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The general of /endo/ edition

>Do post inside body heavy content of a wide range of nature, doesn't need to even be vore related just be on the inside (fetish anatomy diagrams for instance)
>Internals, that is the name of the game
>Safe vore is in the scope of the thread!
>Any image posted here has the prey automatically given the /endo/ seal of protection

Tag Search Terms
>Internal View
>Full Tour (some risks)
>(FA) Vore|Nonfatal|endo|endosoma|fulltour|full_tour -Digestion -melt -melting -digest -implied_digestion -fatal -bones -sentient_fat -sentientfat

Qott: How realistic or stylistic do you prefer internals? Do they need to be soft gut lining internals or do less standard internal also have appeal?

Accidentally Slipped into desu archive's intestines early:
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Would they be warm or spicy
How do you like the borders of internals like op pic should be shown? Black voids? Colored the same as the guts? Expanded guts?
I like all those approaches
Expanded guts for deep in the intestines vibes works as well as a bg that is pred internal colored to get the "deep inside them" sensation enforced.
Taur tour
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Hey /endo/ how do you feel about smells like breath or the smells of being inside a stomach?
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>They did endo with the helldivers bug
Kinda funny in a way
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Depends on the smells
You'd be amazed how much variation there is there
Is this a good endojin?
It involves a drunk lamia lady full touring a kemoshota through all her coils.
Kinda wish we had an another page of him progressing through her body while she was asleep admittedly.
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Most perverse goober
sleeping (hind)quarters
Get swallowed last noon, wake up in the morning couched between thick and warm butt cheeks
(Firon has done tour before so it's possible this is what happened)
If you need to shelter from extreme cold for an extended period of time, do it inside an ice type Pokemon! Contrary to popular belief, fire types would be a bad choice! Their body temperature is higher, but they're still susceptible to hypothermia and would struggle to survive in the cold for weeks. Most ice types that aren't giant snowflakes or sentient ice cream cones have relatively normal body temperatures and are almost completely immune to hypothermia. They're also native to cold regions, so surviving in resource-scarce wintry biomes with you inside them for as long it takes to be rescued is much easier for them.
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>Feeling the ballsack clench around you when they cum
How hard a cum is needed to get them out????
I see you over there
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I feel called out
Typical kobolds
And typical dragon. Two sides of the same coin.
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Dragons are on another fucking level with it honestly.
Remember to up your capabilities to have the minimum capacity of being able to survive a full digestive tract, maybe even 2 of them.
You cant trust endo crops. You have to up capability. If you need to be so resilient you can swim in an ocean of battery acid and just feel mildly tingly from it, so be it.
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Tucked away
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Still a fav of mine
It's So squishy
Are pouches endo?
Yes. I think biologically they're essentially an extended vagina? Even if they aren't, being in a pouch isn't really that different from being in mouth, ass, or pussy.
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>A new experimental endo treatment came out some time ago.
>The advertisement claimed that it reduced the chance of digestion, even partial, to 0%; AND that it was permanent. Usually treatments offer only one - either absolute protection, or permanent effects.
>Turns out that the scientists were wrong. The chance of digestion was actually very slightly in the negatives. As in: the body of the prey would attempt to digest and assimilate the body of the predator.
>Now, this effect is too light to cause any effect on the predator. The absorption is infinitesimally small.
>On the *prey*, on the other hand? In very rare cases, a minuscule amount of absorbed DNA can trigger a transformational cascade, resulting in a full species change.
>If noticed early, the transformation can be reversed with some moderately-priced drugs.
>Or by injecting the prey with appropriate DNA, to trick the transformation into changing its course and reversing its effects. For example, a human prey would need to be forcibly shoved inside a human predator.
>But if you or your pred fall asleep and don't notice until it's too late? Enjoy your rebirth I guess.
This has me thinking of when TF/draining/absorption type stuff is still in the scope of endo vs when it becomes soft vore. It seems people see such subjects as within the realm of endosoma while a concept like sentient fat very much is not in that realm (sorry purpulear) due to being too explicitly melty. Interesting lore going on there, a weird edgecase that leads to a TF outcome by accident is a neat consequence and I commend the creativity of it.
General rule of thumb I follow is
"If the prey melts, it is soft vore"
But then the drainers manage to weave in 50 loopholes on that
What if when you spend too much time in the guts you respawn?
