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/uh/ - Unfiction Horror general #141
Straight Outta Nashlake Edition
Previous Thread: >>70450807
Recommended List:

>What is Unfiction
Unfiction is a form of storytelling that utilizes varying measures of interaction, immersion, or multimedia asserting in some way that it is not fiction and thus is presented in ways not typically used for storytelling.
This includes ARGs, Analog / Digital Horror, Chaotic Fiction, Pseudofiction, "This Game I Found", Immersive Narratives and other types of online storytelling.

Talk and discuss about new clues and videos from any projects you found or are following. Post art and lust after characters and their monsters. Discuss and brainstorm any unfiction ideas you have.
OP Feature: The Walten Files (The Return of the Pumpkin Rabbit)
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Buckshot Roulette ARG

Timeline Synopsis.
Steam release contained an email and a website.
Email code key was 'The Shutdown' (said in the phone call) encoded with a specific AES site (gillmeister).
https://pastebin.com/ePBFPX1H (embed)
At this time its unknown how the poem is related to the password but the connection is confirmed, and is biblical in nature.

Multiplayer update gave us what may be the page behind the login.
Everything is open except the following pages
Other details from the update include

Unsorted Clues.
>[YouTube] Buckshot Roulette — 1M+ High Rollers Teaser (embed) [Embed] REMEMBER AUG 05 1998
Same date as Carbon Steel, in-game email sent on that date below.
https://pastebin.com/Kwpx4Y6X (embed)
Highlighted contract that was in the base game, connected to the AFRAID? mirror
>cupio dissolvi
"I wish to be dissolved" Philippians 1:23–4 (religious suicidal thoughts?)

>2 Chronicles 26:15
Binary on the steam phone trading card, the phone item can see into the future
>Cassette grid
https://pastebin.com/qXaU00Sk (embed)

>aci maladetto lupo
Or 'Taci, maladetto lupo!' found in the 2mil announcement newsletter translates to 'Shut up, accursed wolf!', further reference to Dante's Divine Comedy, AKA shit we already knew what the password related to.

Password elements.
>Between 4 and 20 characters.
>May contain the word 'and' / '&' due to the voicemail icon on the 1 button
>Phone number substitution confirmed by multiplayer trailer thus is only made up of letters up to 'V'
>May end in '#' or '123' given what was said in the phone call.
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Email: unrelentinghorrors@hotmail.com
Channel: youtube.com/@unrelentinghorrors

A mass collaborative project for /uh/ anons to make a unfiction channel.
Send a video to the above email and it should be reviewed within 2 days. Once approved, it will be uploaded to the channel.
1. No gore, slurs, porn, shit that will get the channel/video taken down immediately.
2. Try to keep submitted videos between a minute to thirty minutes.
3. You can reference other projects, but try to be original
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TheMothSays ARG is back! Old sites down and a new one must be found.

Sites linked to a podcast episode and social media accounts tied to the ARG, leading to a unity game.

