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A thread for RP in the world of Harahel, a world of fantasy, magic, and adventure. Drawing on tropes from RPGs both east and west, fantasy literature, and anime, the setting is constantly in flux, decided in large part by the players themselves.
To join, download the CYOA through the link and create a character. When making a build, try to include some information about your character if you plan to RP besides just the build. Optional of course, but it encourages others to ask questions and talk with you. The only expansion pack we use is the Imouto Expansion.

>Current Version of CYOA

>Places of Interest (Full Size)
>link to dedicated IRC
https://rizon.net/chat/ channel:#HarahelBusStation

>Do not attempt to force others into a scene.
>It's okay to say no if a scene becomes uncomfortable.
>PVP should be mutually agreed upon beforehand.
>Kender have PVP on at all times.
>Keep posts within the bound of good taste, eschewing excessive gore and the like.
>Extreme or lewd content should be binned. Pedophilia is strictly forbidden.
>Other CYOAs may be used for inspiration or to provide structure. See the irc for more details.
If something is unclear, refer to IRC.

If you could invent one new thing for Harahel, what would it be? A new form of magic? A tool to enhance or destroy lives? A type of music? Anything goes.


==Bulletin Board==
The home base; a jumping off point for adventure or a place to return to, whether that be to celebrate victories or nurse your wounds.
>Reuby's Nook
A mercenary and incidental courier delivers a strange book to the Nook she discovered during her travels — jumping into the depths of the pages, Thej and her expedition group explore the secrets hidden within between its covers!
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https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70710100/#70762207 (Anira)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70710100/#70764582 (Alice)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70710100/#70780490 (Rynn)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70710100/#70788103 (Whisper)
https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69916494/#70005259 (Twins)
A link to the most recent posts for the events at Zahneberg
trash has gotten hella fast lately
>If you could invent one new thing for Harahel, what would it be? A new form of magic? A tool to enhance or destroy lives? A type of music? Anything goes

I'm rather curious to see casting styles over magics per se. Most magic can be classifed broadly, but few are... well, actually discussed in terms of their actual usage in the cyoa. We've hints, but they're a bit of a ways off.

We have the classic ways: tome or medium, chants, song, dance. Really, they reflect back on classical tropes of wizarding, focuses for magic and then the deliberate manifestation through physical or verbal commands, akin to conducting a symphony, swaying to an unseen tune, a choral appeal, even an operatic soliloquy.

However, these all deal with the most direct sort of interfacing between magic and reality. What sort of preparation or learning actually allows one to cast in a specific manner? If these are casting methods, are they restricted to only those? Can magic be manifested through thought or flesh alone? We have some evidence that yes, it can, via wings and reaper specific un-aided flight. These are essentially biological foci, or a medium for casting. At the very least, we can conclude that a focus does not need to be external to the body. If that is the case, how is a biological focus determined? Is it structural? Enchanted? Could one develop their brain specifically into a casting implement or focus, and cast via thought alone?

What I would like to add is an answer: Yes. In effect, over enough time and with enough preparation — meditation or enchanting or infusing or attuning — one can ready certain spells to be cast as a thought. Of course, this may create a lot of biological stress or strain. Neurons burning out, nerves frying, muscle and bone snapping if under too great a strain of arka. As such, it would be reasonable to assume that an excess of magics would be detrimental, so those casting this way would have to be careful with the rate magics used.

Bweh, Bwuh, bwoh, bwah
I also wondering if TES style tonal engineering would be possible given the focus on song
Going in the complete opposite direction than psionics, rather using massive devices as amplifiers
I'm of the opinion that it is quite possibly viable. If you think about it, it might broadly fit into focus/medium and song categories of general casting, so playing with tonal architecture might very well be possible. I would imagine using it in a way akin to TES might be a little troublesome, though...
Nah, lets just make the lewd version of Numidium, what's the worst that can happen?
Might as well just add Dragon Shouts. Like instead of Fus Roh Dah its like Fus Roh...Cum.
>Nah, lets just make the lewd version of Numidium, what's the worst that can happen?
The Warp in the West is about to do a little trolling.
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Telling our tricks would ruin the trick.
Or maybe it is just related to tricks. Deception related magic needs a distraction after all.
So more a sleight of hand sort? Or perhaps beneath the fox-exterior you've got a couple tools installed to make your casting silent and subtle?
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If you just show them a horny fox lady, they'll crumble instantly.
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What’s the best bat in Harahel?
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Which arbiter will give this vibe?
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We should add Luce as a fan arbiter. Matter of fact: I will do so in my posts.
Harahel, maybe Lahash between her depression naps.

