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>what is Ragna/v/
It's a non-commercial Ragnarok Online server made for 4chan. There are no donations, vip systems or cash shops. This is the third iteration of the server.

>I never played Ragnarok Online, is this a good place to start?
We have always had high ratio of first-time players on previous Ragna/v/s, more experienced players will help you figure out your way. There are resets available, meaning no permanent mistakes.

>what's different this time?
The first Ragna/v/ was 99% vanilla with almost no changes, the second was more of the same but with global and individual achievements. This time around, we're trying some extensive customization, in order to improve weaker builds and classes, particularly extended jobs such as Ninja, Gunslinger and Soul Linker.

>why /trash/?
We in ragna/v/ have a thriving ERP community, with many people often sitting closely to each other to DM and whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears. There are people that even have a fetish for younger adventurers known as "Novice" and will ERP accordingly with someone young, if you're into that. We in ragna/v/ even have female high priests in Prontera's church who use their bodies to cleanse our sins.

>what should I do to ERP?
You should get in character much like your role in the game as, that way you'll fully feel immersed within the world of Ragna/v/. As an example, priests are often very submissive and supportive, and they even have a romp with the God of Death Anubis, which is why you'll often see people joking about them being knotted by him. As long you get into character on who you choose, everything will turn out fine, our helpful members can guide you through your first time.

There are also blue threads regularly on /v/ and /vg/

Previous: >>70739095
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bratty suno moments before getting caught and corrected
Does that brat even like to get correction?
Didnt get a chance to post, but I might be interested in joining the 70+ party posted about in last thread, though I'd rather not fuck, I just wants to socialize for a bit, maybe go into a dungeon with your all?
All women belong to orcs.
Sure, are you on myro?
I think my gimmick will be to brush-off anyone propositioning me for..."social activity" unless they can beat me in PvP
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For sure. That way I can be sure to get the strongest mate....
Can't wait!
Sure where are you, im going to beat you tight now!
I have to build myself up for it to be a real struggle, you see...
Don't ever get caught up in feelings that aren't reciprocated folks, I feel like death
spill the tea anon
how long did you know her? did she not like you or did she just not want to commit?
Since around the beginning of September-ish, she just doesn't want to commit. I respect it but it hurts all the same
rip... I hope you're able to move on with as little pain as possible.
I'm okay, mostly, people i know have been pretty good support
Nobody in this thread plays myRO because myRO is a shitposter's falseflag in /rog/ and none of the people here fell for it. Fuck off, shill.
...no, Im only one Ragna/v/
Gunslinger question. If someone were to set up shop in the bar downstairs, what services would you like them to provide? As it stands, I'm drumming up a list drinks and food items that can be claimed and I'm looking for suggestions on anything else you lot might like to see there. Item requests? Escorts and bodyguards? Assassination contracts should we find ourselves in another PK shitstorm?
If it's who I think it is, you were given plenty of warnings
It's just too far out of the way. Einbroch is a pain in the ass to get to and navigate. Please, I know you like that place but I beg you to do it anywhere else that isn't so annoying to get to.
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Nein! Einbroch uber alles!
Luh mao
Tell us your class and what your going for.
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>anon hit level 17 without spending stats
a-at least you noticed... don't worry too much about bricking your build, there's a reset npc inside the starting map and you can go back there by talking to Larry
I'm a swordman, iirc there are other classes that I can go into from swordman, so I was going to look at those at some point
>#1 place to buy ammunition if you don't want to make it yourself or hunt down a trader in another town
>new gunslingers can get their coats and come down the stairs for information and other services
>can immediately turn in materials you gained in order have a gatling gun or grenade launcher made
>get to bask in the sheer SOVL of Einbroch
But if it's THAT much of a hassle, I suppose one of the airships will also suffice but I'm going to get some opinions before I commit to that. You WILL enjoy the glorious culture of the Republic.

I've done that once before. I won't laugh at you...
You don't have to start thinking that much about those until you hit job level 40 anon. Knight and Crusader are both pretty good classes but they can do similar things in most places with the right gear.
Ideally, you should hit job level 50 first, since you'll get more skill points and most job change quests are significantly easier and have better rewards when you do them at job level 50. For reference, you would probably be in the high 50s/low 60s for your base level before that happens.

As a swordie, pump STR + DEX and either VIT/AGI. Push dex to 20 or so for now and you won't need to worry about it for a while, then try to push STR so it ends in increments of 10 when including the job bonus and any bonuses from the equipment you get later (example: 9 + 1 str, 17 + 3 str, etc.). VIT/AGI are your defensive stats, pick one you'd like. Generally, VIT is better for mobbing while AGI is better for 1v1s.
Both have pros/cons, but swordies typically go VIT because it's better for mobbing and tanking at parties, especially later on.