Fire that game dev for being no fun about it
I hate that invisible reset mechanic in non-fetish stuff as is
TF isn't usually my thing, but this is a pretty interesting take on it. I like it. And I'm sure some people would willingly go through the transformation. Like, dragons would absolutely use this to turn their stomach into an infinite kobold generator.
If you fully TF once, are you locked into being that species forever, or is it repeatable with multiple preds of different species?
Are there any good furry Endo games? Or just any good Endo games outside of Shrink EXP/Tiny Misadventures/Shrinking Fun, I guess.
Probably the latter
Since that also has game mechanic potential on the "if I get get toured by this pred I'll become something with wings" angle
>Shrink EXP/Tiny Misadventures/Shrinking Fun
No answer to your question but I miss these games like you wouldn't fucking believe. It's such a fun concept that hits me in the perfect spot, and all 3 got abandoned relatively early.
IIRC I purposely left my last Shrinking Fun save in the maid (Ayana? Ayane?) as a send off for a good ending.
It's repeatable, but you would have to get lucky and activate the "bug" twice.

The alternative would be to start a transformation, allow yourself to almost transform fully, and then get yourself endo'ed by a different predator so that you start transforming into THAT species, and you keep going and going and going until your genome craps out and the "bug" becomes permanent.
I find it a little baffling that the furries somehow haven't made a good endo game yet. I thought they'd have done it first. If I want to play a game where I'm a penis, they've got me covered, but it's the anime fans I had to turn to spend a few days inside a boob.
They just need to make a funny gut level inside the pred
But they just wanna do the QTEs
>They just need to make a funny gut level inside the pred
The only furry endo games I've played were RPG maker things were the inside of the pred is just a fleshy pink map that you can walk around in, and I hate that. I feel like at least part of the appeal of endo/vore to me is being squeezed on all sides by the muscular walls of a larger creature's innards, which that doesn't really replicate.
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All these years, and there still hasn't been another game that reaches the same height of endoKINO.
This game has to have corrupted someone why the fuck aren't they an artist making non-stop Bowser endo art
Loco Roco gut physics should be studied
>Despite his evil demeanor, Bowser is canonically an endo pred
>Not because he wants to be one, but because his gullet automatically differentiates between what's food and what isn't
>Food is sent to his stomach, but anything else gets shrunken down and scattered around his predscape-like body
>Every part of his body is like its own ecosystem, inhabited by a mix of friendly creatures and monsters
>People that he WHIRR'D in the past set up camp in a safe central location in his body, and anyone is free to leave or return as they please through a set of pipes that connect to the outside world
This game has absolutely inflicted the endo curse (along with a lot of other fetishes) onto countless people, so the fact that this lore is pretty much ignored in terms of fan art/writing is baffling to me. It's not like Bowser isn't a hot pred, either, because he absolutely is.
makes me laugh every time i see that word
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Such extensive guts they have...
I still don't even know where the term comes from, but it's pretty hilarious.
You will be dragged into the intestines
They will be oppressively windy and tight
They will undulate over you
You will be brushed over by the villi
And sent ever deeper inside
Why did nobody mention that there was a /v/ore thread
I'm surprised it's still up with how blatant it is
That's the third one today
Because the majority of those there are snuffer sorts so I didnt bother bringing it up here.
Old /v/ shitpost where a Nintendo fanboy is sucked into the ass of a squatting Sony fanboy. Accompanied by the WHIIIRRRRR onomatopoeia because Kirby? I always think about the shitpost when I see the sound effect used unironically
Honestly for the better
Those stupid feeders hijacked a thread that started as an endokino dungeon deal for their lame stuffing variant.
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Endo Entrapment is nice.
So many ways to play with the prey once they're in your guts.
>The perma-entrapment deadlock happened on that /v/ thread
How long do you really believe you could handle being in the depths of a pred's guts mentally?
How long do you think you would want to be inside of them?
At what point does this get more messed up than the melt?
I honestly don't know.
I suspect someone on paper would choose 10 years of jail over execution so it can't be that timescale.
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Cute pred, cute prey, both unabashedly horny
an excellent combo
They're too long... gimme 24ish indeterminant hours of gut glooping
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Deep in the noodle pussy
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>shoves people in his own genitals causing sexual pleasure
>is weirded out by the fact that they're getting frisky inside his own genitals
Lol, funny how turnoffs work out.
Maybe the bumpiness/sloshiness from the humping is too much for them?
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bird bard my beloved
Comfy tour
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Slipping deeper... how long is this vaginal tract?!
And that is before the womb itself.