Catholicism would certainly be an addition that would change the paradigm...

The best? Or a personal favorite? Or are we talking about 'bats?'
I bite off all your dicks and teleport away, never to be seen again.
Domain expansion: Dick Heal
I heal everyone’s dicks after they’ve been bit off and erase the memory of the pain.
It’s hopeless
Maybe she’s right
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If I had to invent a new thing, it would be either Blue Magic from Final Fantasy or special Bloodline abilities for strong vampires.

To go into detail for my reasoning, vampires in media and folklore and incredibly diverse in appearances and abilities, I feel as though it can be leaned into a bit more. Perhaps the blood that a vampire currently has in their system due to feeding can serve as a "mana bar" for these abilities as well to balance it out. Although the further you go up the ranks as in Undead<Ghoul<Vampire<Vampire Lord<Overlord<King of Nights Eternal (ranks may vary) the more potent the ability that vampire may have.

It would probably need to be workshopped a bit more but I think there's something there at least.
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I think that makes sense. Really, I think by way of Arcane and the existence of vampires, there's ample reason to believe that blood is rich in arka. Vampires (and ghouls, by extension) can simply do so without external magics, entirely capable of using the blood to its full potential by virtue of the nature of their undeath. So while blood from a strong creature, when decomposed via Arcane (or possibly Dark), could restore a significant amount of arka to a living person, a vampire that feeds on it would gain almost all the arka stored therein as well as a smattering of abilities or boons linked to the essence of what possessed the blood. Depending on the class of individual and then their individual power, you'd likely gain an ability of correlating potency, and that you can expend the blood — increasing your hunger in exchange for accessing the powers in full, whether by normal feeding or diablerie.

Only really a broad idea, but the simplest expression for the lowest classes would be gaining small buffs related to their affinities, with the stronger the individual and the more blood you possess, the greater the access to their given affinity.
Is the thread really this dead?
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It is getting to the small hours in the US...
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Although feel free to post and stuff!
Hmm, we can say the latter. Marionettes can be quite unnerving when they know what they are doing and have the freedom to do so.
N-NUH UH, no we dont!!
That fox is too smug, needs correction
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>If you could invent one new thing for Harahel, what would it be? A new form of magic? A tool to enhance or destroy lives? A type of music? Anything goes.
*Hi, Whisper here with DEEP FAE-AWAY! One spray will keep the deep fae at bay!*

>The audience doesn't hear any of this. Whisper just smiles at the camera, displaying the bottle in silence.
The only thing needing correction is your filthy mind!
some of you are alright don't come to sforzando tomorrow
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That random person is right! Your minds are some of the filthiest here unlike my own! I've seen how you two act around Cassandra! And I've been to your house!

>Amu stares at the silent moth before shaking his head.

Buddy...you can't pull off commercials. You're mute, remember?

I like that! I mean there's no reason to assume that there aren't some wild little things about each species or magic or etc that are just waiting to be discovered! I mean I have guns for crying out loud! Not to mention the shit from the Far Lands or that Arbiters decided to toss in to fuck with people and each other.
Integration and specific adaptation do make good bedfellows.

I do wonder, then, to what degree diagrammatic magics function and how they can be utilized. I'm not much a fan of a single unified magical tradition, so I could see everything from Goetic seals (such as for summoning in particular) to ofuda and similar talismans being viable options. Utilizing either sacred geomtery (or perhaps profane), esoteric symbols, or even simple writing prepared in a precise and specific manner as we see in runic magics, I could see rather complex applications arise from using them either as specific invocations or as what are essentially instructions that direct and control the arka. This would likely follow in regards to why, precisely, they would be so useful in ritual magics — they offload the organizational component, creating the form for the magic to follow.

