still havent played the dlc
Needs bunches
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Fuck my worthless chud life
Very normal-ish island.
The only interesting thing about it is that the whole island is raised up like New Leaf.
i totally would though.
you're acting like a cringy 15 year old
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I just think it's funny
zomg it’s Batman
trying to look cool climbing things is funny?
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no but being cringe and edgy is
you're the equivalent of the kid trying to show off that he can climb to the top of the playground. if you're older than 16 this is cringe.
>t. can't climb to the top of the playground
You should prove you're cooler by climbing higher than he can, and then jumping off
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ur just recluse that i can can get on top of the slide and you can't, how about you stick to the monkey bar? that seems more your speed
jealous* I hate the spellcheck thingy
Not really, I guess working out is my closest thing to a hobby since it's all I do outside of school and work. I try to mix it up and hikes, do yoga, body weight stuff, power lifting, and sometimes attempt Olympic lifts.
>every picture is by yourself
lmao. lol even
Why are you being such a prick to the anon? It sounds like you're just a loner projecting it to the anon.
aww did someone get their feefees hurt on 4chan
Naw, just calling you out for being a dick. You're the one trying to be a tough guy over the internet. Let me guess, you wouldn't talk shit to someone's face in person?
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I was with my friend actually!
i call cringe where i see it. you're the one getting worked up over your image lmao
Glad you had a good time with your friend! It looks fun going to those places, I'd just be scared about getting caught. Have you had any run-ins with law enforcement while doing that?
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Baka mi okay
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Wait you do this to take pictures of each other? Okay that is kinda cringe now.
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What do u mean
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cutting basil for fun and profit.
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he'll survive. probably.
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look away. it gets worse.
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the humanity
so the ban was false? yikes.
The vibe I immediately got but didn't say was that it felt like a vehement anti-Basilfag trying to get people to stop posting Basil, lmao. Even if it were true it would have to be a vindictive janny like the one we used to have in the main thread that nearly killed us, you can't just blanket-ban a specific character like that without regard for how old they're actually drawn lol
a bit off topic homog
Im not as old as some of you are.
I was wondering has the internet always been so rampant with rage bait, or I only realized it now?
I go to twitter, tons of blue checkmark rage bait. I go to youtube comments, literally rage bait on comments. Every social media there is (yt, twitter, reddit, tiktok, etc) is filled with so much rage bait.
Was I just a naive and young I never payed attention to it before?

When did this happen?
were the guy who made the basil rape op
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No I was the one who did it and all I got was a 3 day ban
daily reminder that basil is a possessive and jealous top and sunny likes feeling like his little bitch
I feel like things definitely got worse after 2016 for obvious reasons, and it feels like they're continuing to get worse, but really if you just curate your browsing at all you can make it a little better for myself. Even my twitter feed is mostly only shit I want to see just from me filtering a laundry list of words and muting accounts that post things I don't want to see. You gotta use the tools you're given.

daily reminder that Sunny is a possessive and jealous top and Basil likes feeling like his little bitch
probably just the election year getting everybody riled up. also this probably isn't the best place to ask as the anons here skew younger compared to the general population of 4chan.
when musk took over twitter he added a monetary incentive for people to "engage" with stuff you tweet so you literally have the opportunity to get paid to tweet out the type of stuff that gets people to interact with your tweets regardless if you even agree with the shit that youre posting or not
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so true bestie.
This but the other way around
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theres more grounds to call basil more possessive
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is there such a thing as a possessive bottom?
Well the internet favors quick and cheap content now. It's for sure magnified by the election year, but the trend is favoring clickbait and ragebait now. It's just the trend now, if you read forums from 2004, there was still plenty of cheap trolling back then. My favorite thing to do is to read music forms to see people call each other faggots for liking a certain album.
>Is there such a thing as wet water?
anti page 10 post posted
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sorry i was watching football and imagining being spitroasted by the players.
sounds like a uniquely enjoyable pastime
it's ok.
frotting with basil
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sunny only fucks blonde men
Which football? The real one, or the pussy one where they use a soccer ball.
i said football, not soccer.
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it's him.
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drying on the steps will update eventually, right?
yeah totally maybe
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>send your cutest delivery boy
if they think by doing this theyre going to cash in on an easy sexual assault lawsuit against me then theyre 100 percent correct
if they think by doing this theyre going to cash in on an easy sexual assault against me then theyre 100 percent correct
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I want my sister's feet in my mouth
I want to lick my sisters armpits
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