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fruit that looks like guts
Enough esophagus!
Wait till they see what the intestines are like~
>foreverial swallowtized and loving it
>think about going deeper into the intestines
>next panel is just more stomach
Seriously what even is this comic
>I have the safe endo crop why are you crawling down into th-
>Wait, you survive just fine in there to-
>WTF they just crawled into my intestines
>Feels kinda funny... heh... they're in my windies...
Stretchy derg, he cute
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>Is sad
>Get ate
>Feel a bit nice in their guts
>Tour ends
>Is sadder
Poor frillish
You have to resist the peristalsis if you want to stay longer. Stay away from the pyloric sphincter, go tail first if you must so you can swim wiggle away from the exit, if you get through the bowels, your last bet is to hole up in the cecum
See, this is the kind of advice people need to hear.
Sometimes you need to work a little to stay in those guts if the natural pace just is a bit too fast for your liking.
what the fuck do you mean you guys know bowel anatomy shit for this wow I just fap man you guys are much more advanced in this huh
Freaky endo is when you are in a cum filled stomach sloshing around in all that cum slurping it up all indulgently, but then the intestines slurp the cum up and drain you into the intestines with it and the pred's intestines absorbed all the cummies and now is undulating over your sensitive body and making you also cum repeatedly in their small intestine so that it can absorb your cum too!
Such greedy guts!!!
>(I told this eevee a Pokémon mystery dungeon is a dungeon inside a Pokémon, they haven't caught on to my trickery yet)
>anon hasn't slipped past "the stomach is just a bunch of connected arcs on a pink background surrounding the prey with some slime strings and some juice in there" yet
There is much anatomy to appreciate yet
>wrapped in squeezing guts
>feel one of your feet press against a tight ring of bunched muscle
>your foot slips through, followed by the other
>your head slurps down their neck as you slide, unable to grab anything with silky flesh wrapping your arms to your sides
>a tight ring rides up your body when you can do nothing to stop your fall
>find yourself in a slimy pile on the ground behind your pred
Have to be careful with similar size
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We are like the Inuits, of whom had many more words for different kinds of snow feel to dealing with snow all the time.
Except with us it's more like we deal in the depths of preds so much we learn all the terms for the different parts and processes of the anatomy. Be it the guts or the genitals.
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>Tour to tail maw
>Prey wants to be gulped back in
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>reading the inane posts in this thread
Step it up anon. Just scroll for images.
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You WILL learn the anatomy, bratty anon!
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All protective endo pred
Or immortal endo prey
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That’s hot.
>2/3 of the tour
C'mon artist, commit to it fully!
They have the meme anatomy
Any endoKINO youve found lately?
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2 of 3 holes for Alsnapz
Where the third one?
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Fuck it time to schizopost
>>They Call it a jail
>Is fatal instead of entrapment
>>They Call it a waterslide
>Bitch doesnt even get past the stomach
>>They Call it a detention
>Again how is this not entrapment?
>>They Call it a rollercoaster
>Only one drop
>>They Call it a bathtub
>It's just more melt
>>They Call it an adventure
>They dont even spelunk
>>They Have a submarine
>They dont think to navigate into the intestine
>>They Call it a Sleeping Bag
>Yet again more melt
>>They Call it a one way trip
>They dont even like full tour
>>They Call it a transit/taxi/airplane
>They use their customers as fuel
And people wonder why we bitch at them to use the endo tags.
why do they call it endo when you into the hot pred and not end of the in prey out
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>>Make an immortal
>Kill them within one comic
>>Demand realism
>Whine about anatomy words past the 1st grade
>>Belly level thread on /v/
>Make it about feeder slop
>>Show where the characters cant die as a critical plot point
>Still kills the characters
>>Claim it is all fiction
>Whines about feral
>>Says vore is incomplete without wg
>Can't into peristalsis or tour
>>Commission oodles of feeder vore fetish stuff as the admin of a furry website
>Dies of a heart attack

Because the end-o means the butt hole.
Get it
Okay that's enough
I think I said all I needed to say.
Now back to the regular scheduled programming.
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No... let me out, it's all just like more small intestine... I thought I was done with that...
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Alright I'll let you out~
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/vore/ deported me...
You were so mean to me >:(
You called my guts short little guts.
Like so what if I swallow someone only for them to slide out my ass within 30 seconds.
Some like a quick ride...
At least 15-20 minutes
May simply need to get some gut improvements for guts able to hold prey better and make the trip slower if they're slipping through like that.