You can also spend a small amount of money to reset your stats as previously mentioned. Make sure to ask #global or any of the threads if you need additional help!
It's actually impressive you got that high with 1 in all stats. you do no damage, take loads and can't hit for shit.
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Before I sell this for 5k zeny, aka my biggest profit margin, this is useless right? Cause it's locked to novices?
It's "useless" in the sense that it's npc bait but it's worth keeping one in storage if you have a ton of them, just in case you decide to make one or if you run into a newfriend playing one
Can't blame anybody for trying. People will always have the I can fix her mentality until it doesn't work.
Dead thread?
I don't think I want to play ragna/v/ actually. The dev sucks and makes highly questionable decisions that smell of him not kmowing the game well enough to fuck with it.

Every single person is lying, two-faced, shitposting scum with their heads so far up "board culture"'s ass they've abandoned humanity in exchange for living under a bridge.

I hope all of you get cancer and die a muserable, excruciating death that saps your family's money, and causes them to fail, and that still wouldn't be enough.

Fuck all of you.
stupid ass bird killed me, even after I spent all my zeny on new gear, and upgrading my weapon
Bye fag, gl join the Lull defense force
not really? a lot of /trash/ threads have slow moments like this
/vg/ threads, in general, are significantly faster
ok lull
I've become so used to the slow pace of /trash/ that I can't do faster boards anymore. I forgot to check a thread for an hour, and I was behind two entire threads
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I guess it was bound to happen....
Sorry to any of you who wanted to play together, I was going to try the 70-85 party after I got home but seeing the state of all these threads? This one seemed to get it the least, but I'm not going to sticking around these hair-trigger schizos. I'm gonna go before one decides I'm their toy and get shitposted into oblivion.
Sorry to hear that, I enjoyed that night we chatted and killed some anolians for a bit, but honestly I can't even blame you, sadly
Real shame to see you go but yeah, the other thread is a mess. We'll be around if you ever change your mind.
I mentioned it was sort of bound to happen anyway...I haven't really been having that much fun because everything is so dead for lower level characters. Soloing to endgame was never what I wanted, but that was the experience, and with the droprates I didn't even get to play with any interesting gear on the way in spite of me going out of my way for it. Playing with someone the last couple nights helped...but the rest of it isn't really coming together and my work hours are brutal. I just don't have the hours to give like that
I think that’s why people are hopping between rag/v/ and myRO… the latter has more newbies and content that caters to newbies.

It’s very tough to start out on rag/v/ at this point so I don’t blame you… do consider playing again though when work lets up?
I don't know, maybe? Not likely, though, it's like playing with fire, right? The crazies seem harmless enough, and then you drop your guard, and something horrible happens to you because it. I've had an internet psycho show up at my doorstep before, so please be careful.
Setting aside the shill, I had fun playing with you. Take care and here's hoping your work hours become a little more manageable.
this seems like a heavy overreaction, but do as you like.
I made an attempt to return loaned items but I know i missed some. Please ask if you need something back.

Here's the first screenshot I took since I'm feeling reflective...and the story.
>A Novice, tired from rigorous training, still has more to do to settle Wise Bull's request. After challenging a stainer, she'd realized it was taller order than her red potions could cash. So she resolves to return soon, and starts making her way back to Prontera.
>A knight rushes past, nearly knocking the girl over. He apologizes with a silent nod and warm glare, before asking if she needed any help.
>"Ah...yes, actually! I'm in need of Rainbow Shells, but they're difficult for me"
>Together, then, the pair set off, and short work was made for one.
>"Are you sure it's only the one?" the knight asked.
>"I...think so? I'm pretty sure, anyway. Thank you!"
>The knight parts into the unknown, and the girl travels back to Prontera to arrange teleportation to Payon. The trip is short, and she returns to Wise Bull...who starts swearing up a storm about how kids today "can't fucking count" and tells her not to return until she can count to Pi.
>Annoyed and upset, the novice adventurer counts what few coins she has, buys some food for the hunt, and returns to the Mjolnir foothills, the reality of the task setting in.
Chance encounters like with that knight are the thing that made this game magical, something so much more than a boss clicker with big numbers....

