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/psg/ - Persona slutposting general
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Man, looking at that megaten page made me imagin a ton of scenarios, but then I realized I am way too vanilla for most of that shit. I can't bring myself to pee on Chie or make her give me a blumpy or expand her anus with a balloon or anything, I'm almost painfully vanilla. All I want is for her to moan my name, lock her legs behind my back and bear my children.
Based taste. But that game has an insane amount of options for the sex stuff. That sort of stuff is only if you want to turn someone into a whore for cash
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Always helpful to have a cum receptacle on hand.
mommy maya
Chie is made for working up a sweat in kung fu training followed by working up even more of a sweat with sex. Then soaking in a tub together to clean up.
What's it like being in a tub with Chee?
Very much like spooning with Chie in bed/on the couch except you're totally naked and get to tweak her nipples/finger her and enjoy the nice slippery sensation of her wet skin sliding over yours. You have to really work to hold her close though, since she's slippery, but it's perfect for feeling her heart pound and see her blush from the heat and from how close you are (and probably from the erection you're pressing into her butt). Unfortunately you can't get her really dizzy there like in the Amagi Inn's hot springs (which you really shouldn't be using mixed anyway), but any excuse to be naked with Chie is a good one.
Sounds very sensual.
in tub thighjob?
That was exactly what I was thinking, but she'd probably make a face about how it would be gross it would be if it got in her hair. Perfect reason to suggest that you cum inside her instead. Maybe in her ass for the extra taboo feeling and so you can whisper in her ear about what a good girl she is as you rebore her anus into your shape.
Chie, with an ass like that, seems built for anal. Must be really tight too.
got to train her, get her used to squeezing. Lots of affirmation and coaxing and praise. Once you get her in the habit though, she'll probably train her kegels and PC muscles like all the others. Also that one Enuma Elish doujin made me wonder about a threesome with Chie and Tomoe... Technically it's not cheating since Tomoe is another part of Chie.
A threesome with them would be hot. I would personally use lots of anal toys to help train her. But no doubt she would learn of kegals and other stuff to train herself for pure sex.
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Are there any images of Chie in a police officer uniform?
I only have this
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I want to fuck the police... preferably when she comes back from work and needs a recharge and a dose of cum in her holes to take her mind off whatever crap happened that day.
(I am running low on Chie lewds)
Why don't you go into more detail as you jerk off?
Ahprobull is based
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>that megaten page
Sorry what page???
he's talking about eramegaten
Ulala or Maya?
Eramegaten is for keeping your one waifu pure and marrying her at the end though.
Yes, but there are a lot of options for the others
My party is always my homies+my waifu though.
The other women get sent to work in the cafe/my restaurant.
That's where they belong. I do wish there was some sort of graphics outside of portraits, but it would be impossible to make due to everything in it
The best you can hope for is someone makes a ripoff of Kozue's Strange Journey but Persona.
Any pics of Piggyhara with a soft layer of chub?
Asking for a friend.
Would be based if it does happen. If I could draw not shit looking females, I would attempt it. before getting patreon bucks to commission the art in bulk.
These threads might be pretty slow for November if they can stick around. Not sure how many people will do NNN in general. Would be interesting to see how many people burst early or wait until the end for a massive jerking off session
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God, I want to be Joker
Preggo haru?
I'll take it
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Futaba is made for fat crusty oji-sans.
I'm an ojisan, do I count?
Are you fat, ugly and could you be described as a bastard of sorts?
I'd do NNN if someone was going to edge me during the entire thing, but doing it myself seems dumb
hell yes. I'm even rich from a lifetime of singlehood and looking for vulnerable weedy teens to use as my toys.
Was planning to do a fap detox for NNN. Then pull my dick off to all the chie porn I can find.
I wasn't too sure initially but your resume does add up. Well I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and give you a shot here Mr. Ojisan.
When can you start?
I need to finish the paperwork to sell the sumi on my hands off to a dog breeder, I hear his boys are looking for a cumdump. Once that's done I can begin with Futaba on wednesday.
I like your style Ojisan, lets just end this with a handshake and I'll see you on Wednesday.
Oh and I guess I'll let Futaba know too.
Not that it matters.
Why on Wednesday?
>Once that's done I can begin with Futaba on wednesday.
Do you actually read what you type or do you have your secretary with the cute butt do it for you?
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It's actually because I took wednesday off and will have more time to dedicate to stuff. Otherwise my time gets split at least three ways.
Ann sex
Desire for trap cock posting results in a bump
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I wish I coudl say "I did this"
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Gaping Chie until her sphincter rips up
Chie double
Double what

that reminded me of NNN two years ago, when I spent 2 last weeks of November edging to Chie and then releasing a huge load for her.
I might make lewd greentexts during November in /pg/ to bait people
any Snowbunny Futaba fans in the thread? :3
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The slut on the right
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With metaphor being a "big thing," the porn is very lackluster.
How many times should I spank my balls while bending over naked and staring at Mitsuru's tits?
once for every floor of Tartarus
Turns out most of them just wanted to sexualize high schoolers, the majority of Metaphors cast is over 18

give it time, the good shit will come eventually
Should I use my hand or something harder?
using something harder, but put it in the freezer for an hour first, this is for Mitsuru after all
also record it
Ruler or hairbrush? And if I mess up counting what should I do?
Making love with Chidori...
I always try to do NNN even though I never complete it. My best was 27 days, if I recall correctly. I don't assume I'll get to the end this year either, but that's kinda besides the point. The journey is fun, and I always bust the fattest nut when I just can't take it anymore. I'll probably cum buckets to Chihaya's milktanks
slap asshole
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first there would have to be a good game lmao
Scary wife... too lewd...
Should I say something like "thank you Kirijo-sama" after every count and start over if I misspeak?
yes, record it too

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