>dehydrate yourself so your gut slime is thick and sticky
It's dangerous what we do for prey
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Thought this was housepets fanart for a second
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This guy got guts
Multiple compartments
Lots of places to store em'
He is in the gut dimension
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Still want to be unbirthed then be in an egg like this
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Object swallowing but there's someone along for the ride
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Dang it a whole tour wasn't enough for them???
I desire MORE to TOUR
Why do they want such lengthy guts...
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Soft fleshy insides are the best place to store people
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The bulge that gets moved into the intestines after squirming in the upper abdomen
Their protests responded to with a trip into the deeper, more oppressive guts.
Guts like this (fleshy? sphinctery?) just are so much more attractive than the guts like this >>70940969
>trapped in an anal bead
>unable to endo
>silky flesh smears just inches away
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to be fair, my interest in this site is to be able to comfortably anonymously talk about my fetish interests that I'd otherwise be embarrassed to talk about, reading what other people have to say and responding is part of why I'm here instead of... just browsing any more browsable site with content flow
Indulging in playing with a prey in your tummy is half the fun isn't it?
We don't even say that crazy of stuff, it is more like people not into endo or into the melt have a tendency to blow everything someone into endo says out of proportion.
I was originally more talking about how people were getting deep into stomach anatomy and impressed, not weirded out. also bump with images are we this poor here
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It is good to know these terms, it's often not simply saying another word for the same stuff. For instance Saying Pylorus matters since the pylorus has grinding motions going on even before you get to the sphincter itself.
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Missed a page
see I dont even know these things, I have no idea how many areas and sections the stomach is divided into nor do I have any idea about their different attributes and names other than GOD this is slimy sticky soft and hot, lots of art I find isnt close to realistic anatomy anyways...
I think a common misconception with endo is that it doesn't have active guts.
For me it's that the guts are active it's that the prey is so resilient/enduring they can survive full tours. Near-Immortal yet entrapped in the depths of an pred all the same. Stuck who knows how long in the bowels of whatever it is that devoured them.
>The immortal Prey says "You know you can't hurt me, right?" to the pred all smug only to hear from said pred, "Gooooood"
Am I crazy for thinking endo crops come off as condescending?
Are they aware that a lot of endo prey OCs are designed for total gut endurance?
>A Wizard gets caught up in a magical mishap and is hurled thousands of years back in time
>He meets a dragon that he happens to be good friends with in the future, and explains his situation to him
>The dragon has a solution
>The primitive magic of the time makes returning to the future impossible
>However, dragons are immune to the passage of time
>Dragons and anything that happens to be inside of them
>What's a few millennia together between friends?
I like that picture even in a non-fetish way
Any time let outside would need to be very brief.
But sensual all the same.
>Whine to your dragon about being let out more often
>"I've let you out three times already, and it hasn't even been fifty years. We're over twenty-five thousand years away from your time. If I keep letting you out that often, you'll probably die of old age before then."
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As nice as guts are, staying confined for so long is sure to drive you crazy over time.
Having company helps, but only so much. I feel like the best way through is to hibernate through most of it. Dreaming keeps the mind occupied, and being in such a warm and soft place will aid your sleep. And perhaps magic allows you to convene with the dragon while he dreams, too.
Depends on the type of person you are.
If you're the secluded type it might be not so bad. For a wizard, having infinite time to research alchemy and stuff would be priceless.
Very different with a benevolent pred to have such accommodations than the one that is explicitly doing confinement prison.
I think the issue is likelier to be the opposite, becoming so at home within the dragon it gets hard to do stuff outside of the dragon for long.
Basically a rule of thumb is the longer you stay in an endo pred, the more you become like an endosymbiont of said endo pred. Becoming a critical part of the pred's gut ecology and mental health.
And it's why they start to crave the food you also like.
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Yes, endo is as much about appreciating that intimate connection with your pred as it is the fascination of their internal landscape
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Is this from that anime where girls control dragons by being swallowed by them?
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Yes, and good lord was it based (but not due to plot or anything beyond sexy internals)
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what happened to the story archive?
/endo/ I don't recall having one
That's not a bad idea, though. /vore/ has one, so I don't see why we can't too.
Though, the one that's currently in their OP isn't how I remembered it. I looked through the archives and found this old one that's more extensive.