...Perhaps certain creatures could effectively weave runes into their body, marionettes, naturally, but also those with some means of self-manipulation.
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Rune grafting?
Oh no, we're not falling for that trick again. At least cursed equipment has the bait of useful gear behind it.
We act that way around her because we A.D.O.R.E. her. With a capital A!
Yeah and may you never be there again, or we'll lock you up in a place worse than hel!
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Ideal for the Lairkeeper maybe.
you're imagining foxes trying to figure out the logistics of wearing that with a tail somehow aren't you?
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We wasn't, until you brought it up. Now we need to think of a fitting trap on the off chance an adventurer trespassing our land IS that daft.
For some of us the more traps you place the more interesting it is to trespass
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Right, we need to make a room for you deranged masochists, how could we forget?
Or maybe it's just a good opportunity to showcase your inherent superiority by defeating all your traps and wandering in unopposed just to carve your initials
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Oh please. Your sisters couldn't keep your hands off of me. Besides there's no prison that you can throw me that I wouldn't escape eventually.

Besides, lets get along. You both can treat me to some ethically sourced blood for me to drink!
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"Pride comes before a fall you know. With that kind of attitude, we hope you understand your fall will be a humilating dragged out one. Your cries will echo for months- OW!"
"SIS! No creeping out the toys!"
""Ethical? H a h a, dont tell me you still are not familar with the outcast rule? The only ethics in our traps the trespassers face is that they could individually suffer far worse fates!!""
I'd say give it your best, only so you know that when I walk out there unscathed you know there was never anything you could have done about it
If that's the case then I'll just take some of your blood. Since I can just kick your asses first like we're back in Dolce! Does that sound better to you both?

I like your confidence, random elf woman!
>No creeping out the toys!
Toys? What kind of toys? Is pretending to get caught in your traps the easy way to catching some foxy fun?
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Our blood is for each other only. And maybe a day we can convince cass-
Focus sis. Ethier way you're not getting a drop!
This feels like a trap...you willing to accept a l l consequences of losing?
Blood dry ghouls, bodies for the plants, food for the fairies, bones for the wyrm- lots of options for you to end up here!
The real question is, are you willing to accept the consequences of being exposed for a third rate den defender?
Because when I make it out I won't be quiet about it
"T-Third rate?!" "Gaia." "When we have you captured-" "Gaia, calm" "You're going to pay for that with- oww!!"
>One of the bickering vixens bit the other.
"...Forgive my sister, she's very prideful about our home. Very well. We accept. We have better treasures requiring protection after all now, so a potential expert might be useful."
Oh don't worry, I'm not after your treasures, just your pride
Now could you be so kind as to await me at the exit for a desperate last duel when I bypass all your traps, that would be the cherry on top
Fail that and we're dragging your ass back to the lowest depths.
Perfect, see you soon then
Give your traps and tricks a bit of a shine, I do love the new dungeon smell
>Blood dry ghouls, bodies for the plants, food for the fairies, bones for the wyrm- lots of options for you to end up here!
I don't think I would qualify those outcomes as toys. I guess with how feral you are it's like a dog ripping the squeaky and stuffing out of the toy. With my banes and boons that might still be enjoyable though. Masochist hits different.
We prefer the slight rust. Signs of well loved home.
(You got a build planned for this elf paladin?)
Quite. Oh we have a special kind of trick even the masochists fear. Some say especially them. So behave, please.
(definitely not a paladin, more a rather smug swordmaster type figure)

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(My my, that's quite the perverted speedster. I will be busy for a week, unsure if I can make posts in that timeframe. But after, totally will dm for this ponytailed elf)
(no need to worry about it, busy week for myself too)
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it's odd that vampires can get pregnant
It is necessary.
HOW necessary?
The alternative is too terrible to imagine.
so you're saying that we have to breed the vampires?
Not necessarily, but the vampiric hysterics can be quelled with ample passions to that end. Remember, vampires are at least partially animated by magic — the sudden surge of arka as a result of successful fertilization would likely be both addictive and calming, an amplification of the usual effects that insemination entails. One may liken this to the general depression-antagonistic qualities of insemination in general, only heightened due to the internal sensitivity of vampires.

In simple terms, breeding a vamp is likely to be an effective way to rein in their less desired impulses. This is equally applicable among the sexes.
oh ok that makes sense
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It may not seem like it, but male vampires are even more susceptible to it.
you know so much about vampires!
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Have to know your way around them if you're a humie working in Nocturne...
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Look at what I found in a dungeon. Isn't she cute?
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Vampire! I'm doing up a nude version but it's not ready yet, thank you for your patience.
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...so much vampire lust suddenly. How frightening...
but probably not tonight
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Well, I live with snakes and lizards
And other things that go bump in the night
Bedtime bump
perhaps in the morning
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isn't this the normal level of vampire lust?
10 time again
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it's actually fairly restrained all things considered
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Does your EOH still talk to their childhood friend?
Well, get more lusty! Geez!
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Morning all! What did I miss?
vampires being lewd during the night
Very respectable. Carry on
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F-f-friends....right.....I' have those.....