Moth Cipher Guide
>*FirstNumber*=Base letter, R=Positive Shift, L=Negative Shift,*SecondNumber*=Where the Moth wing connects with the opposite wing number being the shift(R,right wing.L,left wing) 0=Break
Letter Base = O=1, E=2, S=3, C=4, T=5, N=6, A=7, R=8
Right (Positive) = 4>6, 7>5, 3>1, 8>4, 2>7, 6>3, 5>8, 1>2
Left (Negative) = 6>4, 5>7, 1>3, 4>8, 7>2, 3>6, 8>5, 2>1
TMK is back
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just watched the new whisperedfaith video, who tf is this? the rake/speaker? and why does it look like something is attached to his neck could be his shadow but still what the fuck.
>who tf is this? the rake/speaker?
I mean it is a skinny pale thing, that would be my guess.
Second being naked Slenderman.
You didn't update the anchor, we got the password now.
For Login, ltr_495174201, partnership_deals, partnership_agreement, draft reveiws
Also from that we can probably scratch the Carbon Steel clue and aci maladetto lupo, maybe the phone substitution too but that could still be used for one of the other passwords.
Didn't expect a TMK reboot.
>naked slenderman
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New thread means this art i made yesterday for the roblox webseries "RecallAHollowHeart"
forgot to post this so here it is.
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original pic i based off because why not
Think this has explained everything for me in a way the series never could.
Hot take
Unfiction is supposed to be fun. Not lectures about why being a white man is bad.
You know who you are, East Patch, Martin Paredes, ICS, Ghosttundra, and Agentpman1.
>Wait a minute… those aren’t codes.
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I would best call the Lacey gals enigmas.
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Was gonna say this in the /co/ thread but it's funny to think that Mona's gonna get trailed and the chair next episode and not break out, considering its more likely than not that she was the one who created and hid the tapes the channel owner is uploading.
>Killers made the tapes
Wouldn’t explain how they got the body cam footage unless there’s a fourth accomplice.
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/uh/ blonde ladies my favourite
How well would the female fr/uh/ndship go
>Sarah Henderson
>Angel Gabby
>Sophie Walten
>Jamie Monroe
What did East Patch do?
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>kamryn isnt blonde
its so joever for me
About as well as you think it would.
Girls can get along just fine. However, I feel like the ones who would cause the most turmoil would be Sarah, Nebula, Jamie (50/50), and probably Lia. Now, if Lila was included, she would be the “leader” of the group everyone reluctantly hangs with.
>Linda (TWF)
WHO? Did I miss some lore?
Cool, keep it up. And actually post off the archive next time.
There is still Jack, though probably faceless if true.
>Mona Lanius
>Violet Bookman
Felix's ex-wife, left him the exact day he accidently killed jack's two children.
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Cultivated a fanbase willing to forgive a murderer who made someone drink acid.
Yes I am still mad Release was much higher than Terminate, seriously wtf?
Yeah that one made me mad. I blame that one faggot who made the stupid argument she might find her husband again on the planet if she's banished. All the normies picked up and ran with it.

That being said I have a theory that was partially by design? as in first guy they wanted us to vote release, next they wanted us to vote banish, and the next one will be presented in a way that people will vote death. They'll probably be irredeemably evil
angel hare is literally pro single mom, anti father, and genderswaps a male angel to be a woman
>she might find her husband again on the planet if she's banished
Its funny that she didn't even entertain the idea that her husband might be alive on that planet.
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>Skinny, pale, naked, faceless
Honestly looks like the Rake's and Slendy's love child.
I can’t tell if our family tree is just naturally fucked or heavily inbred.
What didn’t they do?
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Jamie can't sleep
I need what they have.
Your own shadow creature you accidentally brought into existence with unstable matter and the fragments of a previous identify you had within your lifetime that neither you nor the world remembers?
Bing bang boom! You got it. Life would be a lot more interesting.
C-YIFM03, “Thinking that the thing that’s thoroughly thole there, though thrumming threnodies.” Word Trivia | 1 Word
>C-YIFM03, “Thinking that the thing that’s thoroughly thole there, though thrumming threnodies.” Word Trivia | 1 Word
Th-, in your side;
Oh no, I was also mad about that but I don't hold that against them - it's just people being retarded and way too forgiving of murderous scum.
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Alright /uh/, Fuck, Marry, Kill?
To be fair if we got our way every ROT batch we would've terminated everyone, its a balancing act.
I can't believe you guys are still mad about this.
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>Yellow fucker stole my whole thing
With Hare over they're probably working on the new ROT, perfect time to reopen some old wounds.
Remember to vote for Trump today in the election
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>Not supporting Tom in his presidential run.
Wow, some best friend you are!
Why does Nia even go to bed if she can't sleep?
Let’s her cuddle with Lacey for a good few hours.
I hope they're both dead down there
Vote for Donald Trump and I'll give you a titjob <33e
i voted for brent peterson
She likes to be warm and comfortable.
Can someone please give a qrd on the plot of WhisperedFaith? Been years since I watched it.
Found the creator MLAndersen0 (and The Showers) instagram, and this post is from May.