Thank you so much for tickling my nostalgia that evening, knight. I don't even remember your name, but thank you all the same. Sorry my writing makes us both look like doofuses
I would be inclined to agree but I unironically have scars proving otherwise
That's unfortunate, you seemed like a nice anon and I would've liked to say hi to you at some point. I hope that you had fun and that you'll come back someday.

I'll also add that soloing happened a lot, I was eventually able to find some friends to do some low level partying with. But I completely understand...
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>post a story with image
>forget image
>Day 29
>Nervous Gunslinger Log 020
>Met a Dancer and High Wizard while I was in Payon. I had sat down next to one to rest as I just came back from Brasilis and recognized them.
>The same pair I had accidentally ran into at the Prontera inn. I had been investigating some rumors at the Church after Ennui mentioned people were hitting on her…and it was only meant to be a quick glance but I guess they forgot to lock the door because I saw both of them…
>Well, suffice to say, I managed to get out of there after falling down the stairs only to end up sitting next to them. Neither seemed too mad honestly but that's a dangerous assumption!
>The dancer lady asked to see my guns and I obliged, demonstrating some skills. They seemed rather impressed with my Outlaws but I managed to use the exact moment she and the wizard reached out to touch to capitalize, sprinting out of there…!
>They might not have any bad intentions but I gambled on that in Payon before, to my detriment but I should apologize later when I have the chance. The wizard seemed familiar. I might send her some food if I can.
>By mail. Don’t think I can look either in the eye any time soon…
>Speaking of cooking. My lessons with Sir Orleans are going well! He no longer makes me stand outside and face the wall when he sees my attempts and he didn’t even throw me out today! I think I’m getting better! I’ll have to ask Ennui to heal my hands later though. Actually cooking pleasing meals is harder than I thought it’d be. My messed up sense of taste doesn’t help.
>He’s scary when it comes to food but quite nice any other time. Guess he’s the “tough love” kind of teacher, huh?
>If I can manage something decent, I’ll have it delivered to that pink valkyrie.
>Miss Nonoko has been sighted too. I’ll just polish a few awakening potions and cook day and night! I’ll make something worthy of both of them if it kills me!
>End of Log.
I really hope you do come back, people are targeted if they wrong some schizo but I understand your fear
Take care
i'm sorry but quitting over threads is kind of dumb, but that's just me
Knotted a cute bitch.
Keep this up and I'm making a thread in /d/
Woah, lucky...! If it was that anon asking for it a thread or two ago, I was pretty interested in the idea too honestly...
Go ahead, at least half of the anons here have something /d/ that they like.

It might have been? I'm not too sure, actually. I do know multiple anons talk about that sort of thing though.
I like myro so I'm not quitting, just migrating
I mean on one hand you're right, the dev has no idea what he's doing with some of the changes.
On the other hand this dev actually is active and not just sitting back and milking donation money like 90% of p.servers.
I've also never played an MMO where everyone wasn't a two-faced liar only self serving their best interest so i don't think changing server will help that either.
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Join us on myRO!
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out here grinding gear but i should be grinding (you)
please do not the rocker
okay but have you seen them bounce,,,,
is that fox going to take rocker cock?
not if she can take yours anon~
Shouldn't real the thread right before bed, I dreamed of conversations that didn't happen.
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This is for the larva schizo retard.
Disgusting schizo bipolar unmoving e-fakenice larva.

Wasting that much time do a lot of dangerous damage to the soul non ironically.
That fucker probably doesnt even play the game
izlude has gunslinger npcs I think
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Making your own ammo is much better in the long run given you absolutely need elemental ones sometimes
not sometimes
all the time
>mistakes skel prisoner as soldier skeleton
fucking dumbass kek.
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>no one in this thread plays myro
You can easily see who does in the discord window.
Delet this
wow a dumb attention whore went to go look for attention elsewhere, shocking
It does but its also really lame. Izlude is only good for seafood!

Valid points but newbies probably don't have the skill immediately after changing jobs. I suppose I'll make a poll or something, maybe ask around in game too before I decide on anything.

Didn't even know there was a discord, don't know anyone you're trying to show me, and I don't really give care. I'm not playing myro.
now i'll never see if those two ever get together
it was like watching a soap opera
I remember that~
I just got your letter...
I'm sorry that you felt you had to leave, but like others said, I cannot blame you. Thanks for going on a silly little sightseeing tour with me, that was unironically one of the most memorable moments I've had here so far.

Hope you enjoy wherever else you end up.
But no one is telling you to play myro???
dumb fucking BPD schizo came here and tells people to play myRO, so yes they are
Shut the fuck up already
come over here and make me yourself

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