I mean there's Kalmiya my bodyguard.....we're practically joined at the hip. Sometimes the crotch.
Uh....do my sisters count? We get along really well. Oh and there's Helchen....she showed up to kill me when I was ten. Can't even read her own hit list right. Anyway I sorted her out and gave her a job. ...I think we're friends now? She gives me odd looks now and then....

Growing up in the cave of a titanic dragon, sort of kept most people away....so really childhood friends were hard to come by.
Some deep fae tried every now and then to act like they wanted to be friends. But friends don't try to steal your name or emotions. Don't get me started on the one after my shadow.
I avoid them all now.

Past all that. Anyone I consider a friend now was made in adulthood. Which is really hard.
I keep running into people who seem nice...but they're hiding dark secrets, distrust me because of my status, or they slum it with criminals, kidnappers, or worse.
"You remember, right?" Her voice quavered, fists balled against my chest with the lapel firmly curled between her fingers. With eyes opened wide and searching my expression for any response, she repeated what was not a question, but a plea, "Don't you remember?" She pulled, hard, trying to drag my face level with hers. I relented, and saw in her eyes a reflection of my own face. I had thought myself stoic, but it was quite the miserable figure I cut as I struggled to find the words.

I had not forgotten. I could not, not after they had kept me company on long nights and perilous marches, where I would repeat the words in my head like a mantra. The few glances we could exchange when I was given those rare moments back in my hometown, only to be again be driven by the need to ply my trade again.

But maybe I had hoped she had.

I couldn't remain the person I was.
Depending on what you define as childhood friend here...one of them I'm not on great terms with do to turning me into a vampire. Two of them are practically siblings to me but I've been keeping my distance lately.

Well at least we're friends! Sort of...fellow Chosen? Eh we'll just have to hang out more. Could be good for clearing up some misunderstandings...
vampires can be pacified by putting something in their mouths. It will be chewed on, though, so be careful.
We bump
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come to Nocturne it'll be fun I promise
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Tell me your problems and I shall grant thee advice.
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not enough collar on them
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Mental hospital cannot stop me. The government cannot stop me. I will simply continue to be silly until the end of my days.
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How destructive is your imouto?
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breaking dignity is a lot harder than that you know
Hell hath no fury like an imouto scorned.
I would hope so. I've a few weeks blocked out for training; it would be quite boring if not even a day in she had already surrendered. This is a warm-up. There is much more fun to be had in the days that follow.
It's a learned skill to maintain one's dignity regardless of external circumstance among true nobility
or elves
My, that almost sounds like a provocation. After all, even if you can split hairs about true nobility...

Elves? Dignity? Surely you jest.
Some elves reject their innate nature you know, it takes decades of discipline and meditation but in doing so we learn to maintain stoic discipline under any and all circumstances
I'd be careful not to confuse pride and propaganda with reality if I were you, knife ear.~ Even if you truly believe that, do you have the dedication to put your pride on the line?
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I have no issues putting my pride on the line, if you have something to offer of equal value
Make sure you're losing anything you can't afford to lose in the process
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>>Anira strolled over to the table Whisper and the others were chatting and sat down, her ears twitching and pivoting from the myriad of conversations filling the hall.
>>*So, how long have either of you been in this area and what ultimately brought you here?*
"I basically was just wandering through the Wilds when I bumped into Alice." Anira smiled. "The path just so happened to be leading this way. We've only really been here for the day if that. Though I must say. this town is a lot different to the villages I tended to in the Wilds. I've never seen so many people in one place!"
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>(Cyn)der begins to skuttle around randomly around the Guildhall once again, having nested up in the ceiling for some time.
>Cinder's eye display flickers as she stares uncomfortably long at locals eating their meals. With a simple smile, she lurches forward to each table to silently analyze the patrons.
>Does she stare at you? What will you say?
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Something equal in value to an elf's pride? I could offer you an elf — her name was... Perzuhi, if I recall, though she responds to 'pet' and 'Ebru' now. I acquired her pure as freshly fallen snow, though now she's anything but. Should you succeed in resisting my methods, you may take her back to her village for some reward, I'm sure, or sell her as you please. I've made certain to preserve her chastity despite the training, so she will fetch a significant sum.