Guess we know why MLAndersen0 has taken years to complete (Even if we'll still get it).
Who are these critters?
She spends that time next to Lacey who is very warm and soft.
Sometimes it’s just a comfort thing. Some people feel more safe lying next to someone or just having another -tangible- presence nearby.
Even if Nia can’t get sleep, this is probably the next best thing.
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I'm not liking the TMK reboot so far, the ever present black and white with the rough visual effects suppose to be betraying reality is reminding me of those Mandela videos with the really shitty green screen.
The OG TMK played with reality but it eased into those and had videos that were just weird Kirby playtests while here we're thrown right into the thicket of it.
Hope it finds its footing consider TMK was one of the more solid spooky vidya series.
Good for him, good for him.
Guy haunted by the Rake gets kidnapped by a cult before dimension hopping and then being dropped off in a parking lot.
>Is somewhere there?
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It's NaQ's 2nd anniversary! Post some NaQ stuff to celebrate!
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More art. Nova is BIG
Why am I just now realizing that Starstraw has his tits out? I thought he was wearing and orange toned shirt.
>Nova is BIG
I love the way they're drawn in 2D
>So many characters we've never seen before

Something tells me they're working on something big..
maybe, or consider the possibility that starstraw is just small?
> It seems our Yale friend has developed a sudden, irrational, incomprehensible fear of the Otherside itself. Well, maybe not the Otherside itself, but the act of crossing dimensions, perhaps.
I mean, I would too?!
We got decades worth of other customers that were able to handle crossing dimensions just fine, this yale should grow some balls.
This series has a fucking HUGE cast of characters, now that I think about it.
MothSays, or I guess Domy update.
So Domy was out of universe stuff then?
It's comfy.
The Domy playlist has some hidden videos, something definitely has to be found.
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>Post some NaQ stuff
C-FFT03, “Balaclava Shotgun Jiminy Cricket Fear of Death ” Music Trivia | 3 Words
Looking back even the supposed way to get this was bullshit the "1" is suppose to turn into "00" but on the phone itself its clearly a sideways "&"
he is one zesty motherfucker
i like how the skin color isn’t just slightly off-white
>C-FFT03, “Balaclava Shotgun Jiminy Cricket Fear of Death ” Music Trivia | 3 Words
Ski mask (check) Sawed off (check) Guilty conscience;
>Everything Went Numb
Clear at this point in order for any progress to be made the ARGs own logic must be played, there is a path forward its just extremely esoteric and nonsensical.
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Where the grimms draw at?
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its so fucking over
Trump's victory will lead to a golden age of unfiction. I will not elaborate on how it will accomplish that.
his schizo ramblings will reveal the answer to cicada 3301
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>Local58 just changed their banner teasing more videos
That was quick.
Seeing the new instalment alone in a playlist call Season 3 already implied more videos.
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On the topic of local58, couldn't really deep dive into it with how packed Halloween was so a question.
Alien or two people fused together?
>Timeline wise would be after the major moon shenanigans
>Real Sleep showing the blend of two faces into one.
>One face looking at the moon obviously and the other one in pain
My friend just posted his second SCP. Not as good as the previous one in my opinion but it's serviceable.

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Rosemary Peony Walten from The Walten Files facesitting on a anonymous male like pic related on the right.
>Has a mole
Now he is not scary, but cute.
Leaning towards the latter with that real sleep connection.
>There are no Faces? WRONG! There are 2!
Does nuva even have hair? It looks like she's wearing a helmet to me
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Yeah they're wearing helmets and they more than likely have hair under those helmets given what's been seen in the rest of their species.
Realistically, they probably all have buzz cuts or some “alien” type hair (think Asari)
>Trump's victory will lead to a golden age of unfiction
Monument mythos guy is gonna have make dog shit season, isn't he?
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>Monument mythos gets rebooted
>To avoid a repeat of the last dogshit season new more talented people are brought on
>The new people act as the MM equivalent that Thorne is for Mandela
>The new videos are better than ever
What happened with Monument Mythos? I stopped watching it after the whole Nixon thing

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