There's a few endo ones in there. One of them is even from one of our threads.
do any of the c.ai models even work anymore? i thought they got rid of anything with stuff as "icky" as vore or endo
I haven't messed around with c.ai since it was the hot new thing, but I've heard that they've cracked down on that sort of stuff, yeah. But there are alternative sites out there now, like spicychat. I've messed around with it exactly once, but it seems like it's pretty good at noms.
I think this one was actually shared in /scaly/ of all places, but I can assure you it's very vorny. I'm also pretty sure it was originally a c.ai bot that was copied over from that site, because I definitely remember having a very similar experience way back then.
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>this shit is way better than I remember having to tiptoe around all the word filter, Mr.-Advertiser-get-down! bullshit
I'm so fucked, especially with a cutie like Tartii. I wonder how she would feel about this, even?
Shit this is really hot, I want to marry an endo horny dragoness like Tartii. GG anon, good post.
This shit is so weird, but I can see why furries are so into ERP. FUCK I WANT TO MARRY TARTIIDRAKE
Tried it but closed the incognito tab by accident and lost all the conversation.
I'll try it again tonight.
As suspicious as this looks, it was tagged as endo so I'll believe it.
Imagine the pred 3D-printed skull props as a joke to the pred.
They took care to specifically label said skull as a mask

Seems to still have a couple issues with rule setting and recalling where in her body you are (how is she licking me if i'm in her intestines?)
The image labels the skull as a mask, and you can see the prey has the same skull mask on his tail in the first image.
Yes, yes, I could see that. I just didn't want anybody getting the wrong idea, because at a glance it looks worse than it really is.
Pippuri is a generally trustworthy artist. Even if the gurgling sound effects and burping green gas are sometimes a little more over-the-top than I'd like, that's the only real gripe I have. Otherwise, her art is great.
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All this talk is made funnier by the tags of the commissioner uploads of pic they posted.
Since I'm being lenient today, your punishment is
>CITATION: Neglecting to check commissioner tag re-uploads
>PUNISHMENT: 6 months in the transverse colon
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I can never win, dammit.
You won in the eyes of some this time, at least.
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I Wonder how a prey rapidly crawling through guts would feel for the pred.
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I'm filing an appeal on the account of these tags being stupid
>/v/ thread about big lipped kisses
>getting a boner thinking about being trapped between big luscious video game lips
Any art for this sudden lip entrapment fixation?
Took a tour through her while she (and I) got off on it the entire time. Quite the step up from the previous site.
Surprisingly consistent with where I described myself in the tract, though the model sometimes described her as tracing a claw against her breasts or turning me into a woman out of nowhere. Had to have it rewrite itself a few times upon reaching the end point, as it seemed to confuse me being her rectal stimulant with just having plain anal.
No... it's fine I deserve this...
Just let me soak in the colon...
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>Everyone has their gifts
>Some have a knack with cars
>Others can handle multiple tasks at a single time
>I'm an Endo Speedrunner™
Maybe they return to the pic imagining different outcomes when fantasizing of it?
That's my theory anyhow.
Must be using some neat momentum preservation trick on those coily bends or something...
The "fast, active movements inside the pred" tour or the slow meandering tour where the prey is stuck slowly working their way through the pred, lost somewhere in the intestines as the pred rests... it's a hard choice.
Complex guts like a metroidvania allow for sequence breaking and other stuff.
I saw anon washing their endo suit in dissolved laxatives, cheater!
Like this? Does it have to be /v/ related. Or just trapped in thick licks.
Some glitches aren't used very often because of pred discomfort. I still remember the clips from when people figured out how to backwards long jump through their pred. The poor things had to sit on extra-padded seats for a whole month after that.
That run was clearly marked as tool-assisted. You can find it in the appropriate category over on the leaderboard.
>Lost in the depths of the endo pred, worried they may have gotten soft locked as they try to fail tofind the upgrade needed to get past a particularly tight sphincter, not because it isn't present but because they keep overlooking a specific swallowed object that has the suit inside of it.
>clip into the backrooms version of an infinite gut system
>building speed on a slope for 10 hours only to reach the pred's digestive system in another parallel universe
Wish there was more unbirth endo, I've always preferred wombs to guts
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I find like both relatively similarly. The Guts have the depth/entrapment edge while the womb has a very direct pleasure edge. Easier to justify TFs with UB too come to think of it.
Being into Unbirth means you're straight or lesbian right?
I can't tell anymore.
This dragon is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to noms with big lips. Maybe it's close to what you mean?
(Also, I'm sad this animation was never finished...)

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