(I will think on this and get it together at some point.)
is an elf's pride really worth that much...?
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Worth far more than that of most races. Certainly worth more than the pride of any vampires.
It takes effort to overcome certain tendencies but that just leaves you hardened more
A little risk makes gambles all the more exciting.

You should talk to my clients about that... I generally don't deal in vampires as they're not particularly popular, making terrible bloodbags and generally presenting more risk than reward. Why do you think they ensorcel those they Embrace if not to have supernaturally loyal thralls?
And while training my help, you are still constrained by the simple fact that you possess a body.
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"Oh, so you all weren't already friends? You don't seem like people who only just ran into each other this morning. And this is still a pretty small town, compared to what you can find once you cross the border and enter Encore for real. Not that I've had much chance to see any of those places up close..."

"I guess I haven't fully introduced myself yet either. I'm Rynn, and I mostly prefer to be up close punching shit or swinging a sword, though I'm pretty good at setting stuff on fire too. The merchant stuff is just a side gig me and my partner were doing to get rid of some stuff we don't need and get more Humie money. We're more like adventurers really. Actually, we'd normally just have sold those monster parts to the guild but Meru wanted to sell some of the equipment she made in the market so I tried setting up a stall of my own since I was bored."
"Uh, I think we've been here about a week now? We've gone outside for a few requests but haven't traveled too far, didn't want to camp out in the woods while we're still paying for a room."

"You know, turning tiny all of a sudden probably wasn't the best choice. There's a bunch of people that keep glancing our way. Doesn't help that now most of this table is Fey of all kinds."

"I guess you're the only Humies in the group, huh? Or are you secretly Fey, too? Gonna turn into Elves or grow wings or tails?"
Someone take care of this bratty bot
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All vamps are SLUTS
My slutting is only feasible due to vamp slutting.
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He's asking for it.
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a little variety
I vaaaant to suuuck your diiiiick
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That’s my dream home honestly
Cozy, yet distant. Possessed of the natural solitude of the mountain top, it watches over the valleys below and sky above...
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my castle is bigger than yours ohohohohohoho
Looks like a fantastic raid target
Skyvikings assemble
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"Oh absolutely, it's nowhere near the biggest, since you know, it's mostly a defensive outpost, can't exactly cram like 200,000 people into that, or make huuge palaces or so when a monster shows up"
"It can definitely be more than a little overwhelming, especially the port cities where there's people and goods and stuff from all over the world"
"Really, this place is kinda cozy, in a weird way"

>Alice looks over her shoulder
"Eeeeh... maybe if need be I can just vanish for a moment"
"Besides, I'm just a familiar, a little helper, anyone could have picked me up from the wilds somehow"
"If need be I could start giving all of you annoying hits like 'hey see, monster quest'"

"Speaking of picking up from the wilds"
>She sits on the "elf" merchant's shoulder"
"Really though, might help a bit if we look somewhat more seasoned, especially if it looks like we might need to try and rescue a couple other adventurers"
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hey no wait don't
Well I suppose I must admit that an island castle is impressive... but do you have DUNGEONS? OHOOOHOOOHOOOO
Wait you're actually worried?
Lads we got a good target here, Olaf, get the drake
curse you, Skyviking! CURSE YOUUUUUU
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No, we converted the old dungeons into an arka reactor and supporting infrastructure. It has massively improved the quality of life on the island, everyone having access to magical lighting, plumbing, and heating. I-I mean—

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Oh how novel, what an innovative use of spa- AHEM.
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I like elves
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A winter hunt always feels more dramatic.
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If you're ever in the market for some remodeling a dungeon into a more functional space, I'll send you a letter of introduction for my architect, I'm sure you'll get along— OHOHOHOHO I CAN SELL MY EXCESS ARKA OFF TO NEIGHBORING POLITIES AT IMMENSE MARKUP TO SUBSIDIZE MY OWN INTERNAL ENDEAVORS LIKE PUBLIC EDUCATION OHOHOHOHO I BET YOUR SUBJECTS HAVEN'T EVEN BROKEN 95% LITERACY AND NUMERACY OHOHOHOHO
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All these castle and dungeon sieges... YOU AREN'T GETTING MINE! RELEASE THE COBRA COMMANDOS!
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Poor rear defence.
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Something for Darcy
>Poor rear defence.
Merely a ploy to get you right where she wants you. It will be your rear in danger soon enough.
You did NOT just boop the snoot!

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